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Wandering 'white Arab' causes alarm at martial court

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A lot of people can look like a lot of ethnicities. I can pass for many of them including Arab.

I apparently look Russian. I've had several Russians run up and say "Russkiy???" and I'm a caucasian lady from Texas. No clue what the Russians see that I don't, but it's happened multiple times now, so there's obviously something Russianesque about me.

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A lot of people can look like a lot of ethnicities. I can pass for many of them including Arab.

I apparently look Russian. I've had several Russians run up and say "Russkiy???" and I'm a caucasian lady from Texas. No clue what the Russians see that I don't, but it's happened multiple times now, so there's obviously something Russianesque about me.

Me too. I also look Mexican. Too bad I don't look Thai. I was once taken for Vietnamese though but that's a long story.

Reminds me of the Woody Allen movie: ZELIG.


He doesn't look like a sand maggot.....just an ordinary Westerner.

I guess some people think racism is funny. Ha. Ha.

If this thread proves anything, it is that racism, xenophobia, islamophobia, racial/national stereotyping and narrow minded bigotry are not restricted to Thailand, but are alive and well across the board, and the earlier claims I made about such traits dying out in the 70s (at least in UK public life and within the mainstream media, post-Enoch Powell era) were perhaps a little premature. Notwithstanding that, I would still maintain that Thailand takes the spectrum of misleading racial profiling within officialdom to a level that has largely died out in the West, but is still ubiquitous and reinforced daily within the Thai body politic and media.


He doesn't look like a sand maggot.....just an ordinary Westerner.

I guess some people think racism is funny. Ha. Ha.

If this thread proves anything, it is that racism, xenophobia, islamophobia, racial/national stereotyping and narrow minded bigotry are not restricted to Thailand, but are alive and well across the board, and the earlier claims I made about such traits dying out in the 70s (at least in UK public life and within the mainstream media, post-Enoch Powell era) were perhaps a little premature. Notwithstanding that, I would still maintain that Thailand takes the spectrum of misleading racial profiling within officialdom to a level that has largely died out in the West, but is still ubiquitous and reinforced daily within the Thai body politic and media.

and other worthy quotes...

Bad news Im afraid, everyone's a bigot, it's a part of the human condition. Some are bigoted against people of different nationalities, different football teams, different golf clubs, different values, different thinking (tribalism). Some are bigoted against others with greater or lesser education, or who are better with women (or men), or who have better jobs (competition). Some are bigoted against people they think are bigoted (generates feelings of superiority).
Everyone's bigoted. learn how to live with it and you can become less bitter about it.

He doesn't look like a sand maggot.....just an ordinary Westerner.

I guess some people think racism is funny. Ha. Ha.

If this thread proves anything, it is that racism, xenophobia, islamophobia, racial/national stereotyping and narrow minded bigotry are not restricted to Thailand, but are alive and well across the board, and the earlier claims I made about such traits dying out in the 70s (at least in UK public life and within the mainstream media, post-Enoch Powell era) were perhaps a little premature. Notwithstanding that, I would still maintain that Thailand takes the spectrum of misleading racial profiling within officialdom to a level that has largely died out in the West, but is still ubiquitous and reinforced daily within the Thai body politic and media.

and other worthy quotes...

Bad news Im afraid, everyone's a bigot, it's a part of the human condition. Some are bigoted against people of different nationalities, different football teams, different golf clubs, different values, different thinking (tribalism). Some are bigoted against others with greater or lesser education, or who are better with women (or men), or who have better jobs (competition). Some are bigoted against people they think are bigoted (generates feelings of superiority).
Everyone's bigoted. learn how to live with it and you can become less bitter about it.

Bigotry is not the word to use, it generally means when someone has an issue tolerating others opinions. Everyone can claim to have differing views from other people from time to time, thats ok, it only makes you a bigot when you believe you are always right and not open minded enough to listen to another viewpoint.

Racism is not the same at all (look up the word). So, if you are trying to claim that its the human condition to be racist towards other people then it says more about you then other people. Of course it is not true, not everyone is racist and it is not the human condition. That idea that it is may bring some comfort or justification to the racist people out there but not everyone hates people simply because of their colour or where they come from.


"A day later staff raised the alert when they saw him on video."

What were they doing the day he was there????

Watching TV. Not video, TV.


That guy does look suspicious. It`s the sun glasses that does it.

Absolutely. That's why so many RTP and Army officers look highly suspicious too.


I guess some people think racism is funny. Ha. Ha.

If this thread proves anything, it is that racism, xenophobia, islamophobia, racial/national stereotyping and narrow minded bigotry are not restricted to Thailand, but are alive and well across the board, and the earlier claims I made about such traits dying out in the 70s (at least in UK public life and within the mainstream media, post-Enoch Powell era) were perhaps a little premature. Notwithstanding that, I would still maintain that Thailand takes the spectrum of misleading racial profiling within officialdom to a level that has largely died out in the West, but is still ubiquitous and reinforced daily within the Thai body politic and media.

and other worthy quotes...

