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Obama met by pro-gun protests at scene of latest school shooting in Oregon

Lite Beer

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Crass, uncouth, low class, rude. Have these rednecks no regard for the families of the victims? Take their protests somewhere else, at another time.

Oh, of course it's their RIGHT to protest, so do so anyway.

It was the RIGHT of the murderer to have a gun.

Nobody can deny that owning a gun (and having ammo available) increases the chance of someone being killed.

Actually, a majority of the families of the victims asked that Obama not come to Roseburg......................."

Really? What is your source for this statement?

And, perhaps, those folks of Roseburg do not want to face the stark reality of what happened in their gun loving community? whistling.gif

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Yes...take the guns.......turn America into a gelded group of Socialist pacifists (Europeans), who bend over for Islam and its representative in the White House...

Sir, you can come out of your cave now. This is 2015 AD not BC.

The truth is all around you and this planet is no longer a flat earth (as many believed). coffee1.gif

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Crass, uncouth, low class, rude. Have these rednecks no regard for the families of the victims? Take their protests somewhere else, at another time.

Oh, of course it's their RIGHT to protest, so do so anyway.

It was the RIGHT of the murderer to have a gun.

Nobody can deny that owning a gun (and having ammo available) increases the chance of someone being killed.

Actually, a majority of the families of the victims asked that Obama not come to Roseburg. It was Obama who wanted to capitalize on the tragedy and make a political statement. I have never owned a gun, nor do I desire to own one, but I respect the rights of individuals to legally own guns. Legal ownership of weapons is not the problem. Look at Chicago, Baltimore and Washington, DC. These three cities have the strictest gun laws in the nation, yet Chicago has the highest gun murder rate in the country, while Baltimore and Washington DC are in the top 5 for gun crimes. It is not those who legally own guns that are the problem. If existing gun laws were strictly enforced, we would not have near the problems we currently have. But tragically, that is not the case. Umqua Community College was a gun free zone, no guns allowed. But it does not stop the crazy ones from taking advantage.

a majority of the families of the victims asked that Obama not come to Roseburg.

Whatever the unlinked and still undocumented post is on about, Roseberg is in the county that voted 2-1 for Romney in the 2012 election, so the place is populated by conservatives and dominated by rightwingers. The community is heavily politicised to the Republican party.

Oregon overall voted to reelect Prez Obama by 12 percentage points over Romney, so the Roseberg right is a distinct minority in their state and in the USA.

We know the rightwing gun owners and the absolutists who support gun anarchy are not impressed or influenced by any gun tragedy and that they hold a political and financing death grip on politicians in Washington and in many state capitals.

Legal ownership of weapons is not the problem.

A number of people who showed up along the president's motorcade route carried guns right then and there. These people demonstrate legally and they demonstrate they are crackpots and that they are deadly dangerous.

Re: Republicans in Oregon and the Republican party contest for the nomination:

Trump Has Early Lead in Oregon

In a recent poll conducted by DMH Research, a Portland-based research firm, 18 percent of the 536 Oregon Republicans surveyed said they supported Trump in the upcoming primary. 12 percent favored Scott Walker of Wisconsin, 11 percent picked Jeb Bush of Florida and 10 percent chose Marco Rubio, also of Florida.


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These protesters have made a serious miscalculation.

Doing what they have done shows a complete lack of compassion for the families of the victims. They are a disgusting, vile lot of knuckle-draggers. If I was president it would make me want to do the exact opposite and push full speed ahead for gun control.

Come on Obama...you are a lame duck president so make this a priority now while you have a chance.

The Dem establishment would not allow him to do this in an election year, political suicide for the party. Also, he's on his way out, I don't think he wants to be cast yet as "martyr Obama".

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I wish that those on this forum would state their home country when speaking on topics like gun control.....it is clear that the comatose European progressives have been marginalized and brainwashed by decades of low education standards and have become victims of Social Engineering internationalist (Communist)

indoctrination....rendering them virtually impossible to think clearly.....if Americans give in to the gun-grabbers then America will surely go the way of an Islamicized Europe ...or, as Orianna Fallaci.characterized it, EURABIA.....your choice.

After reading your probably well-thought over post, suddenly that wall around the USA starts to make a lot of sense. Not so much to keep people out, as to keep people like you in.

God forbid the 'communist' countries in Europe with the very low gun-related deaths will have to listen to opinions like yours. Please keep that over there.

