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More economic self-reliance key to happiness, says Prayut


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More economic self-reliance key to happiness, says Prayut

BANGKOK: -- GREATER economic self-reliance will help Thailand become a Land of Smiles again, Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha has said, in the government's latest newsletter distributed to the public. The letter penned by Prayut, entitled "From the Heart of the Prime Minister", urged Thais to become more self-reliant economically.

Prayut wrote that over the past decade, political, economic and social imbalances stemming from political instability have led to a lack of continuity in successive governments' policies.

Prayut said he, as prime minister, is seeking to redress issues the Kingdom has faced in recent years and to lay the foundation for national reform.

The premier said he is well aware that it's hard to build a nation if its people do not have enough food on the table or cannot sleep.

Amid the global economic slowdown and the fact that Thailand is dependent on exports for 70 per cent of its income, Prayut said Thais would have to stop depending on others. This, he said, was why the current administration was trying to help farmers - who are the backbone of the nation - to be able to stand by themselves. Measures cited by Prayut in assisting farmers include tackling debts that farmers owe to loan sharks, providing them access to loans, improving irrigation systems and water sources, improving social welfare, encouraging savings and more.

The PM said the government was also trying to strengthen villages and tambons, as well as small businesses in order to create more jobs at local levels.

Efforts were also being made to extend infrastructure to link various production areas to support Thai exports to the world.

"I am confident that these measures will return Thailand to become 'Smiling Siam', that is known to the world, once again," Prayut concluded.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/More-economic-self-reliance-key-to-happiness-says--30269837.html

-- The Nation 2015-09-30

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r. PM I might suggest take some of your rice farmers to Williams California to learn how to grow rice and make a good profit. Oh Clifornia Has the highest yeild rice fields in the world. Just in case you didn't know. Also rice in US cheaper than in Asia.

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"Prayut wrote that over the past decade, political, economic and social imbalances stemming from political instability have led to a lack of continuity in successive governments' policies."

Hard to maintain continuity when the military overthrows the government again and again.

"Prayut said he, as prime minister, is seeking to redress issues the Kingdom has faced in recent years and to lay the foundation for national reform."

In other words; it's time for the old elite to again have dibs on the trough.

"The premier said he is well aware that it's hard to build a nation if its people do not have enough food on the table or cannot sleep."

Well Uncle Too, that's two things you do not have to worry about as food is plentiful and Thais are among the most prolific and enthusiastic sleepers in the world.

"...farmers - who are the backbone of the nation..."

If I was the backbone of the Nation but not allowed to vote I'd be seriously pissed off. Just sayin'...coffee1.gif

""I am confident that these measures will return Thailand to become 'Smiling Siam', that is known to the world, once again," Prayut concluded."

And I am confident it will take a whole lot more.

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How about creating special economic zones in areas of the country that need them and providing incentives for foreign companies to locate there and provide good paying jobs. The need of the elites to retain control of the companies that provide a large number of high paying is what is causing a lot of the problems. Throwing a few bhat at local communities will do very little to nothing to solve the structural problems; Decentralization of the economic engine and implementation of the required infrastructure will.

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How about creating special economic zones in areas of the country that need them and providing incentives for foreign companies to locate there and provide good paying jobs. The need of the elites to retain control of the companies that provide a large number of high paying is what is causing a lot of the problems. Throwing a few bhat at local communities will do very little to nothing to solve the structural problems; Decentralization of the economic engine and implementation of the required infrastructure will.

what you propose is not new at all. But to move forward has to mean: look on to your neighbouring countries. What are they doing to tackle global crisis?

E.g have a look on Burma: same structure than Thailand. Junta as well. But they realized there is only one way: they are on the way already to have economic zones. Their goal is to conquer Singapore. Also on financial areas.

And they are not so much into Chinese Tourists.

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Exports and tourism is what has made Thailand what it is today,, you dont want to make statements about becoming self reliant, you NEED money to come in from outside.

Prayut should be talking about "boosting" exports and tourism where Thailand has been historically strong and at the same time create government schemes to ensure investment and infrastructure planning to support business. Also ensuring that the money coming in gets to the people that need it most will create a sensible spread of wealth, it will lift the poor, strengthen the middle classes and then you have growth in domestic consumption.

What he wants to achieve is merely a consequence of getting other factors right.

It's all about the mix of income, exports are not a negative thing, can someone who knows what they are doing please take over soon,,,,

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r. PM I might suggest take some of your rice farmers to Williams California to learn how to grow rice and make a good profit. Oh Clifornia Has the highest yeild rice fields in the world. Just in case you didn't know. Also rice in US cheaper than in Asia.

Also check the rice farmers in South Louisiana! Therice field seeding, fertilizing and weed control is done by crop duster airplanes. Harvesters (big tractors) cut the rice and seperate the grain.

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"GREATER economic self-reliance will help Thailand become a Land of Smiles again"

That's just GREAT if Thailand wants to return to the 1950's as being primarily an agricultural economy and fuedal state. But maybe it's the latter that will make the military Smile again!

"Self-reliance" will push Thailand away from the ASEAN Community and isolate the country as an economic orphan. It will be thrown back as an emerging economy instead of becoming an industrial economy.

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"GREATER economic self-reliance will help Thailand become a Land of Smiles again"

That's just GREAT if Thailand wants to return to the 1950's as being primarily an agricultural economy and fuedal state. But maybe it's the latter that will make the military Smile again!

"Self-reliance" will push Thailand away from the ASEAN Community and isolate the country as an economic orphan. It will be thrown back as an emerging economy instead of becoming an industrial economy.

You hit the nail on the head with your second sentence. The Junta and their backers are at the top of the feudal dung heap. They engineered the coup to ensure that no matter what ( or more accurately when "it" happens) they will remain there. And if that means destroying Thailand's internet system, and subsequently crippling its industrial base, so be it.

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