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she is a bar girl, admit it and cover your ass you idiot.

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if you are paying your girl to stay with you then she is basically a bar girl. infact this would be a fair way to determine if she is a bar girl or not.

By that reasoning, my former wife in the UK (for 30 years) must have been a bargirl.

As she didn't earn any money herself, and had a gold card backed by me, to pay for anything she liked.

And my current wife too,

As I paid for everything while she went through high school, and now I'm paying for everything while she attends University.

Guess I'm just unlucky.

Yeah but why go for women who can't or won't earn money themselves?

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if you are paying your girl to stay with you then she is basically a bar girl. infact this would be a fair way to determine if she is a bar girl or not.

By that reasoning, my former wife in the UK (for 30 years) must have been a bargirl.

As she didn't earn any money herself, and had a gold card backed by me, to pay for anything she liked.

And my current wife too,

As I paid for everything while she went through high school, and now I'm paying for everything while she attends University.

Guess I'm just unlucky.

Yeah but why go for women who can't or won't earn money themselves?

I think you would find, once they have moved in, they nearly all 'can't or won't earn money themselves'.

It make take a year or two, but it's gonna happen.

But you've never had one move in, have you?

So you never discovered that little surprise.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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if you are paying your girl to stay with you then she is basically a bar girl. infact this would be a fair way to determine if she is a bar girl or not.

By that reasoning, my former wife in the UK (for 30 years) must have been a bargirl.

As she didn't earn any money herself, and had a gold card backed by me, to pay for anything she liked.

And my current wife too,

As I paid for everything while she went through high school, and now I'm paying for everything while she attends University.

Guess I'm just unlucky.

Yeah but why go for women who can't or won't earn money themselves?

I think you would find, once they have moved in, they nearly all 'can't or won't earn money themselves'.

But you've never had one move in, have you?

So you never discovered that little surprise.

Sure I've had them move in and promptly pay their way.

Just not in Thailand.

My girlfriend(s) in the UK all had jobs because I deliberately avoided sloths & deadbeats who thought a pretty face was enough to get a man to fund their passage through life.

You didn't think they'd like you more if you bankrolled 'em, did you?

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You didn't think they'd like you more if you bankrolled 'em, did you?

I was never that bothered, as I always had plenty of money.

I guess it's different if you don't have much and have to be a bit careful with your cash.

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Your sense of humor is tip top.

It's the other way around for me.

I moved in, do a bit to help out but live on my girls money.

It's not that I'm a tight prick, well maybe a little, but we have plans out of Thailand in a year or two. Can't farking wait to be honest. She loves the money but not mine. She loves to make it and she's got the drive and smarts for it to come to fruition.

Maybe we will make that merry trip down under all in good time and then my numbers up...well and truly shafted having been played the long game hehe.

No, no chance. She's a very good girl; no dirty, filthy, scamming whore.

I really am a fortunate lad.

Can't believe so many pay the stipend and then have the gall to BS about it. At least Pete the OP is straight up.

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So you wish to return to "Wooly Sheep Land" but you're rightfully worried that your bargirl will clean you out?

Unbelievable man.

Since you've had one failed relationship and chose a life with whores, would I be right in saying that perhaps you didn't have the goods to make it with a good girl in the first place?

I respect your honestly but jeez man, you've really restricted yourself now.

Think about it; you go back to NZ or Oz and every lad will soon work out your girl is a former hooker. You can dress em up as lamb but...

Worse still, your kid will be picked on when the truth comes out.

I truly don't think you met any real good girl with personality, charm, independence and the looks to boot.....coz you don't have it either. Hence, the life in Sin City. Would this be a fairly true hypothesis?

I'm truly amazed you want to bring your former bg back to the home country other than a better education for the child. There's plenty of lads partnered with the good Thai girl back in their respective countries educating their children knowing its rock solid because of similar goals and aspirations.

Would it not be smarter to keep the girl and kid here so they can associate with their own?

