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Good real estate company?


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I saw a house with the chap at Jomtien Property about 18 months ago in Jomtien Park Villas. I asked the owner the price of his house, he suggested I ask the agent!!!

That suggests the agent has a good relationship with the vendor. You may be surprised how many clients think they are smartarses by trying to go behind the agents back getting a lower price. As you viewed through the agent and they were there you would have already been aware of the price and could ask the agent for confirmation, bids, offers etc go through the agent not directly through the vendor.

Well considering the agent was about two feet away from me when I asked, I took it that the agent had added something on to the price. How silly of me to think that.

I think you have misunderstood the situation, most vendors know there are so many idiots amongst the genuine buyers and have instructed the agent to sell their property for them...this includes negotiations concerning the price hence directing you to discuss with the agent. The scenario following him interacting with you regarding price would be followed up by "whats your bottom price" or an unrealistic lowball offer. Maybe now you will appreciate why he did that.

Yes I love looking at 17 million Baht houses that I can't afford to buy, it's a great way to pass the day. Muppet

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If it's the right price or cheaper you've got a chance of selling it

What property is it? Price? Pics?

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But to be honest if its a house over 2 million very little ,

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Very little what?

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chance of selling it . houses over that price unless new ,seem to hang around for years , some are lucky most are not .just telling it the way it is .

I'm not too sure about that.

I would have thought a reasonably priced house in Jomtien Park Villas that isn't overlooked by the condo behind would sell. Problem is many homeowners buy their house for too much in the first place.

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Very little what?

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chance of selling it . houses over that price unless new ,seem to hang around for years , some are lucky most are not .just telling it the way it is .

I'm not too sure about that.

I would have thought a reasonably priced house in Jomtien Park Villas that isn't overlooked by the condo behind would sell. Problem is many homeowners buy their house for too much in the first place.

Even more try to sell them for to much

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Very little what?

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chance of selling it . houses over that price unless new ,seem to hang around for years , some are lucky most are not .just telling it the way it is .

I'm not too sure about that.

I would have thought a reasonably priced house in Jomtien Park Villas that isn't overlooked by the condo behind would sell. Problem is many homeowners buy their house for too much in the first place.

Well JPV is probably the best estate in the area, there is high demand for rental in there to at upwards of 80-90k per month. Any up for sale change hands quickly.

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Very little what?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

chance of selling it . houses over that price unless new ,seem to hang around for years , some are lucky most are not .just telling it the way it is .

I'm not too sure about that.

I would have thought a reasonably priced house in Jomtien Park Villas that isn't overlooked by the condo behind would sell. Problem is many homeowners buy their house for too much in the first place.

Well JPV is probably the best estate in the area, there is high demand for rental in there to at upwards of 80-90k per month. Any up for sale change hands quickly.

Absolutely, location, location,location

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