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World must end poverty, inequality: PM tells UN

Lite Beer

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It's impossible to eradicate poverty because of this simple principle: some life is better than no life.

More people will always appear at the edges. If you lifted everybody in the world out of poverty, then more people would appear in the borderline-habitable places just vacated.

And if the plan is to sustain everybody in the world at an economic level equal to, say, Japan - there aren't enough resources on earth to do so - in particular there isn't enough energy to sustain the industry necessary.

How is it that the most powerful people in the world don't understand this?

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After his speech on tackling poverty and inequality the PM was chauffeured back to his 5 star hotel, feeling good about the (bloody obvious) points he had made.

All the while he and his family mysteriously live life way beyond their means whilst a third of Thailand's working population are apparently not employed or employed in the "non official circles" such as illegal goods, etc. In addition 2.5 million children regularly do not attend school, there are 5,500 slums estimated in Thailand, 20% of the capital Bangkok live in slums, 19% of the population are by worlds standards (less then $1.25 a day) below the poverty line.

As so called officials of the government stick their snout in the trough millions of people are literally checking the bins for "edible" discarded food. So called officials live life of luxury using money that is / was destined for for the Thai people, instead it pays for the Mercedes. The money to tackle these issues instead of being used to create opportunity, education, healthcare, welfare etc, etc,, is being pilfered by people abusing position,,, absolute disgrace, hope they choke on the partridge bones.

The biggest hypocrite of the year goes to,,,,, no surprises really,,,,

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I doubt United States England or EU will ever eliminate poverty ever.

I agree poverty must be eliminated. This a great idea I am surprised Obama never said this

errrh England or rather the UK is in the EU. It is rather like when politicians in the UK keep referring to Europe as if the UK was a separate continent itself. Poverty is in every country, sometimes more sometimes less, you can't eradicate it because basically unless you are staring it in the face you don't care, your possessions are someones loss because there isn't enough to go round even if all the big cats gave up all their money to the poor it would make no difference, even Jesus said ''The poor will always be with us'' which apparently is OK because they are blessed,whatever.

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Sufficiency economy works great for the .1% of Thais that own 50% or maybe the fact 25% of Thais live in poverty. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Richest-0-1own-half-of-nations-assets-30243892.html

Definitely the Thais should make the world aware of this sufficiency economy aka Thainess.

Edited by Praematura
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"Thailand's development approach was inspired by His Majesty the King's sufficiency economy philosophy, which he said, had for decades successfully led our country on the path to all-inclusive and sustainable development."

Really, what can one say, apart from Long Live the King.

Really, what can One say, apart from I Cannot Comment On That On Thaivisa...

if only thailand would spend its money in areas that actually need it..

or at least better villages and infrastructure.

then poverty would be better addressed in this country.

its pretty ironic that this is a country where wealth has been hoarded by the corrupt elite over the past few centries.

and now these very elite would want to address a problem of poverty that has been deeper solidified by their very corruption.

Edited by easybullet3
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It's impossible to eradicate poverty because of this simple principle: some life is better than no life.

More people will always appear at the edges. If you lifted everybody in the world out of poverty, then more people would appear in the borderline-habitable places just vacated.

And if the plan is to sustain everybody in the world at an economic level equal to, say, Japan - there aren't enough resources on earth to do so - in particular there isn't enough energy to sustain the industry necessary.

How is it that the most powerful people in the world don't understand this?

Easy. Threaten the rich they will be killed and their property given to the poor. Leave them a way to surrender and join the poor.

If they whine or call you a terrorist, then tell them that some life is better than no life.

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World must end poverty, inequality: PM tells UN

How about the PM sets an example by sorting out the poverty and inequality in Thailand! Charity begins at home!

How much are you willing to donate?

Bad question. So much has been "donated".

Good question and an easy answer.

A poster asks that the PM sets an example.

My question was how much the poster was willing to donate.

How much are you willing to donate and to where to relieve poverty in Thailand.

I donate by offering work to the local people here in rural Khampaeng Phet and paying at least the minimum national wage..