May I ask, how much do you pay your former (or ongoing) hooker?

many of my friends have been cleaned out in ferang land and it is a concern to me. seems like there is very little i can do about it. i am heading back to nz in december for an extended holiday and going to check with my lawyer to see what i can do.have already contacted him and it seems it is going to be a hard thing to do. maybe someone on here has some advice. hope i can cover my ass, want to get the kidds through high school and retire back to thailand but it will only be possible if i can hold onto my properties.

new zealand is very behind the rest of the western world in many ways. if you have a thai girl then everyone will assume she is an ex working girl so it does not make much difference either way. nz was the first (and still one of the few countries) to legalise prostitution so maybe my kids will have other kids with prostite mums to hang out with. they can even form an out cast group. will put my kids through the best school i can afford so hopefully bullting wont be a problem. i am convinced a degreed from new zeanald will be of far more value than a thai one. it is better my kids go to school in nz to set them up properly if they decide to go to university there. not sure if you know much about the thai education system but from what i have heard it is not as good as a western education. even the public schools are very good in nz. i have spoken to quite a few teachers from different schools and most agree it is best to eduacate kids in the west if possible.

i have a great sports center here which has been quite a success pretty much because i run it as a social club. i dont like to paint myself as a social butterfly but i am still in contact with many hundreds of my current and past customers so i must have some personality. this 'hypothesis' thing you have formed is the oddest thing i have seen on all of they replies to my original post. anyway we do dinners out most nights and go drinking on tuesday afternoons and saturday nights so you can come to test my social skills. i have dated quite a few girls when i was living in oz but always preferd the single life. i tried to live with one but i found it was not for me. as i have kids now i live a semi couples lifestyle. i spend time with my kids and their mum. watching them grow up is an experience like nothing else and i am glad i have been able to experience it. i agreed to support their mum till the kids are educated and i will regardless of what happens. hope i still have some lead in my pencil when i move back to retire and resum my completly single life.

think you will find those rock solid couples end up with an over 50percent divorce rate just like the rest of the couples in western countries. 10 years here most of the guys who though they had rock solid relationships ended up in quite a bit of trouble, especially when a kid was involved or the house is worth more than they guy can afford to loose. some guys just wont learn. one guy i know in pranburi paid to build a house and then paid to buy it back off his girlfriend when she left after 6 years of paying for her university. she is now in germany with a german guy who is paying to put her through university again. he rang me up to say he is going to put the house in his new thai wives name. this house is his only asset and i wonder how many times he is going to have to buy the same house off his non bar girl exes. christ i have a ton of stories about guys in these rock solid relationships who ended up in trouble. i could write a book about here who have lost so much. happens in the west as well i suppose.

sallary is 15000thb per month, same as a university graduate wage, plus i pay all medical and education. plus she lives in one of my condos with all bills paid. does that sound fair? i spoil my kids a fair but and buy them alot of toys bikes and so on.

this topic was supposed to be about westerners not covering their asses in a country where thry can legally protect them selves far better than in a western country and i have spent hours now explaining myself about my life which people seem to not believe anyway. you want to know anything else please send me a private message or better yet meet me for a beer if you are in the jomtien region.

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You didn't think they'd like you more if you bankrolled 'em, did you?

I was never that bothered, as I always had plenty of money.

I guess it's different if you don't have much and have to be a bit careful with your cash.

Well, with all due respect, given the way things ended, maybe you SHOULD have been bothered.

I had plenty of money too - I just made sure it didn't go walkies

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if you are paying your girl to stay with you then she is basically a bar girl. infact this would be a fair way to determine if she is a bar girl or not.

By that reasoning, my former wife in the UK (for 30 years) must have been a bargirl.

As she didn't earn any money herself, and had a gold card backed by me, to pay for anything she liked.

And my current wife too,

As I paid for everything while she went through high school, and now I'm paying for everything while she attends University.

Guess I'm just unlucky.

fair point. i guess we all have our own definition of what a bargirl or prostitute is. i dont really see why someone would want to pay the same girl to stay with them long term. i was always against sponsoring anyone and refused it right up to the day we got my sons DNA test back. i would be interested to know why you would sponsor a girl. before anyone gets upset i am not saying it is wrong to do so i am just wondering why someone would to this, especially when it is a thai girl they have very little in common with.

