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Thai couple charged with rape and murder of 20 month old baby girl

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Someone said Thailand gets worse by the day. Well, hear this: there are low life men and women all over the world who are prepared to do this kind of thing.

Just read newspapers from your home country and you will read about men who rape newborn babies, toddlers ... anything that can't fight back.

Not only Thailand. If the courts don't give this couple what they deserve, I am sure someone will.

Every thread has someone say "it happens everywhere." This is not what I'd call an adequate analysis. At least look at per capita statistics.

at least he didn't say "No Thai would ever do that to another Thai"



Every time I read these threads and I am constantly astounded at the low level of responses.

Number one: someone here said Thailand gets worse every day

Number two: I reminded you all that Thailand is as bad as everywhere

Number three: what has politics to do with this? I never mentioned politics and I didn't defend Thailand but neither did I attack it. Well gazzpa, now what?

Number four: Dustdevil suggested that we look at per capita statistics: can he provide them then?


Someone said Thailand gets worse by the day. Well, hear this: there are low life men and women all over the world who are prepared to do this kind of thing.

Just read newspapers from your home country and you will read about men who rape newborn babies, toddlers ... anything that can't fight back.

Not only Thailand. If the courts don't give this couple what they deserve, I am sure someone will.

Every thread has someone say "it happens everywhere." This is not what I'd call an adequate analysis. At least look at per capita statistics.

at least he didn't say "No Thai would ever do that to another Thai"


Not real classy using a tragic case like this as a vehicle to either attack of defend Thailand and it's population.

Regardless of whether cases like are more likely to occur in Thailand or another country, it has no bearing on the poor little girl who died in such horrible circumstances.

As a father of a two year old son I could not imagine something like this happening to such a young child. Words fail me.

RIP to the little girl.


Humans do things Animals would never do,and the depravity in

the World is getting worse,time for a cull?

regards Worgeordie

Is the world getting worse or are we getting more info via the internet? What about the things that Isis are doing to women and children in Islam countries and the sheer medieval brutality displayed there? Cull? Who calls the shots? Isis? Christians? Thais?

The answer is that there will always be brutality of this kind - usually caused by a mental disturbance - and I am not sure that calling for the death penalty will resolve the issue. I'm not sure anything will, to tell you the truth and I have no answers, but I sincerely believe that brutalizing perpetrators in return will not act as a deterrent to others. Just saying "Hang 'em" is a low brow knee jerk response that solves nothing.

It is an old debate about whether capital punishment of any kind acts as a deterrent, when the perpetrators of this kind of brutality are deranged and beyond reason or fear of punishment. BUT... i sometimes feel that the death sentence has a different kind of importance for society at large - it is symbolic ? It expresses the collective feeling - the deep sorrow - that an innocent life has been snuffed out and that the killer can not be allowed to have a life after taking a life. This is a huge topic for millions of people, me included, so this is merely a small note pointing to the theme.


I just can't get my mind around this. What savagery, what lack of humanity would make anyone do something like this ? It is just insanity.


When the D/A tests prove who done this most revolting crime that you can not put in to words , I agree with all the comments the punishment that shall be carried out on theses people they do not deserve to live . R.I.P. you little angel my heart bleeds for you .


Many opinions have been expressed here as it is a very emotive and highly charged issue, it leaves everyone upset after reading the story as the details are beyond the comprehention of normal people.

It has been correctly stated that this is obviously not only a Thai issue, people like this are present in every society all over the world. There are sick predators in every country almost without exception, it's just an unfortunate fact.

IMHO there must be a change in how Thai children are educated, when self respect, self esteem and a common respect for others are part of the normal curriculum in school (and at home)then we might see some changes. I know it will not directly influence individuals like this as there are just plain bad or broken people out there, but a start has to be made somewhere.

Finally while I don't normally advocate the death penalty, this male has given up any right to remain on this earth. Drugs and/or alcohol are not mitigating factors, they cannot be used to explain or condone barbaric behaviour such as this.

We have all seen the ISIS footage, it is depraved and unnacceptable by any standards.

There is no need for public executions or medievil torture, a simple lethal injection to send him to his maker would suffice.

I hope this little girl will find the peace that was denied to her on this earth...


Makes me so angry, he deserves to be raped and beaten daily for the rest of his life. Kids are the light of their parents' lives. This is so abhorrent it defies belief.


Utterly disgusting.

Death penalty for them both if proven guilty in court.

Drag them to the nearest tree with a rope.

