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Can I reinstall Windows 10 from an image backup? What do I use to boot ?

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<...> installing into a new build , the new system is using the leftover win10 system from the SSD and booting ... i didn't think i could just put a SSD /HD into an new MB system and expect it to boot, though it has rebooted 3 times, for critical this or that, it seems to be adapting itself to the new hardware, fwiw hopefully not doing any damage to the new hardware along the way

If the Windows boot environment supports the new hardware, it will boot. But it's unlikely that the OS would be licence 'activated' on the new hardware. At some point I would expect it to lose the background graphic and display the unlicensed OS watermark.

Hardware 'damage' can occur if the booting OS disables system board heat suppression routines from running, causing heat-generating subsystems like CPU or GPU to run at full throttle without adequate cooling, though this scenario is unlikely.

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........so any difference between 4.5 and 4.7 , as 4.5 is what pops up to use from the evo 840 facing page


Yea, when I upgraded from Win 8.1 to Win 10 it created a third partition 462MB in size named recovery partition. Before that I just had the System Reserved partition 350MB in size and my C Drive partition (many GB) which I still have plus that third 462MB partition now.

Regarding the Samsung Magician utility, it's not needed at all to use a Samsung SSD...it just adds features like SMART, Rapid Mode, and various other features. And in the current version of Magician, which is 4.7 per the Samsung download website, Rapid Mode will not fully work under Win 10...no Rapid Mode...it only works for Win 7 and Win 8.X. I've been using Magician 4.7 under Win 10 with my 840EVO 500GB SSD since version 4.7 came out a month or two ago...no problems at all...it's just you can not activate Rapid Mode under Win 10.

And regarding Samsung Migration which is Samsung's utility to move your data from your old drive to the Samsung SSD drive via cloning, it's not blessed by Samsung to use with Win 10 not to imply it won't work. Samsung Migration didn't fully work for me when migrating from HDD to SSD under Win 8.1 a year or so ago as it didn't clone my System Reserve partition properly (it downsized it from 350MB to 100MB) which created a image backup problem when using the Windows built-in backup/imaging option. According to some googling at that time it was apparently happening to other folks also...but for most folks it worked properly and didn't downsize the System Reserved partition. I then used Macrium Reflect Free to do the clone and it worked perfectly...backup/imaging problem with Windows fixed. I've probably used Macrium Reflect Ver 5 and the current Ver 6 six to ten times cloning back and forth between HDD to SSD and SSD to HDD and HDD to HDD of various manufacturers (WD, Seagate, Samsung)--never a problem (knock on wood).

As of 8 Oct 15 (a few days ago), below is a cut and paste of a Samsung Customer Service email reply to a customer regarding the Samsung Magician and Migration utilities.



Don't know what you mean by the "840 facing page." As in the Samsung weblink in my above post, ver 4.7 is the current version...4.5 is fairly old/around a year old I think. Now I will say if are within the Magician Info page showing what is the latest Magician software available/saying you have the latest version, it may not correctly identify the latest version, not offer you to download/install it. Instead, go to the weblink I gave, download the latest version and install it. During the install it uninstalls any earlier version before installing the latest version.

And remember, Magician is "not" needed to use a Samsung drive...it just adds features/nice-to-have/know info, etc....but you definitely want to use it due to those features.

As to the differences between 4.5, 4.6, 4.7...well there are differences/improvements/bug fixes/etc., but I couldn't really specify them for you. I have used all the versions. But in some cases firmware upgrades were provided via release of a new version and performance optimization features. At that website I gave the new stuff in the latest version is listed in the Installation Guide you can download....for example the Installation Guide says for 4.7. If Ver 4.6 and 4.5 were still on the Samsung website for download their Installation manual would give the same info, but Samsung only lists the latest-and-greatest version on their website for download.

New in Version 4.7
Magician version 4.7 features a number of improvements over version 4.6:
- New model support: 850 PRO 2TB, 850 EVO 2TB
- Advanced Performance Optimization support for 840 EVO mSATA
; New firmware is required to use Advanced Performance Optimization
- Minor bug fixes

the problem was the ASrock MB UEFI was 1.0 and needed flashing to 1.6 for better DRAM support ; maybe the 2133 speed ram is too new for the UEFI

once figured that out another 1-2 full days getting the darn OS happy and to win10 pro

......pib, did you say don't even try to use "rapid mode" on win10 ?


<...> installing into a new build , the new system is using the leftover win10 system from the SSD and booting ... i didn't think i could just put a SSD /HD into an new MB system and expect it to boot, though it has rebooted 3 times, for critical this or that, it seems to be adapting itself to the new hardware, fwiw hopefully not doing any damage to the new hardware along the way

If the Windows boot environment supports the new hardware, it will boot. But it's unlikely that the OS would be licence 'activated' on the new hardware. At some point I would expect it to lose the background graphic and display the unlicensed OS watermark.

Hardware 'damage' can occur if the booting OS disables system board heat suppression routines from running, causing heat-generating subsystems like CPU or GPU to run at full throttle without adequate cooling, though this scenario is unlikely.


......pib, did you say don't even try to use "rapid mode" on win10 ?

Nope...don't even try since Magician 4.7 is not compatible with Win 10 yet.


should a recovery DVD created for win10 work on a 2nd win10 system? or is it advisable to just burn a new DVD recovery disk, it seems win10 doesn't think people need bootable USB or DVD drives anymore, so one is left with the legacy win7 option or using Macrium?

new macrium free release 10.19.15


same thing for a macrium recovery dvd, my new system has no dvd drive, though i can plug the old one in, can i use the win10 create as macrium recovery dvd on win10.old.system1 , in the new win10.new.system2?

or must i do the whole recreate a USB drive or dvd macrium bootable again, kinda tired of fussing with putting the dvd drive back in the new system ; was going to put a win10.new.system image onto my USB HD via Windows and/or Macrium , but guess i need to make sure i have bootable media as well

i created a rufus win10 usb stick but macrium doesn't like my usb bootable drives yet

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