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Let's break up,' Thai lottery winner texts wife, who sues

Jonathan Fairfield

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I assume you would help your elderly parents out if they needed some shopping

yes, but not because I am "obligated" but because I want to help. do you feel the difference between "want" and "obligated"?

I assume you go to work to get paid

actually I pay others, but ok, in this example again employee agrees to work and employer agrees to pay. both parties agree for this conditions, both get benefits.

this can't be compared with manipulative "obligations"

you bring up your kids you get immeasurable love and enjoyment from watching them grow, etc etc,,

sure, but I would do that because I want to raise and support kids, not because I am obligated.

as everyone labels you as a loser and a "A" hole.

I 100% don't care what other people in private life think of me, believe it or not. (for business reputation it's different, but I never mix business and private life)

when a woman calls me "not a real man" (usually when she tries and fails to manipulate me to do something I don't want) I laugh out loud. because I really don't care at all.

like my grandma said: "It's better if they will be angry on me than I will be angry on them"

Edited by TimmyT
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I don't know the law here but in England 'common law wifes' are not entitled to anything on a break up.

In the UK lottery you have to put your name on the back of the ticket I used to do this as soon as I purchased it just in case I lost it . Common law wife now has the same rights as if you were married !

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And if the woman is at home brining up your kids giving you time to go out and build those assets?

50/50 all the way.

it should be up to man and woman to decide on which conditions they agree to live together and raise kids. if both parties agree - it should be none of the business of the state.

and you still didn't answer - what if couple don't have kids and want separately build it's assets?

Seems to be the normal thing nowadays so many seem to agree with fair split, but you are entitled to your opinion.

not so long time ago it was normal to burn witches. in Germany just 70 years ago it was normal to burn Jews, gays and gypsies.

so if something is considered "normal" is not necessarily correct. this split is called "fair" because giving away up to 75% of assets to the ex-wife is imposed to be considered fair by certain groups of interest.

I get it, you want to live in a world where everything always goes your way and you can chose to do anything you want and not suffer any consequences and you don't give a rats ass,, your description on how men should think and behave, and which you call freedom.

The ladies must love you,,, giggle.gif

I want to live in the world where the one and only who decides how to spend money is the one who earns them.

and yes, ladies love me, because I work hard, earn resources and spend them on girls who make me happy. and if any of them will stop to make me happy - I will find the new one. all of them know that for sure.

That's why they never have a headache, if you know what I mean ;)

yes, I use them for sex and other pleasures, same as they use me to get money. both of us are happy without this manipulative bullshit about obligations, responsibilities, compassion, dead buffaloes, sick brothers etc.

i want to order a t-shirt " I am not a gentleman, so please keep your wishlist for somebody else" lol

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Hell hath no fury like a scorned, woman divorced by SMS while entitled to a big share of lotto winnings,

Word to the wise, this guy should be careful that he will not turn from a happy, live winner to a dead one,

people were done over for far less that that....

She's not entitled to any of it, because they are NOT married, only the child is entitled to some....did u not read the OP.
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And if the woman is at home brining up your kids giving you time to go out and build those assets?

50/50 all the way.

it should be up to man and woman to decide on which conditions they agree to live together and raise kids. if both parties agree - it should be none of the business of the state.

and you still didn't answer - what if couple don't have kids and want separately build it's assets?

Seems to be the normal thing nowadays so many seem to agree with fair split, but you are entitled to your opinion.

not so long time ago it was normal to burn witches. in Germany just 70 years ago it was normal to burn Jews, gays and gypsies.

so if something is considered "normal" is not necessarily correct. this split is called "fair" because giving away up to 75% of assets to the ex-wife is imposed to be considered fair by certain groups of interest.

I get it, you want to live in a world where everything always goes your way and you can chose to do anything you want and not suffer any consequences and you don't give a rats ass,, your description on how men should think and behave, and which you call freedom.

The ladies must love you,,, giggle.gif

I want to live in the world where the one and only who decides how to spend money is the one who earns them.

and yes, ladies love me, because I work hard, earn resources and spend them on girls who make me happy. and if any of them will stop to make me happy - I will find the new one. all of them know that for sure.

That's why they never have a headache, if you know what I mean wink.png

yes, I use them for sex and other pleasures, same as they use me to get money. both of us are happy without this manipulative bullshit about obligations, responsibilities, compassion, dead buffaloes, sick brothers etc.

i want to order a t-shirt " I am not a gentleman, so please keep your wishlist for somebody else" lol

Deary me, I won't reply to your dozens of little breakdowns trying to justify your views. I can summarise instead.

It is extremely convenient that you accept your obligations on occasion, not because your are being "manipulated" but because you "want" to do it as you get something out of it. I am sure at work you are told to do something that you don't want to do it but you do it anyway, (and please do not say this has never happened and you just tell people to shove off, I am in business too and it just doesn't work that way), so you are being manipulated (using your words here).

And yet when you are obliged to do something such as supporting the child in the topic you call it manipulation and you run away under the banner of "I'm a free man, I do what I want".

I am sure you probably think you are being radical and a real pioneer for mens rights, well you're not.

