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Rupert Murdoch suggests Obama isn't 'real black president'


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Dude, you're in the wrong place if you don't want a debate. You don't get to pronounce republicans aren't widely homophobic or widely racist, which of course they are, and get to expect that everyone is going to accept your daft beliefs.

Debates are fruitless and a waste of time. I want to understand the psychology of the left - I already get the right but want to understand the left. Especially this whole "bigot" card they are playing. I do not understand if lefties genuinely believe people who oppose them are motivated by "bigotry", or if that is just a card they play to suit their ends.

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Like this fake American knows anything about being black or the black experience in America.

True, he is a fake American.

True, he knows nothing about being black in America.

True, there are many good, decent, patriotic and hard working blacks in America.

But it is also true that:

Many American Blacks (or Afro-Americans), in fact the majority, - hate Whites.

Many American Blacks (or Afro-Americans), in fact the majority, - hate America.

Despite their hatred there is not a chance of Afro-Americans repatriating to their ancestral countries.

Vast majority prefer to stay, enjoy great benefits, abuse their rights and hate their country from within.

Great disproportional part of Afro-Americans are criminals.

Great disproportional part of Afro-Americans do not use standard American Language.

Europe today has "no go" Muslim areas - USA has today "no go" White areas.

These are my observations from visiting USA, not from Hollywood movies.

Being an Australian I consider myself capable of observing, analyzing and impartiality.

There is no racist beliefs in me - just nowhere to acquire them from, ever.

And having no own mass media Empire as Rupert does - I have no political agenda.

Edited by ABCer
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Dude, you're in the wrong place if you don't want a debate. You don't get to pronounce republicans aren't widely homophobic or widely racist, which of course they are, and get to expect that everyone is going to accept your daft beliefs.

Debates are fruitless and a waste of time. I want to understand the psychology of the left - I already get the right but want to understand the left. Especially this whole "bigot" card they are playing. I do not understand if lefties genuinely believe people who oppose them are motivated by "bigotry", or if that is just a card they play to suit their ends.


judging from your name you might(?) be of a science background.

could you please define your understanding of 'right' and/or 'left'?

would make a lot of difference to many members here.

Mind it pls - it will be very debatable!

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Any who assert a black man born of black parents who became president but was republican was in fact black, is lying. And herein is the truth- blackness in American politics is hardly a condition of race, its a position on politics. It is common for blacks to belittle, condemn, indict, or disown other black people in America if they do not believe in the same tired, worn big government programs/politics of the black political class. Whether it is Carson or Thomas or a host of countless others, the prerogative to label and ridicule others, black and white, belong solely to the liberal left- and they ensure only they get away with it. Numerous people have said such things about Obama in the past to more or less contrived outrage, but when it is on the left they get a pass. Murdoch will not be so lucky even though the facts remain, Obama has done more to injure black America since any post slavery president.

Murdoch or another saying something like this is equally as ignorant as the black people who indict other black people for their "race-ness" then scream "color blind racial equality..." mantras day after day- they foment the most that which they oppose- racial identity; but other blacks get a pass. This modern American caricature of racism and polarizing politics that the left practices does such profound injustice to the numerous people around the world who are actually persecuted because of race or faith. By Murdoch's statement he gives credibility to identity politics. How unfortunate. America is effectively becoming Balkanized. Had Murdoch been commenting on this he could have given Obama a passing grade.

Dr Carson is such a welcome fresh breeze to the Republican party.

He sits in his den in a sweater and says "They're Hitlers over there," and "Obamacare is slavery" and Republicans say Carson is "so reasonable" and that "Finally, there's an adult in the room."


Obama has done more to injure black America since any post slavery president.

If a tree falls in the woods does anyone hear it or is it Obama's fault.


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Murdoch is an excuse for an ex Aussie. He used to be a fair publisher in Australia. He built up a nest egg, bought papers in US and Britain. When he became a US citizen, he seemed to become an early senile with idiot opinions. After overseeing the hacking of phones, causing deaths in Britain, he went a little quiet. That is all water under the bridge now. So now he is back in full form, catering to all colours of rednecks. A disgrace to humanity. One way to stop this meglamaniac and his interfering news brigade - don't buy his product.