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I don't donate, I invest in a family from Isaan that migrated to various parts of Thailand. First of all, a young mother and her teenage daughter. I pay for the daughter's education, her mother can stand on her own feet now - without having to work in a bar.

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As reported dutifully in The Nation.

I'm wondering if the PM will get even a mention in the international media during his visit to NYC. He's being suitably eclipsed by the heavyweights.

Perhaps another Flowers 'n Fawning session is in order.

I doubt many people were even in the room when he gave the speech let alone what he said getting any press. The speeches go on for days and Thailand isn't on the schedule the first few days when the heavyweights are there. The room isn't full the entire time though most countries will try to have at least one person there all the time .

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World must end poverty, inequality: PM tells UN

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif UN-possible, if the dear PM and former general doesn't start looking at the mirror first and seriously starts arresting those influential peeps who have abused their powers for their own gains..... just with slappy slappy on the wrist, the nasty nasty richies in Thailand will continue to abuse their status in the name of saving face, at the cost of the poverty taxpayers.....

Without looking into the mirror first and cohesive actions, ending poverty in Thailand for the sake of the Thai people is a mission UN-possible, and will cause more UN-peace, UN-clarity, wai2.gifwai2.gif

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"Thailand's development approach was inspired by His Majesty the King's sufficiency economy philosophy, which he said, had for decades successfully led our country on the path to all-inclusive and sustainable development."

Really, what can one say, apart from Long Live the King.

Really, what can One say, apart from I Cannot Comment On That On Thaivisa...

It's not Thaivisa, you cannot comment in the Thailand PM is bsing about.

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Somebody should tell somebody to go home in shame. Delivering something like that from a country where 0.1% of the population (the circa 70.000 Thai elite in BKK) own more than 50% of everything whilst millions of Thais are on the verge of starvation not to mention no serious healthcare, education and social security. 500 Baht a month to poor elderly sais it all.

I forgot to mention, many regard the US as a country of huge differences. True to an extent, but in the US 1% own more than 50% of everything. Thailand 0.1% - 10 times worse...

Edited by MartinBangkok
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I probably should not say this...knowing how much piss I am going to get here on TV, but I contribute to the economy of 3 young Thai girls. Yes they are geeks. But alle of them seem very happy. I have known them for 5 years.

I don't donate, I invest in a family from Isaan that migrated to various parts of Thailand. First of all, a young mother and her teenage daughter. I pay for the daughter's education, her mother can stand on her own feet now - without having to work in a bar.

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If he wants an end to poverty and inequality he should try practicing what he preaches in his own country. Less than 5% of the people in his own country have most of the money !

And its any different in the west?

I've read sources that qoute 2% of the population hold the wealth in many western countries.

It's more like 0.1% of the population hold 99% of the wealth whilst to get into the top 1% you'll need approx £300000 salary in the UK.

America is much the same but on a grander scale according to Profesor Danny Dorling who's done some great research on the subject & campaigner with proven methods to eradicate inequality.

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World must end poverty, inequality: PM tells UN

What? Seriously, what? Our self appointed dictator who will not allow free speech or democratic elections, is lecturing the world on ending poverty and inequality?

Actions speak louder than words general. Set an example of how Thailand can end poverty and inequality here FIRST, before saying anything to anyone else.

Seems like " Thainess" i.e. talk talk talk DO - nothing.

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Does this mean that the Thai version of a caste system will be eradicated? Humnnnnn now that might not be acceptable to the oligarchy.

Very true words in my opinion.... Thailand has always had a Caste system. Not that I agree with it.....clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif
Yes, there are Hindu roots in parts of Thailand, but society might get more permissive when developing. Castes are usually built around professions, and with the rise of education and new professions things might change. Edited by micmichd
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"World must end poverty, inequality: PM tells UN."

It's so nice to hear that the general is going to give all of his money to the poor.

Or, his statements in the OP is what we call "lip service".

Hang on! Didn't Taksin Shinawatra tell everyone that he took all of the money from the rich and gave it to the poor???

So Thailand shouldn't have any issues with poverty now!


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