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Photos of farang man begging at Suvarnabhumi airport go viral


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Have no idea how they do this, i always thought a return tick was a must... Also, why not contact his embassy, friends, family....

I know my Gov doesn't care about its own citizens.. And more interested in foreign policy and diplomacy affairs and trading ..

How else we can help

In addition to the services listed above we can also provide British Nationals in Thailand requiring emergency consular assistance:

What consulates cannot do for you

Although we try to help British nationals in a wide range of situations, we cannot:

  • get you out of prison, prevent the local authorities from deporting you after your prison sentence, or interfere in criminal or civil court proceedings
  • help you enter a country, for example, if you do not have a visa or your passport is not valid, as we cannot interfere in another country’s immigration policy or procedures
  • give you legal advice, investigate crimes or carry out searches for missing people, although we can give you details of people who may be able to help you in these cases
  • get you better treatment in hospital or prison than is given to local people
  • pay any bills or give you money
  • make travel arrangements for you, find you work, accommodation, or make business arrangements on your behalf
  • get involved in private disputes over property, employment, commercial or other matters
  • renew or replace a full British passport

Foreign Office condemned for failing Britons in need of help MPs attack ‘repeated failures of compassion’ and inadequate responses to detainees’ allegations of torture http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/nov/23/foreign-office-condemned-failing-britons-need-help

What you also cannot do is answer E-MAILS even within the ridiculous time of 10 working days that you set yourself.

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I'm sure that mental illness factors into the situation of the foreign beggars. It would be nice if there were some kind of consultation service available for foreigners who have become indigent. It seems likely that most people would not like to become beggars.

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What does someone have to do to himself to wind up with absolutely nowhere to turn in life?

I can think of ten people right now that I could call for a plane ticket if I was stranded.

This guy must have used up all of the people he ever met including family.

Where are his credit cards? Where are his friends?

He doesn't have any.

So now he'd like for you to be his next sucker. Then you'll be in his past and he'll be looking for someone else.

He's a user, and possibly in more way than one. Mental health professionals have a name for people who help him. They are called "enablers".

No one tied a rope around his neck and dragged him off to a foreign country with no plan B. He's not getting a dime out of me.


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If anyone knows his name or how to contact, please PM me I will buy his air ticket home.

I would chip in too, but I'd be miffed if it turned out to be a misguided act of being a 'do gooder' that made him just do the same thing elsewhere rather than it giving him a hand out.

Sometimes people hit a low spot (I know I have here), and a modest bit of help if used correctly can go a long way. Now I've pulled myself up by my own boot laces and am financially 'okay', I'm happy to help out others who hit similar situations, but I'm a sucker for a sob story and get upset when people take the p1*s', so need a handler to make a judgement better than I am able to do. What I've given away freely at the time (all farangs - a Thai never did it to me), in hindsight would have been much better spent on a condo or something, even if it was unsaleable and only worth 30% of what I paid).

Edited by Shiver
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What does someone have to do to himself to wind up with absolutely nowhere to turn in life?

I can think of ten people right now that I could call for a plane ticket if I was stranded.

This guy must have used up all of the people he ever met including family.

Where are his credit cards? Where are his friends?

He doesn't have any.

So now he'd like for you to be his next sucker. Then you'll be in his past and he'll be looking for someone else.

He's a user, and possibly in more way than one. Mental health professionals have a name for people who help him. They are called "enablers".

No one tied a rope around his neck and dragged him off to a foreign country with no plan B. He's not getting a dime out of me.


Awesome! without knowing more that the post, you sure have him figured out and the would'be helpers/enablers, too.

Loosen up...your logic is too black and white.

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If anyone knows his name or how to contact, please PM me I will buy his air ticket home.

wink.png Nice effort but I doubt he wants a ticket home. Where is his luggage?blink.png If you do this, my friend, give him a non refundable ticket.

indeed. if he truly wanted to go home he would get his family and/or friends to send him the money (easy) and go to a travel agent and buy a ticket (easy) then go home. easy.

alternatively he would go to his embassy/consul who will assist him.

i believe there are more worthy beneficiaries of your generosity in thailand

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Let the Imigration Dept be responsible for his ticket as its their fault for letting garbage into this country. When will the immigartion dept wake up and be more stringent about who they let in. What about making the criteria more stringent, ie background criminal checks, proof of return tickets, proof of funds, proof or relevant insurances etc etc

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I wonder why TV can post articles and write them in English until it comes to the word "foreigner" then they revert to the English spelling of the Thai word. For goodness sake try and be consistent. If you want to say foreigner say it, no one will be offended but please stop this rubbish of using English spelling of Thai words.