This is a step in a new direction of US bashing.

Blaming the US for the condition of a born and bread Aussie, Rupert Murdoch.

Next thing you know we will be blamed for Mel Gibson and Russell Crowe.cheesy.gif

Mel Gibson is American, born there.

Russell Crowe is a Kiwi, but even they dont want him.

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Yes, it takes a rich white man from Australia to know a real American black man from an imitation.

(no offense meant to our resident Ozzies)

Dick Gregory had some choice for his brethren recently regarding this sentiment. Look it up if interested.

Please dont send Rupert back to Oz. hes not wanted. He gave up his Oz citizenship to become a US citizen. Please dont return to sender. ?

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Why is everyone talking about the colour of his skin. I do not follow US politics and never want to. But most posters are worried about his skin colour. It should not matter. I see him on tv occasionally and he seems eloquent in the English language. I have no idea about his politics, and so do most of you. You are all caught up on the colour of his skin.

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Why is everyone talking about the colour of his skin. I do not follow US politics and never want to. But most posters are worried about his skin colour. It should not matter. I see him on tv occasionally and he seems eloquent in the English language. I have no idea about his politics, and so do most of you. You are all caught up on the colour of his skin.

No Rupert Murdoch, the man from Australia, seems to be caught up on the colour of his skin.

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Why is everyone talking about the colour of his skin. I do not follow US politics and never want to. But most posters are worried about his skin colour. It should not matter. I see him on tv occasionally and he seems eloquent in the English language. I have no idea about his politics, and so do most of you. You are all caught up on the colour of his skin.

I know about Ben Carson's politics. They are atrocious. He is a far right wing extremist.

Edited by Jingthing
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Black American voters vote the Democratic party at the rate of 90% probably 98% of the time.

Carson is a Republican which makes him the exception among black American voters. The dimwit Murdoch focused his statement on blackness, specifically Prez Obama and Dr. Carson. Then Murdock did the wise thing to apologize and to retract the statement.

All this yapping about bigots and liberal devils determined to destroy the United States is a rightwing diversion to avoid the issue that Carson is a political crackpot extremist lunatic who does not have the brain to be a town council member nevermind POTUS.

The political analysis is that Carson's crackpot views would destroy the country, apart from being black, apart from Barack Obama, apart from being some kind of conservative.

The discussion is about Carson, not some kind of concocted evil liberals and a hateful bigotry toward Dr. Carson. Carson and his views are open to critique and criticism. Carson's views have nothing to do with his being black, nor does anyone who criticises Carson's mad hatter political views have anything to do with bigotry. The rightwing is again trying to mangle the thread abut Carson the political lunatic and the rightwing is trying to obscure and hide the fact Carson is a political nutcase wierdo psycho.

Think Roger Ailes on steriods.

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But the republicans like to put on a show that they are seriously considering a black man every cycle, but it's always been a right wing nutjob extremist black man like Carson ... it's just a political show to show they aren't racist ... they won't really nominate him. Enjoy the free entertainment though. Again, not all republicans are racist and not all democrats aren't racist, but there is definitely more racism (and homophobia) in the republican base than the democratic.

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Seems unethical for the owner of multiple news media outlets to be making political statements such as this. But, alas, his minions were rightfully convicted of hacking voice-mail recorders of celebrities. Murdoch continues to demonstrate he has no clue about journalistic ethics and that he should be divested of any ownership of news media outlets.

He has been doing the same thing for more than 50 years but seems worse recently...maybe after Wendy got 'the hots' for Tony Blair

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Dude, you're in the wrong place if you don't want a debate. You don't get to pronounce republicans aren't widely homophobic or widely racist, which of course they are, and get to expect that everyone is going to accept your daft beliefs.