...immediately after a bull elephant is allowed to perpetuate the same action against them that the inflicted on the infant.


in the land of hookers, <deleted> going to rape an innocent baby

sick beyond belief

public execution would be appropriate

Which country is "the land of hookers"?


Utterly disgusting.

Death penalty for them both if proven guilty in court.

Drag them to the nearest tree with a rope.

According to the paper the mother went out and left the baby with the "lover"!bah.gifwai.gif


Humans do things Animals would never do,and the depravity in

the World is getting worse,time for a cull?

regards Worgeordie

Is the world getting worse or are we getting more info via the internet? What about the things that Isis are doing to women and children in Islam countries and the sheer medieval brutality displayed there? Cull? Who calls the shots? Isis? Christians? Thais?

The answer is that there will always be brutality of this kind - usually caused by a mental disturbance - and I am not sure that calling for the death penalty will resolve the issue. I'm not sure anything will, to tell you the truth and I have no answers, but I sincerely believe that brutalizing perpetrators in return will not act as a deterrent to others. Just saying "Hang 'em" is a low brow knee jerk response that solves nothing.

Yes it does, it means that the lowlife wont offend again!! thumbsup.gifwai.gif


An exact same thing happened in my home town (except the baby was 2 months younger) The description given in court of what the baby endured was appalling, I couldn't repeat ti here or anywhere really. Suffice to say the husband who raped his own 18 month daughter is now dead and there is no death sentence in Britain. I hope this animal gets the same destiny...


I wonder if they were drug addicts? People on yaba do crazy things.

Whatever the reason - it can NEVER be an excuse!

You know this is Thailand,... any mental illness or related is the top XXXXXXcuse for committing crime, especially if either you are from an influential family OR if you have good connections to local cops.....


I'm lost and speechless.

Don't know what to say.

No punishment could ever be enough for such mean crime, for gods sake the baby was 20 months old .....


Whenever you think you've seen and heard it all... sad.png

I think that the death penalty would be too kind to that couple. Death by hard labour and selective torture that keeps them alive but under excruciating pain between life and death for a couple of years while the rapist gets some of his own medicine on a daily basis utilizing used toilet brushes collected at public toilets would suit them better.

However, no punishment this despicable sadistic and empathy depraved couple could receive would bring the poor little girl back... All one can do is to hope that she is in a better place right now, hoping there is a god and a paradise after all, even though it's hard to believe given the fact that the "creator" must have created that horrible mother and the rapist pig as well in the first place, something that is completely beyond me to say the least.

Feel helpless, clueless and powerless in face of such an atrocity, anyone with me?


I've just spent 30 minutes trying to find the right words or phrase to describe how utterly ashamed I feel to be the same species as these animals. The words did not come easily. ..............kill them both now!

Show them the same mercy that a hyena would offer an injured calf.7


Death by slow torture would be an appropriate sentence in this case.

Only if you carry out the torturing yourself Dahmer.

This guy is obviously very ill and perhaps it would be best to put him down like a rabid dog but remember that you are not a hair better than the guy who carried out this terrible crime if you were to torture him to death.

The only people who have the right to wish this guy a slow and painful death are the parents/relatives/friends and anyone else who were close to the child.

Even the coppers who had to arrest him or the doctor in the hospital.

Anyone else who wants to hang this guy high have serious psychological problems and a very dark side to them.

This comment is going to cause certain hang em high guys to go ballistic and send me many death wishes too but I don't give 2 f's.

The reason this planet is in dire straits is because of the mentality of these people.

Ever since humanity took the eye for an eye thingy as their truth the world has became more and more f-ed up.

Even sickos like this guy who did this horrendous thing to this little baby are products of our sick world and became the way they are because of a system that promotes death and revenge instead of love and harmony. If your mind can stop making noise for a minute and your soul can listen you will know what I mean.

Not to say I am not very sad, disturbed and disappointed in humanity once again. I am, but those disgusting hang em high posts are so backward and not from this time anymore.

RIP little angel


Death by slow torture would be an appropriate sentence in this case.

Only if you carry out the torturing yourself Dahmer.

This guy is obviously very ill and perhaps it would be best to put him down like a rabid dog but remember that you are not a hair better than the guy who carried out this terrible crime if you were to torture him to death.

The only people who have the right to wish this guy a slow and painful death are the parents/relatives/friends and anyone else who were close to the child.

Even the coppers who had to arrest him or the doctor in the hospital.

Anyone else who wants to hang this guy high have serious psychological problems and a very dark side to them.

