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Wandering 'white Arab' causes alarm at martial court

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Good security at the military courts then, They 'discovered' him the next day. After he'd gone home, had some dinner, partied at a night-club probably and had a good, refreshing sleep.

And "A vice admiral thinks he was just a tourist looking for a toilet."

OK, so no worries then. It takes a vice-admiral to work out he was looking for a loo, that blinding piece of brilliance by-passed everyone else then. Excellent.

Would have been a good opportunity to plant a pipe-bomb or two, Ain't hindsight grand?

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That's not smart, that's insecure stereotyping.

Sez you.

'Stereotyping' the magic charm to wave at anyone who says anything you don't like. Works every time there's a sucker nearby who can read 'stereotype' and nod in sage agreement.


gross incompetence on behalf of the military , this man was allowed to walk through the court unchallenged no wonder the security of this country is a mess and the police have the audacity to award themselves cash unbelievable .


Any time you use the physical characteristics of a person to describe that person- unless you are the police- it has nothing to do with political correctness, it has much to do with bias and the continued propagation of bias. Describing a person as white, black, brown etc; fat, slim; old, young, etc implies that there is a bias. Why would you need to describe a human being this way? What does it accomplish? The exception is when the police or authorities are trying to locate someone and the detailed description is needed.

It gets very silly very quickly when you're a fan of political correctness. Most of the fans aren't terribly bright..

I remember going to a diversity seminar in UK some years ago. The presenter started it off by saying "We know there's discrimination here because there are black employees here, so there must be".

It went downhill from there.


Asked whether the military court could be targeted by a terror network because the two suspects in last months attack will stand trial there, Kritsada replied, We are not concerned about that.

Of course. That's why no mention of the building being searched from top to bottom as a precaution. "We are not concerned ... "


There is a vast difference between political correctness and bias and discrimination. I am no fan of being politically correct. However, I am a fan of people speaking to each other in a way that does not bring up anything regarding their personal characteristics and also using comments in their narrative which are hurtful or vulgar. Calling people idiots or morons because they have a different opinion does not bode well for reasoned discourse. Is there no wonder there is so much hatred in this World and acting out in a negative way. We can't even talk to each civilly..


If those gddm Muslims would stop committing acts of terror all over the world maybe I'd consider getting politically correct too. In the meantime when I see one I am ready. As in ready.

Just start something...


Rasism exists everywhere in the world, Only difference with Thailand and other places is they do not make any excuses or try to hide it with fancy wordings. Does anyone think for a second that changing the name of a race from "Negro" to "African American" changes the rednecks?

It has always been in human nature to be suspicious or even hostile towards something or someone they do not understand or experience differently from normal tribe behavior. Defensive self preservative function. When it comes to "Arabs" or just let us say "Muslims" as they are mostly perceived, the Religion is so twisted, fake and lunatic that anyone who falls for such a religious scam should be considered a person not in full control of his faculties.

I am hostile to any form of organized religion including Christianity and the Catholics, but Islam takes the price for being the most stupid one out there, founded by a complete looniebin hiding in solitude in a cave for most of his time talking to imaginary friends and ghosts.

I don't care for political correctness as you say it doesn't change the world for the better.

This is more about the lack of security in a place that would be expected to be on high alert as the powers that be have announced security measures are in place to protect against more mayhem in the streets. Incidents like this leave me unconvinced on the quality of security in Bangkok and Thailand in general.

I was just trying to point out the reason why people should be very afraid of "Arabs".......In the same way you should be watchful around a schizophrenic that could in an instance kill all the children next door with a knife.

Thank you for that HIGHLY inaccurate stereotype of my schizophrenic son - now 14 and diagnosed at 11. Schizophrenics overwhelmingly kill themselves, not others. And that is the problem with stereotyping. You take one news story and apply it to every person of the same race, color, creed or disability.

It's not productive or in any way useful to find terrorists. Let's say they've got the right yellow shirt guy. What about him screams bomber to you? Should we fear every guy with short hair and stubble now? Are you afraid of this guy because he has a backpack? I wear a backpack to school everyday, should I be suspect?

