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Nicked 3000bt at Korat imm?

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I always enjoy posts from people complaining about spending less than $100 to deal with an official and then claiming "without us they'll be bankrupt". I'm pretty certain that Thailand would survive the loss of the cheap Charlie without any issues at all.

We are here to help or advise......If you are one of the many rich SAS guys that like being ripped off then bugger off......rolleyes.gif

So whats the difference.facepalm.gif

British Embassy Bangkok. Letter for income cost is now 2565 baht plus 100 baht for postage. Total of 2565 baht. RECIPT = Corruption = Theft. Get a receipt and you still get $%#@$%.gigglem.gif

Edited by khwaibah
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I always enjoy posts from people complaining about spending less than $100 to deal with an official and then claiming "without us they'll be bankrupt". I'm pretty certain that Thailand would survive the loss of the cheap Charlie without any issues at all.

We are here to help or advise......If you are one of the many rich SAS guys that like being ripped off then bugger off......rolleyes.gif

So whats the difference.facepalm.gif

British Embassy Bangkok. Letter for income cost is now 2565 baht plus 100 baht for postage. Total of 2565 baht. RECIPT = Corruption = Theft. Get a receipt and you still get $%#@$%.gigglem.gif

Cos that goes in the UK's coffers, not pay for a scrotes beer bill.

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I always enjoy posts from people complaining about spending less than $100 to deal with an official and then claiming "without us they'll be bankrupt". I'm pretty certain that Thailand would survive the loss of the cheap Charlie without any issues at all.

We are here to help or advise......If you are one of the many rich SAS guys that like being ripped off then bugger off......rolleyes.gif

So whats the difference.facepalm.gif

British Embassy Bangkok. Letter for income cost is now 2565 baht plus 100 baht for postage. Total of 2565 baht. RECIPT = Corruption = Theft. Get a receipt and you still get $%#@$%.gigglem.gif

Cos that goes in the UK's coffers, not pay for a scrotes beer bill.

I"ll pay for the beer.tongue.png

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Then you wonder why there are signs in immigration and other government offices stating, "No Photographs Allowed.

You could document corruption and post it to social media before you yourself are tossed into jail. Corruption does not like transparency. And 'whistleblowers' make great targets.

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Best to leave it alone if you want your Visa!

You make a headache for them and you will get it back big time.

Which is exactly why corruption is endemic in this country and will stay so: Fear of reprisal.

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Sounds like he needed some lunch/dinner monies :-) However, only hearing from one side, who knows, maybe the extra new fee came in last night, things are always changing, not just here in Thailand, but all over :-) Can you imagine what is going on in Europe with all the migrants flooding in over the borders by the thousands :-) What was okay yesterday, may not be the same today/tomorrow......

If it is legit, the I/O should have no problem writing out a receipt. No receipt is equivalent no proof of having received payment, which means the money can 'disappear' and no one can prove anything.

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This is the norm. They get an allowance to visit you at your home for any new application. However their expenses only cover the trip there by the cheapest means, ie; bus. In order for them to travel by pickup, they need money for fuel and food. This is similar to the BIB having to buy their own weapons, guns and transport.

The government doesn't pay enough for expenses, so this is the only way they won't be out of pocket.

I admit it's wrong but what does the government expect.

It's a one off and off-sets expenses. If however, the office is very close to your home then I would be pissed off as well.

Remember, this is the office you have to go to every year for re-newal. Don't bite the hand that feeds you and all that. Good luck.

Remember, this is the office you have to go to every year for re-newal. Don't bite the hand that feeds you and all that. Good luck.

Which is implicitly condoning corruption: Be afraid my friend, and don't rock the boat or they will get you. That's also called extortion.

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I always enjoy posts from people complaining about spending less than $100 to deal with an official and then claiming "without us they'll be bankrupt". I'm pretty certain that Thailand would survive the loss of the cheap Charlie without any issues at all.

I always enjoy posts from people who think corruption is okay. Thanks for being part of the problem and keeping the wheel of corruption going. Unbelievable,

And I always enjoy posts from Westerner Johnny-come-latelies who think that the habits of millennia in Asia should be changed to suit their ideas of fairness.

Good luck with that.

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There is absolutely no legislation, rule or law that includes a home visit as a condition of obtaining an extension.