Debates are fruitless and a waste of time. I want to understand the psychology of the left - I already get the right but want to understand the left. Especially this whole "bigot" card they are playing. I do not understand if lefties genuinely believe people who oppose them are motivated by "bigotry", or if that is just a card they play to suit their ends.


judging from your name you might(?) be of a science background.

could you please define your understanding of 'right' and/or 'left'?

would make a lot of difference to many members here.

Mind it pls - it will be very debatable!

Would be glad to, at a very basic level. The right is conservative - they want to preserve tradition, the way things are. They are neophobic. They do not like new things and want to keep things the way they were before. They believe how it was before was great and are suspicious of anything new. They believe preserving the way things are done is the best way of moving civilization forward.

The left is neophilic. They believe the current state of civilization is founded in an evil past, and the only way to get around this is through "Change" (Obama's motto btw). They are suspicious of the past and believe that instituting new ways is the best way to move civilization.

It works the same on an individual level, but there needs to be a balance between the two. Extremes are sometimes necessary but a general balance is the ideal.

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No one answered the question though about this - "right wingers are conservative bigoted crackpots" that lefties pose. Keep seeing this over and over "if you go against your line you are a bigot." Or now - "crackpot" (the lefties can't say Carson is a racist because he's black, so they pull the "crackpot" line). No clue how this came about.

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Like this fake American knows anything about being black or the black experience in America.

Maybe you read a different story because he didn't claim to. He just stated Obama has not been effective in narrowing the gaps between black people and the rest of the population. So I ask you, what's wrong with highlighting problems like that? Or are you one of those racists happy with current status where black people continue to be overrepresented in negative things like criminal activity, prison rates, school drop out rates, drug addiction, poverty levels and so forth which are much higher than the general population.

Seriously, some of you guys are so dumb, it takes a foreigner (even a naturalized American) to point out how inneffective stupid PC policies are at creating positive change. But I suppose there are so many people getting tax payer funding from these affirmative action programs, they'll attack anyone who speaks the truth.

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I didn't vote for Obama but I would vote for Carson.

Yeah he's a good example of a GOP Uncle Tom

I believe that Obama has proven that he is real, he is black, and possibly a Muslim sympathiser....

There are many more adjectives one could use to describe this President...none of which are complimentary...

In more than 50% of American's minds who voted for him twice, he's the best president in the last 40 years but the worst 3 presidents were named Reagan, Bush and Bush. Why? Selling arms to Muslims (Iran Contra), Amnesty, Recession, Iraq War, Katrina, Great Recession. None of that is in any doubt.

And to those that say he refused to work with the Republicans and that makes him a bad President.. well even Republicans can't work with Republicans as seen presently. They don't want to do anything to help Americans.. they just want to roadblock. Sounds great on paper but what happens when that roadblock blocks you?

Prime Example: These Republicans were vehemently opposed to aid for Hurricane Sandy's victims and now they're screaming for aid for Charleston's flooding.

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I didn't vote for Obama but I would vote for Carson.

Yeah he's a good example of a GOP Uncle Tom

I believe that Obama has proven that he is real, he is black, and possibly a Muslim sympathiser....

There are many more adjectives one could use to describe this President...none of which are complimentary...

In more than 50% of American's minds who voted for him twice, he's the best president in the last 40 years but the worst 3 presidents were named Reagan, Bush and Bush. Why? Selling arms to Muslims (Iran Contra), Amnesty, Recession, Iraq War, Katrina, Great Recession. None of that is in any doubt.

And to those that say he refused to work with the Republicans and that makes him a bad President.. well even Republicans can't work with Republicans as seen presently. They don't want to do anything to help Americans.. they just want to roadblock. Sounds great on paper but what happens when that roadblock blocks you?

Prime Example: These Republicans were vehemently opposed to aid for Hurricane Sandy's victims and now they're screaming for aid for Charleston's flooding.

Firstly, Not even 50% of Americans vote.

Your opinion that Obama was the best president is laughable. His legacy is,

Added $8 Trillion (so far) to the national debt - about $3.2 billion every day that he was president.