Be cautious, not afraid. Be aware of your surroundings, but don't run from shadows. Logic will win over fearmongering every single time.


Your post regarding schizophrenics hits the nail on the head. I have worked with people who are schizophrenic and have never been afraid around them as I understand their illness. When we are uniformed about people or have no experience with them we become afraid of them and that leads to bias. This has nothing to do with political correctness- it has everything to do with discrimination. Let's stop the hatred and stereotyping and treat people as we would want to be treated.


Rasism exists everywhere in the world, Only difference with Thailand and other places is they do not make any excuses or try to hide it with fancy wordings. Does anyone think for a second that changing the name of a race from "Negro" to "African American" changes the rednecks?

It has always been in human nature to be suspicious or even hostile towards something or someone they do not understand or experience differently from normal tribe behavior. Defensive self preservative function. When it comes to "Arabs" or just let us say "Muslims" as they are mostly perceived, the Religion is so twisted, fake and lunatic that anyone who falls for such a religious scam should be considered a person not in full control of his faculties.

I am hostile to any form of organized religion including Christianity and the Catholics, but Islam takes the price for being the most stupid one out there, founded by a complete looniebin hiding in solitude in a cave for most of his time talking to imaginary friends and ghosts.

I don't care for political correctness as you say it doesn't change the world for the better.

This is more about the lack of security in a place that would be expected to be on high alert as the powers that be have announced security measures are in place to protect against more mayhem in the streets. Incidents like this leave me unconvinced on the quality of security in Bangkok and Thailand in general.

I was just trying to point out the reason why people should be very afraid of "Arabs".......In the same way you should be watchful around a schizophrenic that could in an instance kill all the children next door with a knife.

Thank you for that HIGHLY inaccurate stereotype of my schizophrenic son - now 14 and diagnosed at 11. Schizophrenics overwhelmingly kill themselves, not others. And that is the problem with stereotyping. You take one news story and apply it to every person of the same race, color, creed or disability.

It's not productive or in any way useful to find terrorists. Let's say they've got the right yellow shirt guy. What about him screams bomber to you? Should we fear every guy with short hair and stubble now? Are you afraid of this guy because he has a backpack? I wear a backpack to school everyday, should I be suspect?

Be cautious, not afraid. Be aware of your surroundings, but don't run from shadows. Logic will win over fearmongering every single time.

I admit being off topic a by quiet a bit, ranting about Muslims rather than talking about identifying terrorists, apologies for that. As for Schizophrenics, I am sorry about your son, I know exactly how it feels to experience a family member becoming a schizophrenic, and it must be much worse when it is your own son. I am talking of my own experience after as a teenager watching the transformation of my brother and finally opening my bedroom one morning and him standing silently just outside the door with a big knife in his hand.....


I was just trying to point out the reason why people should be very afraid of "Arabs".......In the same way you should be watchful around a schizophrenic that could in an instance kill all the children next door with a knife.

Thank you for that HIGHLY inaccurate stereotype of my schizophrenic son - now 14 and diagnosed at 11. Schizophrenics overwhelmingly kill themselves, not others. And that is the problem with stereotyping. You take one news story and apply it to every person of the same race, color, creed or disability.

It's not productive or in any way useful to find terrorists. Let's say they've got the right yellow shirt guy. What about him screams bomber to you? Should we fear every guy with short hair and stubble now? Are you afraid of this guy because he has a backpack? I wear a backpack to school everyday, should I be suspect?

Be cautious, not afraid. Be aware of your surroundings, but don't run from shadows. Logic will win over fearmongering every single time.

I admit being off topic a by quiet a bit, ranting about Muslims rather than talking about identifying terrorists, apologies for that. As for Schizophrenics, I am sorry about your son, I know exactly how it feels to experience a family member becoming a schizophrenic, and it must be much worse when it is your own son. I am talking of my own experience after as a teenager watching the transformation of my brother and finally opening my bedroom one morning and him standing silently just outside the door with a big knife in his hand.....