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What does someone have to do to himself to wind up with absolutely nowhere to turn in life?

I can think of ten people right now that I could call for a plane ticket if I was stranded.

This guy must have used up all of the people he ever met including family.

Where are his credit cards? Where are his friends?

He doesn't have any.

So now he'd like for you to be his next sucker. Then you'll be in his past and he'll be looking for someone else.

He's a user, and possibly in more way than one. Mental health professionals have a name for people who help him. They are called "enablers".

No one tied a rope around his neck and dragged him off to a foreign country with no plan B. He's not getting a dime out of me.


Oh for Christ's sake, don't you have anything better to do. You're pitiful.

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Have no idea how they do this, i always thought a return tick was a must... Also, why not contact his embassy, friends, family....

I know my Gov doesn't care about its own citizens.. And more interested in foreign policy and diplomacy affairs and trading ..

How else we can help

In addition to the services listed above we can also provide British Nationals in Thailand requiring emergency consular assistance:

What consulates cannot do for you

Although we try to help British nationals in a wide range of situations, we cannot:

  • get you out of prison, prevent the local authorities from deporting you after your prison sentence, or interfere in criminal or civil court proceedings
  • help you enter a country, for example, if you do not have a visa or your passport is not valid, as we cannot interfere in another country’s immigration policy or procedures
  • give you legal advice, investigate crimes or carry out searches for missing people, although we can give you details of people who may be able to help you in these cases
  • get you better treatment in hospital or prison than is given to local people
  • pay any bills or give you money
  • make travel arrangements for you, find you work, accommodation, or make business arrangements on your behalf
  • get involved in private disputes over property, employment, commercial or other matters
  • renew or replace a full British passport

Foreign Office condemned for failing Britons in need of help MPs attack ‘repeated failures of compassion’ and inadequate responses to detainees’ allegations of torture http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/nov/23/foreign-office-condemned-failing-britons-need-help

What you also cannot do is answer E-MAILS even within the ridiculous time of 10 working days that you set yourself.

I don't work for the embassy .. And it seems the don't give a crap these days the governments ... but charge ridiculous prices for a stamp after you done the paperwork for them ..

Consular Assistance
It is important to be aware of the consular assistance services that are available or not to detainees, as well as the assistance offered in situations of need.

Assistance for detainees

The aim of this section is to inform families and friends of Spaniards who have been arrested or sentenced to imprisonment in foreign countries of the services that may be provided by the Spanish Government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and its Embassies and Consulates, as well as to indicate those actions that are not permitted under Spanish law, which therefore cannot be offered.

Protection and assistance

Problems of a very varied and serious nature may affect those detained or imprisoned in a foreign country (such as problems with telephone and postal services, cultural differences and different lifestyles plus, in the majority of cases, a different language). In these cases, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation may provide assistance and help.

On this issue, it should be highlighted that those people travelling to another country are subject to the local laws of that country, such that if a Spanish national breaks the law of another country, they will be subject to legal proceedings according to the law of that country without the possibility existing of being exempt from appearing from the local judiciary or, as the case may be, from a custodial sentence. Ignorance of the local law and the status of foreigner do not exempt foreigners from compliance with and observance of the laws of the country they are in, and hence, no-one, not even the Consulate or Embassy, can exempt the offender from the application of the foreign law.

As soon as you become aware of the arrest of a family member or friend in a foreign country you should get in contact with:


Dirección General de Españoles en el Exterior y de Asuntos Consulares y Migratorios

C/ Ruiz de Alarcón nº5

Telephone: (+34) 91 3791612 – 91 3791613 – 91 3791833

Fax: 91 394 86 68

Prior to taking any action, such as sending money, medication or even travelling to the other country, it is advisable to consult the Directorate-General of Spaniards Overseas and of Consular and Migratory Affairs or the corresponding Consulate regarding the suitability of undertaking these actions and of the best way to proceed.