This comment is going to cause certain hang em high guys to go ballistic and send me many death wishes too but I don't give 2 f's.

The reason this planet is in dire straits is because of the mentality of these people.

Ever since humanity took the eye for an eye thingy as their truth the world has became more and more f-ed up.

Even sickos like this guy who did this horrendous thing to this little baby are products of our sick world and became the way they are because of a system that promotes death and revenge instead of love and harmony. If your mind can stop making noise for a minute and your soul can listen you will know what I mean.

Not to say I am not very sad, disturbed and disappointed in humanity once again. I am, but those disgusting hang em high posts are so backward and not from this time anymore.

RIP little angel

Seeing as your baiting on this issue, i'll definitely bite. People who are parents (me included) feel utter and sheer abhorrence at these things. Nobody really knows how rife it is. But many feel that the perpetrators of these atrocious crimes can't be fixed. OK then, enlighten us all, what punishment would you recommend for the perpetrator of your baby daughters rape (leading directly to her death) and who also was having sexual relations with your wife while you're at work?

And be honest now

People rightly get emotional because things like this are a clear and present danger in Thailand (and other places). And with such an ineffective police force and justice system would you hang all your hopes on the perp getting his just desserts? I certainly wouldn't


Humans do things Animals would never do,and the depravity in

the World is getting worse,time for a cull?

regards Worgeordie

[edited] Cull? Who calls the shots? Isis? Christians? Thais?

At some point, a virus will come along that will perform a serious culling of the population. It will call the shots with no bias, no agenda, and no remorse.


A proportionately huge plastic dick should be made, and attached to a hydraulic ram. He should then be positioned (buns-up kneeling) in front of this assembly. Interested members of the public could then take turns at the controls - until he sees the error of his ways. I'm sure there'd be no shortage of volunteers on ThaiVisa. His GF should, at the very least, watch.


Humans do things Animals would never do,and the depravity in

the World is getting worse,time for a cull?

regards Worgeordie

Is the world getting worse or are we getting more info via the internet? What about the things that Isis are doing to women and children in Islam countries and the sheer medieval brutality displayed there? Cull? Who calls the shots? Isis? Christians? Thais?

The answer is that there will always be brutality of this kind - usually caused by a mental disturbance - and I am not sure that calling for the death penalty will resolve the issue. I'm not sure anything will, to tell you the truth and I have no answers, but I sincerely believe that brutalizing perpetrators in return will not act as a deterrent to others. Just saying "Hang 'em" is a low brow knee jerk response that solves nothing.

The 'hang em' approach seems to work OK on thaivisa. Isn't that all that matters?

Yes, there is no consideration of how the world can be changed to minimize this kind of horror on this forum. Certainly the "Hang 'em" Brigade only have reactive approaches that at the end of the day solve nothing. If some of them could study some psychology (Reich comes to mind) to learn how people are mentally damaged in their early years which leads, in their later years, to the kind of atrocity discussed here, then perhaps they may start opening their brains a bit. We have a collective responsibility as a society - or if we don't recognise that and take the intelligent path then we can simply return to the kind of medieval society that ISIS is now trying to inflict upon the world. I wouldn't want to spend one solitary evening with the people who commit these kind of crimes and neither would I want to spend an evening drinking with some moron who's only reaction is "Hang 'em".


Death by slow torture would be an appropriate sentence in this case.

Only if you carry out the torturing yourself Dahmer.

This guy is obviously very ill and perhaps it would be best to put him down like a rabid dog but remember that you are not a hair better than the guy who carried out this terrible crime if you were to torture him to death.

The only people who have the right to wish this guy a slow and painful death are the parents/relatives/friends and anyone else who were close to the child.

Even the coppers who had to arrest him or the doctor in the hospital.

Anyone else who wants to hang this guy high have serious psychological problems and a very dark side to them.

This comment is going to cause certain hang em high guys to go ballistic and send me many death wishes too but I don't give 2 f's.

The reason this planet is in dire straits is because of the mentality of these people.

Ever since humanity took the eye for an eye thingy as their truth the world has became more and more f-ed up.

Even sickos like this guy who did this horrendous thing to this little baby are products of our sick world and became the way they are because of a system that promotes death and revenge instead of love and harmony. If your mind can stop making noise for a minute and your soul can listen you will know what I mean.

Not to say I am not very sad, disturbed and disappointed in humanity once again. I am, but those disgusting hang em high posts are so backward and not from this time anymore.

RIP little angel

Right on Dave. I couldn't put it better than you have here. You are a bright light on a dark forum!

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