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I am but a man with small $$$.

I invest in "good girls" only - tertiary educated.

I limit my "donations" to 2nd hand motor vehicles (full registration & roadworthy certificate included).

Are you sure yours didn't try to cash in on your life insurance with that hit and run accident you had recently?

no idea what this comment was regarding.

Mr. Fang has previously revealed to us,

He recently moved from CM to Fang with his much younger wife to live with her relatives.

Where he was promptly run over by a pickup truck, narrowly escaping death, and is now in a wheelchair.

You have to read posts in many threads to get the full stories of posters on this forum.

They like to eak out the information a bit at a time.

I have the greatest sympathy for Mr. Fang as my previous gf had her husband removed from this world in a hit and run.

It's quite a common way to remove an unwanted spouse, Thai police never investigate, hit and runs, balcony falls or slippings in the shower.

ah. i fear i have let all my kittens out of the bag too quickly. all i have left is countless stories of guys who have lost houses cars etc to girls they swore were not bar girls. no point posting them in TV as people just read them and then get angry about having posted the same stuff that has already been posted before.

looks like i have to figure out how to view other people past posts. this should help time fly by. hit by a truck while trying to live off his younger university educated thai girl. now that sounds like a good read. wonder if the guy had enough money to invest in a good electric scooter.

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Bugger me brother, that was quite a passage (post 98) and I was well intrigued reading it.

First up, apologies if I come across a bit brash.

I'll try and stick to your pints and then the actual topic.

Yes, I've heard of the lads being cleaned out back in the west although I know 5 couples that are going well in every regard. The common denominator is that they are mostly educated, or self driven, and have money on both sides. All 5 girls are middle to strong middle class. I've tended to think either side of that range increases inherent risk, the risk you are trying to mitigate should you go home.

I agree with you 100% about the Thai education system...or lack thereof. An education at home is without doubt far superior to that here, even including most, or nearly all of the Int schools.

Yes, I figure that's what most are paying their girls although I know of an older Aussie here in BKK forking out about 50-60K per month for some pretty tidy tail...she's playing him but he don't care.

My situation mate, I haven't spent a $ here in this country.

I don't mind spending it elsewhere but since we do not have the same rights as our partners in our homeland, ruled by a Military regime that invoke Article 44 to prevent/suppress free speech, an inefficient bureaucracy, a non transparent law, a mostly corrupt and incompetent police, and a people that have taken a deep philosophy and made it entirely superficial, I choose not to spend one cent here.

I have property and sound equities abroad but that's for when we go home.

I don't go to Pats or Jomtien mate. Well, not for about 8 years but I did go a dozen times back then.

Whatever direction you take, all the best.

Edited by JoopJoop
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Bugger me brother, that was quite a passage and I was well intrigued reading it.

First up, apologies if I come across a bit brash.

I'll try and stick to your pints and then the actual topic.

Yes, I've heard of the lads being cleaned out back in the west although I know 5 couples that are going well in every regard. The common denominator is that they are mostly educated, or self driven, and have money on both sides. All 5 girls are middle to strong middle class. I've tended to think either side of that range increases inherent risk, the risk you are trying to mitigate if you go home.

I agree with you 100% about the Thai education system...or lack thereof. An education at home is without doubt far superior to that here, even including most, or nearly all of the Int schools.

Yes, I figure that's what most are paying their girls although I know of an older Aussie here in BKK forking out about 50-60K per month for some pretty tidy tail...she's playing him but he don't care.

My situation mate, I haven't spent a $ here in this country.

I don't mind spending it elsewhere but since we do not have the same rights as our partners in our homeland, ruled by a Military regime that invoke Article 44 to prevent/suppress free speech, an inefficient bureaucracy, a non transparent law, a mostly corrupt and incompetent police, and a people that have taken a deep philosophy and made it entirely superficial, I choose not to spend one cent here.

I have property and sound equities abroad but that's for when we go home.

I don't go to Pats or Jomtien mate. Well, not for about 8 years but I did go a dozen times back then.

