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Palestinian kills 2 Israelis, wounds toddler in Jerusalem

Lite Beer

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Apparently the Palestinian boy was a law student and came from a moderated Muslim family. He was not really a terrorist.

He became increasingly political after a friend, Diyaa Talahmah, was shot dead by Israeli forces in Hebron two weeks previously.

Furthermore he changed also after the latest pending Al Aqsa debacle.

According to Israeli law, his parents' house will be demolished very soon by Israeli occupying forces. Which is unlawful according to international laws.

Between 2001 and 2005, Israeli forces demolished 664 homes as punishment, leaving more than 4,000 Palestinians homeless.

How many homicides have been perpetrated in Israel and how many houses have been pulled down ?

Perhaps, the 'very' Associated Press could enlighten us objectively all above in the future...

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It appears the Israeli government is taking this current intense Palestinian terror wave more seriously. Politically, it's not as if Netanyahu could respond with nothing.


PM orders new measures to combat recent terror wave

After emergency security meeting, Netanyahu says use of administrative detentions to be expanded, demolition of terrorists’ home to be fast-tracked; security cabinet to convene Monday

Netanyahu also said after the meeting that Israel was “waging a fight to the death against Palestinian terror.”


Following the terror attacks Saturday, sources close to the prime minister were quoted as saying: “They want a third intifada? They’ll get a second Defensive Shield,” in reference to the IDF’s crackdown on terrorism in the West Bank in 2002 in response to the second intifada

Interesting. So, we can expect that the homes of the Jewish terrorists who are being held in administrative detention to be demolished?

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It appears the Israeli government is taking this current intense Palestinian terror wave more seriously. Politically, it's not as if Netanyahu could respond with nothing.


PM orders new measures to combat recent terror wave

After emergency security meeting, Netanyahu says use of administrative detentions to be expanded, demolition of terrorists’ home to be fast-tracked; security cabinet to convene Monday

Netanyahu also said after the meeting that Israel was “waging a fight to the death against Palestinian terror.”


Following the terror attacks Saturday, sources close to the prime minister were quoted as saying: “They want a third intifada? They’ll get a second Defensive Shield,” in reference to the IDF’s crackdown on terrorism in the West Bank in 2002 in response to the second intifada

Which is exactly what I predicted yesterday.
Netanyahu blames Abbas. I blame Netanyahu and his fanatical right wing cabinet. They are deliberately stirring up trouble as an excuse for "firm government" in order to create another intifada to protect their slim majority in the electorate.

Not much foresight and statesmanship there, when your PM virtually says "Bring it on."

It's the only way Netanyahu and his right wing fanatics can stay in power..create a national emergency....same as he has done several times before. Cant you see the pattern? But it won't do Israel much good..create more martyrs, more "toddlers" killed, more bitterness, more incidents like the OP where Israelis die, more bad PR for Israel with social media awash with Israeli atrocities..more worldwide condemnation of Israel's disproportionate force, bringing us so much closer to increased sanctions against Israel...so much for Israeli intelligence.
Where is the hope for the future peace in all this? The problem is not going away. The Palestinians will still be there, and Israel one way or another will be their geographic neighbors for eternity. So deal with it with measures to create an atmosphere for peace talks, rather than heavy handed violent overreaction
Edited by dexterm
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It appears the Israeli government is taking this current intense Palestinian terror wave more seriously. Politically, it's not as if Netanyahu could respond with nothing.


PM orders new measures to combat recent terror wave

After emergency security meeting, Netanyahu says use of administrative detentions to be expanded, demolition of terrorists’ home to be fast-tracked; security cabinet to convene Monday

Netanyahu also said after the meeting that Israel was “waging a fight to the death against Palestinian terror.”


Following the terror attacks Saturday, sources close to the prime minister were quoted as saying: “They want a third intifada? They’ll get a second Defensive Shield,” in reference to the IDF’s crackdown on terrorism in the West Bank in 2002 in response to the second intifada

Which is exactly what I predicted yesterday.
Netanyahu blames Abbas. I blame Netanyahu and his fanatical right wing cabinet. They are deliberately stirring up trouble as an excuse for "firm government" in order to create another intifada to protect their slim majority in the electorate.

Not much foresight and statesmanship there, when your PM virtually says "Bring it on."

It's the only way Netanyahu and his right wing fanatics can stay in power..create a national emergency....same as he has done several times before. Cant you see the pattern? But it won't do Israel much good..create more martyrs, more "toddlers" killed, more bitterness, more incidents like the OP where Israelis die, more bad PR for Israel with social media awash with Israeli atrocities..more worldwide condemnation of Israel's disproportionate force, bringing us so much closer to increased sanctions against Israel...so much for Israeli intelligence.
Where is the hope for the future peace in all this? The problem is not going away. The Palestinians will still be there, and Israel one way or another will be their geographic neighbors for eternity. So deal with it with measures to create an atmosphere for peace talks, rather than heavy handed violent overreaction

Tell it to the Arabs.

