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Thailand election in mid-2017: Prayut

BANGKOK:-- Thailand's general election should be held in the middle of 2017, Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha told United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon during their meeting on Sunday on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly.

Deputy Government Spokesman Veerachon Sukhontapatipak told Thai reporters today during the meeting, Prayut insisted that Thailand moved along the roadmap designed to strengthen Thai society, so that Thailand could be a more active partner to the UN.

Prayut also mentioned Thailand’s candidature for a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council. Citing that all Asean nations endorsed the candidature, he said Thailand could bridge countries which are members and non-members of the council.

He also affirmed Thailand’s commitment to the UN Sustainability Goals, stressing the country’s focus on people-centred development.

-- The Nation 2015-09-28


"Thailand could be a more active partner to the UN"

How about standing by the agreement that thailand signed up to when joining the UN, that requires thailand to respect ALL peoples Human rights inside the Country....they , have a long way to go

As for the elections "possibly" in 18 months time!!!!!! ...I wont hold my breath bah.gif

Thailand's general election should be held in the middle of 2017 said Prayuth to Ki-moon.

Dear PM, they should have been already held. How about, they will be held in the middle of 2017.

Prayut also mentioned Thailand’s candidature for a non-permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council. Citing that all Asean nations endorsed the candidature, he said Thailand could bridge countries which are members and non-members of the council.

Doesn't he mean be a proponent for the military d.....'s, like Myanmar and North Korea and the quasi-military d.....'s like China, Russia and Indonesia?


This is some good news surely. Rather wait until 2017 that it be rushed through now with too many flaws as before.

At least I would rather live where we have what we have got here than in what WAS once a great place the USA where it is now corruptly run almost entirely by the unelected fat cat corporates who care only about their almost immeasurable wealth rather then the well being of the people and the nation. Proper and true democracy has surely been dead in the USA for some time now, and add to that the UK and many other US vassal nations too.

Oh once and for all I am NOT anti US folk at all, quite the contrary in fact, but I do feel sorry for them with the corrupt corporate controlled mess they have over there. I AM though very anti Washington and I believe many US folk share that opinion now too, which is refreshing to know. High time for a major change over there from the awful in bed with the 1% elites Republicans to the nowadays not a lot better Democrats. Time for the US folk to form a new and honourable centre based peoples' political party, which I gladly see an opinion poll showed that about 70% of US citizens agree with that view now. So surely it is high time that the apathy ceased and they got on with it.


This is some good news surely. Rather wait until 2017 that it be rushed through now with too many flaws as before.

At least I would rather live where we have what we have got here than in what WAS once a great place the USA where it is now corruptly run almost entirely by the unelected fat cat corporates who care only about their almost immeasurable wealth rather then the well being of the people and the nation. Proper and true democracy has surely been dead in the USA for some time now, and add to that the UK and many other US vassal nations too.

Oh once and for all I am NOT anti US folk at all, quite the contrary in fact, but I do feel sorry for them with the corrupt corporate controlled mess they have over there. I AM though very anti Washington and I believe many US folk share that opinion now too, which is refreshing to know. High time for a major change over there from the awful in bed with the 1% elites Republicans to the nowadays not a lot better Democrats. Time for the US folk to form a new and honourable centre based peoples' political party, which I gladly see an opinion poll showed that about 70% of US citizens agree with that view now. So surely it is high time that the apathy ceased and they got on with it.

Looks to me that the US is well shut of you.;


In this conversation, it important to bear in mind that a seismic event is just over the horizon for all the Thai people. This eventuality s not a wild guess, it's written in stone. It comes to us all.
So, maybe 2017 is a spot-on estimate, given the very real fact that eventually, all things are eventual.


This is some good news surely. Rather wait until 2017 that it be rushed through now with too many flaws as before.

At least I would rather live where we have what we have got here than in what WAS once a great place the USA where it is now corruptly run almost entirely by the unelected fat cat corporates who care only about their almost immeasurable wealth rather then the well being of the people and the nation. Proper and true democracy has surely been dead in the USA for some time now, and add to that the UK and many other US vassal nations too.

Oh once and for all I am NOT anti US folk at all, quite the contrary in fact, but I do feel sorry for them with the corrupt corporate controlled mess they have over there. I AM though very anti Washington and I believe many US folk share that opinion now too, which is refreshing to know. High time for a major change over there from the awful in bed with the 1% elites Republicans to the nowadays not a lot better Democrats. Time for the US folk to form a new and honourable centre based peoples' political party, which I gladly see an opinion poll showed that about 70% of US citizens agree with that view now. So surely it is high time that the apathy ceased and they got on with it.