Whatever direction you take, all the best.

all good, . my kidds will get a western education even if it means me giving up my nice life in thailand. my biggest regrete was buying propert here. i have been lucky selling 2 of my places but have 2 more to go. one place i actually made money but this was just dumb luck. one remaining property to sell is a 40m sq condo almost finished i put 600k down and just dont want it as i doubt i will be able to sell it when i leave thailand. if anyone wants it they can have it if you want to pay the last payment of 1.4K. maybe i need to find a bar girl, put it in her name and loose it to her when i find out she is married to a thai guy. that way i can say i have really had the full thai experience.

seems like really hard times aheaed for thailand. i can see if getting considerably worse in pattaya as time goes on.

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i have a bargirl who is a bit older. we had a son and after a DNA test i agreed to support her

Wow, You sound like a great catch

I am not going to say she is different but she is an extremely devoted mum and raises my 2 kids for a very fair salary. I would very like much like for you to meet her. are you in pattaya?

So you have a hired help to rais your kids?

No wonder you like bar girls.

lots of ways to pu it i supose.

i have hired a bargirl to rase my kids. i support a bargirl to raise our kids. which ever you want to use, means the same, at least in my situation.

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I am but a man with small $$$.

I invest in "good girls" only - tertiary educated.

I limit my "donations" to 2nd hand motor vehicles (full registration & roadworthy certificate included).

i can not figure out how to view your old posts. another guy said you moved in with a young university educated thai girl in CM but got run over and left in a wheel chair. sounds like a hell of a good read. how are things going now?

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I was going to send a link to this to an American guy I know that is going down that road right now. I already had the URL copied, then thought, "What am I doing?" I (and many others) have talked and talked to this 68 year old guy who is now set on using all his savings to building house "with" his lovely 30 year old wife. He never listens. If I sent him a link to this it would just make him angry for the negative implication that his wife might have less than pure ulterior motives or that he might be in financial risk.

I suppose it is possible that this beautiful 30 year old woman really is madly in love with my half-bald, fat 68 year old friend, whom she finds to be an utterly sexy hunk.

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if you are paying your girl to stay with you then she is basically a bar girl. infact this would be a fair way to determine if she is a bar girl or not.

By that reasoning, my former wife in the UK (for 30 years) must have been a bargirl.

As she didn't earn any money herself, and had a gold card backed by me, to pay for anything she liked.

And my current wife too,

As I paid for everything while she went through high school, and now I'm paying for everything while she attends University.

Guess I'm just unlucky.

fair point. i guess we all have our own definition of what a bargirl or prostitute is. i dont really see why someone would want to pay the same girl to stay with them long term. i was always against sponsoring anyone and refused it right up to the day we got my sons DNA test back. i would be interested to know why you would sponsor a girl. before anyone gets upset i am not saying it is wrong to do so i am just wondering why someone would to this, especially when it is a thai girl they have very little in common with.

I like having children, and saw a wife as a womb with built in babysitting abilities.

Sponsoring a girl, no I wouldn't do that, as that's paying a girl not to 'work in a bar' while you are overseas ....completely different game.

As for your final question, I have 'very little in common' with any woman, why pick on Thai girls?

As for a woman's previous occupations ..... how would you know?

Unless you get one straight out of high school, you have no way of knowing her employment history, or former 'hobbies'.

And that's true for any nationality in the world.

Treat them all the same. <deleted>

Edited by CharlieH
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Ah well..

Just when you thought you heard it all before....well there it is again.

if it has all been said before why is no one listening. some of the guys i know read this forum and are still allowing themselves to be screwed over. i am in no way blaming the working girls, it is just a job for them it is us westerners who are screwing up.

Bottom line is all of them think with the wrong head.

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well each to their own for definitions. my idea of sponsorship is supporting someone (not just to stay out of a bar)

I didn't really pick thai girls. a business opportunity came up in Thailand which turned out to me being here long term. fact I had a kid was a bonus, and now I have 2. I do like thai girls though. easy to get and easy to get rid of without long term consequences. this seems to be the opposite of the way it works in the west.

very hard to know about a girls previous employment record for sure. better to play it safe than sorry.