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Sorry thread full.

ggold wrote,

Tell it to the Arabs.

They already know. The Palestinians recognized the state of Israel 22 years ago. When will Israel reciprocate? We came very close to a peace deal in 2000 until Netanyahu's predecessor kicked off decades of violent repression with a succession of fanatical right wing governments...and interestingly exactly the same tactics as we see today in the OP...creating an intifada by making an issue out of Jews visiting Haram Al Sharif.

plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

(The more things change, the more they stay the same.)

Edited by dexterm
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You may put Netanyahu aside.

You may put Abbas aside.

Two semitic nations hate each other to the death.

The hate is fueled by religion. None of which have even the concept of another cheek.

The Big World sits at UN and works on a 'Peace Process'.

Some countries support and finance Jews. Some - Arabs. Many support and finance both.

Did you ever ask yourself "What Peace Process?". It is a fiction. There is none. There is no solution except only one:

Elimination of one of the warring sides.

The only question is how to eliminate the conflict.

Ask Abbas, Iran, Hisbullah, Hamas or some of our esteemed members - the answer is - No Israel in Palestine.

Ask Great Leaders of most UN members - the answer is - create two loving neighbors with equal rights.

Ask extreme right Nazi thinking people - they may suggest gas chambers - not acceptable to most normal people.

The only practical way of ending the impasse of many centuries IMHO:

Israel must stop paying them, feeding them, counting the ratio of killed Israelis vs killed Arabs.

In short, create conditions when they would start dreaming of going back home - Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, etc.

I know, - none of the above countries want them! This is why according to their diplomats Israelis must have them! I disagree.

To the Arab enthusiasts here: - Please, pretty please! don't tell me they are escapees from Israel!

The Arabs who lived in today's Israel still live happily there.

The Arabs who have raised their flag at ever accommodating UN have no rights of return! Neither by Israeli nor by UN Laws.

OP - the young "Palestinian" from wealthy (?) family with a "flare" for fashion was killed by Israeli Police. Rightly so. What about his family?

Every wisecrack admits the importance of addressing the roots of any problem... This murderer has his roots too. It is his family...

Liberally thinking individuals will disagree. Fine... But this is Middle East we are talking about. Blood feud for millenia was and still is a very powerful restraining factor there.

Edited by ABCer
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You may put Netanyahu aside.

You may put Abbas aside.

Two semitic nations hate each other to the death.

The hate is fueled by religion. None of which have even the concept of another cheek.

The Big World sits at UN and works on a 'Peace Process'.

Some countries support and finance Jews. Some - Arabs. Many support and finance both.

Did you ever ask yourself "What Peace Process?". It is a fiction. There is none. There is no solution except only one:

Elimination of one of the warring sides.

The only question is how to eliminate the conflict.

Ask Abbas, Iran, Hisbullah, Hamas or some of our esteemed members - the answer is - No Israel in Palestine.

Ask Great Leaders of most UN members - the answer is - create two loving neighbors with equal rights.

Ask extreme right Nazi thinking people - they may suggest gas chambers - not acceptable to most normal people.

The only practical way of ending the impasse of many centuries IMHO:

Israel must stop paying them, feeding them, counting the ratio of killed Israelis vs killed Arabs.

In short, create conditions when they would start dreaming of going back home - Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, etc.

I know, - none of the above countries want them! This is why according to their diplomats Israelis must have them! I disagree.

To the Arab enthusiasts here: - Please, pretty please! don't tell me they are escapees from Israel!

The Arabs who lived in today's Israel still live happily there.

The Arabs who have raised their flag at ever accommodating UN have no rights of return! Neither by Israeli nor by UN Laws.

OP - the young "Palestinian" from wealthy (?) family with a "flare" for fashion was killed by Israeli Police. Rightly so. What about his family?

Every wisecrack admits the importance of addressing the roots of any problem... This murderer has his roots too. It is his family...

Liberally thinking individuals will disagree. Fine... But this is Middle East we are talking about. Blood feud for millenia was and still is a very powerful restraining factor there.

Your rambling vitriol is full of inaccuracies.
The 2 main ones:
The Palestinians want to see the demise of Israel. Not true. Peace and prosperity would be a win win for both sides. They recognized the state of Israel 22 years ago, and have several times offered permanent peace deals. All they are waiting for is Israel to recognize Palestine.
Palestinians come from Palestine. It's illegal Jewish immigrants who come from elsewhere. How else do you explain that 36 of the 37 signatories to Israel's Declaration of Independence were born overseas? Palestinians have the right of return to their homes in Israel, to which they still have the keys. What right does a New York Jew have to take precedence over an indigenous Palestinian? That's the injustice i object to.
The Palestinian who attacked the 2 armed Israeli soldiers in the OP has his roots in Palestine. He is a freedom fighter defending his homeland against illegal occupiers and invaders.
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You may put Netanyahu aside.

You may put Abbas aside.

Two semitic nations hate each other to the death.

The hate is fueled by religion. None of which have even the concept of another cheek.

The Big World sits at UN and works on a 'Peace Process'.