Thank you for that. It is difficult, and yes some schizophrenics do go so far into unreality that horrible things happen. I just know what it's like to fight the stigma for my son every single day. I don't equate what we deal with to what some minority groups have gone through, but stereotyping and fear have created far more problems than they've solved in our world. That's why we don't try to hide or sugarcoat his illness. He puts himself out there for the world to see to show that he's more than what he's perceived to be.

So, I have a soft spot for logic. And I try to use it even here in this very, illogical country.

Back on topic, since I kind of derailed it... where exactly WERE the guards as this guy was wandering the halls? No one saw a random guy going from floor to floor for 10 minutes?


Good to know that security will only let "white arab" backpacking strangers into a military court currently trialing terrorist suspects for good reason, like "need to use your toilet".


It's funny how the Thais are making fun of Arabs and Muslims but where as the main criminals for the last bombing were Thais as per the statement made by the Thai police chief on a press conference while taking the reward money for the second time.

Racial profiling is so common by so many people.


The guy is as white as white can get. How did they determine he is Arab? Was it because he was wearing a backpack?

How do you know? Maybe he is transethnic?


Any time you use the physical characteristics of a person to describe that person- unless you are the police- it has nothing to do with political correctness, it has much to do with bias and the continued propagation of bias. Describing a person as white, black, brown etc; fat, slim; old, young, etc implies that there is a bias. Why would you need to describe a human being this way? What does it accomplish? The exception is when the police or authorities are trying to locate someone and the detailed description is needed.

Being fat or slim is a choice. Being blck or white isn't. Besides, are you actually preaching that some shouldn't use some words because you don't like it?


A lot of people can look like a lot of ethnicities. I can pass for many of them including Arab.

When I first arrived in BKK some 10 years ago I got called 'ansum man a lot , but never 'ansum Arab man or 'ansum Italian man , I think those fine girls in BKK were taught to be polite with no prejudice.


Staff said he looked of Arab descent? Bloody hell, most Thais can't differentiate between an Italian and a Russian... How can they say he looked of Arab descent? Israelis (Sabras anyway) and Arabs look alike mostly, I've met Arabs with blue eyes and fair hair and Brits who look like Latinos! What a load of cock


Camera a bit better, more face shots, facial recognition software against their suspect data base, what about the photos taken at immigration when you enter Thailand.

Even I have a facial recognition program on my computer.

Works with glasses, sun glasses, sure would eliminate a bunch of suspects!


"Khaek khao"? Incredible genius racial profiling going on in military and RTP these days. Whatever next? "Farang dam", "negro khao" or "jeen daeng".....The Thai establishment's inherent racism and nationalism ("no Thai person could ever do something as evil as this") is just so early 20th century, that one wonders how the press and media blithely carry on reproducing this ugly and utterly redundant profiling that leads to so much injustice, hatred and bigotry across the land. I guess the Thai media are still unable to shake off their shackles as handmaidens of the elite and old establishment, and whenever one journalist attempts it, he/she is quickly excommunicated and sent into the desert (a rule which can also sometimes extend to international correspondents - AGM anyone?). sad.png

That's how thai language is like. Unlike say english where a new word is formed by adding say latin words together to form a new word. Can you imagine the same person who knows latin and greek seeing english words.

Anyway haha for a westerner commenting about pc-ness to thais.

He's not commenting on PC-ness, he is pointing out the limited grasp of other races reflected by the language.


To me he looks like he could just as easily be from Michigan or Oregon or Florida as from India or the Middle East. They're really guessing here IMO.

Going to the roof, though, is a bit sketchy....who puts a WC on the roof?

And no bag screening at the entrance of a court building? That might best be remedied....

So that it is as effective as the bag screening on the MRT and Skytrain?


Please tell us they combed the building with bomb sniffing dogs to make sure he didn't leave any time delayed "gifts" behind...

Of course they did whistling.gif


The guy is as white as white can get. How did they determine he is Arab? Was it because he was wearing a backpack?

How do you know? Maybe he is transethnic?

I don't think so,he isn't wearing a dress

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