The criterion that guides the State’s action on this matter is to ensure its nationals of suitable treatment on the part of the penitentiary authorities, as well as respect for the intimacy of the detainee. In regard to this latter aspect, the provisions of Constitutional Law [Data Protection Act] 15/1999, of 13 December, on the protection of data of a personal nature apply.

The Spanish State will provide the maximum assistance and attention to those detained and imprisoned in those countries in which conditions are objectively more deficient.

Hiring a foreign lawyer

The legal representation of a Spanish citizen abroad and the choice of lawyer are fundamentally important tasks and should be carried out with great care. It is fairly common for foreign lawyers to ask for large sums of money in advance in exchange for vague promises which are not then kept.

The Spanish Consular Sections are in a position to provide a list of lawyers specialised in certain types of case, but it should be understood that they cannot recommend any lawyer in particular. The decision to hire a legal professional is the responsibility of the detainee or of their legal representatives. Spanish representations overseas cannot, under any circumstances, be party to this professional relationship.

It should be remembered that in practically every country in the world the concept of duty solicitor exists, that is, free legal aid to those who can show that they lack the means to hire private legal assistance.

Assistance for detainees

Spanish Consular Sections, pursuant to the laws and regulations of the country where the Spanish citizen is detained or imprisoned, may:

- Notify family and friends of their arrest and, as the case may be, of the custodial sentence provided that the prisoner authorises this.

- Periodically visit. The frequency of visits will depend on local regulations, the special circumstances affecting the prisoner, the location of the prison, the number of Spaniards in prison, the number of Spaniards detained in penitentiary centres within the consular district and the availability of personnel at the competent Consular Section.

- Deliver and receive messages and correspondence.

- Request the local authorities, following a request in writing, for information on the case.

- At those penitentiary centres that do not cover the basic needs of detainees (food, medication, clothing, etc.), the Consular Sections will try to help obtain these, to the extent possible.

- Gather information on personal objects that are missing or not available.

- Provide reading material.

- Provide assistance in the event that the prisoner should request a transfer to Spain within the framework of Agreements on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons deprived of their liberty in those countries with which Spain has signed an agreement of this nature or which are parties, as in the case of Spain, to the Strasbourg Convention.

In contrast, they may not:

- Pay out fines imposed on Spanish nationals by the authorities of another country from public funds, nor settle compensation or civil redress imposed by foreign authorities, whether judicial or otherwise.

- Provide legal opinions or interpretations of local laws and regulations.

- Attend legal hearings except in exceptional circumstances, in which there are well-founded suspicions that the Spanish citizen may be deprived or their fundamental rights.

- Recommend a specific lawyer – although a list of lawyers may be provided – in the event that the national detainee rejects free legal aid offered which is generally provided in all countries.

- Become involved in substantive issues between the detainee and their lawyer.

- Introduce into prison – or send therefrom – anything that is not authorised by the corresponding prison regulations.

- Organise accommodation for family or friends of the detainee who wish to visit the latter.

- Exercise consular protection of Spanish detainees that also hold the nationality of the country in which they are detained, since the latter country, while the interested party is in that country, does not recognise their Spanish nationality and vice versa. The only exception to this point is in the event of a violation of their human rights.

- Undertake any task that may be considered to go against the principle of the independence of the judiciary.

Contact with local authorities

Spanish Consular Sections abroad will ask the local authorities for immediate contact with and access to a Spanish detainee as from the time they become aware of the arrest and until such time as they are released. Furthermore, they will endeavour to ensure that the treatment received by the Spanish national is at least the same as that received by the nationals of the country in question in the reverse situation. They will work to obtain such authorisations as the detainee may require from all local authorities to contact their family and friends as well as the corresponding Consular Section.

They will obtain information on the status of the detainee and will seek to ensure that the local authorities do not prolong their situation without clear justification.

They will undertake the necessary monitoring of the state of health of detainees and will ensure that the authorities of the custodial institution provide Spanish prisoners with suitable food and medical services.