The vast majority of the voter population of the USA are politically center-middle so we entirely appreciate your points and we know them well. USA is high profile globally so every warthead gets greatly magnified, to include the views expressed by its rejects abroad.

We long ago established and continue to maintain a cultural wall of separation of crackpots vs the majority. President Obama represents the vast majority of Americans when he speaks of the great number of issues to include guns.

The loonies who showed up to the president's motorcade in Roseberg carrying their guns are indeed tearaways.

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I see the usual suspects are here. They land like a wet fart on these threads, throw around some broad insults about gun owners.

Their kind of idiot are as much a part of the stagnation on this important issue, as the idiots on the other end of the spectrum.

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Agreed. But pro-gun folks in the USA cannot, or do not want to understand this. They only want to come out with more reasons why citizens should carry guns.

I recall watching an interview with a woman in the community where a number of young people were shot recently and she stated that more people should carry guns to stop these acts from occurring! Once again another shooting - that didn't work did it?

This is a mentality problem for many U.S. citizens that urgently needs to be addressed along with better gun controls coffee1.gif

I think this best sums up the downside of the NRA and pro-guns nonsense about "Bad guys with guns" etc. It seems some may have missed it (first published 27th Sept).

HOUSTON -- One man is injured after a carjacking and shooting at a gas station in north Houston Saturday night.

Houston police responded to a shooting call around 11:15 p.m. Saturday at a Valero gas station on Jensen Drive at Reid Street in north Houston. Officials say two men jumped another man in the gas station parking lot and took the victim's Chevrolet pickup truck. Police say a witness then pulled out a gun and began shooting at the suspects, accidentally hitting the carjacking victim in the head.

Houston is of course in Texas which is a gun-crazed zone.

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I wish that those on this forum would state their home country when speaking on topics like gun control.....it is clear that the comatose European progressives have been marginalized and brainwashed by decades of low education standards and have become victims of Social Engineering internationalist (Communist)

indoctrination....rendering them virtually impossible to think clearly.....if Americans give in to the gun-grabbers then America will surely go the way of an Islamicized Europe ...or, as Orianna Fallaci.characterized it, EURABIA.....your choice.

After reading your probably well-thought over post, suddenly that wall around the USA starts to make a lot of sense. Not so much to keep people out, as to keep people like you in.

God forbid the 'communist' countries in Europe with the very low gun-related deaths will have to listen to opinions like yours. Please keep that over there.

The vast majority of the voter population of the USA are politically center-middle so we entirely appreciate your points and we know them well. USA is high profile globally so every warthead gets greatly magnified, to include the views expressed by its rejects abroad.

We long ago established and continue to maintain a cultural wall of separation of crackpots vs the majority. President Obama represents the vast majority of Americans when he speaks of the great number of issues to include guns.

The loonies who showed up to the president's motorcade in Roseberg carrying their guns are indeed tearaways.

I completely appreciate that. No worries. Just hoping some of those loonies don't get elected president.

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Welcome to Roseberg, OR. Surrounded by farmland, a small city in rural Oregon, where they still maintain conservative values, and the average citizen owns guns and supports the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

So, being 'met' by pro-gun advocates. He probably didn't even notice, cocooned in the back of a dark-tinted limo. The SS probably diverted his motorcade around any rallies. If you can't see it, it's not there.

But then again, the rally was a waste of time imho. Capitol Hill has expressed it's position on the Second Amendment. Knowledgeable folks know who stands where in Washington's Inner Beltway.

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I carried a hand gun for 28+ years, 12 of those years as law enforcement investigator, 8 years as a private investigator, 5 years selling jewelry, the rest of the time I had a "carry permit".

In 28+ years I pulled the hand gun 2 times, pointed it once


1) when 3 people started to enter a store in the middle of summer in long coats, in the middle of the double doors they turned around. Police were called, their car stopped about 10 minutes later by 5 cruisers with weapons drawn. In the car the police found 3 sawed off shot guns, 5 handguns. === the folks had criminal records.

2) was caught in the middle of a store robery. The local police chief ( who I knew ) had his weapon pointed at the armed robber, the robber's weapon at the chief. I asked the chief where I should "shoot the robber" if he didn't follow police commands. I was behind the robber. When the robber heard me, he decided to put the weapon down and assume the position. === identified as a ex-con

Civilians who carry hand weapons are total nuts.....right!!!!!!

