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Video: Man wanted over violent unprovoked attack in Bangkok


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For all those of you criticizing people for not getting involved must be brand spanking new to Thailand.

Why new? Maybe some guys are just not as scared as some others. Some people would jump into a blazing fire to save someone else and someone might not even lend a hand to someone drowning right beside them. It all comes down to love in the end. How much do you really care and love others, even complete strangers? If you do then you will always jump in, no matter what the outcome

So you pull the guy off the top of the other. While he is trying to tell you the other guy raped his daughter, the other guy gets a gun out and shoots you both.

Extreme example I know - but absolutely possible in Thailand. Completely different to rescuing someone from a building.

Or the guy you pulled off is local and throws a firebomb at your house during the night. As one of the few farang in my area, everybody knows who I am and where I live. I have never come across spite like I see in Thai men who feel they lost face.

I reckon holding your phone like you are videoing everything and saying you are going to call the cops will stop a murder, but I've heard plenty of stories where nearby cops don't even get involved.

Remember the old bold pilots. There are none.

That's a big problem with breaking up a fight

You don't know who started it or why and maybe in a language you don't fully understand

Could be two brothers or drunken pals fighting etc

Even police don't like to interfere when its between a man and wife, they will often both turn on a third party trying to help and other people arriving may misunderstand and then you are in the middle of a fight you had nothing to do with

Security guards and even police have handcuffs, batons, guns and AUTHORITY but a farang is really not the best person to deal with locals fighting...

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Last thing in this world I'd ever do is try breaking up a brawl between 2 Thai men. It's their country, I'm just a guest in the country, nothing to do with me what my hosts get up to.

My man in the yellow shirt has some guts, that's for sure, most people would get up and flee, but yellow shirt got stuck into it. Good on him.

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Speedtripler and EnglishJohn; I agree, but it's all theory. There are fights and there are fights. I'm talking about someone jumping on someones head or other real violence. Sometimes we need to stick our necks out for a complete stranger, make this world a better place. Stop always thinking what is best for yourself

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Yeah Thais do not stop to help

Wish I was there I would have flogged him. This is no good mental illness is the case here

Soi Ladprao 122-124 in Wang Thong Lang.

There's the address, I'm sure if you hang around for a while you will find the man so you can give him a flogging.

We can all watch on the CCTV at a later date.

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Last thing in this world I'd ever do is try breaking up a brawl between 2 Thai men. It's their country, I'm just a guest in the country, nothing to do with me what my hosts get up to.

My man in the yellow shirt has some guts, that's for sure, most people would get up and flee, but yellow shirt got stuck into it. Good on him.

You talk sense unlike many of the keyboard warriors on here, when in reality they would run a mile.

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In America I would have jumped in IF I had seen how it began ~ Here, not in a million years. I wouldn't have helped if yellow shirt had been carrying 2 babies and dragging a toddler.

I'd end up getting sued by both of them. Sure glad I don't live in a city.

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should take the registration numbers of all the cars that drove past and give each one of them a fine.

Errr what? Unless you happened to be looking at the precise time that ahole throws the first punch it would be hard to know who started it or what was going on, how many people would have jumped into that situation? Seriously?

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Unless you saw how this started, why would anyone get involved? Looks like 2 drunks having a fight. The guy in the yellow shirt never appeals for help, even when the bus stops.

Fink you're blind matey...........

Don't think so. Watch it without the beginning. Just a street fight. Never does yellow look like he's innocent.

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another Nutter on the loose....


As u said in other topics before.....and been criticized for it......in over 3 years living in Bangkok I see more instances now of unreasonable and sudden rage now being shown by locals living in cities in Thailand.

I am certainly not an expert, but in my opinion this sudden and provoked rage is a consequence between the daily reality of life for many poor and often homeless on the streets in How they must live and what they are shown as the perception of what a "good" life should be that they see on television and in newspapers now in Thailand.

I first came to Thailand in 1977,and although I have not been her all that time continuously, I have visited Thailand once or twice a year during that time. I have lived here now as a retiree since 2010.

I can see that in that time the quality of material life has certainly approved for the average Thai, but I can also see that the mental satisfaction of daily life is lower than it was in 1977.

Back then, people were poor, yes, but so were there neighbors, so the relative poverty was basically evenly shared.

Today the separation between those who are poor and frustrated and the relatively well off is growing all the time.

My personal opinion is that the Thais have a decade at most before this frustration grows into real anger and violence in Thai society.

Then comes the time for burning it down in my opinion...... If I can't have it I'll just burn it down....<deleted> the whole lot.

That is the logic of frustration and anger

And, have a feeling the foreigners with money will be the ones targeted first.

And as an old foreigner in Thailand with relatively more money than many Thais have, it may be me that I could be one the first targets of that rage.

