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NSC working on mega database on all Thai citizens

Lite Beer

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It's a great idea, and should be implemented immediately.

Any information that sits with a government agency should be available to other government agencies.

Name, D.O.B, ID card number etc, but also criminal records, outstanding warrants or fines should all be available to the police at the very least.

Schools hiring someone should be able to find out if there is a criminal history. All government departments should be able to vet for honesty.

There may be some privacy issues, but they can be sorted.

"There may be some privacy issues..." Words fail.

Privacy is the key word, who is to stop anyone say from finance from checking on the girl down the road in the village and whether she has been arrested or not, what safe guards are going to be in place to stop access into bank accounts, coffee1.gif the list is endless.

Edited by chainarong
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It's a great idea, and should be implemented immediately.

Any information that sits with a government agency should be available to other government agencies.

Name, D.O.B, ID card number etc, but also criminal records, outstanding warrants or fines should all be available to the police at the very least.

Schools hiring someone should be able to find out if there is a criminal history. All government departments should be able to vet for honesty.

There may be some privacy issues, but they can be sorted.

"There may be some privacy issues..." Words fail.

Privacy is the key word, who is to stop anyone say from finance from checking on the girl down the road in the village and whether she has been arrested or not, what safe guards are going to be in place to stop access into bank accounts, coffee1.gif the list is endless.

If every som tam eating uniform wearing (deleted) has unlimited access to your financial info, how long do you think it will take before they come knocking on the door to get something??

How long before the system gets abused?

Will they be allowed to log in from home or only the station?

These are people who think it's fine to carry loaded guns on planes or slap an airport security in the face because they didn't want to be searched like "everyone else"

The abuse of power is nearly unimaginable already, and a system like this has nobody capable of policing it against misuse..

In a country with rampant official corruption, this is a step too far in the wrong direction...

A nosey public servant could look up their neighbours bank accounts, marital or personal info, education and social background, life and medical info, car registration number, colour, type, phone number, blood group

How long before it gets used to to blackmail someone or sold to Internet fraudsters?

My guess, not long....

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help the government boost economic growth and he believes himself that this is the reason for a citizen database and we can get faster ID cards oh wow and for murders a quick check of the new super data base DNA will name the criminal "Bank accounts, debts, credit cards can also be checked through this military information sharing system,'' he said. What a total load of tosh military just want to have more control over the Thai people to keep them suppressed and down trodden big brother is watching you and we will arrest you if we so wish.

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I really have to laugh at all the Big Brother is Watching you paranoids.

Most Western countries had the same fears when CCTV cameras were introduced. Most Western countries DO have a comprehensive database on all citizens.

Financial information? No way. Fingerprint and possibly DNA? Sure, why not. Every baby born should have it's DNA recorded. Criminal record? Of course!

A perfect example of the result of a life long Government Brainwashing - insanity at its best.

The slave wishing to be fully controlled by his opressor.

Orwell is a childs book against this madness talking.

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Even in modernized countries such as the USA and UK the citizens are not fingerprinted unless they have been arrested. Privacy violations seem to be unimportant for this gov as long as they claim it is for the betterment of the people. As for Anusit's claims noone can be sure how much is true or misinformation and how much was not said that would invoke the people to block this plan. Altogether Anusit's plan alon with the ICT should be reviewed very carefully as well as the laws that would protect the peoples rights and privacy. This is another recipe for disaster I think.

Not so, in Oz, when you get the new Bio-data type passports, you must scan your fingerprints "for identification in an emergency" all agencies in Oz are linked, so all agencies have access to the data. This has been in place for 8 years that I know of (my last passport renewal)y

My general reaction to the other posts on this topic is one of, amusement, bewilderment and rising anger. The TV "let's bash the Thai people, especially the police and the Junta" crew. Are at one moment up in arms about the lack of security in Thailand, the next they are up in arms about the tightening of security.

Its a damned if they do, damned if they don't attitude towards the Thai people and one that is wearing thin. With all the negative sentiment on this and other forums, it's no wonder many Thais believe the expat community has overstayed its welcome.