Destroyed Egypt

Destroyed Ukraine

Destroyed Libya.

Destroyed Syria. (AND, made the USA a complete laughing stock by supporting ISIS and then having to fight against them, then abandoning the entire country to Russia clap2.gif Good work


He was the First Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb and kill another Nobel Prize winner in the Aghanistan hospital bombing this last week.

And supported numerous - likely thousands - of civillians "collateral damage" who were killed through authorized air and drone strikes throughout the middle east. Including authorizing kill operation on American citizens.

So please tell me again how Obama is the best president? Maybe he's the biggest killer of all presidents in the last 40 years. If you hate GW Bush, then you must hate Obama as well, because he's basically like GWBush on steroids

Edited by Time Traveller
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*cutting out idiot rhetoric*

So please tell me again how Obama is the best president?

1. Operation Neptune Spear (this alone weighed against all the quagmire of the Iraq war and your favorite topic.. the national debt created from it, not to mention the lives and limbs lost from Iraq war).. consider that next time you vote for a neocon

2. Equal Rights for LBGT (I couldn't even take my spouse to the USA without DOMA ruling)

3. Obamacare works beautifully for my spouse

4. My 401k is a lot better today than it was in October 2008.

5. Gas costs less than half of what it did in 2008.

6. The economy. His gamble on TARP and his plan is working.. the economy is recovering.. slowly but surely compared to Europe/ China/ Russia/ Brazil.. they would kill to be in the United States shoes right now. We're definitely not losing 750,000 jobs a month.. we're adding 200k or more consistently.

7. Anti-War Stance and getting out of Iraq

8. Opening Cuba

9. The alternative is just obstruct obstruct obstruct and do nothing except preaching trickle down economics which convincing suckers at the bottom of the economic pyramid they can make money when the only one's making anything are those at the top, kill food stamps, pell grants, medicare, medicaid, privatize social security, education, pensions, get cronies to run it into the ground, lower taxes for the 1% while raising sales taxes, tolls, fees and then rail on and on how government doesn't work.

I would like the next POTUS to continue progressive policies and try to be even better than Obama has been.

Hopefully it's Bernie Sanders! I think Bernie can do a 5 times better job than Obama but that doesn't mean Obama isn't better than Reagan, Bush and Bush.

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Destroyed Egypt

Destroyed Ukraine

Destroyed Libya.

Destroyed Syria.

Aren't the Republicans claiming he's such a good muslim? Why is he not caring about them then?

Funny got you there.. by your own admission..

If you want to know the reason answer it's because Obama is an American who cares about Americans. He wants to keep us away from wars like Iraq that just funnel money into Halliburton who don't even pay taxes while real Americans are paying the price in lives, limbs and taxes while Billionaires are living the good life of supermodels champagne and caviar.

It's time we came to a realization.. Obama is not the problem. He's doing the best he can in a corrupt system which has been rigged by the money in politics thanks to billionaires (created by Reagan's trickle down economics) and their charade. The billionaires strategy is to keep the former middle class, now lower class preoccupied with bullshit and keep them delusional, while the elite 1%, both liberal and conservative, royally screw them with free trade agreements, ever decreasing wages, endless wars, dumb & dumber education system void of any real world skills like finance, industrial arts (you know working with your hands that is looked on as being beneath our educators and only for those that couldn't get into college), critical thinking skills, etc.

But wait it gets better, use Hollywood, Television, media in general to tell them what to believe, what to buy, while bankers extend them credit so they can buy things they don't need with money they don't have putting them into perpetual debt, tell them obesity is in vogue so they feel good about their unhealthy lifestyles, you can be whatever you want, just sign off on this Student Loan, we will worry about the details later, etc.

Now these people are struggling, angry, frustrated that the American Dream is becoming more of a nightmare, and in come The Rush Limbaugh types that direct that anger towards liberals like that unAmerican muslim from kenya, in order to keep their eyes off big business and corporate types that want it all for them and none for you.