Home visits are made at the discretion of the Immigration office and while I sympathise that the IO's expenses may not be fully covered, that's an issue they should take up with the Government, not the foreigner.

Hypothetically, even if such a charge was introduced as a 'one off', 3,000 baht is absurd.

I travel 5 hours return trip to Immigration. Fuel 600-700 baht.

Allowing for a spot of lunch for 2, 1,000 baht would easily cover the expenses.

Yes, so in the OP's situation you would have refused payment?

I would have asked to see the Immigration regulations where such a charge was levied, then a supervisor or senior officer. Failing that I'd have warned the senior officer that I intended to report the incident to 1111 and take it further if necessary. It's exactly that kind of corruption the present PM is trying to stamp out.

I think certain Immigration officials may try to extort 'tea money' from someone who isn't confident about their business

at hand and appear vulnerable. If your confident and know what your about they won't try it on.

I also don't think there would be repercussions in the event of a complaint. In fact totally the opposite, they'd be more wary of you and know your not someone to be messed with.

Corruption only exists because some people do nothing about it.

I would have asked to see the Immigration regulations where such a charge was levied, then a supervisor or senior officer. Failing that I'd have warned the senior officer that I intended to report the incident to 1111 and take it further if necessary. It's exactly that kind of corruption the present PM is trying to stamp out.

Your statement hits the nail squarely on the head. Exactly! Corruption only exists because most people do nothing about it, generally out of fear of some form of reprisal, or, because they are receiving something themselves (for example, vote buying).

Edited by connda
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Gees- sorry for the confusion, I lived here 4 years on a marriage extensions, Had to leave and came back on an 90 day non-imm O visa. I was at the office for a one year marriage extension. On a more constructive note---- I do live quite a ways from the office, it takes me 2 hours to drive north to get my bank letter and then south to Immigration. I have been told by the bank that many people are returned because the Immigration will not except day before letters. While at Immigration I asked two officers about this (including the one in question) and was told "Only for retirement extensions are the same day bank letter required. Marriage extensions have seven days before."

Back on topic. Because of all the news about bombers getting into the country without visas, and hearing that more and more people are getting house visits now, made me think that this fee was possible true. It was after I had giving him the money and he wrote the receipt for 1900bt did I question him and asked for a receipt for the added 3000. That is when he said there would not be one. Then I asked him to sign a paper saying I gave him the money for the "investigation fee" and he refused. At this point he had my money and as I said earlier, I didn't want there to be a "special problem" with my extension.

You should contact Korat immigration and get your money back.

I appreciate that you felt under pressure to pay and thats exactly what the IO was banking on. But remember it's not his decision about whether or not you get the extension, and had you stood up to him he would have had to back down. If they refuse to give a receipt then it's not an official fee.

Even if they did introduce a home visit fee it wouldn't be anywhere near 3,000 baht. I can't believe he had the front to ask for that much!

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THE best post I've seen on TV. These people are corrupt and what's worse is the spineless that feed them.

There is absolutely no legislation, rule or law that includes a home visit as a condition of obtaining an extension.

Home visits are made at the discretion of the Immigration office and while I sympathise that the IO's expenses may not be fully covered, that's an issue they should take up with the Government, not the foreigner.

Hypothetically, even if such a charge was introduced as a 'one off', 3,000 baht is absurd.

I travel 5 hours return trip to Immigration. Fuel 600-700 baht.

Allowing for a spot of lunch for 2, 1,000 baht would easily cover the expenses.

Yes, so in the OP's situation you would have refused payment?

I would have asked to see the Immigration regulations where such a charge was levied, then a supervisor or senior officer. Failing that I'd have warned the senior officer that I intended to report the incident to 1111 and take it further if necessary. It's exactly that kind of corruption the present PM is trying to stamp out.

I think certain Immigration officials may try to extort 'tea money' from someone who isn't confident about their business

at hand and appear vulnerable. If your confident and know what your about they won't try it on.

I also don't think there would be repercussions in the event of a complaint. In fact totally the opposite, they'd be more wary of you and know your not someone to be messed with.

Corruption only exists because some people do nothing about it.

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Never give more money at anytime, tell them to call the police and come they will give you the money ? back very very quickly

I HAVE been here for about 9 years and have went over my time limit quite a few times just paid my fine and that was it. Although my government of United States of America will not take any doodoo from them and they know it

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I posted before about similar nonsense that happened to me at Sakhon Nakon on my request for my yearly extension of retirement visa!!

