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Thai ladies mentality changed alot, and more materialistic ? I feel disappointed


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Ive found some Thai women VERY arrogant , like they really are something special, the last one was renting a room from a friend of my Wife 's and hadnt paid the rent for 2 months, I was asked to evict her, I met her i n the lift and said she hadnt paid her rent, she looked down on me and grunted as if to say , who the <deleted> are you telling me.

10 minutes later I was telling her she had 5 minutes to get her stuff out or I would be chucking them out the window, the "hi so" then became the " its not fair" sob story, i didnt give a sh*t and out she went, stuck up little cow

Is it that easy to evict people here? No legal process to go through?

It depends on the rental contract. The standard Thai contract heavily favours the landlord.

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Ive found some Thai women VERY arrogant , like they really are something special, the last one was renting a room from a friend of my Wife 's and hadnt paid the rent for 2 months, I was asked to evict her, I met her i n the lift and said she hadnt paid her rent, she looked down on me and grunted as if to say , who the <deleted> are you telling me.

10 minutes later I was telling her she had 5 minutes to get her stuff out or I would be chucking them out the window, the "hi so" then became the " its not fair" sob story, i didnt give a sh*t and out she went, stuck up little cow

Is it that easy to evict people here? No legal process to go through?

1 Yes.


There is a legal process to follow when evicting in Thailand. Leases are governed by the same laws that govern other contracts. If a tenant has not respected a lease, and the landlord wishes to respond with an eviction, formal notice must be given. Eviction is the same as breaking a contract and landlord must provide proper notice as per the lease agreement. If the tenant agrees to vacate, then no further action is needed. However, if a tenant refuses to leave, then the landlord must obtain a judgement in favour of breaking the contract or face being countersued for breaking the contract. The police can be used to enforce an eviction order. Obviously, there is common sense, and one doesn't waste time when there are small amounts involved. One just tosses the delinquent tenant. However, when the rents are higher the leases are more professionally drafted and have protections built in.

As for a despondent Lothario, if he hasn't improved himself over the past decade with education, or work position, or social graces, or developed Sexpat's belly along with tobacco stained teeth and fingers, he should not be surprised. Thai women of value will no longer settle for western dregs. It's been that way for 10+ years. 20 somethings are ok for penis playtime, and nothing more.

Rental contacts generally have a clause in them that state that if the tenant hasn't paid the rent by a certain date then the water and electricity gets shut off and the room gets locked shut until they pay. Generally by the 15th of the month.

That's not eviction.

Such contracts go on to say that if the tenant hasn't paid by the last day of the month anything and everything in the room can be a sold or disposed of by the landlord to recover any outstanding amount.

I have seen this happen a few times, and on every occasion the tenant did a runner and had no intention of paying. They mostly leave behind a mess.

In any event the tenant agrees to these conditions by signing the contract. So far I haven't seen a case where a tenant does not pay their rent, then stays in their room after the 15th of the month with no water or electricity, refusing to come out.

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Ive found some Thai women VERY arrogant , like they really are something special, the last one was renting a room from a friend of my Wife 's and hadnt paid the rent for 2 months, I was asked to evict her, I met her i n the lift and said she hadnt paid her rent, she looked down on me and grunted as if to say , who the <deleted> are you telling me.

10 minutes later I was telling her she had 5 minutes to get her stuff out or I would be chucking them out the window, the "hi so" then became the " its not fair" sob story, i didnt give a sh*t and out she went, stuck up little cow

Is it that easy to evict people here? No legal process to go through?

Legal process, you got to be kidding right! She hadn't paid her rent in over 2 months. If they are using a basic Thai lease she should have been out the end of the first month when the deposit was being used? Obvious the wife or friend didn't have the balls to speak up and got the Farang to do it!gigglem.gif

Correct but the end result was the owner was there and was shocked by my method despite her 2 months of softly softly nicey talky............. she didnt contact my Wife again but got her room back, go figure eh hahaahh

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Ive found some Thai women VERY arrogant , like they really are something special, the last one was renting a room from a friend of my Wife 's and hadnt paid the rent for 2 months, I was asked to evict her, I met her i n the lift and said she hadnt paid her rent, she looked down on me and grunted as if to say , who the <deleted> are you telling me.

10 minutes later I was telling her she had 5 minutes to get her stuff out or I would be chucking them out the window, the "hi so" then became the " its not fair" sob story, i didnt give a sh*t and out she went, stuck up little cow

Is it that easy to evict people here? No legal process to go through?

Legal process, you got to be kidding right! She hadn't paid her rent in over 2 months. If they are using a basic Thai lease she should have been out the end of the first month when the deposit was being used? Obvious the wife or friend didn't have the balls to speak up and got the Farang to do it!gigglem.gif

There is a reason many Thais leasing/renting here dont have contracts, the story posted by kannot sums it up.

