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I am xxx years here...

Crazy chef 1

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Why do so many posters state how long they have been here? Is it the same as my one is longer than yours?

Personally I don't think the time spent in any country has anything to do with practical knowledge about the local customs,culture or prevent fom pitfalls.many posters ( long timers) don't know much about our host country except the way from their preferred watering hole to their home...

Though why people always mention how long they've been here???

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Its p*ss match thats all...a very insecure attempt at trying to gain credibility, of course there are occasions where it may be relevant....

Had ocassion on the visa forum lecturing me that he had been in Thailand 25 years and i was wrong about a visa question blah blah and it turned out he had been wrong for 25 years LOL

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I don’t think it is something to get hung up on, one way or another. Sometimes living here for a very long time can lead to a lot more experience, perspective and context than a new guy can be expected to have.

There may be stupid university graduates but that doesn’t mean every high school dropout is smarter just because he doesn’t have an education.
There are longterm dysfunctional relationships but that doesn’t mean longevity in a relationship isn’t important. My parents were married for 66 years and for me that says something.
My depth of experience in Thailand comes from two things, the number of years I have lived here and how old I was when I moved here. Together, those two things frame my life and may help to explain my particular view on life here.
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I dont think it is something to get hung up on, one way or another. Sometimes living here for a very long time can lead to a lot more experience, perspective and context than a new guy can be expected to have.

There may be stupid university graduates but that doesnt mean every high school dropout is smarter just because he doesnt have an education.

There are longterm dysfunctional relationships but that doesnt mean longevity in a relationship isnt important. My parents were married for 66 years and for me that says something.

My depth of experience in Thailand comes from two things, the number of years I have lived here and how old I was when I moved here. Together, those two things frame my life and may help to explain my particular view on life here.

You know that I think you are one of the wisest posters on here....but I think your point of few about Thailand haven't solely to do with the time you spent here rather with engaging with the local culture and people...

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This was commented on another thread. Of course it matters. Some who have been here for years will add something on a topic and then get contradicted by someone whose been here 5 mins..guess whose probably right..experience counts. Coming here young makes an awful lot of difference as village farang says. People don't have to say how long they have been here it's obvious in most posts. Most who came here 25/30 years ago were not the stereotypical individual you are assuming.

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There are longterm dysfunctional relationships but that doesn’t mean longevity in a relationship isn’t important.

I don't think longterm relationships are important. A handful of meaningful, short-lived relationships will probably be more educational and fulfilling than one that lasts two decades or more.

Raising kids here in Thailand is important. You'll learn a lot from that.

Equally important is being able to speak, read and write the language.

Diversity of experiences is very important. But diversity means nothing if you lack the ability or savoir faire to make sense of those experiences.

God, am I boring!! Think I need another LEO.

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I know people who have been here for a long time (more than 20 years) but know very little about the country. They never bothered with learning the language and mixing with Thais. But they can spout on and on about Thai politics, economy etc. all based on what they have been spoon fed by the English language press.

I on the other hand have been here since I was barely 20, speak the lingo fluently, mix with the locals and still understand naff all.

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There's street smart and book smart, and common sense,some (many?) leave common sense in the departure lounge'

Some of the smartest people I have met (book smart) have absolutely no common sense.

In short, it takes all sorts, but experience in my book is the best, is not expensive, its priceless.

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I know people who have been here for a long time (more than 20 years) but know very little about the country. They never bothered with learning the language and mixing with Thais. But they can spout on and on about Thai politics, economy etc. all based on what they have been spoon fed by the English language press.

I on the other hand have been here since I was barely 20, speak the lingo fluently, mix with the locals and still understand naff all.

That may have a bit to do with not being welcomed a s a long term citizen. Its also demographic. Bangkok long term " tourists" hardly feel the urge to dive into Thai language courses where farang living in the sticks hasn't much of a choice and I'm guessing your in the latter?

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Why do so many posters state how long they have been here? Is it the same as my one is longer than yours?

Personally I don't think the time spent in any country has anything to do with practical knowledge about the local customs,culture or prevent fom pitfalls.many posters ( long timers) don't know much about our host country except the way from their preferred watering hole to their home...

Though why people always mention how long they've been here???

Years ago I made the one time only mistake only and never to be repeated mistake of attending an expat meeting in Khon Kaen. I thought it was time to leave when two old blokes nearly got into a scrap over how to get a Thai driving license. I knew it was time to leave when I went outside and some pissed up mutton dressed as lamb in a mini dress westerner's wife dripping in bling had her knickers down and was squatting having a piss in the corner of the small parking area. I ain't a snob by any stretch of the imagination but <deleted>.

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I know people who have been here for a long time (more than 20 years) but know very little about the country. They never bothered with learning the language and mixing with Thais. But they can spout on and on about Thai politics, economy etc. all based on what they have been spoon fed by the English language press.

