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Phuket bouncers filmed beating up foreign tourists

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Don't be deceived by these slightly built Thais in a one on one situation. Some of them are as hard as nails and move quicker than most farangs. Best not to let the drink take over your brain and walk away from possible confrontation. This advise was given to me by an Aussie boxing promoter.


Again Thais with a short fuse, maybe, maybe not, drinking on the job.

Whatever the reason, it is a bouncers job to bounce guests from a establishment, whom not behave correctly.

Bounce, never means beatup. If a guest gets violent (usually drunk), he should be overpowered and/or removed/called police.

There is never a reason to keep om beating and kicking when somebody is down already, which here is clearly the case.


I was actually there when this happened.while the end result didnt look good,there where abt 7 of these foriegn guys being total <deleted>wits(a few steroided up),what occured prior to this wasnt very nice either

and im not sticking up for the thai guys


Someone should sponsor a Facebook page with catch words: Thailand, Travel and Tourism in the title which will come up in Internet search results the world over. Then have the content be pictures, videos and articles of all the carnage that takes place in the kingdom.

A nice project for someone to undertake.

Always the drunk farang at fault- great to see press coverage of these events in Australia warning the numerous Australian tourists that come here to be careful. In saying that, when you are attacked or set upon its often difficult to avoid such cowards and their acts.



This is Thailand. Unless you are a naive tourist, then you know what can happen if you go to a bar which employs Thai security...they get paid to kick foreign butt...supposedly only when provoked...if that helps any...


Reading the majority of the posts here, one wonders how naive could people be.

Does anyone know why this started?

Does this happen only in Thailand?

Do Thai's just choose at random some innocent tourist who are enjoying a drink and beat the living daylights out of them?

I guess this is the attitude that begets such violence.

Some people should really get off their high horse or stay

(Now, I am not justifying this behaviour, but it happens all over the world - including in the developed countries too)


Whoever shot the video was very lucky that the thugs did turn on him/her. Remember what happened to Captain Mark taking video of a beating outside Thaipan ....

I believe the poster on facebook has already removed the video as she was threatened.

As reported in Bangkok Post.


As far as myself and several others are concerned it is now open season on anyone wearing one of those shirts, involved or not. May as well be wearing a bullseye. Enjoy fellas!

I might suggest you do not go about looking for trouble, likely you will find it!


5 on 1, hitting from the back, kicking the head when he was on the floor, in my homecountry this would be attempt to murder and 5 years jail.

But i still don't know what those guys did to be treated like this. It's very unprofessional from the bouncers anyway. Why not arrest them and call the police?

I won't go to Phuket!

Read other posts. 5 Thai bouncers 6 Australians.


as usual

old drunkard farang men complaining about thais "ganging up" while its the same shit in the west. It's always gang beat downs. 1v1's are as comon in thailand as in the rest of the world.

And as usual, theres is a 90% chance the 2 guys did deserve a beat down, so lets not get on our high horses and complain that it was too violent.

That's total bull... Used to work in nightclub and never treat people like that (even drunk and morons). If I couldn't manage 1 guy on my own the owner of the establishment probably would say goodbye to me as I wouldn't be right man on right place.

I was traveling around the world and what I can say that in most of the cases Thais men acts like cowards... when alone with you nice and polite but when they gather like 5 or so they starts show attitude.

I remember few years back when I was attending DARE Championship after party event and all the Thais security was humble and helpful... but the club was packet by XXX pro fighters, trainers, supporters and other people from or around the business... and we get drunk there tongue.png .

So sometimes they can act like humans I suppose clap2.gif


terrible, I wonder what a 1 on 1 situation would of resulted in.? ( Well never going to happen anyway )

Exactly, they are all cowards. They know nothing about the concept of a fair fight.

I hope that these 2 men go to the police with this footage and I hope because of the exposure it has had they are forced to do something about it. They should all be arrested for assault and I suspect ABH if there is such a thing here. Bound to be some cracked bones in some of those contacts.

Imagine the uproar is 5 foreigners beat up 2 local Thai men..


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as usual

old drunkard farang men complaining about thais "ganging up" while its the same shit in the west. It's always gang beat downs. 1v1's are as comon in thailand as in the rest of the world.

And as usual, theres is a 90% chance the 2 guys did deserve a beat down, so lets not get on our high horses and complain that it was too violent.

And exactly what was was wrong with asking them to leave the bar or throwing them out if needed?