Criminals do not follow the rules / laws. The "gun free zone" around schools is a disaster...killing fields for the criminal, life or death unknown for the people in the "gun free zones"

I started carrying around 1978 after being a witness in an assault with a deadly weapon case where the accused was convicted. After receiving death threats against myself and family, I obtained a concealed carry permit. I carried concealed as a private citizen until I moved to Thailand.

I never once had to draw my gun for any reason, well, accept at the shooting range.

Citizen who legally carry are not 'Cowboys' nor are they 'gun-nut crazies'. The people I knew who legally carried a firearm were some of the most down to earth, stable, and sane people I've met. The people I was worried about? Those not carrying legally and criminals. They are out there. And they are dangerous. And they prey on the weakest in society: like unprotected schools that are 'gun-free zones' - that's an armed psychopath's wet dream come true. Some states have now enacted legislation specifically legalizing the carrying of guns on campus. If you understand US gun culture, you understand why.

You either understand US gun culture or you don't. It's that simple.

Edited by connda
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I carried a hand gun for 28+ years, 12 of those years as law enforcement investigator, 8 years as a private investigator, 5 years selling jewelry, the rest of the time I had a "carry permit".

In 28+ years I pulled the hand gun 2 times, pointed it once


1) when 3 people started to enter a store in the middle of summer in long coats, in the middle of the double doors they turned around. Police were called, their car stopped about 10 minutes later by 5 cruisers with weapons drawn. In the car the police found 3 sawed off shot guns, 5 handguns. === the folks had criminal records.

2) was caught in the middle of a store robery. The local police chief ( who I knew ) had his weapon pointed at the armed robber, the robber's weapon at the chief. I asked the chief where I should "shoot the robber" if he didn't follow police commands. I was behind the robber. When the robber heard me, he decided to put the weapon down and assume the position. === identified as a ex-con

Civilians who carry hand weapons are total nuts.....right!!!!!!

Criminals do not follow the rules / laws. The "gun free zone" around schools is a disaster...killing fields for the criminal, life or death unknown for the people in the "gun free zones"

I started carrying around 1978 after being a witness in an assault with a deadly weapon case where the accused was convicted. After receiving death threats against myself and family, I obtained a concealed carry permit. I carried concealed as a private citizen until I moved to Thailand.

I never once had to draw my gun for any reason, well, accept at the shooting range.

Citizen who legally carry are not 'Cowboys' nor are they 'gun-nut crazies'. The people I knew who legally carried a firearm were some of the most down to earth, stable, and sane people I've met. The people I was worried about? Those not carrying legally and criminals. They are out there. And they are dangerous. And they prey on the weakest in society: like unprotected schools that are 'gun-free zones' - that's an armed psychopath's wet dream come true. Some states have now enacted legislation specifically legalizing the carrying of guns on campus. If you understand US gun culture, you understand why.

You either understand US gun culture or you don't. It's that simple.

Almost any American understands the US gun culture, thanks.

The vast majority of us want better and expanded controls due to the proliferation of massacres committed by certain people and which are ignored or arbitrarily dismissed by the gun extremists. Guns have always been abused in the US but in recent times the abuse has become endemic and frantic.

The first settlers from the early 17th century arrived with guns and had to use them to hunt food. Conflicts with the natives meant the settlers for better and for worse had to use the guns. Settlement of the continent required guns, quite literally.

Those who are in the present certain they need guns to protect themselves against our government are the people Americans need the most protection against. The people who showed up to the president's motorcade in Roseberg bearing their firearms are free to do that, however, they demonstrate a serious mental and emotional challenge to themselves and to the society to have to deal with effectively.

I owned a handgun in the US and was immediately comfortable with it due to my military experience of eight years. I bought it for self-defense. My sense of things at the time was good because soon afterward I had to show it once, and that was it, once. Nothing wrong with that. Still, I did not carry nor did I want to try to carry. I can understand carry but only in exceptional specified circumstances, not as a general practice.

Being extreme about guns and gun ownership is harmful in the extreme. Extreme begets extreme as we see with the NRA.

Moderation plse thx.