Finally, in those countries in which an agreement on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons exists or which are a party to the Strasbourg Convention, they will undertake to ensure that the transfer procedure is carried through as swiftly as possible. The transfer may only take place if the three parties so agree (prisoner, sentencing State and State where sentence is to be carried out).


When a friend or family member decides to visit a Spaniard detained in a foreign prison, it should be taken into account that in some countries the traveller may fall into the hands of ill-intentioned individuals who wish to take advantage of the situation by offering false hope in exchange for large sums of money, and furthermore, that in many countries prison conditions are far worse than is the norm in Spain.

If you should wish to proceed with your plans to visit, it is advisable to inform the corresponding Consular Section or, as the case may be, the Directorate-General of Spaniards Overseas and of Consular and Migratory Affairs. We recommend that any information you wish to have is requested in advance particularly in regard to the visiting days and times in specific prison establishments and the requirements to enter and stay in the corresponding country.

Assistance in situations of need

Spanish residents overseas that find themselves in a situation of need can visit the Consular Section or the Employment and Social Security Department, where they will be informed of the aid programmes that exist and how to proceed with the applications, if appropriate.

Those Spaniards that are temporarily abroad and find themselves in a situation of unexpected need as a result of an accident, or if they have fallen victim to theft, or suffer a sudden serious illness or any other unforeseen situation, and are unable to leave the country on their own means, can resort to the nearest Spanish Consulate General, where they will be offered assistance. The Consulate will help them get in contact with their family or friends in Spain in order to resolve their problem and, in exceptional circumstances, will inform them of consular economic assistance, of a reimbursable nature, that they can apply for


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don't feed the park bears...

this is why planning and forethought is essential in Thailand.

I use a spreadsheet to project my cash flow forward for years into the future.

I know almost to the day when the bar girls will have all my money.

July 5, 2028.

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Have no idea how they do this, i always thought a return tick was a must... Also, why not contact his embassy, friends, family....

Return tickets are not necessarily mandatory. And even if one has a return ticket, the ticket use by date can expire. So even if he was willing to pay the itinerary change fee, he might not have that option and would have to get a new ticket

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Have no idea how they do this, i always thought a return tick was a must... Also, why not contact his embassy, friends, family....

Return tickets are not necessarily mandatory. And even if one has a return ticket, the ticket use by date can expire. So even if he was willing to pay the itinerary change fee, he might not have that option and would have to get a new ticket

Never in my life been ask for a return ticket .. Mind you its going to cost in the region of 20,000 depends on what area of Spain he lives ..

In our daily life, we feel happy when someone smiles and treats us with affection. But if they frown we feel uncomfortable. This is a sign that we need friends. Friendship doesn’t depend on fame, money or physical strength. It’s based on trust and trust depends on love and affection. Therefore, love and affection are important if we are to live a happy life.

Edited by Nicolas32
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Let the Imigration Dept be responsible for his ticket as its their fault for letting garbage into this country. When will the immigartion dept wake up and be more stringent about who they let in. What about making the criteria more stringent, ie background criminal checks, proof of return tickets, proof of funds, proof or relevant insurances etc etc

You must be new to Thailand

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What does someone have to do to himself to wind up with absolutely nowhere to turn in life?

I can think of ten people right now that I could call for a plane ticket if I was stranded.

This guy must have used up all of the people he ever met including family.

Where are his credit cards? Where are his friends?

He doesn't have any.

So now he'd like for you to be his next sucker. Then you'll be in his past and he'll be looking for someone else.

He's a user, and possibly in more way than one. Mental health professionals have a name for people who help him. They are called "enablers".

No one tied a rope around his neck and dragged him off to a foreign country with no plan B. He's not getting a dime out of me.


Oh for Christ's sake, don't you have anything better to do. You're pitiful.

Yep, I'm pitiful:

Due to life choices I've made.

I'm so pitiful I'm sitting in my own nice home looking out the window at my nice Ford F150 4x4 supercrew and,

I have money in my pocket, in the bank, and 5 credit cards in my pocket.

I'm so pitiful:

I can travel anywhere, any time I want and always have my home to return to.

