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Migrants face growing numbers of challenges


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She's being evicted from her home of 23 years where she has set down roots and doesn't want to leave to make room for refugees.

Personally I cannot foresee forcible eviction without alternative accommodation being provided as it would create a national outcry


Agree with you there.

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This issue is really quite simple to resolve on this thread if not practically. The problem with accepting my comments below practically is that if incorrect, European culture will be irreversibly set upon another course.

I'll concede the entire argument at this point:

There is no crisis regarding "migrants" massing in Europe.

There is no displacement of citizens and real property secondary to municipal legislation.

Benefits for citizens will not be curtailed to accommodate the influx of millions as the Euro is so strong.

There is no estimated 12 Billion Euro price tag for Germany for 2015 alone.

None of the things fear-mongers like me have said are happening or will are true.

The kindly populations of primarily muslims, minimally Syrians, who are coming to work in Europe will significantly improve the quality of life for all the existing host generations who have invested in their economies and social expectations for their children.

Having equality in outcomes is a basic human right.

This is a win win situation and even if there were dire self preservation issues associated with open arms, moral imperative, though undefined, surely compels our fraternity.

Great! simple1 and others win!~ Visit this in 12 months! Lets see how right you were!

Note: A "warning" is not "vilification."

Yep, we will have to see how the various governments manage the enormous challenges. I do agree the decision by Merkel (supported by her Cabinet?) will likely prove to be a policy error leading to friction within European society. However, I firmly believe the far right response is not the path to go down.

Given your background have you read "Aftermath" by Nir Rosen. If so PM your thoughts.

Of course defining what the "friction" is you speak of sets up the due consideration of whether or not the imperative to reach out to these people is worth the cultural risk. That friction you mention manifests in ways that are very local. While there are those who hate and just... hate, they too have a right to hate if they want, though not to act upon it. The few haters will join the chorus of the numerous others who do not hate rather they love. They love their society, their culture, their inheritance, their labor and industry and what they hope it leaves their own posterity, and perhaps global posterity if there are leftovers. So, the friction is key to whether or not those who protest this dilution, this mass suicide, have a valid point. (Note on the haters: The greatest concentration of haters are already seen in the "migrants." While you didn't say "haters" it is my default that those who hate haters should not be called haters. My assertion will prove itself within months, not years).

I assert the "friction" is rape- cultural rape, cultural insurgency, nihilism, and grand theft of the fruit of another's labors. This is the friction I see. Unless by referendum, there is no mandate to leaders to destroy any nation. it is sheer madness to consider other nation's must label invasion as an "enormous challenges" when the existing "enormous challenges" Europe faces are already set to implode. This is social engineering.

I am trying to access this book now but will tell you from peeking it may reach some valid conclusions but it cannot be accurate as the premise is faulty. This Third Great Jihad did not start as a consequence of American meddling rather as a combination of facts- USSR/Afghanistan, end of the bipolar world, ascendancy of the information age, and recognition of the illegitimacy of strongmen rulers. However, the misconception is the opposition of strongmen was in favor of democracy is incorrect. Americans than sought to manipulate this rising jihad and exacerbated the problem, loaning untoward legitimacy to islamic jihad, resulting in two primary victims: regular muslims and the loss of Freedom in the West. ).

Edited by arjunadawn
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