I on the other hand have been here since I was barely 20, speak the lingo fluently, mix with the locals and still understand naff all.

That may have a bit to do with not being welcomed a s a long term citizen. Its also demographic. Bangkok long term " tourists" hardly feel the urge to dive into Thai language courses where farang living in the sticks hasn't much of a choice and I'm guessing your in the latter?

Unfortunately, that does not apply to me. Nearly all my time has been living and working in Bangkok. When I came here, there were far fewer English speakers than there are now. It was a matter of always being an outsider or making an effort. I went the total language immersion route, not by choice. I didn't have one iof I intended to live here, which I did.

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Not an issue. Longer is not always better.

Just reveals your experience in LOS; where you are at - an ID?

I have been here 13 years on a permanent basis. First trip in 1993. So what?

More important - happy here; a contribution to the community. (put it - just don't take out).

Envy at play?

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I dont think it is something to get hung up on, one way or another. Sometimes living here for a very long time can lead to a lot more experience, perspective and context than a new guy can be expected to have.

There may be stupid university graduates but that doesnt mean every high school dropout is smarter just because he doesnt have an education.

There are longterm dysfunctional relationships but that doesnt mean longevity in a relationship isnt important. My parents were married for 66 years and for me that says something.

My depth of experience in Thailand comes from two things, the number of years I have lived here and how old I was when I moved here. Together, those two things frame my life and may help to explain my particular view on life here.

You know that I think you are one of the wisest posters on here....but I think your point of few about Thailand haven't solely to do with the time you spent here rather with engaging with the local culture and people...

You are correct of course but try looking at it a different way.

If you met another individual who claimed to be a chef, and it turned out he had spent two summers flipping burgers at a fast-food place or twenty years at Michelin restaurants, wouldn’t that have some bearing on how you initially viewed the guy and his opinions? It may not be a 100% foolproof gauge but it helps as an initial filter.
I don’t think you should dismiss someone’s opinion simply based on how long they have been here but knowing can help you put their comments in perspective. It is just one part of the puzzle.
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I know people who have been here for a long time (more than 20 years) but know very little about the country. They never bothered with learning the language and mixing with Thais. But they can spout on and on about Thai politics, economy etc. all based on what they have been spoon fed by the English language press.

I on the other hand have been here since I was barely 20, speak the lingo fluently, mix with the locals and still understand naff all.

That may have a bit to do with not being welcomed a s a long term citizen. Its also demographic. Bangkok long term " tourists" hardly feel the urge to dive into Thai language courses where farang living in the sticks hasn't much of a choice and I'm guessing your in the latter?

Unfortunately, that does not apply to me. Nearly all my time has been living and working in Bangkok. When I came here, there were far fewer English speakers than there are now. It was a matter of always being an outsider or making an effort. I went the total language immersion route, not by choice. I didn't have one iof I intended to live here, which I did.

Similar situation with me, in that I spent the first 30 years in Bangkok before moving to Chiang Rai. So all my Thai was learned in Bangkok, not in the sticks. It can be hard for newer arrivals to imagine what Bangkok was like in the 70s so understandable that they may misunderstand or misrepresent some things.

Edited by villagefarang
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For some its a badge of honor. For some its showing how new they are. But in general I think it is useful information for most posts .

I also think that staying in place for too long can be a bad thing because it really warps your sense of reality. I prefer to travel around a lot, and this keeps things in perspective.

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Why do so many posters state how long they have been here? Is it the same as my one is longer than yours?

Personally I don't think the time spent in any country has anything to do with practical knowledge about the local customs,culture or prevent fom pitfalls.many posters ( long timers) don't know much about our host country except the way from their preferred watering hole to their home...

Though why people always mention how long they've been here???

When Im asked , standard reply is a couple of months. :-)

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I been here 13+ years (not 13 years)!

Now, listen to me intently.

I know too much - almost.

I am rich. Well no - I was rich.

I've had many many ladies.

Mainly youngies but I do donate to the oldies occasionally. Make 'em smile!

Lady boys - OK, I did participate once. Research purposes only for my PhD thesis!

I don't drink anymore - no $$$.

B20 market food - my preference of course.

I did have a 2nd hand bicycle but someone needed it more then me ie some turk stole it!

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I suppose I'm guilty of that, but it is in no way meant as a boast. "I have been here for xxxx years and I have never came across this before", I remember

when I first came here I was always interested to know how long a person had been here so I could maybe ask for advice.

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Is it OK to bring Post count into the discussion? Cause some of you have really outdone yourselves. Won't mention names but you know who you are..

Stand up ?????????

Edited by possum1931
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You get..I have been married for xxx number of years..then they go on to tell everyone how stupid they are , not all Thais are the same blah ! Blah! Blah! if they comment on a relationship that's gone t.ts up!! Much more irritating.

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