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I was going to send a link to this to an American guy I know that is going down that road right now. I already had the URL copied, then thought, "What am I doing?" I (and many others) have talked and talked to this 68 year old guy who is now set on using all his savings to building house "with" his lovely 30 year old wife. He never listens. If I sent him a link to this it would just make him angry for the negative implication that his wife might have less than pure ulterior motives or that he might be in financial risk.

I suppose it is possible that this beautiful 30 year old woman really is madly in love with my half-bald, fat 68 year old friend, whom she finds to be an utterly sexy hunk.

this is a tricky situation and one I have been in many times. it is hard to risk a good friendship to risk warning a friend. maybe I have a big mouth and just cant help myself, I have to at least try to warn them which is generally a waste of time but it goes part of the way to clear my conscience. they say a fool and their money are easily parted but I still don't like to see it happen.

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well this has turned into quite an exercise and turned into me spilling my life onto this forum instead of my original desire to talk about westerners covering themselves with local girls.

I want to say yet again that this was not supposed to be a rant about how bad bar girls. on top of the nice weather and cheap living bar girls are what make Thailand a great place to live.

I was thinking some guys would post their experiences about not covering their asses and getting burnt which may serve as a warning to others to be more careful. there seems to be an atmosphere of posters not admitting anything bad that has happened to them, I guess for fear of being berated. wonder if there will be anyone who read all of this who will take just a bit more caution with their next girl. probably not.

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well this has turned into quite an exercise and turned into me spilling my life onto this forum instead of my original desire to talk about westerners covering themselves with local girls.

I want to say yet again that this was not supposed to be a rant about how bad bar girls. on top of the nice weather and cheap living bar girls are what make Thailand a great place to live.

I was thinking some guys would post their experiences about not covering their asses and getting burnt which may serve as a warning to others to be more careful. there seems to be an atmosphere of posters not admitting anything bad that has happened to them, I guess for fear of being berated. wonder if there will be anyone who read all of this who will take just a bit more caution with their next girl. probably not.

I lived with a freelance bar girl for 9 months, and she was really attractive.

She demanded sex 5 times a day, when I woke up she was already on me, when I watched Tv she was feeling me up, in the rainy season on the back of my m/c ...... hand job under the poncho, when I was too tired blue pill to help me out.

Paid her home loan 7k, money for her 12k and all our running expenses, so not even expensive.

One of the more memorable experiences of my life, but after 9 months I was finished and she had to go.

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well this has turned into quite an exercise and turned into me spilling my life onto this forum instead of my original desire to talk about westerners covering themselves with local girls.

I want to say yet again that this was not supposed to be a rant about how bad bar girls. on top of the nice weather and cheap living bar girls are what make Thailand a great place to live.

I was thinking some guys would post their experiences about not covering their asses and getting burnt which may serve as a warning to others to be more careful. there seems to be an atmosphere of posters not admitting anything bad that has happened to them, I guess for fear of being berated. wonder if there will be anyone who read all of this who will take just a bit more caution with their next girl. probably not.

I lived with a freelance bar girl for 9 months, and she was really attractive.

She demanded sex 5 times a day, when I woke up she was already on me, when I watched Tv she was feeling me up, in the rainy season on the back of my m/c ...... hand job under the poncho, when I was too tired blue pill to help me out.

Paid her home loan 7k, money for her 12k and all our running expenses, so not even expensive.

One of the more memorable experiences of my life, but after 9 months I was finished and she had to go.

there seems to be a lot of bad feeling toward bargirls on the forums I have read but they are great. however if you are going to sponsor them you have to agree on a strict salary and stick to it. it talks a hard heart when they come up with their sob stories but it is for the long term good. have seen many people get into trouble when they think they have an unlimited source of income. often this leads to girls gambling and coming to their sponsor to clear their debts again and again. I could tell you some stories about this happening but everyone will just say it did not happen to my friends and that it actually happened to me. ha ha.
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Most bargirls have university degrees, and have only been working in the bar for two weeks. Of course, you are the first fareng they have gone with. It is all so very special.