Not to mention tax avoidance on the part of the owner.

Gotta love the Asian think outside the box mentallity, pure capitalism, no Nanny State here.

Spend some time living with the Thais in their condos, locks changed, boxes piled up in the corridor etc etc.

Bar girls are the worst for paying rent, go on long time with some farang to the Islands and forget to pay the rent, out the door you go.

Thats what happens when you live for today.

In this case "Falang" boyfriend "no send money" from whatever country he came from, maybe he'd had enough of her?

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Yeah, bro, it feels different. For a variety of reasons named above, it seems like women are not as interested in or impressed by foreigners. Also, due to certain stereotypes, it seems like it's a little bit shameful to date a foreigner now. I suggest putting in some effort with girls that aren't seeking a foreigner and have little to no expectations about dating one. It will be awkward at first. And you might not get in her pants as quickly as you want. But in the end it will seem more natural and genuine.

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I read your post and for some reason I kept on reading it with an Arnold Schwarzenegger accent !!

If you are a good looking guy and are looking for a genuine Thai lady, try looking for one at the local universities or even in the shopping centers, going to bars and clubs to pick up chicks was the norm in the 1980's and will always turn up all kinds of riff raff!!

30s is a little old for looking at universities, isn't it? Besides, OP may find the ones that aren't ashamed to be seen talking to him are the same ones working at the bars and partying at clubs too much. Malls are good though. Key is to approach a girl in a way that doesn't make her feel like people are looking at her.

Edited by eldragon
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I dont have enough experience in Thailand to comment on changes, however my past 4 or 5 years I have formed an opinion that has not changed much.

Firstly you have to consider Asia and the growth experienced in these countries including Thailand. If you look at Thailand GDP has doubled in just 10 years. So that means that anyone under 30 has never seen anything but growth and more growth in their economy. With money comes credit and Thai women have and no problem spending money on credit cards and loans and in a growth economy that tends to happen everywhere.

So, you have a whole generation of people who are acquiring more and more stuff,, iPhones, laptops, cars, condos etc,,, All this new money (false though a lot of it is) has created a "snobbish" attitude from wannabe's. All part of HI So society in Thailand, people now "think" they are special but they dont really know how to behave.

In my view there are no bigger snobs then wannabes who have acquired a little wealth and think they have lifted their status. So, I think thats what you are experiencing, its what I believe i see anyway.

Of course it all comes crashing down around them when the economy falls as they are not really wealthy, they are merely enjoying the benefits of a vibrant economy for a while.

I personally ignore them.

Sounds just like everything I heard about South Korea ten years ago.

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The OP needs to escape the falang enclave and head to the suburbs.

Try spending some time in Thonburi or Bangna....the ladies in the early to mid 30's range look fabulous and are as sweet as can be. Regular girls...don't hang out in bars, work middle class jobs (10-12 hours a day) and are in general...the ones to look for, Forget Hi-So girls or girls that hang out in the disco.....that is not where you will find the good ones.

Great advice. But the catch 22 I've always seen here in TH is those middle class girls largely act like they're ashamed to be seen speaking to a foreigner. Breaking through that barrier is extremely challenging and sometimes requires one to degrade themselves a bit.

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What is the shame?

Expats an inferior class?


I have met numerous wonderful ladies here. Varying ages, family background, occupation.

Many tick the right boxes.

Patience is the key. The more you search, the farther you are away.

Sit quietly. Make people aware that you are available.

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What is the shame?

Expats an inferior class?


I have met numerous wonderful ladies here. Varying ages, family background, occupation.

Many tick the right boxes.

Patience is the key. The more you search, the farther you are away.

Sit quietly. Make people aware that you are available.

Ashamed that they'll be seen as a slut, a prostitute, or a girl that needs a foreigner for a good life. "Mia farang" seems like kinda a bad word around here, doesn't it?

But yeah, mate, they're definitely out there. I've met some really nice girls here too, ones that were way more appreciative than most of em back home. I think you do need to be a little aggressive though. I'm told Thai girls like to be chased. Also- and I hope the OP is reading this- if you want a good girl, you kinda gotta be serious about staying in TH for a bit. For every foreigner that complains about Thai girls only wanting us for our money, opportunity, etc., there's probably 10 or more Thai girls saying we only want em for holiday sex.

One more thing... Guys should know if their girl is a stunner, or even above average (by Thai standards), then they're gonna have a lot of men chasing em. Best piece of advice I ever got from a Thai guy was "Attractive Thai girls have a lot of boyfriends."