And through all of that, what's pretty ironic is that their all time favorite talking point about the entitled (the middle class and the poor) stealing from the rich because they'd rather collect welfare or unemployment benefits or food stamps than work includes millions of folks from their own party that can't find jobs due to their own Republican legislator's very rich benefactors and financiers off-shoring jobs and willingly keeping the borders open to keep exploiting the illegals for fun and obscene profits.

The notion that Obama isn't really black or American is a total charade just played for political gain.

Just look at the schmuck refusing to grant marriage license to SS couples.

Or the types that stand up at a Donald Trump event sounding off that Obama is a Muslim from Kenya.

Pretty scary there are so many low educated, uneducated, non educated people in America who don't even believe in the validity of US citizenship of the President.


Seriously the best way to serve this country and move it forward is obstruction and ignoring the facts birtherism?

What happened to actually having a solution and convincing the people your idea is better? Oh that's right, GOP's solution is we don't have a solution except cut income and estate taxes for the rich and obstruction.

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*cutting out idiot rhetoric*

So please tell me again how Obama is the best president?

1. Operation Neptune Spear (this alone weighed against all the quagmire of the Iraq war and your favorite topic.. the national debt created from it, not to mention the lives and limbs lost from Iraq war).. consider that next time you vote for a neocon

2. Equal Rights for LBGT (I couldn't even take my spouse to the USA without DOMA ruling)

3. Obamacare works beautifully for my spouse

4. My 401k is a lot better today than it was in October 2008.

5. Gas costs less than half of what it did in 2008.

6. The economy. His gamble on TARP and his plan is working.. the economy is recovering.. slowly but surely compared to Europe/ China/ Russia/ Brazil.. they would kill to be in the United States shoes right now. We're definitely not losing 750,000 jobs a month.. we're adding 200k or more consistently.

7. Anti-War Stance and getting out of Iraq

8. Opening Cuba

9. The alternative is just obstruct obstruct obstruct and do nothing except preaching trickle down economics which convincing suckers at the bottom of the economic pyramid they can make money when the only one's making anything are those at the top, kill food stamps, pell grants, medicare, medicaid, privatize social security, education, pensions, get cronies to run it into the ground, lower taxes for the 1% while raising sales taxes, tolls, fees and then rail on and on how government doesn't work.

I would like the next POTUS to continue progressive policies and try to be even better than Obama has been.

Hopefully it's Bernie Sanders! I think Bernie can do a 5 times better job than Obama but that doesn't mean Obama isn't better than Reagan, Bush and Bush.

When it comes idiotic rhetoric, you take the cake

1. Who cares. The world is not a safer place since the death of Bin Laden. In fact, ISIS (a US creation) make Al Qaeda seem like peace loving hippies. Defense department budget is still HUGE way more than the total of the next 12 countries combined...... And, and, and, Obama - 7 years into his administration - still has not closed Guantanamo Bay, despite promising that at his innauguration. Oh and the secretive NSA was a creation under Obama as well.

2. ok so 9% of the population is happy

3. And costs everyone else 40% more in insurance costs since the beginning of Obamacare. Hope your spouse is grateful for everyone else's generosity, because Obama sure as hell didnt pay from his pocket.

4. You can thank 0% interest rates for that.

5. Um, well I didn't know the president controlled the oil price but whatever, ok.

6. The economy? Surely you're joking. Average hourly earning for the 99% have barely changed since 2008 and most of the income gains have gone to the 1%. That's not my opinion, search any report on the web they say the same.

7. Anti-war stance? Officially. Unofficially (and obvious to anyone not fed on a diet of American media), he through the CIA support rebel forces in numerous countries to overthrow governments and institutions which implode creating chaos and power vacuums where islamic terrorists find roots........Obama is as war hungry as any leader gets. Deleting my previous comment does not change his legacy.

8. Cuba, um yeah if I ever meet someone from cuba, Ill shake his hand and say hi.

9. No the alternative is not that. The alsternative is for the government to stop choosing winners and losers. What makes you think they are justified in taking money from one group of people or taxpayers and then reward one particular industry, like Wall Street banks, or Insurance Companies, or Defense industry contractors, or whoever?