Bad news Im afraid, everyone's a bigot, it's a part of the human condition. Some are bigoted against people of different nationalities, different football teams, different golf clubs, different values, different thinking (tribalism). Some are bigoted against others with greater or lesser education, or who are better with women (or men), or who have better jobs (competition). Some are bigoted against people they think are bigoted (generates feelings of superiority).
Everyone's bigoted. learn how to live with it and you can become less bitter about it.

Bigotry is not the word to use, it generally means when someone has an issue tolerating others opinions. Everyone can claim to have differing views from other people from time to time, thats ok, it only makes you a bigot when you believe you are always right and not open minded enough to listen to another viewpoint.

Racism is not the same at all (look up the word). So, if you are trying to claim that its the human condition to be racist towards other people then it says more about you then other people. Of course it is not true, not everyone is racist and it is not the human condition. That idea that it is may bring some comfort or justification to the racist people out there but not everyone hates people simply because of their colour or where they come from.

Some good points about a contentious subject, and put without excessive aggression. But I don't agree and think there's a bit of hair-splitting going on. Bigotry is a strongly held belief which one considers is more true than other beliefs. With or without excessive zeal. It signifies a general intolerance of other opinions; "believe you are always right and not open minded enough to listen to another viewpoint" is an embellishment.

As for racism (and my exposition of it, I think you're wrong, and that it is a part of the human condition - I don't really think there's any credible argument against this view, which is shared by most psychologists who have explored the subject. but of course I'd be happy to look at any additional reputable statistics on the matter. Not fashionable to say I agree, but true.

My view certainly doesn't say anything detrimental about me or my view, it just says I've taken the trouble to study the topic. That might be wrong but I think every development of knowledge is good provided it is not prejudicial to the evolution of the species. and demonstrating that would be quite a big job.

To paraphrase the perfectly awful Winston Churchill "I do not agree with your opinion, but I would defend to the death your right to have it".


You and previous poster Howitzer have totally missed the point of my post. I was stating that such blatant racial profiling using derogatory terms like "khaek" or "farang" or jaek" is something that went out in the 70s in UK and would not be tolerated in modern political discourse.

Wow, they did a wonderful job of brainwashing you back in the good ole UK. The countdown is on for the demise of

Europistan just due to your type of thinking.

I happen to be smart enough to know that a guy with a turban, robes and a backpack is perhaps more of a danger to me than a European guy with a sweatshirt and bouncing a football, but you have it your way.

Perhaps neither is a danger, but guess which one I'll keep my eye on?


Well that's how you have been brainwashed by the media.If i was teaching in the States i'd be keeping my eye on white guys.


Rasism exists everywhere in the world, Only difference with Thailand and other places is they do not make any excuses or try to hide it with fancy wordings. Does anyone think for a second that changing the name of a race from "Negro" to "African American" changes the rednecks?

It has always been in human nature to be suspicious or even hostile towards something or someone they do not understand or experience differently from normal tribe behavior. Defensive self preservative function. When it comes to "Arabs" or just let us say "Muslims" as they are mostly perceived, the Religion is so twisted, fake and lunatic that anyone who falls for such a religious scam should be considered a person not in full control of his faculties.

I am hostile to any form of organized religion including Christianity and the Catholics, but Islam takes the price for being the most stupid one out there, founded by a complete looniebin hiding in solitude in a cave for most of his time talking to imaginary friends and ghosts.

I don't care for political correctness as you say it doesn't change the world for the better.

This is more about the lack of security in a place that would be expected to be on high alert as the powers that be have announced security measures are in place to protect against more mayhem in the streets. Incidents like this leave me unconvinced on the quality of security in Bangkok and Thailand in general.

I was just trying to point out the reason why people should be very afraid of "Arabs".......In the same way you should be watchful around a schizophrenic that could in an instance kill all the children next door with a knife.

Is that the same way you look at young white guys around schools in the States,potential mass murderers.


A lot of people can look like a lot of ethnicities. I can pass for many of them including Arab.

I apparently look Russian. I've had several Russians run up and say "Russkiy???" and I'm a caucasian lady from Texas. No clue what the Russians see that I don't, but it's happened multiple times now, so there's obviously something Russianesque about me.

Must be the thong your wearing.


He doesn't look like a sand maggot.....just an ordinary Westerner.

I guess some people think racism is funny. Ha. Ha.

If this thread proves anything, it is that racism, xenophobia, islamophobia, racial/national stereotyping and narrow minded bigotry are not restricted to Thailand, but are alive and well across the board, and the earlier claims I made about such traits dying out in the 70s (at least in UK public life and within the mainstream media, post-Enoch Powell era) were perhaps a little premature. Notwithstanding that, I would still maintain that Thailand takes the spectrum of misleading racial profiling within officialdom to a level that has largely died out in the West, but is still ubiquitous and reinforced daily within the Thai body politic and media.

Members of TVF are open racists because they are hiding behind a keyboard and not in their original country.

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