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Migrant crisis dominates Merkel and Hollande’s historic EU parliament address


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Migrant crisis dominates Merkel and Hollande’s historic EU parliament address


STRASBOURG: -- Europe’s migrant crisis has dominated historic speeches by French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

They have addressed the European Parliament together for the first time at a session in Strasbourg.

“Calling into question the free movement of people, by returning to internal borders, would be a tragic error,” said Hollande.

“But pretending that Schengen, with its current way of functioning, allows us to face border pressures would be another mistake.”

Merkel took to the floor as Germany marks 25 years of reunification. She reiterated that EU countries must act together in responding to the migrant influx.

“Only together we will succeed to manage the enormous task of integration that awaits us,” said Merkel.

“Part of it is that we can rightly expect that the people that are coming integrate in our societies.

“But in return, we have the obligation to treat people who come to us, because of poverty and hardship, with respect. And not as if they were an anonymous mass, independently of if they can stay or not.”

Merkel also warned fellow EU leaders against succumbing to nationalism in tackling the migrant crisis.

In addition, she declared that the existing “Dublin” rules had failed.

Under the Dublin regime, migrants are supposed to seek asylum in the first EU country they arrive in, but
over the summer most have refused to register in countries such as Greece, which is in an economic crisis.

Instead, they have headed overland to wealthier member states to the north, mainly Germany and Sweden, believing that life will be better there.

The last time German and French leaders appeared together in Strasbourg was 26 years ago. Helmut Kohl and Francois Mitterand spoke shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-08

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Germany now says it expects 1.5 million migrants this year alone.

Absolutely insane. How can they accomodate so many people?

Over 1.5m (inofficial number) are already in this year - a minimum of 800k will come in the final quarter, plus will a 1.5m tsunami roll in from Turkey when they open the border. 2.500 radical islamic sleepers are expected to have washed in alongside, which is a number some government official gave - as we now that they are all liars, let's multiply that by ten. All hell will break lose and it's not gonna be pretty. There are villages in Germany with 600 German residents and those criminals (the politicians) put more than 3.500 "refugees" in that town alone. More than 90% are muslims, and over 80% men aged 16 to 30. It's geopolitical warfare, a blind and deaf imbecile could see that. Orders are coming from the US and Britain, same destination where millions of Twitter posts origin, sent to the middle east, saying that Germany will provide them house, free money and a well-paid job. Merkel is just a puppet, no less, no more. German police are instructed to make only every 10th crime conducted by immigrants public. Few days ago a supermarket was raided by immigrants, completely emptied with two police officers standing helplessly watching. No media coverage! Rape numbers (conducted almost exclusively by immigrants) are skyrocketing, no media coverage. German parents can't let their kids play outside anymore, no media coverage. Refugees are killing and raping each other and started forced prostitution of children and women in some camps. No media coverage! It's boiling under the surface and the eruption will have Maidan, Kosovo and Bosnia look like a kindergarden in comparison.

Edited by MockingJay
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Merkel you are a fool you have increased the burden on taxpayers , we know you will be ok while the rest of europe suffer politicians are retards.

Merkel is just following orders like any soldier (fool) would do, thus you are kind of right. She's just a small wheel in the gear leading Europe into the apocalypse. Too late to hit the brakes, impact imminent.

Edited by MockingJay
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Well Angela, you made them welcome, you can house them all. Syrian refugees in Germany are living up to everyone's expectations.

The Independent.

A Syrian woman who escaped to germany after being gang raped by three men has been found dead in what is believed to be an honour killing possibly orchestrated by her mother


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French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Both these creatures should be arrested and charged with sedition and treason

Their selling out of the peoples of Europe and the future lives their cultures, their day to day lives etc of the peoples of Europe are nothing more than ''Crimes against Humanity.

A subtle future based creeping ethic , political and religious cleansing programme.

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It's amazing to watch societal leaders slit the throats of their countries in the name of political correctness. You would have thought that France, of all countries, would have learned the lesson of uncontrolled immigration to Europe of Middle Easterners and North Africans.

It seems Merkel won't be happy until the ISIS flag is flying from the Richstag.

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I was recently talking to two teachers holidaying here and asked them how the migrant thing was working out for them. They'd told me that they weren't looking forward to any more as the school they were at had just 7% indigenous British children. 7%! They then said 'Well, it is a Muslim school' in Luton??? blink.png

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I was recently talking to two teachers holidaying here and asked them how the migrant thing was working out for them. They'd told me that they weren't looking forward to any more as the school they were at had just 7% indigenous British children. 7%! They then said 'Well, it is a Muslim school' in Luton??? blink.png

There's the difference.

Moslems emigrate to EU countries and expect to be allowed to not only practice their religion but to impose it on their hosts.

Non Moslems emigrate to Moslem countries and do as their told - or else.

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Well Angela, you made them welcome, you can house them all. Syrian refugees in Germany are living up to everyone's expectations.

The Independent.

A Syrian woman who escaped to germany after being gang raped by three men has been found dead in what is believed to be an honour killing possibly orchestrated by her mother


Sorry, but you are not allowed to complain about the behavior of these 9th century savages because it is a cultural matter.

Since Merkel asked for 800,000 chancers, she should take that number before trying to offload the surplus on the rest of Europe.

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Contrary folk these Germans. One minute they start a war to get more lebensraum for the pure blood aryan Germans, the next, they invite in 800,000 Muslims, none of them blond haired or blue eyed.

You should read some ubiased history books my friend to learn who really started the war and what truly happened. But I guess that will be too much to ask from a whoknowitall like you...

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Merkel you are a fool you have increased the burden on taxpayers , we know you will be ok while the rest of europe suffer politicians are retards.

the burden for the taxpayer is the smallest of your problem, if you get a million radical Muslims into your country

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Just think Merkel is a strong contender for the Nobel Peace Prize the winner of which is due to be announced later today and her nomination is because of her policy towards migrants !

However Channel News Asia got it right this morning when they said her generous, welcoming attitude could result in her losing her job and I have just watched the BBC actually reporting on anti-Merkel protests in Germany and saying that the attitude of welcome has changed.

No surprise there !

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Just think Merkel is a strong contender for the Nobel Peace Prize the winner of which is due to be announced later today and her nomination is because of her policy towards migrants !

However Channel News Asia got it right this morning when they said her generous, welcoming attitude could result in her losing her job and I have just watched the BBC actually reporting on anti-Merkel protests in Germany and saying that the attitude of welcome has changed.

No surprise there !

You know all Muslims are extremists according to some members of this forum...

The Nobel Peace Prize Committee handed the award to the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet for its "decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in the country in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011."


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What happened to the, my country wants them, my people welcome them with open arms, your people and country are not holding out your arms now, and the sad truth is that many of the ones you brought to Germany will makes its way to the UK, and to burden us with more problems, if my grand father could see what is happening now in Germany, he would turn in his grave, What did they fight for, just to die,

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