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Migrants: Croatia says no need to close border


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Migrants: Croatia says no need to close border


PARIS: -- Croatia’s Defence Minister says there is no need to close the border with Serbia despite the soaring numbers of refugees and migrants arriving at the frontier.

Visiting the main transit camp at Opatovic on Sunday, Ante Kotromanovic told reporters everything is running smoothly despite the increased numbers.

He urged Belgrade to help monitor the flow but insisted Croatia would continue with its policy even if the border crossing between Serbia and Hungary at Horgos remains closed.

Officials in Zagreb say 73,500 men, women and children have arrived on the border in the last 11 days alone.

Arrivals walk across the frontier on foot and are then taken by bus to the nearby transit camp. Once inside the camp, they register for a place on a train heading for Hungary or Slovenia.

Croatia says it is struggling to cope with the influx.
Zagreb says it can handle up to 5,000 a day – but the current number is more like 7,000.

One in 10 needs medical assistance when they arrive. Many are trying to make their journey before the winter weather arrives.

“I want to go to Sweden or Germany,” one man told reporters, “life is better there. Better than our city. I come from Aleppo in Syria. There is no life there, it is war. There is nowhere to go, it is just bombs.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-09-28

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Why does this shocking exodus have to be Europe's problem?

Why does Europe have to take in and resettle these peoples?

They are from the middle east, is Syria the only country in the middle east?

Are there any middle eastern countries taking or offering refuge and resettlement to these desperate peoples?

Are any of the wealthy oil states assisting these peoples?

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Why does this shocking exodus have to be Europe's problem?

Why does Europe have to take in and resettle these peoples?

They are from the middle east, is Syria the only country in the middle east?

Are there any middle eastern countries taking or offering refuge and resettlement to these desperate peoples?

Are any of the wealthy oil states assisting these peoples?

Because we Europeans stupidly followed Americans and went to make war there (Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan), with the excuse of them being dictatorships, but for real reason to get their oil.

Thats why America should be the first one to rescue them.

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Europe simply cannot have this huge input of Muslim folks, it will lose its democracy.

Time these jame's hunts were dealt with.

The police in the UK have become so scared of the PC brigade that they dare not enforce the law and deal with Moslem vigilantes.

Again, this is not all Moslems but the aggressive ethnic Pakistan second and third generation offspring. They want all they can milk off a country that welcomed their parents or grand parents from a piss poor lawless poverty stricken land; and to force everyone to do as they say.

These patrols are likely to lead to a breach of the peace, and should be policed accordingly.

The problem is how do you decided which of the current migrants are genuine refugees and which are economic migrants or radicals like this without careful screening? And the East European countries simply can't and won't cope so pass them down the line.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Multiculturalism and integration is a lie promoted by governments that have failed to control immigration. The BBC would have you believe the east end "Eastenders" is still full of cockney sparrers. It is now a Muslim enclave. Look elsewhere for the true impact of immigration in Sweden and Germany etc.

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Multiculturalism and integration is a lie promoted by governments that have failed to control immigration. The BBC would have you believe the east end "Eastenders" is still full of cockney sparrers. It is now a Muslim enclave. Look elsewhere for the true impact of immigration in Sweden and Germany etc.

- Multiculturalism has worked ; Italians, Spanish, Polish, Greeks, Jews, Chinese have all been integrated successfully and contributed to Europe's development. Islam is different, it's a way of life which is imposed on others and refuse to mix with others.

- Most governments and Merkel want cheap labor, one more point in economic growth and youth to replace the babies European women don't want to have anymore. They are only thinking of the next election and don't care about the long term profound change in society a massive intake of Muslims will have.

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