Looks to me that the US is well shut of you.;

I think the word is shot not shut jesimps, but anyway irrelevant. Thanks for the response but what an odd unfounded thing to say anyway. Why do you say that when it seems 70% of US citizens in that recent opinion poll agree with the view I expressed here. It seems they now very much mistrust Washington, and feel that they are very corrupt and agree that there is a dire need for a new 3rd political party is the USA. A new political force that is centre based and honourably for the people not the 1% pond life elites who rape your country and clearly milk it to the bone . Anyway I want to say genuinely sincerely that I am an honest, fair, open minded and always been hard working person (now long retired), who has many faults too like all of us, but simply speaks out frankly about what I feel is right and what is wrong. I support people's well being and happiness and certainly DO NOT prioritise money over people's well being, by never making money the be and end all of everything in life. So if that makes me a bad person and an undesirable or stupid one, then I will have to be satisfied with being just that, and you can be happy that you must be dead right after all then hmm.

As it turns out I must say that you clearly know nothing about me, as I am not a US citizen at all but a Brit. Though that is nothing to be proud of these days as the UK Government is not a lot better than Washington IMHO, as it is also a Government controlled and run by the fat cat corporates and an undemocratically minority elected one too. The disgusting and unacceptable unelected corporate control of so many of the Western Governments is clearly no longer just heresay or conspiracy theory either, but pretty much a known fact to anyone who has a modicum of intelligence and has been staying awake and opening their eyes and ears in the past couple of decades or more.

I do not want to flame you, as that is immature and not my scene and being way to old for that crap too. Of course you are fully entitled to expressing your free views, whether they are right or wrong. Though clearly what you say would surely more apply to you as to "the US being well shot of you", as it seems to be you rather than me who is going against the views of 70% or more of your US compatriots if the opinion poll is to be believed, and I see no reason why it should not be and underlines what I have heard from other US contacts.

Anyway I fully stand by what I said in previous posts.


Prayut insisted that Thailand moved along the roadmap designed to strengthen Thai society

Too bad nobody knows what the roadmap entails, and where it will lead to (besides a "stronger Thai society", whatever that means).

Maybe he can start communicating some SMART goals, instead of all the fluff like "a strong society", "less corruption", and "more happiness".


2017 is several years from now. I can't imagine how far down this incompetent government will take the Thai economy. I feel bad for those who own assets there. My friend said the property market in Pattaya is a free for all with some condos going for half the asking price of that paid to acquire the units in 2013.


In this conversation, it important to bear in mind that a seismic event is just over the horizon for all the Thai people. This eventuality s not a wild guess, it's written in stone. It comes to us all.

So, maybe 2017 is a spot-on estimate, given the very real fact that eventually, all things are eventual.

No it isn't.

It's not a wild guess: it's a fantasy spread by fanatics and believed by crackpots.

There will an attempt at reform, then an election. Then things will go back how they were while politicians try to dismantle or work out how to circumnavigate the new regulations.

Go see the doc and get yourself something.


Prayut insisted that Thailand moved along the roadmap designed to strengthen Thai society.

Aah, “The Roadmap”! The National Council for Peace and Order 3-stage strategy to resolve Thailand’s past problems, and clear the way for a genuine democratic future.

I wonder if Prayut gave Ban Ki-moon any more information about where Thailand currently is on this roadmap? I needed to have a look for myself, and I offer what I think I understand of all its twists and turns (pulled from various sources) for TV comment.

Since the Prayut-led military takeover on 22 May 2014, Thailand has been assured that it will be returned to democracy as swiftly as possible.

Almost from the beginning, the NCPO began implementing their roadmap to move the country forward. The first and second stages were quickly implemented to address the reconciliation process, setup an interim constitution (without public consultation), and form the National Legislative Assembly.

The NLA was established in July, 2014. At that time, of its 200 members (hand-picked by the NCPO), 105 held military ranks, 11 were police, and there were 84 civilians.

One of the NLA’s first tasks was to unanimously elect Prayut (the only candidate) as PM on 21 August 2014.

A 250-member National Reform Council (drawn from representatives of each of the provinces, and other prominent citizens) was then established to overseer political reforms (including corruption reduction, educational reform, and justice promotion), and form a 36-member Constitutional Drafting Committee back in November 2014 (20 of these members were also part of the NRC).

During its working period CDC meet with political parties and groups with opposing views to hear their opinions on the framework of the new Charter. The CDC also opted for a totally new document based on the current situation (rather than modifying earlier Charters). However, the final draft of 194 pages, 315 articles, and over 50,000 words, though well-intentioned, was widely criticised as undemocratic.

The CDC completed its work in August, and on 6 September, the NRC rejected the Draft 2015 Charter by 135 votes to 105 votes, thus delaying any hope of a return to democracy soon.

One of the reasons cited for the rejection was concerns over its proposed National Strategic Reform and Reconciliation Committee. NSRRC would have special powers to take control of the country from the elected government if two thirds of its members voted in favour of it.

So, with the rejection of the draft Charter, the third stage of the roadmap is now on hold! Thailand is back to square one with regard to drafting its new Constitution, and elections are unlikely before March, 2017!



Another 2 years to improve the bank accounts. Country will be on its knees by then. Almost dead and dusted now

And they will have to stay on to get it up off its knees.......


He probably means 2071

Nope, it's 2017 alright, but first the counter has to go through 9999 flip back to zero. It's 2558 now.

Maybe they should make a lottery/bingo type game with the rest of the years remaining this century and pick one at random at this rate.

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