So Obama created more problems, and solved none of the big issues.

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1. Operation Neptune Spear (this alone weighed against all the quagmire of the Iraq war and your favorite topic.. the national debt created from it, not to mention the lives and limbs lost from Iraq war).. consider that next time you vote for a neocon.

When it comes idiotic rhetoric, you take the cake

1. Who cares.

Wow just wow. Clear ignorance.

Since you have no idea what that meant to the people who lost friends and family that day... I won't even argue with you.

Welcome to ignore.

Edited by JakeSully
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1. Operation Neptune Spear (this alone weighed against all the quagmire of the Iraq war and your favorite topic.. the national debt created from it, not to mention the lives and limbs lost from Iraq war).. consider that next time you vote for a neocon.

When it comes idiotic rhetoric, you take the cake

1. Who cares.

Wow just wow. Clear ignorance.

Since you have no idea what that meant to the people who lost friends and family that day... I won't even argue with you.

Welcome to ignore.

I think you mean you can't argue - so don't be so hard on yourself.

Bin Laden got what he deserved. But did it really change anything in terms of wasteful government spending on defense or did it reduce terrorism risks, or did it make the world a more peaceful place?

The answer is no. So in terms of the benefit from killing bin laden. Umm well some guy in Pakistan got a $20 million reward. But it doesn't change anything for the average american. And those victims from "that day" are still dead. What has changed?

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I didn't vote for Obama but I would vote for Carson.

Yeah he's a good example of a GOP Uncle Tom

I believe that Obama has proven that he is real, he is black, and possibly a Muslim sympathiser....

There are many more adjectives one could use to describe this President...none of which are complimentary...

In more than 50% of American's minds who voted for him twice, he's the best president in the last 40 years but the worst 3 presidents were named Reagan, Bush and Bush. Why? Selling arms to Muslims (Iran Contra), Amnesty, Recession, Iraq War, Katrina, Great Recession. None of that is in any doubt.

And to those that say he refused to work with the Republicans and that makes him a bad President.. well even Republicans can't work with Republicans as seen presently. They don't want to do anything to help Americans.. they just want to roadblock. Sounds great on paper but what happens when that roadblock blocks you?

Prime Example: These Republicans were vehemently opposed to aid for Hurricane Sandy's victims and now they're screaming for aid for Charleston's flooding.

Firstly, Not even 50% of Americans vote.

Your opinion that Obama was the best president is laughable. His legacy is,

Added $8 Trillion (so far) to the national debt - about $3.2 billion every day that he was president.

Destroyed Egypt

Destroyed Ukraine

Destroyed Libya.

Destroyed Syria. (AND, made the USA a complete laughing stock by supporting ISIS and then having to fight against them, then abandoning the entire country to Russia clap2.gif Good work


He was the First Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb and kill another Nobel Prize winner in the Aghanistan hospital bombing this last week.

And supported numerous - likely thousands - of civillians "collateral damage" who were killed through authorized air and drone strikes throughout the middle east. Including authorizing kill operation on American citizens.

So please tell me again how Obama is the best president? Maybe he's the biggest killer of all presidents in the last 40 years. If you hate GW Bush, then you must hate Obama as well, because he's basically like GWBush on steroids

If you hate GW Bush, then you must hate Obama as well, because he's basically like GWBush on steroids


A conservative or a Republican especially who disagrees with a Democratic party president is normal and natural, healthy.

The statement is assinine [sic] however concerning Barack Obama and predecessor presidents, that, "Maybe he's the biggest killer of all presidents in the last 40 years."

For one thing, an inability to distinguish between Barack Obama and GW Bush indicates a compelling need of special edu attention. More broadly speaking, normal society does not think or speak in such terms. The statement is bizarre.