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I don't know whether I handsum, jai dee or just a lucky guy. OK, "lucky" would be the shortest odds.

First met, I was already in lust with another.

We had zero in common.

But as time went by, we began to gel.

After 11 years (a bit quick), we relocated to her home town.

I very much desired to have a palace constructed in her honor - similar to the Taj Mahal.

She reluctantly accepted my offer.

We have never separated.

Corny but we are good friends.

We help each other.

She learnt English & I learnt basic Thai.

We are a couple of love birds.

All is good.

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I don't know whether I handsum, jai dee or just a lucky guy. OK, "lucky" would be the shortest odds.

First met, I was already in lust with another.

We had zero in common.

But as time went by, we began to gel.

After 11 years (a bit quick), we relocated to her home town.

I very much desired to have a palace constructed in her honor - similar to the Taj Mahal.

She reluctantly accepted my offer.

We have never separated.

Corny but we are good friends.

We help each other.

She learnt English & I learnt basic Thai.

We are a couple of love birds.

All is good.

I can understand her reluctance. The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum that was built by the Emporer Shah Jahan for his favourite and soon to be dead wife.

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But, my darlink is unaware of her demise.

Wifey is insured for a paltry THB10b & I am the sole beneficiary of her estate.

Seems a cosy arrangement by me.

A fella has to make a quid to finance his addictions eg lady boys & more lady boys.

Life ain't that easy in LOS - at least foe me.

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did you come to thailand to find a submissive woman / wife ?

maybe that was the case 20-30 years ago ...

now they know what they want & like .... money, money, money ....

Wonder what came first:-

Their apparent lust for

money or the desperate

foreign men offering it as

an opening gambit to the

financially needy women

they've deliberately gone


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For me, this obsession for $$$ & what it can buy is quite understandable.

I did exactly the same.

After a short time, you pay the price ie the enjoyment disappears.

Now, love, family, mutual respect, caring matter.

But, some never learn how ill the world & they are.

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Sounds like you guys are only looking for prostitutes offering cut price rates and suffering from an acute form of Thai girls are easy syndrome.

Mutual respect works both ways.

Sums it up and then these same people come online crying and moaning about it.

Thai girls know they can get money from ignorant foreigners so if you aren't giving any, expect to be ignored in those city areas.

Edited by Gandonsi
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75 years ago they walked around topless.

the change is apparent.

The women are ok. I think you are disppointed that they prefer their own kind..or asians. I think that is more to do with peer pressure. Asians have been becoming more and more capable of supporting many wives. This country is ripe with mia nois ...who prefer living on the edge. Multiple partners...etc.

Edited by slipperylobster
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What is the shame?

Expats an inferior class?


I have met numerous wonderful ladies here. Varying ages, family background, occupation.

Many tick the right boxes.

Patience is the key. The more you search, the farther you are away.

Sit quietly. Make people aware that you are available.

Ashamed that they'll be seen as a slut, a prostitute, or a girl that needs a foreigner for a good life. "Mia farang" seems like kinda a bad word around here, doesn't it?

But yeah, mate, they're definitely out there. I've met some really nice girls here too, ones that were way more appreciative than most of em back home. I think you do need to be a little aggressive though. I'm told Thai girls like to be chased. Also- and I hope the OP is reading this- if you want a good girl, you kinda gotta be serious about staying in TH for a bit. For every foreigner that complains about Thai girls only wanting us for our money, opportunity, etc., there's probably 10 or more Thai girls saying we only want em for holiday sex.

One more thing... Guys should know if their girl is a stunner, or even above average (by Thai standards), then they're gonna have a lot of men chasing em. Best piece of advice I ever got from a Thai guy was "Attractive Thai girls have a lot of boyfriends."

My Wifes so ugly no one on the ineterweb would even meet her.

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Farangs no longer acquire an instant status boost upon arrival. Too many for the illusion to survive. Now, you have to have (and flaunt) cash to achieve that extra status, which makes Thai girls a lot friendlier.

Girls on the game, especially, but Thais in general seem to be getting weary of the once-novel farang...

Remember, Thai Rak Thai.

western influence through social media has changed thailand to a materialistic wannabe rich middle class show off attitude.

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Things are changing everywhere, not just Thailand. A few years ago, hardly anyone would admit to online dating, now everyone is on Tinder or whichever, and people have a lot more choice. Not many of my friends are married (female), they are more than happy looking after themselves, and getting a hook up whenever they feel like it. I think the internet in general the world over has made people more selfish, and has presented them with far too many options, but you can't stop 'progress' right?

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You can meet many women easily at the Changwatthana immigration center in BKK. Very pretty Chinese ladies more than willing to have a nice chat while you wait in queue. if you are there for lunch closing, head to lower level and you can actually have a pretty nice date as there are many decent places to eat and get to know each other. I wish the place was closer I would go just to hang out !

