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Anyone posting booze pics will be prosecuted, anti-booze official says


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So much for the pictures of your next birthday party. Don't worry it's only the bars that change.

I wonder if they already have another teenager teetotaler committee in the sleeve petitioning to rename Koh Chang to Koh Change.

Edited by Lupatria
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There's a Swedish guy near here who, for some completely unknown reason, has a tattoo of a Chang label on his calf. I assume he will now be spending his time in Thailand in long trousers!

I really hate to think what will be the next ridiculous law/crackdown is going to be. Can they beat this one for stupidity? Of course they can!

Maybe they will ask him to cover it up.

I remember not long ago there was an article about not allowing (foreigners?) Budhist tatoos.

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26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuketwan publications will be deleted from the forum.

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I don't get it: Facebook -as I see it- and my facebook- page are my private thing and as long as I am not violating any laws (drinking alcohol is not illegal in Thailand) and take a picture of myself or my friends, celebrating a private party and having a drink, it is no ones business!

I am not PROMOTING alcohol or drinking!

I take a snapshot of a private party....

What the....

Stop! You are applying logic. That is not allowed in Thailand. It would confuse and upset the locals, who would have no idea how to deal with it.

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so,, all teenagers and yonger adults in thailand have to go through their Facebook albums and delete every photo where they are at a club or bar and holding a branded alcohol drink ?

this is next to impossible! as if anyoone will delete their saturday night party pics!

lets see... i cant imagine for a second that this will ever be enforced.

i guess the celebrities got punished because they are advertising a brand that is different to the company that pays the government a lot of money.

It will, of course, be enforced selectively.

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Good article

shows the catch-22 situation the anti booze faction is finding itself, social media ads versus main stream media ads.
So, Samarn Futrakul and cohorts, look for the easiest solution, penalize.

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Can they get absolutely more idiotic?

Easily. A prohibition proposal is probably already in the works. Hi-So watering holes and army barracks excluded, naturally.

Strangely I could swear this country is sliding into Sharia law even without a muslim invasion.

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What about pictures with Thai politicians at official dinners with foreign dignities where wine is served?

Or official pictures from trade events hosted by foreign embassies where draft be is available for those in need?

The picture of His Majesty The Danish Crown Prince and his wife at an official dinner in Greenland, enjoying white and red wine, or is it green tee an coffee? post-235203-0-98533000-1444824892_thumb.

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So, what of the half million Beer Chang t-shirts being worn around all the tourist traps and being sold everywhere?

Will they arrest every tourist wearing one? Every shopkeeper selling them?

Bugger me,that's me stuffed,that's all i got.You think i'm joking,i like the ones that are 100% cotton.Can i turn them inside out.Has anyone seen an Archa singlet,the only beer singlet i haven't got.

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All these laws do is to give power to the drunk off duty cop to fish/hunt for coruption money......Photos of beer on menus, closing hours, distance to schools. The Force of Fools. Armed with there double edged swords and new 9mm's.......

I absolutely agree 100% NickJ . A bit like cigarettes, a shop can sell them but you mustn't see them in the shop. Enough to drive one to drink. Not that I drink and drive but if I did I wouldn't be surprised.

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This topic goes far more than bashing Samarn Futrakul.
Main stream advertising may be support him because it must be
worrisome to them as social media promotions of "must have, must try" goods, specially for the younger peoples, could become a real thread to them.
A company can not promote some goods, e.g. cigarettes, anywhere but how to prevent celebrities to smoke when a pic is shot? And a small Marlboro sticker somewhere or other fashion products, associated with it, who can prevent it?
Wait and see, companies with ad restrictions will come up with something like this (Camel did it already).
So, why not wearing Camel and smoking a cigarette at a party and distributed on social medias?
I think, an interesting aspect to see, how governments will react.
Punitive laws for sure will not help

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Come on you anti alcohol puritans get your priorities right, there are far more social issues that need to be tackled than those concerning people who like to have a beer or glass of wine. Or if you insist, tackle the chronic alcoholism that exists up country because of the taxing structure that makes lao cow (white whisky) dirt cheap compared to beer. Or are you only trying to bring redemption to the "chosen few"

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"...while the head of the alcohol control board insists members of the public will be prosecuted for doing the same..."

Another stupid, insane, ridiculous law...just like flak jackets being defined as a weapon. These laws should be meant ONLY for manufacturers and sellers, not for ordinary citizens. Frick'in insane.

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"People who post pictures of themselves drinking Chang Classic will be prosecuted. It does not matter how refreshing the new Chang Classic is when served well chilled and how much it takes the edge of a hard, hot working day. If Chang Classic appears prominently on posted pictures then we will assume that they are promoting delicious Chang Classic and are being renumerated by Chang Classic which is in fact illegal. Chang Classic are aware of this and have said they will comply with the law now everyone else needs to keep Chang Classic out of the pictures please that are posted on social media.It is not necessary to post Chang Classic on social media anymore as this exceptional beverage is available in any respectable drinking establishment and can be purchased at a surprisingly reasonable price." BIB,,,, JOB DONE..

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