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Migrant crisis: EU ministers agree to step up deportations and beef up borders


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Migrant crisis: EU ministers agree to step up deportations and beef up borders


BRUSSELS: -- EU governments have agreed to step up deportations of migrants deemed to be illegal.

Creating a border guard force has also been on the agenda at a meeting of interior ministers in Luxembourg.

It comes amid a surge in refugees fleeing Syria’s civil war.

“Guarding the external borders of the European Union is priority number one. That’s the most important recognition for today. And of course the activities to support Frontex (EU border agency) to increase its person (staff), this is most important too.”

Ministers also agreed to exert more “leverage” on African and other states to make them accept citizens who are refused entry to Europe.

In recent years, less than 40 percent of people who’ve had their asylum claims rejected have actually then left the EU.

“We have always said that we need to protect those who are in need of international help. But those who don’t need this kind of protection, will have to return to their countries of origin,” said Jean Asselborn, Luxembourg Foreign Affairs Minister.

An EU plan agreed last month will see so-called hot spots set up in countries such as Greece and Italy, to screen incoming migrants more carefully. But doubts are being cast on their workability.

Speaking from Luxembourg, euronews reporter Sandor Zsiros said: “From the latest statement it’s clear that the migration policy of open doors is coming to an end in Europe. Leaders will handle the migration pressures outside of Europe’s borders, or by protecting its external borders.”

The interior ministers were due to be joined later on Thursday by EU foreign ministers and delegations from Balkan states, Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon for talks on stemming migrant flows that have plunged the bloc into crisis.

The influx has divided members over how to secure the EU external borders and how to share responsibility for housing refugees.

The meetings are part of efforts to implement a package of measures put forward by EU officials over the past six months.

They involve the start of negotiations this week with Turkey, which has more than half of the four million Syrian refugees. The talks aims to try and discourage people from travelling.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-09

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Too little too late, why all those fat cat European ministers could foresee the problem getting as bad

as it is today? too busy sipping campaign and fine dining in their endless meetings in 5 stars hotels?

By now, hundreds of thousand of questionable ' refugees ' are entrenched in their countries, and once

that is so, you can put the toothpaste back into the tube, you'll be seen as cruel and heartless...

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I think any attempt to send these "refugees" back will be a very cruel and bloody business for Europe. They are not Jews. They will not go peacefully.

No need to believe me. Just look at what is happening in Europe already.

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It has been reported on a number of occasions that many of the young men entering Europe from Syria are avoiding conscription into the Assad military, most conscripts are Sunni, officers mainly being Alawite.


Only about 10% of refugees are housed in camps within Turkey, even they are under funded for support services. Accordingly most refugees live outside of the camps, but usually not permitted to legally work to support themselves which adds to the push factors driving them towards EU countries.

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^^^ It doesn't matter. Once they reach a safe country such as Turkey they aren't supposed to go on seeking the richest countries with the fanciest council flats and best benefits. That's what they are doing, so they aren't refugees but economic invaders and opportunists.

This won't end well for W. Europe at all.


Edited by NeverSure
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Germany colonialized the rest of Europe by its economic power. They will try to do it again to solve their internal crisis, where refugees are only scapegoats and hostages. They are about to risk a civil war, and they will try to export it.

Better close the borders to Germany now.

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^^^ It doesn't matter. Once they reach a safe country such as Turkey they aren't supposed to go on seeking the richest countries with the fanciest council flats and best benefits. That's what they are doing, so they aren't refugees but economic invaders and opportunists.

This won't end well for W. Europe at all.


So what?

It's rational economic behaviour, completely compatible with Western values.

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Germany colonialized the rest of Europe by its economic power. They will try to do it again to solve their internal crisis, where refugees are only scapegoats and hostages. They are about to risk a civil war, and they will try to export it.

Better close the borders to Germany now.

Shouldn't you be getting ready to go back and fight in the civil war you see coming. You know, for the "refugees" and such. You keep saying how much you want to fight Germany and Germans. Here's your chance.

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^^^ It doesn't matter. Once they reach a safe country such as Turkey they aren't supposed to go on seeking the richest countries with the fanciest council flats and best benefits. That's what they are doing, so they aren't refugees but economic invaders and opportunists.

This won't end well for W. Europe at all.