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I wish that those on this forum would state their home country when speaking on topics like gun control.....it is clear that the comatose European progressives have been marginalized and brainwashed by decades of low education standards and have become victims of Social Engineering internationalist (Communist)

indoctrination....rendering them virtually impossible to think clearly.....if Americans give in to the gun-grabbers then America will surely go the way of an Islamicized Europe ...or, as Orianna Fallaci.characterized it, EURABIA.....your choice.

After reading your probably well-thought over post, suddenly that wall around the USA starts to make a lot of sense. Not so much to keep people out, as to keep people like you in.

God forbid the 'communist' countries in Europe with the very low gun-related deaths will have to listen to opinions like yours. Please keep that over there.

The vast majority of the voter population of the USA are politically center-middle so we entirely appreciate your points and we know them well. USA is high profile globally so every warthead gets greatly magnified, to include the views expressed by its rejects abroad.

We long ago established and continue to maintain a cultural wall of separation of crackpots vs the majority. President Obama represents the vast majority of Americans when he speaks of the great number of issues to include guns.

The loonies who showed up to the president's motorcade in Roseberg carrying their guns are indeed tearaways.

President Obama represents the vast majority of Americans when he speaks of the great number of issues to include guns.

How's that Jim Jone's brand of Kool-Aide taste. A little bitter? Smells like almonds?

Boy have you sure taken that bait - hook, line, and sinker.

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I wish that those on this forum would state their home country when speaking on topics like gun control.....it is clear that the comatose European progressives have been marginalized and brainwashed by decades of low education standards and have become victims of Social Engineering internationalist (Communist)

indoctrination....rendering them virtually impossible to think clearly.....if Americans give in to the gun-grabbers then America will surely go the way of an Islamicized Europe ...or, as Orianna Fallaci.characterized it, EURABIA.....your choice.

After reading your probably well-thought over post, suddenly that wall around the USA starts to make a lot of sense. Not so much to keep people out, as to keep people like you in.

God forbid the 'communist' countries in Europe with the very low gun-related deaths will have to listen to opinions like yours. Please keep that over there.

The vast majority of the voter population of the USA are politically center-middle so we entirely appreciate your points and we know them well. USA is high profile globally so every warthead gets greatly magnified, to include the views expressed by its rejects abroad.

We long ago established and continue to maintain a cultural wall of separation of crackpots vs the majority. President Obama represents the vast majority of Americans when he speaks of the great number of issues to include guns.

The loonies who showed up to the president's motorcade in Roseberg carrying their guns are indeed tearaways.

President Obama represents the vast majority of Americans when he speaks of the great number of issues to include guns.

How's that Jim Jone's brand of Kool-Aide taste. A little bitter? Smells like almonds?

Boy have you sure taken that bait - hook, line, and sinker.

It's the trite and glib Kool-Aide mantra of the dismissive right once again. Mixing metaphors besides with the old hook, line and sinker tripe. Yet another rightwingnut picnic of stinking fish, cheap refreshments and cliched politics, if I may invoke some imagery of my own.

Say something intelligent please so one can respond.

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After reading your probably well-thought over post, suddenly that wall around the USA starts to make a lot of sense. Not so much to keep people out, as to keep people like you in.

God forbid the 'communist' countries in Europe with the very low gun-related deaths will have to listen to opinions like yours. Please keep that over there.

The vast majority of the voter population of the USA are politically center-middle so we entirely appreciate your points and we know them well. USA is high profile globally so every warthead gets greatly magnified, to include the views expressed by its rejects abroad.

We long ago established and continue to maintain a cultural wall of separation of crackpots vs the majority. President Obama represents the vast majority of Americans when he speaks of the great number of issues to include guns.

The loonies who showed up to the president's motorcade in Roseberg carrying their guns are indeed tearaways.

President Obama represents the vast majority of Americans when he speaks of the great number of issues to include guns.

How's that Jim Jone's brand of Kool-Aide taste. A little bitter? Smells like almonds?

Boy have you sure taken that bait - hook, line, and sinker.

It's the trite and glib Kool-Aide mantra of the dismissive right once again. Mixing metaphors besides with the old hook, line and sinker tripe. Yet another rightwingnut picnic of stinking fish, cheap refreshments and cliched politics, if I may invoke some imagery of my own.

Say something intelligent please so one can respond.

Ok, sure. You spent 8 years in the US military as did I. You took an oath to support and defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Do you still honor that oath? As an American, and US veteran, do you fully support our Constitution in it's entirety? I'll respect your answer, whatever it may be, and will leave it at that.

