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Thailand's August unemployment rate climbs higher year-on-year


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August unemployment rate climbs higher year-on-year

BANGKOK, 5 October 2015 (NNT) - An estimated 377,000 people across the country remained unemployed in August, with only 36,000 jobs available.

Department of Employment Director General Sumet Mahosot claimed the unemployment rate in August increased by 90,000 people from the same month last year.

52,155 citizens applied for unemployment benefits from the Department of Employment. Of the figure, 6,451 employees were laid off, while 45,704 others had resigned within the same period.

Most of those laid off were affected by their companies’ decisions to either downsize or shutter businesses entirely. Those who resigned had expressed the desire to change careers or start his or her own business.

The Director General also added that the number of jobs available in August this year declined by 4,500 compared to the same period last year. Many were positions in factories, customer service stores and markets respectively.

-- NNT 2015-10-05 footer_n.gif

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Easy, blind Freddy can see these figures are calculated using the same formula as their "official" road toll. 337,000 unemployed ?? -- Half of em would have to be relocated, corrupt BiB and Army personal. Have they conducted a realistic count in Isaan?

Edited by bdenner
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No matter who benefits on the political spectrum from Government statistics, one is a fool to believe any statistic, number or statement from any Government Agency any day of the week. Opinion polls are, of course, the most risible. So just know if you believe anything this dyscalculiac government states, you're a simpleton. That's good for sainthood, not good otherwise.

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In my old village there's about 50 early twenties lads that sit all day drinking ,don't know if they are unemployed or retired,never want to work

These layabouts in wifes village are blamed by the residents as the thieves of the night who carry their plunder t5o the 4 wind directions, far enough away as no one recongizes it. they seem to have a effecient network set up that a couple cops could win rewards for breaking up. No intrest shown in crime fighting as they might figure its the keast expensive way to keep them off the murder for hire, collection methods etc. lists

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Thats still less than 1%, so they should either start reporting more useful numbers or stop worrying.

True but these numbers reported by a military government are most likely not representative of how bad it really is. If they reported the true number this panacea we call Thailand may not look so great under the pms stewardship.

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No matter who benefits on the political spectrum from Government statistics, one is a fool to believe any statistic, number or statement from any Government Agency any day of the week. Opinion polls are, of course, the most risible. So just know if you believe anything this dyscalculiac government states, you're a simpleton. That's good for sainthood, not good otherwise.

Why would a military government that has banned negative polls report a negative unemployment rate unless the agency responsible was not reporting to the military? I agree in principle with what you are saying but in this instance you have to be wrong.

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Huh? I though Thailand's economy is doing so so well. everybody is coming here and investing and openning offices and factories etc etc. Thailand velly velly good. So much hot air everyday.....all thais are happy and have money.

No, they just fired the minister of finance. I think they are going to try a rice subsidy program next.

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