My many friends trust me and would send me that plane ticket.

All of this as a result of choices I've made in life. :)

What kind of choices has this guy made that landed him where he is??

Cheers from a pitiful guy. thumbsup.gif

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If anyone knows his name or how to contact, please PM me I will buy his air ticket home.

I would chip in too, but I'd be miffed if it turned out to be a misguided act of being a 'do gooder' that made him just do the same thing elsewhere rather than it giving him a hand out.

Sometimes people hit a low spot (I know I have here), and a modest bit of help if used correctly can go a long way. Now I've pulled myself up by my own boot laces and am financially 'okay', I'm happy to help out others who hit similar situations, but I'm a sucker for a sob story and get upset when people take the p1*s', so need a handler to make a judgement better than I am able to do. What I've given away freely at the time (all farangs - a Thai never did it to me), in hindsight would have been much better spent on a condo or something, even if it was unsaleable and only worth 30% of what I paid).

you know what they say about a fool and his money ???????????

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"People commenting on the photographs questioned the motives of the unnamed foreigner"

Hmm? Lets see.


He's thirsty and hungry...

Why has he run out of money ? Is he just scamming ?

I suspect he has run out of money and is in need of food and drink.

Hence the sign.

Not much of a scam if that's what it is.

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If anyone knows his name or how to contact, please PM me I will buy his air ticket home.

I would chip in too, but I'd be miffed if it turned out to be a misguided act of being a 'do gooder' that made him just do the same thing elsewhere rather than it giving him a hand out.

Sometimes people hit a low spot (I know I have here), and a modest bit of help if used correctly can go a long way. Now I've pulled myself up by my own boot laces and am financially 'okay', I'm happy to help out others who hit similar situations, but I'm a sucker for a sob story and get upset when people take the p1*s', so need a handler to make a judgement better than I am able to do. What I've given away freely at the time (all farangs - a Thai never did it to me), in hindsight would have been much better spent on a condo or something, even if it was unsaleable and only worth 30% of what I paid).

you know what they say about a fool and his money ???????????
Is it:

If they're such a fool how did they get their money in the first place?

Edited by Bluespunk
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I see this both ways. Taco Hell wants to help, and I applaud that. I've done similarly in the past, and been let down, very badly, so I also see it as Never Sure does.

It's a difficult position for us observers, but I'd have to ask why this guy has found himself in this position, and I'd conclude that he's made some poor decisions.

Maybe he's pulled this stunt previously, and his former friends' goodwill has dried up. He should be seeing his embassy, and they've seen this a thousand times before. His bona fides, or otherwise, will be quickly established. That may be why he's not at his embassy?

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I wonder why TV can post articles and write them in English until it comes to the word "foreigner" then they revert to the English spelling of the Thai word. For goodness sake try and be consistent. If you want to say foreigner say it, no one will be offended but please stop this rubbish of using English spelling of Thai words.

You are being rather hairy at the heel. It is not unusual for one language to incorporate the words of another language.

Will you be attacking the French for their use of, Le weekend, cocktail, un best seller, le camping, sexy, le shopping etc.?

Will you be mounting a campaign and writing to the Sunday Times to alert the editors to the danger that the use of 100+ French words and expressions in common everyday English presents?

UK Labour politics would collapse without access to words such as nouveau riche or bourgeosie. How would proper gentleman address the manager of a preferred escort agency if unable to use the term Madame? I ask that you not be so gauche as to force the issue, as surely you can appreciate that we would be at an impasse without access to words from other languages.

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If anyone knows his name or how to contact, please PM me I will buy his air ticket home.

Just a couple weeks ago, you outted a farang in Phuket for begging, using his daughter (or some young girl) as a sympathy prop. You put him on ThaiVisa. How did you know his plight wasn't genuine and wanted to warn the world about him?

Now you are Mother Theresa for this random guy, who you've only seen a photo of?

What gives? Or has someone got your TV login and is having fun at your expense?

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If anyone knows his name or how to contact, please PM me I will buy his air ticket home.

If you are sure he is not a scammer and in honest need , PM me and I will chip in. Edited by StefanBBK
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