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Pls help visa stuff with my family

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O.K. let's start!

I'm a swiss man married in switzerland to a thai woman since 8 years two children (7 and 5) 40 years old and my wife is 36.

My wife has two passports swiss and thai

My children have a swiss passport

so do I

we are not official married in thailand due the passport issue (this way she can keep the two swiss/thai which is no problem for the swiss government) we like to stay in thailand soon and would like to send the children there into a private school (somewhere in Lopburi or maby the german school in chiang mai). I will go back for work in switzerland for 4 months every year which i can do. Monney is not so much the issue we could also life in thailand without I' m going every year but for the future.... how will it be possible to stay for our family in thailand my wife with the children is this possible and what about me? it drives me crazy soon. Any help would be very appreciated.

thank you so much in advance!!!!!

rudy switzerland

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Having two passports is not a problem for a Thai woman so there is really no reason you have to keep your marriage secret.  The children should be registered with Thai authorities (believe you can do this at Embassy) and passports obtained for them if Embassy so recommends.  Talk with them.  When you come back to Thailand you would then be able to obtain a multi entry class "O" visa or extend one visa on a yearly basis with 250k baht in a local bank and wife saying you support her.  Your wife will always be Thai and your children will also be Thai so their stay here will not be a problem.
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Thank you so very much lopburi (theres also where my wife come from) Krokh krathiem direction to ban mi about 12 km from lopburi where we probably also will stay. o.k. what i heard is that they have to give back their swiss passport (at least my wife) or the children can keep it till 20 and then must give it away. isn't this the fact? or can they really keep the two of it?

thank you

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My wife is from Tha Khlong, about 1km East of Wat Li so not too far away.

Your wife should not be asked for passport and the only time it becomes an issue is when male children have to register for military service here.  But by that time things may have changed anyhow.  Internet is not very active upcountry here yet due to very poor communications so most schools are not online, and even fewer in English.

Happy to answer anything I can.  If you prefer feel free to PM me.  We have lived in Bangkok for many years but wife still have family upcountry.

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Thank you guys! After a talk with the embassy today morning everything is clear no and there is also no problem so far. About the visa they told me that after 3 months (90 days) i have to leave the kindom and reentry is this also possible when i could go to laos (if we decide to send the children in the german school in chiang mai?



(time schedule will be march 2004)

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You can cross any official border crossing and return to obtain a new 90 days on a multi entry non-immigrant visa.  Or if you prefer you can extend for one year at a time incountry on the basis of support with 250k in a bank account here.  Up to you which you prefer.
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