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Asus Android tablet stuck at 32% battery charge !

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I have an Asus Fonepad ,

until a few days ago the battery would charge to 100%

now it only goes up to 32% and the charging "arrow" does not show to tell that it is charging , but says discharging when looking at settings - battery

When I look in settings it says 32% but even after 30 minutes use it still says 32%

Anyone have this happen before ?

is there a good battery app the bypasses the settings page ?

Thanks for your help


You sure the charging adapter is still good. I have a Samsung 10" tablet that was charging very, very slowly...plus the charging indicator was acting strangely. Say for example if I started charging it at 32% an hour later it may only be at 35% when it should have reached close to 50%. The problem was a bad charging adapter. Replaced the charger...all is well now.

Before buying another charger I checked the charger's actual max amp output...I bought a charging adapter tester off Ebay for a couple hundred baht. The charger is suppose to put out a max of 2A but could only put out 0.8A at 5 volts...the replacement charger puts out 2A max at 5 volts as spec'ed. Actually 0.8A is enough to charge a smartphone in around 2 hours but for charging a 10 inch tablet a person needs close to 2A to fully charge it in 4 to 5 hours....0.8A just don't hack it.

This charging tester hooks inline with the charging adapter and tablet/phone so you can measure the current output charging the tablet/phone. With the old adapter the tester measured 0.8A when charging...with the new adapter the tester measured 1.6A. I know I mentioned 2A before but that was measured with a special load adapter which you hook to the tester vs the tablet/phone to make the charging adapter operate a max amp output to see if it can reach it's max rated output.

"If" you have been charging your ASUS with the tablet still turned on, trying turning it off and letting it charge for a hours. Then turn it back on and check the charging percentage...if it climbed significantly above 32% then that's another indication you have a faulty charger. Charging adapters fail all the time...even the quality ones.


Be sure to turn off the Asus if charging from the computer's USB port since the typical USB port can only put-out 0.5A (some up around 0.9A) which is usually not enough to charge a tablet/larger phone "if the tablet/phone" is turned on/displaying...or it will charge very slowly since the tablet/phone is using up pretty much all (or more) of that 0.5A to power itself...none to very little of that 0.5A is left to charge the battery.


Now the battery calibration apps on Google Play are really just snake oil apps because every time your Android device goes through a charge cycle it resets certain battery stats/charge files that the snake oil apps also say they reset.

Anyway, I would try letting the Asus "fully" discharge until it cuts itself off...like running a movie over and over to discharge it...then do a recharge.


Flatten the battery: use up as much of the charge as you can. If, under battery settings, the gadget allows you to set what battery level to shut down at then dial it down to zero. Let it shut itself down. Now try to restart it -- it should begin to start and then shut down, maybe with a battery warning message. Keep doing this until it has too little juice to even try to start. That's pretty flat. I would suggest you let it sit that way for a while, overnight would be good. Try to start it again (batteries can be surprising). If it tries to start, keep up the drill until it runs dry, again. Be patient. Another overnighter?

My guess is the problem is not the battery but the charging circuitry.

  • 2 months later...

Some of the Asus Fonepads seem to have a charging bug.

My ME 371MG (2013) turned itself off one day and won't either charge nor able to turn it on again.

If I remember correctly, all started with weird "charging values".

After "googleing", I opened the case and disconnected the battery cable, which was a little bit fiddly but doable.

Reconnected the cable after 5 minutes, the Asus started and showed correct battery values. blink.png

Why? No idea...


I suspect that Pib and others who suggest charger problems are correct but possibly the battery might be going bad. Poke the battery with your finger and feel if there is any spongyness, like it might be puffing up a bit. If there is, the battery is out-gassing, a sure sign of battery problems. I have had this happen with several devices, mostly inexpensive Chinese tablets.


I have a Phonepad 7 too and have not had a problem yet. I was going to get a ASUS Zenphone 2 but read on a couple of phone forums that they too have a similar problem after a bit of time, so i will wait until they sort it out , or the other phones catch up to the Asus Zenphone which by all reports is still a very good phone apart from the battery charging .


Just noticed these replies , sorry for the lateness !

Well it fixed itself , no idea why , but 3 days later it was back to normal,

thanks for the help. hopefully I will not need it again :)

and where is the main ASUS service center in BKK ,

thanks again


There is now an Asus service center in Fortune Plaza, 2nd level, kind of hidden near the center of the bldg. One caveat; this service center is apparently under license to Asus, not owned by Asus. I took a Asus phone there that still had a few weeks of warranty but they charged me B300 anyway saying my register receipt from Power Mall where I bought the phone was insufficient. I was pissed off and trudged over to the Asus offices nearby on Rama-9...."Yes...your phone still have warranty but so sorry..nothing can do"


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