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Villager Dies of Hornet Stings


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A villager in my families Moo Bahn died this weekend after receiving multiple stings after disturbing a Hornets nest when he was pillaging the larvae.

He was in his mid 40's.

The Hornets were large black and red coloured and obviously didn't take kindly to having their nest attacked.

Following being stung (,I don't know how many times), he failed to seek medical assistance and died shortly after.


Moral of the event is don't disturb Hornets nests and seek medical attention if stung multiple times.

Personally I would steer well clear of a Hornets nest, never mind go for the grubs.

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Had a hornets nest on one of the old growth trees on one of my (wife's) plots. Wasn't sure what to do about it if anything, then one older bloke from nearby came up and offered 500 baht for it (true). He went off and returned clothed in a long coat, gloves, long trousers and a hat with a sort of veil. At his point I left him to it having no desire to mix with angry hornets. Needless to say my wife got the 500 baht.

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Got stung by 3 big black wasps or hornets. Solid black body, no other colours. One got me on the lip, in 2 minutes my lip was as big as a golf ball, very painfull. Went immediatly to a pharmacy and got an anti-inflamitory of some sort. 15 min after taking the drug swelling was down 50%. Not an experience I would choose to repeat.

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most of the village's have a team that will destroy the nests[by burning] i got stung spraying a nest with termite spray one came at me like a bullet and stung me in the ear,lucky we had some antistamine tabs.but you need to get the sting out straight away. it was one of those BLACK AND ORANGE.

a lot of thai's think its unlucky to destroy them but they soon change their mind when stung.

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We have a rather big nest on the garage. Getting bigger every day. Amazing architecture. I thought it would be safer to get rid of it. But my wife objected. She thinks it's lucky to have one.

Actually, the hornets make no problems, if you don't bother them.post-80541-0-85686300-1443414637_thumb.jpost-80541-0-61059700-1443414661_thumb.j

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We have a rather big nest on the garage. Getting bigger every day. Amazing architecture. I thought it would be safer to get rid of it. But my wife objected. She thinks it's lucky to have one.

Actually, the hornets make no problems, if you don't bother them.attachicon.gifHornetsnest1.jpgattachicon.gifHornetsnest2.jpg

I hope that you and none of your family are not allergic to hornet stings. They can attack even if you don't annoy them.

Some years ago my brother in Cornwall UK was sunbathing in his garden. In the garden was a dead elm tree that had a hornets nest. Like you he just let it be. A hornet stung him on the arse. He wasn't anywhere near the nest and not annoying them.

He immediately began to feel quite queer and dizzy. He went indoors and 'phoned his GP doctor who told him to get down to the surgery as quickly as he could. My brother states he doesn't remember any off the 10 minute drive to the doctors. Apparently he managed to drive into the surgery car park where his doctor saw him collapse out of his car. The doc rushed out and saw that my brother's heart had stopped beating. Adrenaline injection straight into the heart got it going again and the doc was able to resuscitate him. If he had waited for an ambulance instead of gong straight to the docs he would have been dead.

Needless to say my brother then got a professional pest eradication team to dispose of the nest. It might be a good idea for you to consider doing the same.

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We have a rather big nest on the garage. Getting bigger every day. Amazing architecture. I thought it would be safer to get rid of it. But my wife objected. She thinks it's lucky to have one.

Actually, the hornets make no problems, if you don't bother them.attachicon.gifHornetsnest1.jpgattachicon.gifHornetsnest2.jpg

seabear, as mentioned .. get someone to come and take it away.

Tell your wife will it be lucky if an elderly person or a child happens to accidentally get stung ...

There sting can cause cardiac arrest seabear , you want that on your mind it it ever happens ?

use common sense seabear .. not luck !!

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