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Clinton's strong debate is general election warning for GOP


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The difference between Bernie and Hillary as summed up by the direct objects of their opening statements:

Bernie: most Americans, The middle class, Millions of Americans, Millionaires and billionaires, the scientific community, African-American youth, Hispanic youth.

Hilary: I, I, I, I, I, I, I, the center of my campaign, I, I, I

And this is very interesting considering all polls from voters say Bernie won but News Media says Clinton won:


Edited by JakeSully
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Reality is the MSM has to make clear it has now separated itself from the Ben Ghazi stuff and its associated emails stuff that the MSM led by the NYT was exploiting to the advantage of the Republicans and the few and helpless Democrats running against HRClinton.

The perspective on the political right is that the MSM have instead kissed HRC on the cheeks but the right has its own marginal and fringe conception of things, as most of us know.

Bernie Sanders did what he wanted to do and to accomplish in the debate so the night was a success for him and his campaign. HRC did do very well. She had composure, she had class, and she had her stuff together. The debate was Clinton's to lose so she instead aced it.

Republicans on the right can say the predictable stuff that she lied and that she snaked her way through answers to questions blah blah blurp blurp, cause that is all the R's have. HRC spoke frankly and convincingly, which reminds of Pres Harry Truman during his winning 1948 underdog campaign, that when someone yelled "Give 'em hell Harry" Truman simply said," I tell Republicans the truth so they just think it's hell."

Due to the Kevin McCarthy Foot in Mouth Disease and now another Republican has come along saying the same thing, the MSM has to back off its hostility to the fact the D party race to the nomination is a yawn given HRClinton has it in a walk. No sale for the MSM journals and tv programs and their trying to spice up the D party nomination race because it remains a no contest walk for HRC.

The MSM can't allow itself to now be accused of being an informal extension of the Ben Ghazi Committee, although the accusation would not be new or unheard of.

Another Congressman Admits Benghazi Committee Is All About Hillary Clinton


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Reality is the MSM has to make clear it has now separated itself from the Ben Ghazi stuff and its associated emails stuff that the MSM led by the NYT was exploiting to the advantage of the Republicans and the few and helpless Democrats running against HRClinton.

The perspective on the political right is that the MSM have instead kissed HRC on the cheeks but the right has its own marginal and fringe conception of things, as most of us know.

Bernie Sanders did what he wanted to do and to accomplish in the debate so the night was a success for him and his campaign. HRC did do very well. She had composure, she had class, and she had her stuff together. The debate was Clinton's to lose so she instead aced it.

Republicans on the right can say the predictable stuff that she lied and that she snaked her way through answers to questions blah blah blurp blurp, cause that is all the R's have. HRC spoke frankly and convincingly, which reminds of Pres Harry Truman during his winning 1948 underdog campaign, that when someone yelled "Give 'em hell Harry" Truman simply said," I tell Republicans the truth so they just think it's hell."

Due to the Kevin McCarthy Foot in Mouth Disease and now another Republican has come along saying the same thing, the MSM has to back off its hostility to the fact the D party race to the nomination is a yawn given HRClinton has it in a walk. No sale for the MSM journals and tv programs and their trying to spice up the D party nomination race because it remains a no contest walk for HRC.

The MSM can't allow itself to now be accused of being an informal extension of the Ben Ghazi Committee, although the accusation would not be new or unheard of.

Another Congressman Admits Benghazi Committee Is All About Hillary Clinton


That's right.

If Hillary dropped out of the race, FOX would drop the emails/Bengazzi nonsense in an instant and start fresh attacks on the new frontrunner.

Attack politics posing as a "News" outlet.

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I get attacked on this forum for being an old white man.

I'm wondering where all the liberal outrage is that the Democratic lineup consists of four old white men and one old white woman...and all of them political hacks.

Hardly an endorsement for diversity.

Being an old, white man is a matter of time, genetics and chromosomes; elements over which no-one has control. Thinking like an old, white man is, however, something that you can influence and this is what draws attacks. Bernie Sanders is an old, white man who advocates policies that seeks to empower people not exploit them.

Two hours of debate and all you could find was some comments about physical appearance. No comment on any of the policy issues? Of course not. Old, white man thinking again. Stuck in a rut reminiscing about the golden age of a youth that never existed and angry about the loss of power and influence to a new, forward thinking generation.

Attacking Democrats on diversity is more than a 'Hail Mary' pass. it is arrant nonsense.

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The Democrats better hope that Mark Harmon isn't running.


More people watched 'NCIS' than the Democratic debate
by Tom Huddleston, Jr.
OCTOBER 14, 2015, 4:04 PM EDT
Hillary Clinton was widely declared the winner of Tuesday night’s debate, but in terms of ratings, the Democrats lost to the GOP … and NCIS.
Hosted by CNN and Facebook, the first Democratic debate of the 2016 election season averaged 15.3 million total viewers, according to Nielsen’s numbers. That marked a new ratings record for Democratic debates, but it still fell well short of the GOP’s numbers.
The first GOP debate aired on Fox News in August and pulled in a record-breaking 24 million viewers. Last month’s follow-up on CNN pulled in roughly 23 million, which was a record for CNN.
The Dems’ ratings also couldn’t top the 15.7 million viewers who tuned in to watch the fourth episode of the season for CBS drama NCIS, starring actor Mark Harmon.

Don't confuse watching a train wreck with popularity. The GOP debates are a can't miss comedy program. cheesy.gif

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Bernie Sanders is an old, white man who advocates policies that seeks to empower people not exploit them.

He might have some good intentions but he really needs to get himself an image consultant…..he really reminds me of Christopher Lloyd, the Professor in Back to the Future.


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Bernie Sanders is an old, white man who advocates policies that seeks to empower people not exploit them.

He might have some good intentions but he really needs to get himself an image consultant…..he really reminds me of Christopher Lloyd, the Professor in Back to the Future.


Who cares what he looks like? I remember Christopher Lloyd fondly from watching Taxi as a kid. I enjoy his performances. I do not ascribe his characters' personality traits to politicians who vaguely resemble him. Many Americans are conditioned to react to politicised words like liberal, socialist, marxism etc. I don't see anyone posing any cogent or coherent argument against Sanders' policy statements. As a sitting Senator, he has more then good intentions, he has the potential wherewithal to implement or at least impact real change.

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Actually, I thought Clinton gave a strong performance and would make a good president. If I had a choice, I would vote for Sanders. I really like his ideas. Weirdly though, I also like Trump.

I think the single biggest shackle for US politics is the buying of candidates by special interest groups. Neither Sanders or Trump will be bought.

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Bernie Sanders is an old, white man who advocates policies that seeks to empower people not exploit them.

He might have some good intentions but he really needs to get himself an image consultant…..he really reminds me of Christopher Lloyd, the Professor in Back to the Future.


Prof Brown V. Board which creates a straight line through the 1950s and 1960s and the succeeding decades to the present moment. That's the original name that movie producers moved on from shortly before the shooting began, rather preferring Prof. Emmett Brown instead.

Then of course we had Newt Gingrich last time around who in 2012 promised that by the end of his second term as POTUS the country would have started a colony on the moon. The party of the original moon shots. That's them.

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Actually, I thought Clinton gave a strong performance and would make a good president. If I had a choice, I would vote for Sanders. I really like his ideas. Weirdly though, I also like Trump.

I think the single biggest shackle for US politics is the buying of candidates by special interest groups. Neither Sanders or Trump will be bought.

Trump has been bought by the amount of $$$$$$ he sees, if only for all the publicity he's getting by running.

So if you're implying that he won't be influenced by personal gain, I'd have to disagree with you.

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