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Refugees heading to Europe? I’d do the same, says EU Commissioner


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Refugees heading to Europe? I’d do the same, says EU Commissioner


BRUSSELS: -- EU Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans has been recounting his experience of meeting migrants and discussing their plight.

He has been talking to Euronews special correspondent Stefan Grobe in The Global Conversation which will be shown on Euronews on Wednesday evening.

“I spoke to families of refugees on the island of Kos in Greece, and they were telling me: ‘Hey, I was living in the refugee camp in Lebanon; I was doing OK but after two years I ran out of my money, my savings have been spent, I want to feed my children, I can’t feed them there, that is why I want to take them to Germany to feed them there.’ Would you do anything else? I would do exactly the same as a father if I needed to do that, you know,” he recalled.

But what of security issues that could arise from migrants crossing borders? Stefan Groebe put this point to the First Vice-President.

“The US Department of Homeland Security has estimated that there are roughly 4000 Islamic militants who have infiltrated Europe, disguised as refugees. Is that more or less an accurate assessment? And do you fear a higher terror threat level in Europe?” he asked. “I don’t know this number; I don’t know this assessment, so I am not in a position to comment on it. But it stands to reason that if people move to Europe, there might be also criminals in that movement, there might also be terrorists in there,” responded Frans Timmermans.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-09-30

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Humanitarianism is one thing but with so many EU and individual country leaders so sympathetic and welcoming are they really making the best decisions for countries in general and the continent in particular ?

They are unlikely to be affected by all these migrants as they live in areas where there will be no transit camps or where migrants will be housed yet they're making heavily biased decisions that will affect so many others who don't want to see their home areas or countries swamped.

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The EU Commissioner is right.

European economies are built around "success" and a killer mentality to be successful.

Your economy killed people from the "third world" in the old ages, and now you're afraid they come over to kill your so-called "society". There's nothing more disgusting than whining Imperialists who suddenly cry for religion when they feel their time has come.

Edited by micmichd
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The EU Commissioner is right.

European economies are built around "success" and a killer mentality to be successful.

Your economy killed people from the "third world" in the old ages, and now you're afraid they come over to kill your so-called "society". There's nothing more disgusting than whining Imperialists who suddenly cry for religion when they feel their time has come.

Do not get your hopes up too high. The problem will be solved and we will shoulder it without abandoning our European values. The "society" you so desperately dream of will not come in the near future. But you really made a point for all the haters. Posts like yours will make people, who do not hate but who are simply concerned, change sides into the far right corner.

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Who says I want to abandon your values?

There are certainly some elements in European culture which are worth fighting for, while some norms and habits are rather doubtful.

I don't want the annihilation of the culture, I want a multicultural society. I don't want the "white" race wiped out, I fight the idea of racial purification - for biological reasons (diversity of genes)

I'm quite aware of the dangers of polarization, and I watch the political development in Germany very carefully - both sides, and the "silent majority", ie the ones that would sacrifice everything for their personal career or profit.

Fortunately, at the moment neither side has was Germans need so desperately for a "movement": a "charismatic" leader.

Edited by micmichd
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Except for possible ISIS people 'embedded' in the migrants there is no Islamic conspiracy to invade Europe. It is simply the case of Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' at work along with modern social media. The migrants are just making individual decisions based on doing what is best for themselves and their families. I suspect that the fellow quoted in the OP is trying to make that point.

Immigrants have been making similar decisions for centuries. My father's family showed up in Plymouth Bay Colony a few years after the Mayflower because of the economic potential there. A few hundred years later, my mother's parents left Ireland & headed for Canada for the exact same reasons. The difference now is that the new migrants are taking selfies as soon as they land so the folks back home know that they have arrived and that it is safe to follow. That, combined with Merkle's foot-in-mouth disease has lead to an unprecedented flood of people. It will be interesting to see how it all turns out. If my 'invisible hand' theory is correct (doubtful!) then the migrants will peacefully replace retiring workers in the aging western societies. I rather suspect, however, that the 'tragedy of the commons' may turn out to be a better analogy.

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Muslims have been screaming from the roofs, and at the top of their voices, for at least 15 years that they will take over Europe and the USA and destroy their economies. They have promised time and time again to turn both continents into Muslim dominated areas, complete with shariyah law. They want to introduce corporal punishments like cutting off a hand if someone steals, or stoning to death any woman who commits adultery or has sex before marriage. Women will be compelled to wear a burka. Education for girls will cease to exist. Radio and TV stations will be closed except those that only broadcast religious programs. Public beheadings will become the order of the day for more serious crimes, especially the “heinous” crimes against their religion. They are now working on achieving these goals in Europe. Also, muslims breed like rabbits which will enable them to achieve these goals even faster.


Meanwhile, the number of terrorist attacks in Europe will increase dramatically. I saw a report from a very senior Dutch police officer who said that he suspected that every 1000 refugees included about 20 IS terrorists. That is 2%. If mrs Merkel admits 1,000,000 refugees one can expect that she will be allowing 2% of 1,000,000 = 20,000 terrorists into her country and pampering them to boot. The German lady will soon have unbelievable amounts of blood on her hands from large numbers of terror attacks in Germany, and in other European countries which, actually are victims of her misguided policy. Her excuse that Germany has to accept these migrants because the country needs more labour is nonsense. There are quite a few EU countries that have large numbers of unemployed people. Why did she not invite those people? They are Europeans, just like the Germans. They would fit right in. In contrast muslims do not fit in, do not want to fit in and do not want to integrate. They want the Europeans to integrate with them.


Europe will soon be lost to Europeans. And 2000 years of European culture will be lost forever. History will judge the German lady and some other, like-minded European politicians. They are stubbornly and stupidly destroying Europe. In fact, they remind me of Neville Chamberlain, the former Prime Minister of the U.K.

One thing is for sure, my family and I will never go back to Europe.

Edited by peergin
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I forgot to ask: did anyone watch the recent ½ hour documentary on Al Jazeera about a university in (I think it was) Tunisia? This university proudly stated that it has 12,000 young men who are studying full-time to become imams. TWELVE THOUSAND! And that is just ONE university. It also added that there are very many such universities across the arab world. One also wonders how many more mosques are going to be built in Europe. Must be thousands. And all of them will enjoy tax-free status just like the existing ones. And I suspect that Saudi-Arabia will be happy to pay for the construction.

Does anybody still doubt that muslims are hell-bent on taking over the world?

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Anybody still not convinced? May be this Thai Visa post will finally change your mind:



New Islamic State plot identified every fortnight, report says

An alleged terror plot linked to Islamic State is identified in the West every fortnight, a report suggests.

Between July last year and August this year, 32 suspected plans were detected in 10 countries, an average of more than two a month, according to research by think-tank the Henry Jackson Society.

They involved 58 individuals of 14 nationalities, with 13 attacks taking place, the study said.

Researchers said that in three-quarters of cases there was no proof of contact with IS fighters or leaders, but added that the group's ideology or propaganda was "integral" to inspiring the schemes.

On five occasions IS militants were said to have encouraged individuals to carry out attacks in their home countries without providing "operational guidance".

Only one plot was directed by the terrorist group, also known as Isil, the report said.

Source: http://home.bt.com/news/uk-news/new-islamic-state-plot-identified-every-fortnight-report-says-11364007983396

Mr Timmermans? Slaapt u nog steeds?

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