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The novelty has worn off, but it's more so personal devices. It's not just them either, it's society in general now. No one gives a rats ass to look up and make eye contact anymore.

Well said. I am not saying this due to 'lover-finding' factor; but the mobile devices often annoy me a lot. For example, you get onto the skytrain, and see that the eyes of the majority are glued on their devices.

But then again, who am I to criticise people too much for that ? If they are happy doing what they are doing; and are of no harm to others, there isn't much point of making a fuss about it.

But, it can be annoying nevertheless smile.png

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Thai women are obsessed with their bodies now.

they don't like their noses. and because many are having nose jobs to get a farang nose, they all want a nose job.

same with skin color. white. not brown.

eyebrows have to be tattoos now. same with eyelashes.

fashion industry. advertising. poor upbringing. low self esteem.

and once they make it to the west and live there for a while, they become unhappy for the same reasons as farang woman.

and they are "tripping on themselves" as they have discovered their power over men. just not a mystery anymore. the internet has change everything.

thai women share their experiences they have with farang men on a wholesale level to other thai ladies on the internet now.

standard of living going up. beautiful Thai women see Asian women in films and television playing strong characters in the west. they know the score.

thai music videos are all about not letting your thai boyfriend walk all over you.

and yes, everybody is completely "check out" because they can't look away from their phone even for a second.

Seen the eyebrows tattooed (a lot) but never seen one with the eyelashes done...........................blink.png

Yes. But why do some of them do them like two McDonald's arches? smile.png

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The more materialistic stuff that Thai girls get their hands on the more arrogant and selfish they will become .This is not Buddha teaching is it ? So you need to find a simple farmer girl or move to Cambodia or Laos these days .

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Thailand in the early 1980's was void of all the material desire you see today.

Thai's have been bombarded with materialistic marketing to the point they think they are worthless without all the latest gadgets and money.

Technology and the internet has allowed them to learn the games and scams to get money and gadgets that their income/education level with never, ever afford.

So I think there is some truth to what you are saying.

However, there is a big difference between rural Thai girls in Isaan and the city/tourist area girls you find on the internet.

I truly believe the best women come from rural areas like places in Isaan

I have been to villages that do not even have internet or cable TV

These girls for the most part are very genuine.

One trip on the Bangkok BTS with all the Thai girls excessively glued to their IPHONES, carrying their counterfeit designer handbags says it all.

It is all about the money and "Face"

Bangkok and the tourist areas are not cheap anymore

Price a house, car, etc. that every girl who marries a foreigner will demand to have and you will see Thailand in these areas is more expensive than many areas in the west

Materialism has no boundaries. If you have give 20k baht, she will run off with the first guy with 40k baht

Selfish greed and materialism has ruined allot of Thailand and allot of the girls

Be cautious

Never thought of you as bitter but that's EXACTLY what your post oozes.

Sorry but I don't think you can judge a person as materialistic just because they own an iPhone and carry a counterfeit bag.

Is a farang with an iPhone automatically materialistic and greedy?

Young people like gadgets; they like designer tat and if it's fake, so what - it looks nice to them.

I know countless women with iPhones - they're not the greedy, selfish cows you describe. I also know 2 who drive Porsche Cayenne Turbos - two of the loveliest, kind-hearted and funny people I know here.

Thailand is not an oasis in the global desert of avarice and material gain - it's as interconnected with the rest of the world as our homelands are and, in the same way millions of people in Britain or the US or Europe are decent, kind and honest despite owning iPhones or designer gear, the Thais shouldn't be judged on their affectation with consumerism.

Plenty of foreign men have come to Thailand, headed for the boonies convinced that a clueless farmhand in rags and subsisting on a diet of rice and mushrooms will make an honest, loving, caring and most importantly for them, frugal wife.

Before the paint's dried on the new-build McMansion the dopes are marginalized while the Fortuner and the Scoopys are distributed to the extended family.

If this reply wouldn't be from CH I would give a double like...spot on...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it is safe to say the whole world is changing. And if the OP is hitting on young, hot women, in the past decade their entire reality has changed. The really hot ones have so many opportunities they did not have ten years ago. The internet has opened up an entirely new world for them. They can earn big money, if they care to, with needy punters around the world, and also with guys looking for a trophy girl. So, or course the attitude has changed.

Having said that, if you are willing to set your sights a little lower, and go after the 6.5's to 8's, there is still plenty of opportunity out there. But, with the 8's and up, stand down my man, as you are in for a challenging time. Unless of course if you have big, big bucks, or are a Brad Pitt type.

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