Of course not, but you can't use logic with the kind of people the bar scene of thailand attracts. They are loud and unable to control themselves also very often violent because they have trained muy thai to make up for their low self esteem.

For a large percentage of those loud mouths, the only way to calm down is being put into a coma. It's a sad truth. I dont get any joy out of this but kicking their ass is usually the only way for them to stop attacking everyone in sight when they get into one of their small wee-wee rage.

The thai guys went overboard but this is what happens when a loud, obnoxious farang that feels entitled to the world because he came in a poor country on his 2 weeks of vacation per year after working in a mental shop 10 hrs a day for the rest of the year starts going off like a mad man threatening everyone. Have seen it happen many times and i understand why the bouncers are having a hard time letting it go after the guys are down.

Just to play devil's advocate, did you see these particular set of guys in the aforementioned place and acting drunk and stupid? Reason I asked is that the Aussie Mark that was attacked by a mob of bouncers was accused by the bouncers of being drunk and threatening them................... before the truth came out that he hadn't been drinking and wasn't threatening them. For some reason all the bouncers in scuffles here always blame the "drunk farang" even if they aren't drunk as if it's an open license to hand out beatings with no repercussions.

You're making up the no drinking part.

Some people have a habit of making things up.

Look at your own post on this thread. No 12 and No 18.

People in glass houses comes to mind.


The Aussies must have done their share of provocation to bring the situation to this, but bouncers are supposed to be professionals when handling jerks and the beating on the floor, and from the back to guys who obviously are not trying to fight back is proof that these are not bouncers but thugs. I hope they go to jail.


Lets see what spin TAT can put on this.

The event also corresponds with TAT’s 2015 Discover Thainess campaign, which highlights a range of tourism activities that allow tourists to immerse themselves in the Thai way of life, Thai culture, and Thai experiences, such as Thai boxing,...


Don't be deceived by these slightly built Thais in a one on one situation. Some of them are as hard as nails and move quicker than most farangs. Best not to let the drink take over your brain and walk away from possible confrontation. This advise was given to me by an Aussie boxing promoter.

then you aussie boxing promotor was a moron.

You can make the same statement about anyone, in any country in the world. No one wears a t shirt saying "watch out, might be small but boxing champion",, on the other hand a big, tall guy could be a desk jockey and is as soft and passive as warm milk.

If your aussie boxing promotor had any brains and wanted to give good advice about not getting hurt he should have said, avoid it, better to get out of there as quickly as possible when trouble brews.

Don't know what they did but 2 drunken, wobbly foreigners is hardly difficult to deal with if you were sober,, well here it took 5 sober Thais to kick the stuffing out of them. I do not endorse fighting but how would that have panned out with 5 sober foreigners?

Thais already know the answer to that question, the locals would probably get a good kicking, they know this so they gang up,,


Fellas, where are you? If you were the 2 guys getting a beating then you should come forward and take this footage to the police right away.

there are nearly 300,000 people who have seen this footage now, it will be difficult for the police to do nothing,,

They deserve to be punished by the law for what they did, you should do it before these animals kill someone.


this is NOT your country.....you PAY to come and get beat up.... YOU are here to exploit Thais......so YOU are not the victim...

nobody forces any of us to go to Thailand......and there are tons of these kinds of stories

this will NOT be the last story like this...

Land of Smiles.....kap kap kap

We know its not our country , we come to see the beautiful Thailand not to get conned, beat up, robbed, raped & murdered, mostly the tourist is exploited we do not exploit you & you think Thailand and its people are victims of tourism ... I guess that sums up Thai Logic in a nut shell,,, Mai Pen Rai...

One of the first sentences my wife thought me in Thailand phom/chan jai kha prap ton-nii dai mai...."Can I just pay the fine now" wai2.gif

I can assure you as I am one that no Aussie is going to dodge Thailand because a couple of blokes got toweled up by some bouncers outside a club. Happens the world over mate blokes are punching all over Oz when they are on the turps. In this case I heard (only hearsay) that it was originally 5 on 6 and one of the Aussie lads tried to king hit one of the bouncers which is what kicked it all off. Stop bashing Thailand don't hang around seedy areas with hooker's and drugs and copious amounts of piss anywhere in the world if you find a blue a bit hard to stomach.

seedy areas with hookers and drugs and copious amounts of alcohol ? - isn't that like the entire country of thailand?

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