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Thai couple charged with rape and murder of 20 month old baby girl

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Its extremely tragic that such a thing could happen to a 20 months old baby. This country's education has really produced people that are sick right to the bottom!


For the first time ever...I understand why some cultures will impale a criminal on a long sharp pole...starting at the rectum and moving up through the bowels and into the chest cavity...then place the blunt end into the ground so the criminal hangs in midair...sometimes for days...to show people what happens to someone who commits a crime which goes beyond forgivable...

This creep should die a slow and painful death...if he is indeed guilty as charges...


Someone said Thailand gets worse by the day. Well, hear this: there are low life men and women all over the world who are prepared to do this kind of thing.

Just read newspapers from your home country and you will read about men who rape newborn babies, toddlers ... anything that can't fight back.

Not only Thailand. If the courts don't give this couple what they deserve, I am sure someone will.


My wife ( Thai ) tells me almost on a daily basis, of the sick, and depraved acts of violence, sexual abuse, and other acts of mistreatment of children in Thailand.

These are just the sickening acts of this kind that are reported on the National News TV Channels, so there will probably be a whole load more of unreported crimes.

IMHO, there has to be some serious deficiencies within any civilized society that allows such barbarism to continue on such a regular basis.

Sleep with the Angels now sweet child.


Something is wrong with these thai males. Over the last 6 months , if you were to check online in thai, there has been more and more cases of sexual abuse, deaths involving infants under 5 years of age and thai men. What is the wrong with these human garbage. Its bad enough we have farang paedophiles going for kids under 18 years of age in thailand, now thai men with sick tastes. Those with children and wholove their children, have to be ultra protective these days.


Those two should be confined to eternal ass-raping by big, giant gorillas to repent for their sin! An eye for an eye!


Something is wrong with these thai males. Over the last 6 months , if you were to check online in thai, there has been more and more cases of sexual abuse, deaths involving infants under 5 years of age and thai men. What is the wrong with these human garbage. Its bad enough we have farang paedophiles going for kids under 18 years of age in thailand, now thai men with sick tastes. Those with children and wholove their children, have to be ultra protective these days.

No, no, no, enough already. This thing happens worldwide and it is grossly unfair to only blame 'these Thai males." It is very common in Africa where children were being raped and killed in the belief it would cure AIDS. It happens all over the world.

I agree that something is wrong with this particular male, but unfair to tar all Thai males with the same brush


Humans do things Animals would never do,and the depravity in

the World is getting worse,time for a cull?

regards Worgeordie

Is the world getting worse or are we getting more info via the internet? What about the things that Isis are doing to women and children in Islam countries and the sheer medieval brutality displayed there? Cull? Who calls the shots? Isis? Christians? Thais?

The answer is that there will always be brutality of this kind - usually caused by a mental disturbance - and I am not sure that calling for the death penalty will resolve the issue. I'm not sure anything will, to tell you the truth and I have no answers, but I sincerely believe that brutalizing perpetrators in return will not act as a deterrent to others. Just saying "Hang 'em" is a low brow knee jerk response that solves nothing.

Killing solves plenty, regardless of whether they are just evil or its a compulsion from a mental illness once they are dead they can no longer inflict this damage or abuse on children. Frankly a quick death is a mercy they don't deserve. I would happily do the job and go to bed that night knowing the world was a better place and that animal would no longer be able to spread that poison on the world.


I wonder if they were drug addicts? People on yaba do crazy things.

Prolonged use can cause paranoia, or escalate other mental problems for sure. But having a few tokes and then raping an infant is not how it works.


Disgust aside, I would be wary of convicting both of them from my armchair. It's extremely unusual for the mother of baby to go along with such horrific abuse of her own child. That's all I can say at this point.


Someone said Thailand gets worse by the day. Well, hear this: there are low life men and women all over the world who are prepared to do this kind of thing.

Just read newspapers from your home country and you will read about men who rape newborn babies, toddlers ... anything that can't fight back.

Not only Thailand. If the courts don't give this couple what they deserve, I am sure someone will.

Every thread has someone say "it happens everywhere." This is not what I'd call an adequate analysis. At least look at per capita statistics.


Who cares if the death penalty resolves anything. People that do things like this dont deserve space on the planet.


An awful thing made even more awful by using it as clickbait.

Disgusting all round.

Those whose kneejerk responses appear here should be ashamed.