I'll refer you to Scott's observation on Syrian refugee status in Turkey.

"Your status as a refugee does not change because you do not remain in a specific country. Turkey has not granted refugee status to most (if any) of the Syrians. They have not been screened to determine whether or not they are a refugee"

3/4 weeks ago an executive from UNHCR acknowledged that the current backlog for refugee status assessments in Turkey is years due to lack of staff and resources as an outcome of under funding by donor countries.

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Its a huge problem , it has to be stopped as it is and a sensible control put in place . The Fat Cats that run Europe need to pull their finger's out , and do their job . Or move out of their big soft chairs i Brussels , and get a few Nigel Farage's in place to shake thing's up .

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The Fat Cats take the populations as hostages, and the hostages sympathize with the hostage-takers. That's what the Fat Cats count on.

Since the Fat Cats run the governments, they can define your compliance to their selfish interests as a national duty and make their laws according to this. You obey because you need their money, so you get a tiny bit to cool you down. If they run out of money, they kill part of the populations by war. That's their (deadly) game.

Solution: Get rid of the Fat Cats.

No more wars, no more refugees from wars.

You can invest in peaceful resettlement, guess there'll be a new economic branch for this soon.

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Another group of politicians that have no foresight, no plan and will continue to spend taxpayers money on the wrong solutions. America in the same boat. Remember, your countrymen voted them in. Maybe someone who had the use of a Section 44 might actually be able to solve these type of situations.

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Psst Merkel, won't the families of those granted residency have the right to bring their families over too? In a nutshell 1.5 million could become 7 million. Of course riots and total breakdown of law and order would ensue long before then. Reality may just have been let in, albeit way too late.


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The Fat Cats take the populations as hostages, and the hostages sympathize with the hostage-takers. That's what the Fat Cats count on.

Since the Fat Cats run the governments, they can define your compliance to their selfish interests as a national duty and make their laws according to this. You obey because you need their money, so you get a tiny bit to cool you down. If they run out of money, they kill part of the populations by war. That's their (deadly) game.

Solution: Get rid of the Fat Cats.

No more wars, no more refugees from wars.

You can invest in peaceful resettlement, guess there'll be a new economic branch for this soon.

Isn't that what they did in Russia in 1917 and in China in 1949? Stop free enterprise and the rule of law and you get anarchy with a brutal regime.

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The Fat Cats take the populations as hostages, and the hostages sympathize with the hostage-takers. That's what the Fat Cats count on.

Since the Fat Cats run the governments, they can define your compliance to their selfish interests as a national duty and make their laws according to this. You obey because you need their money, so you get a tiny bit to cool you down. If they run out of money, they kill part of the populations by war. That's their (deadly) game.

Solution: Get rid of the Fat Cats.

No more wars, no more refugees from wars.

You can invest in peaceful resettlement, guess there'll be a new economic branch for this soon.

Isn't that what they did in Russia in 1917 and in China in 1949? Stop free enterprise and the rule of law and you get anarchy with a brutal regime.

In the long term it is sometimes useful to press the big reset-button

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The Fat Cats take the populations as hostages, and the hostages sympathize with the hostage-takers. That's what the Fat Cats count on.

Since the Fat Cats run the governments, they can define your compliance to their selfish interests as a national duty and make their laws according to this. You obey because you need their money, so you get a tiny bit to cool you down. If they run out of money, they kill part of the populations by war. That's their (deadly) game.

Solution: Get rid of the Fat Cats.

No more wars, no more refugees from wars.

You can invest in peaceful resettlement, guess there'll be a new economic branch for this soon.

Isn't that what they did in Russia in 1917 and in China in 1949? Stop free enterprise and the rule of law and you get anarchy with a brutal regime.


You get anarchy with a brutal regime if you allow free enterprise without the rule of law.

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I see so many pictures of hordes of young and healthy immigrants and most of them are men... Young Male Invaders.

Where is Merkel in this? I thought she invited all of them to her house?

Europe is soooo finished.

And who will they support when the time comes, their adopted country or their mythical god, to late now, i hope they all camp outside the houses of the people in government and piss them off, and to see the problem through the eyes of the citizens of the country that is being invaded by so called Migrants, half of who come from Bangladesh and africa

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