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I really have to laugh at all the Big Brother is Watching you paranoids.

Most Western countries had the same fears when CCTV cameras were introduced. Most Western countries DO have a comprehensive database on all citizens.

Financial information? No way. Fingerprint and possibly DNA? Sure, why not. Every baby born should have it's DNA recorded. Criminal record? Of course!

so you will have no objection when they up the ante to implantable chips in everyone?

and if you think that's far-fetched just bear in mind just last week at the United Nations one of the topics was the desirability of a cashless society. If anyone is unable to extrapolate from all this where society is heading then I feel very sorry for them.

Edited by Asiantravel
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The integrated system will be like you see in foreign movies cheesy.gif

whats wrong with these people?

just after the Bangkok bombing the police chief said

You all seen CSI?, we dont have that kind of equipment.

Do they seriously think all they see on TV is real??

is it me only or does any of you others see a line in this?

The great firewall (single internet access point) and a single database with bio-metrics and info of all citizens. No doubts the same database they want to store all the foreigners fingerprints they are going to collect at borders.

looks like the great Thainess have adapted VERY quickly to the "crash-course" provided by China and North Korea



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I really have to laugh at all the Big Brother is Watching you paranoids.

Most Western countries had the same fears when CCTV cameras were introduced. Most Western countries DO have a comprehensive database on all citizens.

Financial information? No way. Fingerprint and possibly DNA? Sure, why not. Every baby born should have it's DNA recorded. Criminal record? Of course!

so you will have no objection when they up the ante to implantable chips in everyone?

They dont need a chip. after all SIMS are registered, they know exactly where all people are by following the phones... since most people bring it with them everywhere

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I really have to laugh at all the Big Brother is Watching you paranoids.

Most Western countries had the same fears when CCTV cameras were introduced. Most Western countries DO have a comprehensive database on all citizens.

Financial information? No way. Fingerprint and possibly DNA? Sure, why not. Every baby born should have it's DNA recorded. Criminal record? Of course!

so you will have no objection when they up the ante to implantable chips in everyone?

They dont need a chip. after all SIMS are registered, they know exactly where all people are by following the phones... since most people bring it with them everywhere

They could chip kids at hospital or school and call it a vaccination or whatever, who would know the difference....

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I really have to laugh at all the Big Brother is Watching you paranoids.

Most Western countries had the same fears when CCTV cameras were introduced. Most Western countries DO have a comprehensive database on all citizens.

Financial information? No way. Fingerprint and possibly DNA? Sure, why not. Every baby born should have it's DNA recorded. Criminal record? Of course!

so you will have no objection when they up the ante to implantable chips in everyone?

They dont need a chip. after all SIMS are registered, they know exactly where all people are by following the phones... since most people bring it with them everywhere

oh no the major difference between a Sim card in a telephone and an implantable chip is that the body chip will be quite capable of containing a lethal dose of something that can be released remotely upon the direction of some official

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In principle some of this is a good idea. For example, it probably is more efficient for government agencies to share data. And the private sector should have some level of access to certain data where necessary. Not sure about the financial stuff though.

But before any of this is done, the country needs data protection laws and they need to be enforced. And that will mean that the government will have to wake up to its responsibilities to safeguard data. So no more PCs with XP and no more malware!

But they won't be able to do this so it's a data breach waiting to happen.

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The integrated system will be like you see in foreign movies cheesy.gif

whats wrong with these people?

just after the Bangkok bombing the police chief said

You all seen CSI?, we dont have that kind of equipment.

Do they seriously think all they see on TV is real??

is it me only or does any of you others see a line in this?

The great firewall (single internet access point) and a single database with bio-metrics and info of all citizens. No doubts the same database they want to store all the foreigners fingerprints they are going to collect at borders.

looks like the great Thainess have adapted VERY quickly to the "crash-course" provided by China and North Korea



You finally come out your shed - long time no see.

Oopps sorry I think I am mistaking you for someone else.

