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Do you think she stole his money?

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So, I just heard this story from a guy staying at my hotel, and I'd like to hear your opinions on it.

He took a long bus overnight in Thailand. He didn't sleep but for a few hours during the first few hours of the trip. He kept an eye on his bag, and it was with him the whole time.

He has a Thai girlfriend. She picked him up when was dropped at his destination. He kept his backpack in her room. A few hours later, he went to stay at a hotel. He learned all his cash was stolen from his backpack upon checking in... but only his cash.... not his passport or computer. He kept his cash in an envelope and that was still there as well... it was $800 all in all... mostly USD and some Baht. He doesn't think it was stolen on the bus, but what else could it be? He was awake on the bus, and if they had taken the cash on the bus, why not passport, computer and how did they know where he kept his cash? And why leave the envelope?

But here is the thing: He trust his gf, they've been together about 9 months, she has never done anything like this... he knows her family, has even stayed at their house. So what is the deal? He thinks maybe her sister stole it. His gf is not a bar girl and the family is not poor... in fact, they're well off for Thai standards.

Something is not up.....

what do you guys think? I am lost as to what to tell him.

Edited by DanceAllNight
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Why doesnt he ask her straight up if she took the cash...if she gets hysterically angry and defensive then she nicked it or knows who nicked it

It would be pretty tactless to do that.....better to just tell her what happened...facts only and watch her reactions.

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Man, this is interesting. But i feel bad for the guy. They left together a little bit ago. I will talk to him some more when he gets back. He is a young guy and obviously pissed right now. I ask him if he has any money left, and he said he has his credit card... another thing in the backpack he said that wasn't stolen. The more I think about it, the more the gf is guilty. Poor man!

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Man, this is interesting. But i feel bad for the guy. They left together a little bit ago. I will talk to him some more when he gets back. He is a young guy and obviously pissed right now. I ask him if he has any money left, and he said he has his credit card... another thing in the backpack he said that wasn't stolen. The more I think about it, the more the gf is guilty. Poor man!

I think you've nailed it inspector.


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Why doesnt he ask her straight up if she took the cash...if she gets hysterically angry and defensive then she nicked it or knows who nicked it

It would be pretty tactless to do that.....better to just tell her what happened...facts only and watch her reactions.

Its got nothing to do with being tactless...its doesnt give a person a chance to collect their thoughts and an agressive/ defensive reaction is a strong indicator the person is lying to you....

Just tell her gives a person time to collect their thoughts and compose a story..

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Removing the Computer would immediately rouse suspicion as the weight would be different.

Same for the envelope, at a glance all there, but no contents. Passports whilst may be valuable have to be disposed of, cash is always king and faster, less hassle.

So to the unsuspecting or half asleep, the computer /weight is ther, Passport there, envelope there. Only later realising the envelope is empty and the perpetrator is long gone.

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Man, this is interesting. But i feel bad for the guy. They left together a little bit ago. I will talk to him some more when he gets back. He is a young guy and obviously pissed right now. I ask him if he has any money left, and he said he has his credit card... another thing in the backpack he said that wasn't stolen. The more I think about it, the more the gf is guilty. Poor man!

If she keeps going on about and "over compensating" then she did it

Oh course what i have said doesnt over happen in all people as some are compulsive liars and my not display some of the reactions

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Removing the Computer would immediately rouse suspicion as the weight would be different.

Same for the envelope, at a glance all there, but no contents. Passports whilst may be valuable have to be disposed of, cash is always king and faster, less hassle.

So to the unsuspecting or half asleep, the computer /weight is ther, Passport there, envelope there. Only later realising the envelope is empty and the perpetrator is long gone.

but who did it? Someone on the bus while he slept or the girl?

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Removing the Computer would immediately rouse suspicion as the weight would be different.

Same for the envelope, at a glance all there, but no contents. Passports whilst may be valuable have to be disposed of, cash is always king and faster, less hassle.

So to the unsuspecting or half asleep, the computer /weight is ther, Passport there, envelope there. Only later realising the envelope is empty and the perpetrator is long gone.

but who did it? Someone on the bus while he slept or the girl?

There have been other reports of this happening on buses. Given what was left etc I would say its probably more likely to have happened on the Bus as once he got off, they are gone. If it was the girl, she would have to be pretty cool character to look him in the face and pull that off, not impossible, but less likely in my opinion, especially 9 months into the relationship.

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Removing the Computer would immediately rouse suspicion as the weight would be different.

Same for the envelope, at a glance all there, but no contents. Passports whilst may be valuable have to be disposed of, cash is always king and faster, less hassle.

So to the unsuspecting or half asleep, the computer /weight is ther, Passport there, envelope there. Only later realising the envelope is empty and the perpetrator is long gone.

but who did it? Someone on the bus while he slept or the girl?

There have been other reports of this happening on buses. Given what was left etc I would say its probably more likely to have happened on the Bus as once he got off, they are gone. If it was the girl, she would have to be pretty cool character to look him in the face and pull that off, not impossible, but less likely in my opinion.

but why leave a computer, passport, credit card? and how did they know where to find the money? and also why leave an empty envelope? If I were the thief, I'd take anything of value. Who knows...crazy story.

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Removing the Computer would immediately rouse suspicion as the weight would be different.

Same for the envelope, at a glance all there, but no contents. Passports whilst may be valuable have to be disposed of, cash is always king and faster, less hassle.