The best favor you can do yourself when dating a bargirl, is to acknowledge that you are probably her 1350th guy. At least you will then have some perspective on the situation, and behave accordingly.

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acknowledge that you are probably her 1350th guy. At least you will then have some perspective on the situation, and behave accordingly.

That would be an ugly one.

The cute ones have been doing 5-8 guys a day since they were 15.

(So a 25 year old working a 5 day week would have already clocked up 12,000)

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Only one thing comes to my mind.... Awhile back a friend of mine told me about the time his young son came home from school all upset. The kids were teasing him about his mother being a hooker and working in Pattaya prior to bringing her farang husband to the village. Of course they lied to their son and said his mother worked at a restaurant and not a gogo. I think I would be upset if I found out that my mother slept with half of Pattaya. Always living a lie ....

Hookers are for fun not for keeps ....

And there are always new TV members who need to be warned so new topics like this one is more of a public service or reminder.

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Most bargirls have university degrees, and have only been working in the bar for two weeks. Of course, you are the first fareng they have gone with. It is all so very special.

The best favor you can do yourself when dating a bargirl, is to acknowledge that you are probably her 1350th guy. At least you will then have some perspective on the situation, and behave accordingly.

sounds smart to me champ.

wondered if the girl i support spends much time worring about all the thai girls i have been with. doubt it. probably not much point really.

everyone wants to be the stud with the virgin. pretty funny really.

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Ah well..

Just when you thought you heard it all before....well there it is again.

if it has all been said before why is no one listening. some of the guys i know read this forum and are still allowing themselves to be screwed over. i am in no way blaming the working girls, it is just a job for them it is us westerners who are screwing up.

Bottom line is all of them think with the wrong head.

you know i dont think it is just thinking with their peckers. if it was guys would just go around shagging different girls as it is so easy in thailand. i think it is an ego thing. they want to believe a young girl likes them for their looks or personality. would be interested in what others thought.

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Only one thing comes to my mind.... Awhile back a friend of mine told me about the time his young son came home from school all upset. The kids were teasing him about his mother being a hooker and working in Pattaya prior to bringing her farang husband to the village. Of course they lied to their son and said his mother worked at a restaurant and not a gogo. I think I would be upset if I found out that my mother slept with half of Pattaya. Always living a lie ....

Hookers are for fun not for keeps ....

And there are always new TV members who need to be warned so new topics like this one is more of a public service or reminder.

broaching that topic with my kids will be a difficult one at best. i am a very strong believer in honesty and i think in the end i am just going to leave it down to their mother how she goes about explaining that one. i could never do or say anything that would adversly affect her relationship with them both.

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Most bargirls have university degrees, and have only been working in the bar for two weeks. Of course, you are the first fareng they have gone with. It is all so very special.

The best favor you can do yourself when dating a bargirl, is to acknowledge that you are probably her 1350th guy. At least you will then have some perspective on the situation, and behave accordingly.

sounds smart to me champ.

wondered if the girl i support spends much time worring about all the thai girls i have been with. doubt it. probably not much point really.

everyone wants to be the stud with the virgin. pretty funny really.

You have the right attitude. We have been with many. They have been with many. I think the problems start when the men delude themselves into thinking it is otherwise. A lot of the gals know the right things to say. I usually presume most of it is a background story, that has been fabricated, for drama, and greatest effect, on a man who is emotionally vulnerable. On a certain level, they are almost artists at creating and sustaining the BS. Of course some are sincere. But, it is probably a small minority.

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Most bargirls have university degrees, and have only been working in the bar for two weeks. Of course, you are the first fareng they have gone with. It is all so very special.

The best favor you can do yourself when dating a bargirl, is to acknowledge that you are probably her 1350th guy. At least you will then have some perspective on the situation, and behave accordingly.

always have a bit of a laugh when guys are sitting around discussing how many customers a bargirl has had. my girl has been in the bar business for roughly the same I have been in Thailand. I have been around a lot of bars in Thailand doing what we do here. I was lucky she does not hold it against me though as I have had quite a few sexual partners..

slut or a stud? whats the difference, the sex of the person you are talking about? whole thing is a joke.

Edited by williamgeorgeallen
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