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How my bills in Thailand are ฿8000 baht a month or about (£150, $230)


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Yacobm8, it sounds like fun. Thanks for sharing about your past life and the life of your girlfriend. Almost all students have to live simply. It's no big deal. One's life is constantly evolving and changing and this particular phase will be just one chapter of yours.

Keep working on your skills and your income stream. You will need both.


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If all you want to do is put a roof over your head, be comfotable, eat well (cook once a day, eat a bowl of something twice), go to the gym, take long reflective walks, read online.............I'd say way less than $300 a month would do it even with in-patient cover.

People forget just how pants a lot of folks' standard of living is in the west. Paying $700/£450 minimum on accommodation and local authority taxation is no joke. I could live perfectly hapily in Udon on 10,000 a month, but then I don't smoke, don't drink and don't regard shopping as a hobby.

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A desktop computer does not use very much power; about 1 unit every 8 hours. If you spend every day of the month on your computer, then that's still only [;$ \approx $;] 30 units. At 4 baht per unit, 120 baht per month. If you ever run the AC it will use more power than that in 45 minutes.

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Just my opinion - I don't think anyone can live healthily on 150b a day. I know you are going to say jok or noodles for breakfast, and some fruit, water from the machine and a couple of 'jam dio' ( one dish and rice ) in the long run it can't be very good for you, cheap rice, palm oil, off-cuts of meat and some green stalks.

My wife is pretty good when it comes to food, some nights she likes to eat "nam prik" and boiled veg with some sun dried fish, I doubt she could do it. On other nights she will cook a whole sea bass or buy half a duck, Which costs most of her daily wage. ( she will eat the leftovers at work the next day )

Makes me laugh when people say, I live like a Thai - One thing I think Thais don't scrimp on is food.

Each to their own, good luck with your budget.

Well, if your main meal (1400 kcals) is 300g of brown rice (5 baht plus electrcity!), ten baht's worth of greens (a huge amount in farming country) and 30 baht's worth of protein ( a bag of chicken, pork or liver, or three cans of fish) then I would think that nutritionally you're better off than most of the planet.

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Just my opinion - I don't think anyone can live healthily on 150b a day. I know you are going to say jok or noodles for breakfast, and some fruit, water from the machine and a couple of 'jam dio' ( one dish and rice ) in the long run it can't be very good for you, cheap rice, palm oil, off-cuts of meat and some green stalks.

My wife is pretty good when it comes to food, some nights she likes to eat "nam prik" and boiled veg with some sun dried fish, I doubt she could do it. On other nights she will cook a whole sea bass or buy half a duck, Which costs most of her daily wage. ( she will eat the leftovers at work the next day )

Makes me laugh when people say, I live like a Thai - One thing I think Thais don't scrimp on is food.

Each to their own, good luck with your budget.

Well, if your main meal (1400 kcals) is 300g of brown rice (5 baht plus electrcity!), ten baht's worth of greens (a huge amount in farming country) and 30 baht's worth of protein ( a bag of chicken, pork or liver, or three cans of fish) then I would think that nutritionally you're better off than most of the planet.

Better off than the Farangs who eat overpriced, nutritionally sparse "Farang food" in Thailand and who think they're "better" than the locals...

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Oh my Buddha, my water bill was almost what your rent was last month......of course it is only me and the lady I lease from is a scam artist....:-)

Thats nothing to boast about

But the "wannabee" rich people don't understand basic accounting, but they sure know how to CnP scripts, 555

But don't ask them what those scripts actually do. They might get angry and attack you...

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Wow. That's one of the cheapest 'looms' I've ever laid my eyes on. blink.png

Do you by chance use a Tesco bicycle as your main transportation?biggrin.png

You really should get out more and see the world.

Or even read a book about how people in YOUR country lived, just a few years ago...


"When poverty meant more than just not having the latest PlayStation or trendy trainers: Shocking photos capture the real squalor of Britain's slums that existed just 40 years ago"


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Do you have a job? What is your reason for being here? Vacation? Looking for work? just lazy?

Where are you from? maybe you are used to living like that?

Do you want to know anything else

Umm, well, now you ask: how much time do they devote to their sex life? What happens if she becomes preggers?

How , for that matter, IS sex in that kind of playpen?

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The only photo you could find..... saving money on a camera and phone too eh?

I really could not fit all my junk in 1 bedroom, plus I like to drive myself on visits to the wife's village, and we need to get around when we get there.

When you get older, it is less about money and more about comfort, peace and no stairs.

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Oh dear

How bad a thing to say is that, maybe she don't care about money. It is possible!!!

If they are happy let them live there life how they want

Do you really believe money is everything

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

it is if u have none $$$$

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I would strongly suggest that you start looking for some accident/health insurance. There is no slack at Thai hospitals; if you don't have money, you do not get treated beyond basic stabilization. A motorbike accident with a broken leg can cost you TB200,000.

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Any Recomendation for Apartments from 1250-5000 Baht ?

Where ? Bangkok ?

I used to rent a place in phra kanong, for 3.5k + elec = 5k it had 2 bedrooms, kitchen balcony and a lounge, not big - but at least you aren't living on your bed.

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OP is the point of your thread to show how frugal you can be and survive in Thailand . Who really cares. I spend about 130k per month. I'm sure there are many that spend way more. Might add I don't waste money. Travel a lot and stay in cheap hotels. My condo in bkk with add the add ons is 7500 in a good area of bkk. Hardly living the high life . Who cares really.

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Umm, well, now you ask: how much time do they devote to their sex life? What happens if she becomes preggers?

How , for that matter, IS sex in that kind of playpen?

We try and have sex every day, I always make sure she finishes before I do otherwise she will not let me sleep haha. As for her getting pregnant she has a 'norplant', one of those things in her arm that stops her from getting pregnant. Its worked for a few months so far so good. She has said if she did get pregnant then she would abort at the moment while she is studying which is perfect but I have my doubts if it actually happened.

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I think op is overpaying for rent to be honest. Maybe it's so expensive because it is close to university? Rooms like this usually go for 1000-1200 baht, not twice that.

Thanks for this, I always thought of looking for other options around here but just thought that my rent was so cheap that it wasn't possible to get it much cheaper. I'm going to talk with my girlfriend but I think once a girl gets settled into their home its like they become attached to it haha.

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OP is the point of your thread to show how frugal you can be and survive in Thailand . Who really cares. I spend about 130k per month. I'm sure there are many that spend way more. Might add I don't waste money. Travel a lot and stay in cheap hotels. My condo in bkk with add the add ons is 7500 in a good area of bkk. Hardly living the high life . Who cares really.

Yes that's exactly the point of this thread. Being that this thread is quite popular and people have thanked me for making it, your wrong about people not caring. I remember before coming to Thailand I was reading online everything I could about money budgeting because I wanted to know if I could live here with the money I was making.

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I not see why so many board members are so "negative thinking".

As the OP wrote there are plenty of people who love to read how others life, only because they want learn what is possible and what not.

I like this information even I know i never could live with this money. For myself a maximum of about 25'000 is minimum that i can say I will have a life.

If i had to life with 8-10'000, then not want move to Thailand. But this is me.. and for other people counts other things.

one last thing... there are plenty of people on this earth which would be happy to have 8'000 baht per month for living. So everybody is different.

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