So to the unsuspecting or half asleep, the computer /weight is ther, Passport there, envelope there. Only later realising the envelope is empty and the perpetrator is long gone.

but who did it? Someone on the bus while he slept or the girl?

There have been other reports of this happening on buses. Given what was left etc I would say its probably more likely to have happened on the Bus as once he got off, they are gone. If it was the girl, she would have to be pretty cool character to look him in the face and pull that off, not impossible, but less likely in my opinion.

but why leave a computer, passport, credit card? and how did they know where to find the money? and also why leave an empty envelope? If I were the thief, I'd take anything of value. Who knows...crazy story.

Because it gives the appearance of normality, no alarm bells to the owner, no angry customer on the Bus, he grabs his bag, all feels well, look ok at a glance, if he even bothered to look when he left the Bus. He gets off, no fuss, they go on there merry way. With Cash which is easily divided and disposed of, a credit card could be traceable, especially if caught with it.

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but who did it? Someone on the bus while he slept or the girl?

There have been other reports of this happening on buses. Given what was left etc I would say its probably more likely to have happened on the Bus as once he got off, they are gone. If it was the girl, she would have to be pretty cool character to look him in the face and pull that off, not impossible, but less likely in my opinion.

but why leave a computer, passport, credit card? and how did they know where to find the money? and also why leave an empty envelope? If I were the thief, I'd take anything of value. Who knows...crazy story.

Because it gives the appearance of normality, no alarm bells to the owner, no angry customer on the Bus, he grabs his bag, all feels well, look ok at a glance, if he even bothered to look when he left the Bus. He gets off, no fuss, they go on there merry way. With Cash which is easily divided and disposed of, a credit card could be traceable, especially if caught with it.

Agree here with CharlieH.

Looks like you want to pin it on the GF at all cost.

If the thief did it in the bus he would not want it to be noticed. He would have to go through the stuff but thieves usually know where people hide stuff. They have experience.

If the gf stole it and still stays with him.. that is a lot of real good acting.. not so sure about that.

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Removing the Computer would immediately rouse suspicion as the weight would be different.

Same for the envelope, at a glance all there, but no contents. Passports whilst may be valuable have to be disposed of, cash is always king and faster, less hassle.

So to the unsuspecting or half asleep, the computer /weight is ther, Passport there, envelope there. Only later realising the envelope is empty and the perpetrator is long gone.


You sound like pro, bro

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Removing the Computer would immediately rouse suspicion as the weight would be different.

Same for the envelope, at a glance all there, but no contents. Passports whilst may be valuable have to be disposed of, cash is always king and faster, less hassle.

So to the unsuspecting or half asleep, the computer /weight is ther, Passport there, envelope there. Only later realising the envelope is empty and the perpetrator is long gone.

but who did it? Someone on the bus while he slept or the girl?

There have been other reports of this happening on buses. Given what was left etc I would say its probably more likely to have happened on the Bus as once he got off, they are gone. If it was the girl, she would have to be pretty cool character to look him in the face and pull that off, not impossible, but less likely in my opinion.

and how did they know where to find the money?

A fat envelope is usually a good indicator that there's money inside.

The guy's backpack was just a backpack.

Wouldn't have taken long to spot the envelope . . . unless, of course, it was a portable TARDIS

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Money belt for sure. i used to carry 2 wallets, but now i just do that until i get to my destination.

there are ONLY a few things you need to be crazy about in Thailand....YOUR CASH, wallet, and passport.

money gets stolen all the time......i've never had a problem, but you never know.

this 800 is gone.....another lesson for the farang.

9 months is enough time...i bet she asked for iphone 6 or money for sick family and didn't get it... well, she can buy/get it now..

Edited by puukao
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Does he know for certain it was in the envelope BEFORE getting on the bus.....? Where was he prior?

I've heard of people losing money on Songtows without realizing it was stolen...Some people travel by public transport solely to steal....Dark bus, tired riders.....Opportunity.....

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He didn't sleep but for a few hours during the first few hours of the trip

So he did sleep on the bus?

I'd say it was most likely taken on the bus too. Lots of stories of things being stolen from bags on overnight buses, especially on the southern routes, and it's usually someone on the bus crew that did it. They go for cash because it's the easiest thing to hide and use later.

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In Thailand, it's good to keep all of your money and valuable cards and documents in a money belt or a money pouch hung around your neck. Leaving them accessible will tempt pickpockets who can be skillful and quick, leaving you to blame the people you know well. Also, double-check every transaction carefully. I have a story about some expensive glasses that I let an optician order after checking my eyes. I didn't check her prescription numbers, deciding to trust her. I got a new pair of lenses the same strength as the glasses I already had. I should have checked the prescription that she had written down! I now double-check everything!

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It could have been her or anyone who could get into the room.

If he doesn't know, you can't and neither can we.

I can only say it is surprising sometimes who will steal from you, just a moments temptation.

Was the backpack left in the room without any locking device on it and unattended for some time? If yes, truly silly.

A fanny pack/bumbag is designed for this type of instance, but a padlock on a bag where the money is, is a good idea.

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Who can say, could be one of those crawlers that used to hang out in the underside luggage compartment on the buses going from Sai Tai Mai to Surat. They cleaned up on backpacks over the years. Maybe they've moved upstairs.

Your mate will probably never get to the bottom of it, and if he suspects the wife then that's a bust too, sooner or later.

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