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Germany: A long-standing partner of Thailand

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Germany: A long-standing partner of Thailand
The Sunday Nation

BANGKOK: -- The new German ambassador to Thailand, Peter Prügel, talks about the long-standing bilateral friendship between Germany and Thailand, about elections, Thailand´s important role within Asean and the EU's concerns on unregulated fishing

With Thailand one of Germany´s most important partners in the Southeast-Asian region. Peter Prügel, the newly appointed German ambassador to Thailand, is looking forward to his three-year tenure in Bangkok.

"We are looking back on a successful history of more than 150 years of bilateral relations, and it will be my task to contribute to further enhancing and developing these relations - in the field of trade and economic cooperation as well as in the cultural, scientific and educational field and intensifying people-to-people relations. Also politically, there is a growing need to cooperate more closely on burning global and regional issues such as climate change, sustainable development and strengthening EU-ASEAN relations."

Yesterday, Germany celebrated the 25th anniversary of the German reunification, which marked the end of the Cold War and of the political rift in Europe.

"On this day we remember that these historic events have been achieved by courageous people who claimed their right of free expression and of self-determination, human rights and the rule of law - the pillars of democracy and the foundation of our prosperous social economic and political system."

Asked about Germany’s point of view on Thailand’s political development and further postponement of elections, the envoy points out that, unfortunately, the country has already "lost" 16 months following the May 2014 coup after the first draft of a new constitution was rejected by the National Reform Council in August this year.

Prügel, who was previously Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific at the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, believes Thailand's national reform process ought to be inclusive and should involve political parties of all stripes.

"No one should be afraid to discuss important issues, even though they may have divergent views since this is what democracy and civil society is about. Public debates on the reform agenda and the new charter must be open and free in order to become accepted by the majority of the people."

"We understand that Thailand is currently undergoing a difficult political transition and transformation process. As a friend [of Thailand], Germany is ready to help, whenever needed," he adds.

Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krau-ngam recently told Bangkok-based diplomats that the so-called "6+4+6+4 model" of returning to democracy within a timeframe of 20 months would be adopted, which means general election will be held in May or June 2017. Still, a shorter timeline would be welcome, Prügel notes, adding that the reform process is also very important, as Thailand needs to overcome the political divide, which has been underlined by violent protests in recent years. At this stage, he believes that a lot more could be done in terms of national reconciliation efforts.

During his tenure, the new ambassador also expects to further boost Thai-German economic relations with a focus on promoting cooperation in fields like green economy and renewable energies, but also logistic and digital economy in Thailand in addition to German firms' traditional strongholds in the automotive, engineering, chemical, transportation and other sectors.

To help Thailand upgrade its international competitiveness via education, Germany has offered its know-how on the dual vocational training system. Under the joint "German-Thai Dual Excellence Initiative", German and Thai firms such as BMW, B.Grimm, Bosch, Mitrphol and Singha are involved in supporting a training programme, which combines classroom and factory floor training in Thailand and Germany. This will help boost the added value of Thai workers and moving up the national production on the value-chain. In addition, under a new Thai Ministry of Education programme, qualified students from about 15 technical colleges in Thailand will be awarded scholarships for training in Germany.

Prügel says Thai-German bilateral trade amounted to 8.6 billion euros (Bt 349.3 billion) in 2014, making Thailand Germany's third biggest trading partner in Asean after Singapore and Malaysia.

Due to its geographic location, Thailand has a strong potential to become a centre of the 10-nation Asean Economic Community. As the current co-ordinator of Asean's relations with the European Union, Thailand is also expected to host the foreign ministers' meeting sometime next year. According to the envoy, Thailand in this coordinating role is seen as a key player also in the regional security framework involving Asean and EU member states as the EU moves to deepen its security cooperation with Asean against the backdrop of conflicts in East and South China Seas.

Commenting on the illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and the yellow card issued to Thailand earlier this year, he considers an EU ban a theoretical worst-case option that will not be applied to Thailand. The country has taken measures and is on a good path.

Prügel says the EU is expected to remove the yellow card if its delegation of experts deems the measures taken by Thailand to solve the problems have been "perfectly" implemented. In case the delegation judges that Thailand has achieved only partial progress on implementing the measures such as legislation to combat "over-fishing" practices, the yellow card could remain intact for an additional period of time. And with the delegation due in Thailand on October 12, he concludes, that decision will not be long in coming.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Germany-A-long-standing-partner-of-Thailand-30270143.html

-- The Nation 2015-10-04


Well, they were allies for a while 70 years ago until someone switched sides, ran away, reversed, about faced and then denided they were ever allies in the first place.

It was the military back then, i believe also, protecting their positions.


...these courageous people who won freedom of experession and self determination..........pillars of democracy. blah blah blah ? I will assume zeee Germans are talking about Germany not Thailand.

I dont know how close Germany and Thailand really are but German men have certainly married alot of their women.giggle.gif

How much corporate tax does Mercedes or BMW pay to build cars here. ?......Dont ask?

How much do influencial Thai generals get to sit on the faux board of directors?......Dont ask ?


I knew them pesky Germans had a plan to disperse all those recent migrant arrivals.

Angela you sneaky fraulein.

I think, with all due respect, that we should refer to Angela as Frau Merkel. post-9891-0-82154300-1443932413_thumb.jp


This is more like a fraulein.wink.png


I knew them pesky Germans had a plan to disperse all those recent migrant arrivals.

Angela you sneaky fraulein.

I think, with all due respect, that we should refer to Angela as Frau Merkel. attachicon.giffrau angela.jpg


This is more like a fraulein.wink.png

May I add ...and show some respect to a head of government, even if she is a woman!


I knew them pesky Germans had a plan to disperse all those recent migrant arrivals.

Angela you sneaky fraulein.

I think, with all due respect, that we should refer to Angela as Frau Merkel. attachicon.giffrau angela.jpg


This is more like a fraulein.wink.png

May I add ...and show some respect to a head of government, even if she is a woman!

"I think, with all due respect, that we should refer to Angela as Frau Merkel."

What part of due respect did you nicht verstanden?

Or was it the photo?


"We understand that Thailand is currently undergoing a difficult political transition and transformation process. As a friend [of Thailand], Germany is ready to help, whenever needed," he adds.

Thailand has already adapted some German policies back from the 1930´es ...


Well, they were allies for a while 70 years ago until someone switched sides, ran away, reversed, about faced and then denided they were ever allies in the first place.

It was the military back then, i believe also, protecting their positions.

If the likes of Hitler were alive today ....he would whole heartedly approve of all the past military coups and support the present new order military government....Zieg Heil ....lol


Well, they were allies for a while 70 years ago until someone switched sides, ran away, reversed, about faced and then denided they were ever allies in the first place.

It was the military back then, i believe also, protecting their positions.

If the likes of Hitler were alive today ....he would whole heartedly approve of all the past military coups and support the present new order military government....Zieg Heil ....lol

Ja; and we know what he would have done to ease the refugee problems !


I knew them pesky Germans had a plan to disperse all those recent migrant arrivals.

Angela you sneaky fraulein.

With no welfare, no free housing laid on, no free medical, no free education and no human rights laws to protect them

I would have thought Thailand is the last country they would be heading for.


The wholesome self efficiency economy needs lessons in professional lies and cover ups from VW etc.

As a simple Buddhist land eschewing calumny greed and worldly possessions we have lot to learn from the land of Luther and Himmler.Not sure Siam is rady for nude bathing,Pegida or real beer

Let s hope they dont make a habit of lying about killing folks by gas, The Germany of Schiller and Goethe,Fontane and Rilke was expunged for ever

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