What can explain something like this ? Madness, badness....both? It seems to happen the world over from time to time


This may be a harsh thing to say but perhaps it was for the better that this poor unfortunate infant died.

I say this because of a case that happened in W. Australia a few years ago (this is the link http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/05/14/1021002444354.html)

I personally met a nurse who was part of the operating team trying to patch up the torn body of the child concerned. The nurse said that at the time the surgeon operating remarked that it would perhaps had been better if the child had died, she would never be able to have children, sexual relations would be hazardous and painful and she would suffer serious gynaecological problems for the rest of her life.

Rest in peace little one.


Humans do things Animals would never do,and the depravity in

the World is getting worse,time for a cull?

regards Worgeordie

Is the world getting worse or are we getting more info via the internet? What about the things that Isis are doing to women and children in Islam countries and the sheer medieval brutality displayed there? Cull? Who calls the shots? Isis? Christians? Thais?

The answer is that there will always be brutality of this kind - usually caused by a mental disturbance - and I am not sure that calling for the death penalty will resolve the issue. I'm not sure anything will, to tell you the truth and I have no answers, but I sincerely believe that brutalizing perpetrators in return will not act as a deterrent to others. Just saying "Hang 'em" is a low brow knee jerk response that solves nothing.

You make the mistake of regarding these creatures as still being human, while they have voluntarily given up their humanity by choosing to act. Therefore, since these creatures are not human anymore, they should not be accorded any value, consideration, or protection, as those should be reserved for true human beings. Killing them will have two effects: they can't repeat this crime ever again, and they can't pass on what's wrong in their genes or their behavior to their future offspring. This is my sentiment regarding anyone at any age who kills and tortures for sport, personal gain, political gain, or self gratification.


Humans do things Animals would never do,and the depravity in

the World is getting worse,time for a cull?

regards Worgeordie

Is the world getting worse or are we getting more info via the internet? What about the things that Isis are doing to women and children in Islam countries and the sheer medieval brutality displayed there? Cull? Who calls the shots? Isis? Christians? Thais?

The answer is that there will always be brutality of this kind - usually caused by a mental disturbance - and I am not sure that calling for the death penalty will resolve the issue. I'm not sure anything will, to tell you the truth and I have no answers, but I sincerely believe that brutalizing perpetrators in return will not act as a deterrent to others. Just saying "Hang 'em" is a low brow knee jerk response that solves nothing.

The 'hang em' approach seems to work OK on thaivisa. Isn't that all that matters?


Humans do things Animals would never do,and the depravity in

the World is getting worse,time for a cull?

regards Worgeordie

Is the world getting worse or are we getting more info via the internet? What about the things that Isis are doing to women and children in Islam countries and the sheer medieval brutality displayed there? Cull? Who calls the shots? Isis? Christians? Thais?

The answer is that there will always be brutality of this kind - usually caused by a mental disturbance - and I am not sure that calling for the death penalty will resolve the issue. I'm not sure anything will, to tell you the truth and I have no answers, but I sincerely believe that brutalizing perpetrators in return will not act as a deterrent to others. Just saying "Hang 'em" is a low brow knee jerk response that solves nothing.

Not a deterrent. Punishment.

They should hang they guy alright, by his wrists, over a sharpened, wooden pole, with a block of ice as a counterweight.


If DNA tests and trial proves guilt they should be subjected to life in general population.

The mother should get life in the men's general population. That would be justice.


...why defend the sick scum <deleted>...

...her family name should be in all the media....

...am sick of this pretend propriety and denial...

...they raped and murdered a baby for God's Sake.....


I am sitting here with tears in my eyes i am so disgueted i dont kmow what to say------- I do not know tou little girl but I really wish I had been there a few moments before he tryed--god bless you my darling.Sorry no more--Dougal

Everyone feels the same as you my friend. There are no words.


Someone said Thailand gets worse by the day. Well, hear this: there are low life men and women all over the world who are prepared to do this kind of thing.

Just read newspapers from your home country and you will read about men who rape newborn babies, toddlers ... anything that can't fight back.

Not only Thailand. If the courts don't give this couple what they deserve, I am sure someone will.

Not a time for you to be defending Thailand, I have rarely heard of such a cruel unspeakable crime, it sickens me to my soul. Keep the political crap out of this.


this person waited till the mother had gone out before he had his sickly way with this defenceless child killing her in the process ,this man must be mentally ill to do this to this to a child he needs to be locked up for the rest of his miserable life.

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