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Can The Thai Courts Force a DNA Paternity Test


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  • 4 weeks later...

Just be very careful of a Thai girl with a sob story, no matter how lovely she appears. I had a mate (who should have known better) also recently involve himself in a matter similar to this. He actually contacted the guy in question and didn't he have a story to tell! The guy was living with the girl. Girl became pregnant. Blood test at three months and guess what, HIV positive....the (alleged) farang father was negative). She admitted to him she did have sex with the guy across the road and suspected he was where she picked up the virus....but essentially it was his fault because it was the night he went out with his friends. She was upset, got drunk and "have accident" with man across the road. The guy even showed my friend homemade porn movies of her (from another life) he found on the internet. He pushed on with her for another couple of months but couldn't cope. He has refused to see her or his kid since. Thing I can't believe is the girl gave my friend the farangs fathers number to call to try to get money!

Now as in all of these cases the welfare of the kid is first and foremost. But given the circumstances what would you do....really? I would be running as fast as possible

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nickj - thanks for the quick response. I am not sure I disagree with you, but do you have any concrete evidence that this is the case, or do you just think like me that the Thai legal system in this area is not going to be very useful?

Surely the Thai courts must be useful in some areas of child issues regarding maintenance?

I get the impression that 5-10K a month would be a great help to this girl. I suspect he would not pay it every month anyway, but as he is a farang (like me) - he could surely be 'encouraged' to pay this if his right to stay in Thailand were threatened.

I was trying to keep this story simple, but maybe to add to this story slightly would be helpful. This farang actually lives in Europe for about 8 months of the year and comes here for his work. I believe that is the case. So he has to come here every year for his work for 4 months.

The girl has recently found out that he is married back in Europe and has a child there as well.

As I write this, I wish I wasn't getting involved at all - why am I doing this? It is a load of hassle for sure. The trouble is it really bugs me when people just dump kids like this. Ok - if you don't want anything to do with the child well that's sad, but he could at least help to give her a better life - he could afford it for sure.

The girl told us that he was the one who insisted on not wearing a condom and got her to switch to taking a pill she clearly did not fully understand!!

My thinking is that this farang really does not want a load of hassle with this girl and the Thai authorities and would settle on a reasonable child maintenance payment (it is his kid after all), just to make the problem go away.

I did also think though that his Thai daughter has a half brother back in Europe and I then began to wonder if his Thai daughter has any rights under EU law.

I could then see the whole 'can of worms' opening up before me and decided to stop thinking about it and just ask a simple question about paternity tests and see where that leads me.

So thanks for any help or advice you can offer.

Never get involved in other people`s domestic dramas. Deal with your own life`s stress and problems and only extend this to others if you like putting yourself out for a thankless cause.

Edited by cyberfarang
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  • 1 year later...
On 10/2/2015 at 5:10 AM, dsfbrit said:

stoneyboy, Jeremy Kyle has too many problems of his own at the moment with his wife leaving him, but thanks anyway for the useful idea.

What do you mean the man is under no obligation to do anything. There is certainly a moral obligation - I would think he would want to know if the very pretty white skinned girl standing in front of him giggling is his daughter or not - I mean if she were your daughter - wouldn't you want to know and then take care of her.

What better way to prove the relationship than through a DNA test.

Whether there is a legal obligation as well, is what I am asking in this thread. Do you know the law on this in Thailand?


So OP, did you ever get an answer to your question, i.e., can Thai courts force a DNA paternity test?  I'd heard that the answer was no, but just curious. 

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  • 5 weeks later...



Can I be forced by a Thai Girl or via the Court to make a DNA test ?

My story is incredible, I can't breath since I've discovered what was happening


My ex, with one I broke up on Beginning of April 2016, came to me today and let me know that she has on last january gave birth to one baby. She claims it's my son. I've never heard about her since last april, we had broke up not peacefully, she used to fight me and talk very bad to me more often and often, it's wasn't possible anymore... which has made our relationship end without any further communication between me and her . Now she claims it's my baby, and that she has been to police station to report the fact that I don't want legitimate him. She want to force me to make DNA test. Is it possible ?


I'm lost, I don't know what can happen in the future 

Please anyone can inform you on the matter ?


Thks and brgds


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  • 2 weeks later...

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