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Welcome to Roseberg, OR. Surrounded by farmland, a small city in rural Oregon, where they still maintain conservative values, and the average citizen owns guns and supports the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

Indeed, most people have no idea just how conservative, apart from pot growing and smoking, are the folks in southern Oregon. Portland and Eugene are really just islands, one big and one small, in a sea of conservatism. Back in the late 1960s we all knew that on the road south to the Bay area one did not linger south of Eugene if one had long hair. Too bad for the suffocating conservatism as otherwise southern Oregon would be a paradise with the great weather, great landscape, and fantastic outdoor opportunities. Roseburg would make a great retirement location being close to the ocean, close to the mountains, and not all that far away from Portland. But you do have to be able to tolerate a polite but very, very conservative mindset from the majority of the neighbors.

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Welcome to Roseberg, OR. Surrounded by farmland, a small city in rural Oregon, where they still maintain conservative values, and the average citizen owns guns and supports the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

Indeed, most people have no idea just how conservative, apart from pot growing and smoking, are the folks in southern Oregon. Portland and Eugene are really just islands, one big and one small, in a sea of conservatism. Back in the late 1960s we all knew that on the road south to the Bay area one did not linger south of Eugene if one had long hair. Too bad for the suffocating conservatism as otherwise southern Oregon would be a paradise with the great weather, great landscape, and fantastic outdoor opportunities. Roseburg would make a great retirement location being close to the ocean, close to the mountains, and not all that far away from Portland. But you do have to be able to tolerate a polite but very, very conservative mindset from the majority of the neighbors.

I'm trying to reconcile the imagery of a place where a dude fears to linger because of his hair, and a place where everyone is polite.

Just curious, not being argumentative.

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Crass, uncouth, low class, rude. Have these rednecks no regard for the families of the victims? Take their protests somewhere else, at another time.

Oh, of course it's their RIGHT to protest, so do so anyway.

It was the RIGHT of the murderer to have a gun.

Nobody can deny that owning a gun (and having ammo available) increases the chance of someone being killed.

What some have failed to see in my post above is what much of the pro-gun argument is about, and why it is flawed:

It's the protesters' RIGHT to protest, regardless of whether it's right or wrong. So they do it.

It's the people's RIGHT to carry a gun, regardless of whether it is right or wrong. So they do it.

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These protesters have made a serious miscalculation.

Doing what they have done shows a complete lack of compassion for the families of the victims. They are a disgusting, vile lot of knuckle-draggers. If I was president it would make me want to do the exact opposite and push full speed ahead for gun control.

Come on Obama...you are a lame duck president so make this a priority now while you have a chance.

Can you enlighten us as to exactly what you think "this" would be?

As far as I'm concerned, those victims on campus were betrayed from multiple sources. The next-to-last line of defense was the claim that the campus was a "gun-free" zone and, implicitly would remain that way under all circumstances. The college administration did not and probably could not have, from a practical standpoint, make good on that claim.

I have to agree with Dr. Carson that the final line of defense was the students and staff themselves, even at the cost of several being shot, by overpowering the shooter before he had gotten the upper hand. We already have a recent example of that type of action by the take down of the terrorist on the French train.

So we should turn everywhere into a gun shoot zone where anyone can carry a gun and start shooting when he thinks someone is a threat??? Are we advocating vigilante justice? When this happens elsewhere, TV forumers condem it but when it happens in the US, they think it is their Constitutional rights. I am not pro or against gun control. People have a right to defend and protect themselves. There is a lot of rubbish talks here without any supporting arguments either way other than the man made Constitution.

Edited by peteregion
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Welcome to Roseberg, OR. Surrounded by farmland, a small city in rural Oregon, where they still maintain conservative values, and the average citizen owns guns and supports the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

Indeed, most people have no idea just how conservative, apart from pot growing and smoking, are the folks in southern Oregon. Portland and Eugene are really just islands, one big and one small, in a sea of conservatism. Back in the late 1960s we all knew that on the road south to the Bay area one did not linger south of Eugene if one had long hair. Too bad for the suffocating conservatism as otherwise southern Oregon would be a paradise with the great weather, great landscape, and fantastic outdoor opportunities. Roseburg would make a great retirement location being close to the ocean, close to the mountains, and not all that far away from Portland. But you do have to be able to tolerate a polite but very, very conservative mindset from the majority of the neighbors.