I was doubted by some " know all " on here who said it had never happened to them, when I was asked for 2,000 baht to donate to the sponsorship of the Police football team after being sent to add funds into my fixed deposit account so that my book would be updated to the same day as my application.

This sponsorship donation was " requested " by the boss, a female Police major.

This kind of thing does happen and frequently! Just because it hasn't happened to certain posters does not make it any the less true.

I also was refused regards my bank books which had been updated the day before and I had letters from the bank as well.

I got a captain who had previously seen a fixed deposit book with good funds in ti and obviously felt he was entitled to some of it.

It has nothing to do with being " Cheap Charlie's " and everything to do with what is supposed to be a straightforward transaction if your paperwork is in order- mine was! unless you are going to go along with their version that it had to be the same day when the websites say otherwise.

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Lol, corruption boo hoo hoo... it's how Asia functions. If it functioned like the West - you wouldn't want to be here. So you take the rough with the smooth and smile. Knowing full well that a similar service from a "non corrupt" Western government without a single bribe would still cost 3-10x as much.

I think you might just have a point there.

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I always enjoy posts from people complaining about spending less than $100 to deal with an official and then claiming "without us they'll be bankrupt". I'm pretty certain that Thailand would survive the loss of the cheap Charlie without any issues at all.

I always enjoy posts from people who think corruption is okay. Thanks for being part of the problem and keeping the wheel of corruption going. Unbelievable,

And I always enjoy posts from Westerner Johnny-come-latelies who think that the habits of millennia in Asia should be changed to suit their ideas of fairness.

Good luck with that.

Yeah, me and my crazy, western ideas of theft being wrong... If all thought like you we would still be stuck in the middle-ages, because why should anyone make an effort to change bad things?

Thais have accepted corruption for a long time because they've haven't had a choice, but the winds of change are blowing and we are slowly but steadily going towards a less corrupt society where people are getting less afraid of reporting injustice. You and your corruption-loving friends can continue to be a part of the problem if you so wish, but people with higher morals who won't stand for it won't.

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I too have never had a problem there and felt that this was one of the good offices. The woman that has run the place for at least a couple of years was there and so was the woman that usually sits at the far left counter, This was a younger man, never seen him before. I know I will never see my money but again I would like to give a headsup to a higher power if this guy is playing games. If I had known the number of the head office in Bangkok, I would have called them as I sat there. My wife of course is worried that he could make trouble with my getting an attention.

Thai women are terrifed of Thai menfolk, and justfiably so. Listen to your wife, and just let it go! You will not win! Let a word to the wise be sufficient, sir. wai.gif

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I too have never had a problem there and felt that this was one of the good offices. The woman that has run the place for at least a couple of years was there and so was the woman that usually sits at the far left counter, This was a younger man, never seen him before. I know I will never see my money but again I would like to give a headsup to a higher power if this guy is playing games. If I had known the number of the head office in Bangkok, I would have called them as I sat there. My wife of course is worried that he could make trouble with my getting an attention.


Thai women are terrifed of Thai menfolk, and justfiably so. Just let it go, sir! You will not win! Let a word to the wise be sufficient wai.gif

I would wait two weeks and send a letter to head office with his number ( you say you have it ) then write an anonymous letter preferably in Thai complaining about the station and the officer. Furthermore, go through the chain of events without being too specific so he cannot pinpoint it came from you. I can pretty much guarantee if he has done this to you, he has also done it to others.

Also, say you are going to put it on the Internet for others to see. Nothing may happen but there again if it lands on the right desk...........!!! ?

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Government hotline 1111. Not sure if this would help you at this stage....

Just pass it on.It all adds up into a case,eventually,maybe.Gotta give em credit,very creative.Same as my lurk.get everything os if possible.

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I have been dealing with the Korat Immigration office for years on my Non Imm O visa and have never had any problems at all.

The officers have always been very helpful and honest.

One of them even went way out of her way to help me on her day off.

I have never before heard anyone with anything but praise for the Korat office.

I can not help but suspect something is wrong with this post.

The officers help you on their day off? What exactly do they help you with on their days off? Do they help you shopping or help you at the ATM? Please fill us in on the helpful immigration officers that help you out on their days off. They would be better off helping people at immigration on their DAYS ON and doing their jobs rather than messing about with their pets on a day off!

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