Some countries support and finance Jews. Some - Arabs. Many support and finance both.

Did you ever ask yourself "What Peace Process?". It is a fiction. There is none. There is no solution except only one:

Elimination of one of the warring sides.

The only question is how to eliminate the conflict.

Ask Abbas, Iran, Hisbullah, Hamas or some of our esteemed members - the answer is - No Israel in Palestine.

Ask Great Leaders of most UN members - the answer is - create two loving neighbors with equal rights.

Ask extreme right Nazi thinking people - they may suggest gas chambers - not acceptable to most normal people.

The only practical way of ending the impasse of many centuries IMHO:

Israel must stop paying them, feeding them, counting the ratio of killed Israelis vs killed Arabs.

In short, create conditions when they would start dreaming of going back home - Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, etc.

I know, - none of the above countries want them! This is why according to their diplomats Israelis must have them! I disagree.

To the Arab enthusiasts here: - Please, pretty please! don't tell me they are escapees from Israel!

The Arabs who lived in today's Israel still live happily there.

The Arabs who have raised their flag at ever accommodating UN have no rights of return! Neither by Israeli nor by UN Laws.

OP - the young "Palestinian" from wealthy (?) family with a "flare" for fashion was killed by Israeli Police. Rightly so. What about his family?

Every wisecrack admits the importance of addressing the roots of any problem... This murderer has his roots too. It is his family...

Liberally thinking individuals will disagree. Fine... But this is Middle East we are talking about. Blood feud for millenia was and still is a very powerful restraining factor there.

Your rambling vitriol is full of inaccuracies.
The 2 main ones:
The Palestinians want to see the demise of Israel. Not true. Peace and prosperity would be a win win for both sides. They recognized the state of Israel 22 years ago, and have several times offered permanent peace deals. All they are waiting for is Israel to recognize Palestine.
Palestinians come from Palestine. It's illegal Jewish immigrants who come from elsewhere. How else do you explain that 36 of the 37 signatories to Israel's Declaration of Independence were born overseas? Palestinians have the right of return to their homes in Israel, to which they still have the keys. What right does a New York Jew have to take precedence over an indigenous Palestinian? That's the injustice i object to.
The Palestinian who attacked the 2 armed Israeli soldiers in the OP has his roots in Palestine. He is a freedom fighter defending his homeland against illegal occupiers and invaders.

Yes, he was a Palestinian, deeply hurt by the murder of his friend 2 weeks previously by the IDF.

Now, his poor parents who have lost a son will now lose their house to the Israeli ethnic cleansing law. It's these kinds of injustices towards the Palestinians that just keep fueling the resentment and hatred.

If my son, who I have no control over, did something bad, and the authorities then came to my house and demolished it, you can bet your bottom dollar I would be jumping on the hate bandwagon, stone in sling.

From a Palestinian's perspective, Israel is a tyrannical government. US gun liberties supporters cite a tyrannical government as one reason everyone should have guns, to rise up against said despots...It's perverse that those same people advocate disarming the oppressed Palestinians of their stones, knives, and flags, for the tyranny to continue.

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The article in the OP mentions "civilians", but now we're learning that they were armed members of the murderous IDF.

If true, they were legitimate hard targets and freedom loving people will not mourn their deaths.

For freedom loving replace with vile repugnant and without moral compass, then you are somewhere near the mark.

Incidentally Israel did not make any permanent changes to the rules of access surrounding Temple Mount. What they did do was restrict access to some Muslims at a time when they were using the grounds of Al-Aqsa to throw stones and firecrackers at Jewish visitors to Temple Mount who went there for the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. The supposed changes to the rules surrounding holy sites is nothing more than an inflammatory lie designed specifically as a pretext to stoke up another Intifada.

Edited by Steely Dan
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I wonder what Israeli apologists would do if their home town was over-run and occupied by a group of people who treat them like 2nd class citizens and stole their property and practiced apartheid.

Me, I'd be arrested or dead already,fighting for my home. Thus, I can hardly blame the guy, albeit my sympathies go out to the victims and their families.

Get out, Israel. East Jerusalem is not yours and never was. You were graciously given a place to call home and state in 1947 and that did not include E.Jerusalem or the West Bank. Your continued occupation and settlement will of course bring freedom fighters to attack you. Of course it will. Don't blame them, blame yourselves.

The Palestinians and their Arab neighbors are the architects of the situation the Palestinians now find themselves in. The word apartheid is typical slander of an antisemite detached from reality. In your hypothetical situation of facing occupation I would hope you would be arrested or better still dead hypothetically speaking, if you acted like the murdering terrorists in the o.p. But this analogy does not apply to Israel,though it may in future apply to the peoples of Europe due to their suicidal immigration policies. Edited by Steely Dan
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When "Thai soi dogs love their puppies as much as they hate pure bred house dogs", maybe then things can get better.

Wow. So you just implied that both Jews and Arabs are doggies. Could be worse I suppose. I wonder what animal represents your ethnicity. Woof woof.
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