Southern Oregon is an extremely beautiful place. Yeah, it would be a nice place to retire. I've lived in major US cities (Seattle/Portland/SF/East Bay/San Diego/Pittsburg), suburbs, small cities, and in rural America. I'm pretty much at home anywhere. I consider myself to be a political atheist, I belong to no political groups, and I don't define myself by the political agendas of others. Talk to me one day and you might call me conservative; talk to me the next and I may come across as liberal. I try not to fit in anybodies paradigm box. So I find it easy to fit in pretty much anywhere I go. However, talk to me about the Second Amendment and gun rights, and you will come away thinking I'm a raging conservative, well, until I roll a joint and offer you a hit over a beer or wine (Pot is legal where I live in the US). Then the conversation could take a turn towards a more liberal tone. Then you might start thinking I'm one of those 'stoner' ex-hippie types. That's just me.

Grant's Pass, Medford, Ashland. Yeah, I could easily live in those areas. Then up and over the Siskiyous Pass and into NorCal and the Mt Shasta regions. Another thing of beauty. I understand the area has changed quiet a bit since the drought. That's a shame. Hopefully water will find it's way back to that area of the US.

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Welcome to Roseberg, OR. Surrounded by farmland, a small city in rural Oregon, where they still maintain conservative values, and the average citizen owns guns and supports the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

Indeed, most people have no idea just how conservative, apart from pot growing and smoking, are the folks in southern Oregon. Portland and Eugene are really just islands, one big and one small, in a sea of conservatism. Back in the late 1960s we all knew that on the road south to the Bay area one did not linger south of Eugene if one had long hair. Too bad for the suffocating conservatism as otherwise southern Oregon would be a paradise with the great weather, great landscape, and fantastic outdoor opportunities. Roseburg would make a great retirement location being close to the ocean, close to the mountains, and not all that far away from Portland. But you do have to be able to tolerate a polite but very, very conservative mindset from the majority of the neighbors.

I'm trying to reconcile the imagery of a place where a dude fears to linger because of his hair, and a place where everyone is polite.

Just curious, not being argumentative.

1950s, 1960s, maybe even early 1970s. It was very rural and very conservative. And in the 60s, some of the hippie types headed out those directions to establish communal paradise, much to the dismay of the locals. Lol. My brother-in-law and sister were just that: long-haired, pot-smoking, hippie-types who bought a farm near coastal Oregon, and lived by commercial fishing and subsistence farming. Living their ideals. It's interesting that they were considered to be liberal to the extreme, but my brother-in-law was also an extremely independent, self-reliant guy. Quite the paradox when you consider that those are considered to be conservative traits by many. There actually was not a whole lot of difference between him and the farmers around him other than he had shoulder length hair and smoked pot and didn't own a firearm. Other than that, they probably had more similarities than differences. Lol

Edited by connda
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The vast majority of the voter population of the USA are politically center-middle so we entirely appreciate your points and we know them well. USA is high profile globally so every warthead gets greatly magnified, to include the views expressed by its rejects abroad.

We long ago established and continue to maintain a cultural wall of separation of crackpots vs the majority. President Obama represents the vast majority of Americans when he speaks of the great number of issues to include guns.

The loonies who showed up to the president's motorcade in Roseberg carrying their guns are indeed tearaways.

President Obama represents the vast majority of Americans when he speaks of the great number of issues to include guns.

How's that Jim Jone's brand of Kool-Aide taste. A little bitter? Smells like almonds?

Boy have you sure taken that bait - hook, line, and sinker.

It's the trite and glib Kool-Aide mantra of the dismissive right once again. Mixing metaphors besides with the old hook, line and sinker tripe. Yet another rightwingnut picnic of stinking fish, cheap refreshments and cliched politics, if I may invoke some imagery of my own.

Say something intelligent please so one can respond.

Ok, sure. You spent 8 years in the US military as did I. You took an oath to support and defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Do you still honor that oath? As an American, and US veteran, do you fully support our Constitution in it's entirety? I'll respect your answer, whatever it may be, and will leave it at that.

You will leave it at standing back and down.

Because on second thought it'd be better to stick to the trite and glib Kool-Aide and dead fish cliches. The questions are as boorish as are the stinking fish barbeque picnics of the raffish right.