Inclined to think it reminds of the good old days of meth, alcohol and or glue glue back in Toronto, or it's another whacky Asian combo. It fits with all the the time warps here, about 20 years behind.

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This brings up the old question of what do you do if you see something like this ?.

Thailand has more than it's fair share of nutters and you have no clue who you are getting involved with. I would say more often than not it is related to some other event you have no idea about. Plus there will be a good chance one or the other has a knife or a gun. Drugs or alcohol may well be involved.

I can really understand people not intervening in a land where a lot of people are crazy and life is cheap - where someone might murder someone else just for causing loss of face. Plus you may end up in the slammer yourself on false charges if one is involved with some dirty cops. What is the general opinion of people about this ?. Would you join in ?.

Agreed. I would not get involved in a fight. If someone attacks me, as much as I would love to fight back, I would try my best to avoid violence and just walk/run away. It is the smartest thing to do. You may feel like a sissy, but the alternative is too risky.

Scary... I walk about 7K every day on Ladphrao but not that area... But there are a lot of homeless people where I walk,... they don't act aggressively but do act erratically sometimes... I did see one guy acting aggressively towards some Thai at a business, they kind of laughed at him and he moved on.... Still I worry about being attacked sometime... Hope the fellow this guy attacked will make a full recovery, and this guy needs to be taken off the streets...

I also walk around Bangkok a lot. Only once has someone given me a little scare by aggressively grabbing my shoulder while we passed on Soi Pipat in Silom, not sure what the meaning of this was, but he was a young fellow in his early 20's and seemed like he was high on drugs. I think he was looking for a fight but I just kept walking, and luckily so did he.

When I go on walks I try to dress like a "bum" (my shiny colourful Nike's might give it away though) and have only a few hundred baht with me. This probably helps a bit.

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another Nutter on the loose....


As u said in other topics before.....and been criticized for it......in over 3 years living in Bangkok I see more instances now of unreasonable and sudden rage now being shown by locals living in cities in Thailand.

I am certainly not an expert, but in my opinion this sudden and provoked rage is a consequence between the daily reality of life for many poor and often homeless on the streets in How they must live and what they are shown as the perception of what a "good" life should be that they see on television and in newspapers now in Thailand.

I first came to Thailand in 1977,and although I have not been her all that time continuously, I have visited Thailand once or twice a year during that time. I have lived here now as a retiree since 2010.

I can see that in that time the quality of material life has certainly approved for the average Thai, but I can also see that the mental satisfaction of daily life is lower than it was in 1977.

Back then, people were poor, yes, but so were there neighbors, so the relative poverty was basically evenly shared.

Today the separation between those who are poor and frustrated and the relatively well off is growing all the time.

My personal opinion is that the Thais have a decade at most before this frustration grows into real anger and violence in Thai society.

Then comes the time for burning it down in my opinion...... If I can't have it I'll just burn it down....<deleted> the whole lot.

That is the logic of frustration and anger

And, have a feeling the foreigners with money will be the ones targeted first.

And as an old foreigner in Thailand with relatively more money than many Thais have, it may be me that I could be one the first targets of that rage.

You are right in what you say,this is one reason i don't flaunt my relative. wealth.Thais are shockers for this really sticking it up their friends if they come into some baht.This situation has been going on for quite a while,world wide.I have always said it will be the battle of the "Haves"and 'the "Have Nots".This is manifesting itself in Europe right now,USA for decades and Australia to a lesser extent.It will not stop and wait til the sea starts rising.What the world does about it is the issue.Capitalism is not working well,when for somebody to make massive profit,somebody else has to work for a pittance.

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another Nutter on the loose....


As u said in other topics before.....and been criticized for it......in over 3 years living in Bangkok I see more instances now of unreasonable and sudden rage now being shown by locals living in cities in Thailand.

I am certainly not an expert, but in my opinion this sudden and provoked rage is a consequence between the daily reality of life for many poor and often homeless on the streets in How they must live and what they are shown as the perception of what a "good" life should be that they see on television and in newspapers now in Thailand.

I first came to Thailand in 1977,and although I have not been her all that time continuously, I have visited Thailand once or twice a year during that time. I have lived here now as a retiree since 2010.

I can see that in that time the quality of material life has certainly approved for the average Thai, but I can also see that the mental satisfaction of daily life is lower than it was in 1977.

Back then, people were poor, yes, but so were there neighbors, so the relative poverty was basically evenly shared.

Today the separation between those who are poor and frustrated and the relatively well off is growing all the time.

My personal opinion is that the Thais have a decade at most before this frustration grows into real anger and violence in Thai society.

Then comes the time for burning it down in my opinion...... If I can't have it I'll just burn it down....<deleted> the whole lot.

That is the logic of frustration and anger

And, have a feeling the foreigners with money will be the ones targeted first.