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1. Operation Neptune Spear (this alone weighed against all the quagmire of the Iraq war and your favorite topic.. the national debt created from it, not to mention the lives and limbs lost from Iraq war).. consider that next time you vote for a neocon.

When it comes idiotic rhetoric, you take the cake

1. Who cares.

Wow just wow. Clear ignorance.

Since you have no idea what that meant to the people who lost friends and family that day... I won't even argue with you.

Welcome to ignore.

I think you mean you can't argue - so don't be so hard on yourself.

Bin Laden got what he deserved. But did it really change anything in terms of wasteful government spending on defense or did it reduce terrorism risks, or did it make the world a more peaceful place?

The answer is no. So in terms of the benefit from killing bin laden. Umm well some guy in Pakistan got a $20 million reward. But it doesn't change anything for the average american. And those victims from "that day" are still dead. What has changed?

The expectations presented in the post are unrealistic, bizarre, false; never promised or offered by anyone in or out of government.

Killing bin Laden was the right thing to do even if it took too long to execute. That Barack Obama as president did it is commendable because his predecessor did not and never would have killed bin Laden. GW was too busy trying to be the anti-bin Laden. Barack Obama simply did his job as POTUS and CinC.

The world does not change because one person died even if it's Adolph Hitler, because Hitler did not need to die to end WW2. Likewise, killing bin Laden does not end terrorism nor was there any expectation of it, and no expectation it per se would end or reduce wasteful spending on defense. The argument here is both far-fetched and bizarre.

Jesus Christ would be another thread btw so kindly don't get cranked up about that too although Christ too was against wasteful spending. wink.png

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1. Operation Neptune Spear (this alone weighed against all the quagmire of the Iraq war and your favorite topic.. the national debt created from it, not to mention the lives and limbs lost from Iraq war).. consider that next time you vote for a neocon

2. Equal Rights for LBGT (I couldn't even take my spouse to the USA without DOMA ruling)

3. Obamacare works beautifully for my spouse

4. My 401k is a lot better today than it was in October 2008.

5. Gas costs less than half of what it did in 2008.

6. The economy. His gamble on TARP and his plan is working.. the economy is recovering.. slowly but surely compared to Europe/ China/ Russia/ Brazil.. they would kill to be in the United States shoes right now. We're definitely not losing 750,000 jobs a month.. we're adding 200k or more consistently.

7. Anti-War Stance and getting out of Iraq

8. Opening Cuba

9. The alternative is just obstruct obstruct obstruct and do nothing except preaching trickle down economics which convincing suckers at the bottom of the economic pyramid they can make money when the only one's making anything are those at the top, kill food stamps, pell grants, medicare, medicaid, privatize social security, education, pensions, get cronies to run it into the ground, lower taxes for the 1% while raising sales taxes, tolls, fees and then rail on and on how government doesn't work.

I would like the next POTUS to continue progressive policies and try to be even better than Obama has been.

Hopefully it's Bernie Sanders! I think Bernie can do a 5 times better job than Obama but that doesn't mean Obama isn't better than Reagan, Bush and Bush.

Is this intended as satire? If so, it's brilliant!

If not - if you are actually serious - then how unfortunate for you and your delusional other personality. Wow. gigglem.gif

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Like this fake American knows anything about being black or the black experience in America.

Maybe you read a different story because he didn't claim to. He just stated Obama has not been effective in narrowing the gaps between black people and the rest of the population. So I ask you, what's wrong with highlighting problems like that? Or are you one of those racists happy with current status where black people continue to be overrepresented in negative things like criminal activity, prison rates, school drop out rates, drug addiction, poverty levels and so forth which are much higher than the general population.

Seriously, some of you guys are so dumb, it takes a foreigner (even a naturalized American) to point out how inneffective stupid PC policies are at creating positive change. But I suppose there are so many people getting tax payer funding from these affirmative action programs, they'll attack anyone who speaks the truth.

Cause congress blocking every bill trying to change things wasnt part of the problem?

Right wing, murdoch and the truth....555.....very funny and as you say "so dumb"

Edited by kaorop
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