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President Obama represents the vast majority of Americans when he speaks of the great number of issues to include guns.

How's that Jim Jone's brand of Kool-Aide taste. A little bitter? Smells like almonds?

Boy have you sure taken that bait - hook, line, and sinker.

It's the trite and glib Kool-Aide mantra of the dismissive right once again. Mixing metaphors besides with the old hook, line and sinker tripe. Yet another rightwingnut picnic of stinking fish, cheap refreshments and cliched politics, if I may invoke some imagery of my own.

Say something intelligent please so one can respond.

Ok, sure. You spent 8 years in the US military as did I. You took an oath to support and defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Do you still honor that oath? As an American, and US veteran, do you fully support our Constitution in it's entirety? I'll respect your answer, whatever it may be, and will leave it at that.

You will leave it at standing back and down.

Because on second thought it'd be better to stick to the trite and glib Kool-Aide and dead fish cliches. The questions are as boorish as are the stinking fish barbeque picnics of the raffish right.

Ok. Have an nice night. cowboy.gif

Edited by connda
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It's the trite and glib Kool-Aide mantra of the dismissive right once again. Mixing metaphors besides with the old hook, line and sinker tripe. Yet another rightwingnut picnic of stinking fish, cheap refreshments and cliched politics, if I may invoke some imagery of my own.

Say something intelligent please so one can respond.

Ok, sure. You spent 8 years in the US military as did I. You took an oath to support and defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Do you still honor that oath? As an American, and US veteran, do you fully support our Constitution in it's entirety? I'll respect your answer, whatever it may be, and will leave it at that.

You will leave it at standing back and down.

Because on second thought it'd be better to stick to the trite and glib Kool-Aide and dead fish cliches. The questions are as boorish as are the stinking fish barbeque picnics of the raffish right.

Ok. Have an nice night. cowboy.gif

Here, have a Kool-Aide nightcap. wink.png

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I'm trying to reconcile the imagery of a place where a dude fears to linger because of his hair, and a place where everyone is polite.

Just curious, not being argumentative.

The days of not lingering because of long hair were some 45 years ago. Maybe I am more likable now or maybe it is because my hair, or what remains of my hair atop my head is no longer long, or maybe it is because rednecks have been wearing their hair long, even wearing mullets, since southern rock hit the charts decades ago. I do have some good friends down in Roseburg and find their neighbors to be very polite. But I do know well enough that when in Roseburg I need to avoid talking politics to maintain civility.

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I wish that those on this forum would state their home country when speaking on topics like gun control.....it is clear that the comatose European progressives have been marginalized and brainwashed by decades of low education standards and have become victims of Social Engineering internationalist (Communist)

indoctrination....rendering them virtually impossible to think clearly.....if Americans give in to the gun-grabbers then America will surely go the way of an Islamicized Europe ...or, as Orianna Fallaci.characterized it, EURABIA.....your choice.

After reading your probably well-thought over post, suddenly that wall around the USA starts to make a lot of sense. Not so much to keep people out, as to keep people like you in.

God forbid the 'communist' countries in Europe with the very low gun-related deaths will have to listen to opinions like yours. Please keep that over there.

The vast majority of the voter population of the USA are politically center-middle so we entirely appreciate your points and we know them well. USA is high profile globally so every warthead gets greatly magnified, to include the views expressed by its rejects abroad.

We long ago established and continue to maintain a cultural wall of separation of crackpots vs the majority. President Obama represents the vast majority of Americans when he speaks of the great number of issues to include guns.

The loonies who showed up to the president's motorcade in Roseberg carrying their guns are indeed tearaways.

" President Obama represents the vast majority of Americans when he speaks of the great number of issues to include guns." Oh my god, you far left tin hat wing nuts are even further off the wall then I thought. "represents the vast majority".... don't you ever look at pole results....most people have finally seen through Obama.s lies now and he's crashing badly accept for the far left that's still hypnotized by his " charismatic demeanor ". I suppose you can find some white house propaganda site that spins or just lies about pole results to argue with my point. He's even a better liar than than that coke head Billy Clinton was and way better than alcoholic Bush was.

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It's funny but the majority of Americans support the same changes that seem quite reasonable to me, and don't involve gun confiscation.

Which tells you it isn't the voters that politicians are afraid of, or paid by, but the NRA.

Cowards and Thieves.


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