And as an old foreigner in Thailand with relatively more money than many Thais have, it may be me that I could be one the first targets of that rage.

you are correct. YOU are a target. That is why you must group up. People who stand up should be supported. Support "Justice for Jessie"... Cause a little girl is doing your fight. the very least you can do is support.

Rubbish,intergration is the way to go.Harder to hit somebody you like.

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For all those of you criticizing people for not getting involved must be brand spanking new to Thailand.

Why new? Maybe some guys are just not as scared as some others. Some people would jump into a blazing fire to save someone else and someone might not even lend a hand to someone drowning right beside them. It all comes down to love in the end. How much do you really care and love others, even complete strangers? If you do then you will always jump in, no matter what the outcome

So you pull the guy off the top of the other. While he is trying to tell you the other guy raped his daughter, the other guy gets a gun out and shoots you both.

Extreme example I know - but absolutely possible in Thailand. Completely different to rescuing someone from a building.

Or the guy you pulled off is local and throws a firebomb at your house during the night. As one of the few farang in my area, everybody knows who I am and where I live. I have never come across spite like I see in Thai men who feel they lost face.

I reckon holding your phone like you are videoing everything and saying you are going to call the cops will stop a murder, but I've heard plenty of stories where nearby cops don't even get involved.

Remember the old bold pilots. There are none.

That's a big problem with breaking up a fight

You don't know who started it or why and maybe in a language you don't fully understand

Could be two brothers or drunken pals fighting etc

Even police don't like to interfere when its between a man and wife, they will often both turn on a third party trying to help and other people arriving may misunderstand and then you are in the middle of a fight you had nothing to do with

Security guards and even police have handcuffs, batons, guns and AUTHORITY but a farang is really not the best person to deal with locals fighting...

So he repeatedly stomps on his head til it splits like a melon.He is dead and you watched it happen.How do you feel now that you could have stopped that happening.

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another Nutter on the loose....


As u said in other topics before.....and been criticized for it......in over 3 years living in Bangkok I see more instances now of unreasonable and sudden rage now being shown by locals living in cities in Thailand.

I am certainly not an expert, but in my opinion this sudden and provoked rage is a consequence between the daily reality of life for many poor and often homeless on the streets in How they must live and what they are shown as the perception of what a "good" life should be that they see on television and in newspapers now in Thailand.

I first came to Thailand in 1977,and although I have not been her all that time continuously, I have visited Thailand once or twice a year during that time. I have lived here now as a retiree since 2010.

I can see that in that time the quality of material life has certainly approved for the average Thai, but I can also see that the mental satisfaction of daily life is lower than it was in 1977.

Back then, people were poor, yes, but so were there neighbors, so the relative poverty was basically evenly shared.

Today the separation between those who are poor and frustrated and the relatively well off is growing all the time.

My personal opinion is that the Thais have a decade at most before this frustration grows into real anger and violence in Thai society.

Then comes the time for burning it down in my opinion...... If I can't have it I'll just burn it down....<deleted> the whole lot.

That is the logic of frustration and anger

And, have a feeling the foreigners with money will be the ones targeted first.

And as an old foreigner in Thailand with relatively more money than many Thais have, it may be me that I could be one the first targets of that rage.

I agree and have had the same observation, comparing the current situation to that in 1987 and the years in between. Conspicuous consumption is shoved in peoples faces constantly now, and if you can't participate you are either going to get depressed or angry. Places where poorer people could have lived with dignity before are now high end shopping malls and condos. Something has gone very wrong in Thailand.

Not only Thailand.

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For all those of you criticizing people for not getting involved must be brand spanking new to Thailand.

So you lost your moral compass when you got off the plane did you.

Sorry, i call bs on that, it's not the case here of an adult beating a little child, if you see 2 adults fighting, you have no idea od who's right and who's wrong.

Years ago i did the mistake of breaking a fight between 2 Thai neighbours of mine, my action was successful an bloodless, but both 2 of them were not happy about that, and one of them even tried to pick a fight with me ,without any reason, the year after.

I agree with the majority here, never get involved, unless you really know what you're doing.

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Not good of course ....while the victim should have tailed him while using his cell phone to call the police ( 99 % certainty he has a cell phone) and filmed the man while tailing him while following a safe distance behind until the police showed up and arrest the man.

Or, would that be a plan considered too complicated??


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the suspect is a homeless man who is often seen in the area and who has carried out similar attacks on other men previously. It is also alleged that the suspect has indecently exposed himself to local women on a number of previous occasions.

I believe the saying is 'Locking the gate after the horse has bolted'.

So will the police actually lock him up now, not much point doing so for the previous violent and sexual assaults, as he obviously has no money. rolleyes.gif

A little bit of shaming like this on social and news media and you just watch the press conference in 2 days time announcing his arrest.

Disgusting behavioral and social trait.


Edited by Happy Grumpy
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