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Huge inflatable air cushion saves Bangkok condo jumper


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Huge inflatable air cushion saves Bangkok condo jumper

Image: Thairath.co.th

BANGKOK:-- Rescue workers prevented the death of a suicidal woman who jumped from a Bangkok condo on Tuesday.

The unnamed woman jumped from the 16th floor of the Lumpini Ville condominium building.

The woman’s lucky escape was all thanks to rescue workers and local officials who installed a huge inflatable air cushion on the sidewalk outside the condominium, which is located on Sukhumvit Soi 77.

ThaiRath reports that woman had previously received hospital treatment for mental health issues and that the suicide attempt came after she had argued with her mother.

Following the argument the mother claims her daughter climbed up onto the open window of their condo whilst sitting precariously, with her feet dangling above the ground below.

The woman’s mother then called police, and rescue workers were on scene a short time later.

The woman remained on the window ledge for almost two hours, which gave rescue workers sufficient time to inflate the air cushion.

The woman was taken to hospital but suffered only minor bruising.

-- 2015-10-07
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They could make a lot more money than the Bungee jumping suicide company up in the north.

Already have a good name for them. CJBWAS = Condo Jumping Bangkok Without Attached Strings. Awesome....thumbsup.gif

Edited by lostinisaan
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Someone should start selling those air beds in Pattaya!

They'd make a fortune

Nah.... i doubt it. They wont go to all that trouble and expense to save a few old farangs.

I'm surprised they have one in BKK. Dont recall seeing it before. Good job. i like the emergency matting next to the bag incase she overshot...lol

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She may not have been real serous about her real intent if she waited 2 hours on the ledge, probly noticed the deployment of the air cushon designed for this situation. No video so she may have used the same method as stunt men to prevent personal injury to themselves. Then again she may accomplish what she wants, next time.

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She may not have been real serous about her real intent if she waited 2 hours on the ledge, probly noticed the deployment of the air cushon designed for this situation. No video so she may have used the same method as stunt men to prevent personal injury to themselves. Then again she may accomplish what she wants, next time.

There's actually a video in the original post, look carefully. It also doesn't seem like she's a part time stunt person by the rag doll way she falls into the air bag

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Someone should start selling those air beds in Pattaya!

They'd make a fortune

I say. The best would be to fit all tall buildings with these mattresses all around, inflatable at the push of a button. Useful for fire, too. But that I guess will be too expensive... Not all balcony divers will wait for two hours.

Will never understand the psyche of these suicide candidates either. With her purpose obviously foiled, for sure the cushion is visible from above, what is even the point in jumping? Unless it's the jumping rather than dying that attracts her...

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I really cant understand these jumpers, be they Thai or foreigners.

<deleted>'s Surely there are better ways to go?

You can even buy a bunch of pills over the counter or even on the street at Sukhumvit *hint*

You will have the legacy of a better looking corpse, and will save some other poor bahstard the trouble of cleaning up the mess,

not to mention save the risk of falling on some poor innocent bastard walking below.

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They could make a lot more money than the Bungee jumping suicide company up in the north.

Already have a good name for them. CJBWAS = Condo Jumping Bangkok Without Attached Strings. Awesome....thumbsup.gif

Not snappy enough.

Condo Fliers of Thailand.

They could make it a new hub and award certificates.

Bronze : 10 floors

Silver : 20 floors

Gold : 30 floors

Platinum 50 floors.

And a premium prize, the "MahaNakhon 77 Award".

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This shows the poor state of the Thai mental health system. Here we have a woman who has been suicidal already. She should have been institutionalized and should definitely not have been living in a high rise.

Terrible. And terrible for the many posters here to make light of her plight.

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I believe in "never stop anyone from travelling if he/she really wants to move on"...

That woman should be charged accordingly for all the work, costs and hassle she has created by her attention craving; few weeks in jail might sober her up and make her come to her own senses, or perhaps stopping to watch all those stupid Thai sopas might be of help, or all of the above...

Edited by MockingJay
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"The woman’s lucky escape"

Not sure she will see it that way!

If someone wants to kill themselves why stop them?

If she really wanted to kill herself why did she wait until they had installed the air cushion and pumped it up, must have taken some time in full view, maybe she even shouted,'' more to the right please''. Drama queens wanting their 5 minuets of fame,a wonder she didn't take a selfy on the way down.

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"The woman’s lucky escape"

Not sure she will see it that way!

If someone wants to kill themselves why stop them?

If she really wanted to kill herself why did she wait until they had installed the air cushion and pumped it up, must have taken some time in full view, maybe she even shouted,'' more to the right please''. Drama queens wanting their 5 minuets of fame,a wonder she didn't take a selfy on the way down.

Well put! Couldn't have said it better myself. thumbsup.gif

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I believe in "never stop anyone from travelling if he/she really wants to move on"...

That woman should be charged accordingly for all the work, costs and hassle she has created by her attention craving; few weeks in jail might sober her up and make her come to her own senses, or perhaps stopping to watch all those stupid Thai sopas might be of help, or all of the above...

I don't recall anywhere in the article stating that she was intoxicated.

One million people commit suicide each year worldwide, that is about one death every 40 seconds or 3,000 per day. For each individual who takes his/her own life, at least 20 attempt to do so.

Should we assume these poor lost souls are all attention grabbing alcoholics like you portray this poor lady to be.

Wouldn't hurt to do a bit of research on the effects of depression before making such a ridiculous post.

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