Edited by Johnniey
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Even in modernized countries such as the USA and UK the citizens are not fingerprinted unless they have been arrested. Privacy violations seem to be unimportant for this gov as long as they claim it is for the betterment of the people. As for Anusit's claims noone can be sure how much is true or misinformation and how much was not said that would invoke the people to block this plan. Altogether Anusit's plan alon with the ICT should be reviewed very carefully as well as the laws that would protect the peoples rights and privacy. This is another recipe for disaster I think.

Not so, in Oz, when you get the new Bio-data type passports, you must scan your fingerprints "for identification in an emergency" all agencies in Oz are linked, so all agencies have access to the data. This has been in place for 8 years that I know of (my last passport renewal)y

My general reaction to the other posts on this topic is one of, amusement, bewilderment and rising anger. The TV "let's bash the Thai people, especially the police and the Junta" crew. Are at one moment up in arms about the lack of security in Thailand, the next they are up in arms about the tightening of security.

Its a damned if they do, damned if they don't attitude towards the Thai people and one that is wearing thin. With all the negative sentiment on this and other forums, it's no wonder many Thais believe the expat community has overstayed its welcome.

You are either an idiot or you just don't understand this article in English. It is not about people who are getting passports. And it is not about foreigners travelling to Thailand. It is about amassing a database with fingerprints and a database about every Thai citizen. It's no wonder your anger rises when you read other TV members replies since you apparently do not understand what it is they are talking about.
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the scariest for me is,to link also bank accounts and credit cards. as this is a huge invitation and attracting power for criminals to hack in to get your moneyJust remember that nothing on the

internet is safe ,nothing is absolutely safe. The

larger the database the more interesting for those

that should not have access.

Call it paranoia but actually thinking, thinking I said, about cash out of the bank in dollars/uk pounds and keeping in the safe. What interest do I make anyway?

Always belived cash is king

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There's no justification for this.

For example, what reason would the Depart of Land Transport have for knowing my tax information? What reason would the Police have for knowing what bank accounts or other assets I have, or whether I paid taxes or not? What reason would the tax office have for knowing my car information? What reason would the land department have for knowing my income? None, unless they wanted to know how much of a bribe to ask for that could be paid.

It's complately absurd that one central database would provide all information to anyone accessing it. And it's scary when that information is just one corrupt official away from anyone else knowing everything about you.

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I really have to laugh at all the Big Brother is Watching you paranoids.

Most Western countries had the same fears when CCTV cameras were introduced. Most Western countries DO have a comprehensive database on all citizens.

Financial information? No way. Fingerprint and possibly DNA? Sure, why not. Every baby born should have it's DNA recorded. Criminal record? Of course!

I really have to cry at go-along-to-get-along serfs who love to work and live in a feudal type system. Most western countries DO because most people like you DON'T.

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Phi'yai ca'du khun, ie Big Brother is Watching You.

Thailand translates into Thai as "Land of the Free". Not for much longer is Mr. P has anything to do with it. Internet gateways, increased information on ID database, now finger printing, what next. Mr Dang and Mrs Noi, welcome to the surveillance and Nanny State environment. Of course this is all getting ready for something in the not so distant future that will cause grief and havoc right across the country, but I'm not allowed to talk about it.

Yes you are..please do and don't stop talking about it.

Edited by freedom4life
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As part of the super database, all currency will be terminated and only sales paid by smartphone or credit/debit card machines will be used.

Then all transactions can be tracked to "improve" the economy.

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Thia already hold Thai id cards so they currentlt have that informatiom... This is simply a registration process to configure there one way internet

Why would you do the same job twice ?

I think the internet one way is a backwards step and it will fast turn thais against any intent of freedom. The internet is a global portal and by removing it eliminates its use. This inturn will make people very unhappy.. People invest money into business and use internet for global research. Not Thai reseach

Makes very little sense. Also you already block sites anyway

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I think a central data base would be a very good idea it would certainly make a difference to the influx of criminal elements into the country and the criminals already in the country .

What about the criminals running the central data base on every one else? Its a crime monopoly in that case...

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