You talk about strength, suggesting your behaviour makes you a strong man. These are not the actions of a strong man, they are the actions of a coward who will not face up to his responsibilities and do the right, moral and decent thing. Label it however you want manipulation, world conspiracy against men by lefties or any other provocative explanation, it doesn't change the fact you are running away.

The man in this topic is running away from his responsibility to support HIS child despite the fact that he has the means to do so due to his good fortune. I label him as a greedy, selfish coward with no regard for his child.

These are not the actions of a man and if you aspire to this then I pity you.

I hope that this man with the lottery win wakes up and takes care of his child.

By the way your reference to women being the "weaker sex", I know of many "strong" women who would feel "obliged" to debate that with you, (I would not fancy your chances) but I suspect you would not want to do that and I wouldn't want to manipulate you.

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most all of us make assumptions here ( me included), as most news articles do not show the full story. We fill in the gaps with what we assume should be there and respond accordingly.

We know nothing about the character of the man or the woman involved...money alone won't necessarily destroy a solid relationship, but it will likely break an unstable one.

According to the article the man expressed interest in having custody of the child is that because he cares about the kid or would like to take away some of the woman's power in this dispute is unknown.

What I do believe is the child, being 8 months old is the only person in this relationship that I am sure is innocent of wrong doing....let's hope the child comes out of this ok.

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They are NOT married. Not husband and wife, but just boyfriend/girlfriend.(Age irrelevant)

A large proportion of folk in Isaan go through the ritual of having a "wedding day", handing over the dowry in the "wedding" ceremony, but do not register the marriage. THEY ARE NOT MARRIED.

In this case, the man is responsible for the child (if it is his), but not much else.

Had they been legally married, then under Thai law, the wife would have been legally entitled to 50% of the money plus 50% of anything gained during the marriage.

Looks like Thammarong will walk away with most of the spoils

" In this case, the man is responsible for the child (if it is his), but not much else." Shit, I think I just got bumped out of the talking about Thailand forum, and into the anywhere else in the world forum.

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This guy won the lottery and now it's on your bike <deleted> ......

If at all possible, he should have kept the win quite and the divorce even quiter.

There can not be a divorce, they were not married, nothing different to what they do to a farang man, if the shoe fits

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Well, it is not exactly like that. The key here is that they have to be "co-habit" (having sexual relations) and also living together as husband and wife.

Many people buy property together but don't live this way. Many people also share accommodations, especially college students, and don't live that way, although sex with that partner may not be totally out of the question

But before you invite the Ole Girl Friend to move in with you to try things out first, one has to be more careful now for sure.

if I would live in the UK I would just stay alone, and visit as many women as I wish at there own accommodations.

at first left liberals tried to force men give away 50% of his assets or more by divorce. men stopped to get married and started to live with women without marriage. and leftists made a law that a man should give away 50% even without marriage! lol

what will be the next? The law requires all men to enter into relationships with women? a double or triple tax for all men, so nobody, even homosexuals, celibates asexuals, impotent men, misogynists, run away from supporting the "weaker sex"?

it's easy to be a woman nowadays in the UK


Asexuals? You mean hermaphrodites? Don't think they can reproduce on their own though.

I think if you live together and build assets together then on parting you split it 50/50,, thats not unfair and nothing to do with "leftists"

Wake up to the 21st century fella.

If this is the case and in theory, I would agree 100% with you. When a couple work together and build assets together and decide to break up,then they should share 50/50. But sadly this is seldom the case.

Look at Tiger Woods for example. He married a Beautiful Younger Woman who before him had a career as a Nanny. They stayed married for about 6 years and had a child together. She discovered he wasn't faithful to her all this time which gave her grounds for a Divorce. Tiger's Divorce Settlement was estimated at 100 Million Dollars!

Man! Some Nanny gets 100 Million Dollars from just a 6 Year Marriage, and people want to call this fair? No wonder there is so many Gold Diggers out their. Now she lives in a 12 Million Dollar Mansion in Florida and laughing all the way to the bank. Who knows how many men she slept with since then.

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Looks to me currently he isn't even the legal father of the child and not married. Normally Thai family courts set a minimum of 3000-6000 Baht per month for child support. Lets go by 6000B x 12 months x 18 years and the figure he should fork out would be 1.26 million Baht. I would certainly not give that money in one shot to the mother of the child as she might burn it off in 2 years and the child has nothing from the funds.

As for the guy we don't really know all the stories about him but if he has some balls give 5 million to the mother of the child, paid out monthly until the child is grown up. I would not walk away and take all the cash with me.

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pure greed. she is just trying to bite a part of her boyfriend's fortune. it's was really stupid to tell her about the lottery ticket.

hope she will loose the case. it's really hard to rob the father of a child in Thailand, if he is not married with the mother.

childcare should be none of the business of the state. it's up to father how much does he eager to give for a child.

your ex-husband gives you not enough to support your child? biology made it up to woman to choose a partner to make kids. That's why men have to spend so much time, energy and resources to get sex.

so if you chose the wrong guy - it's your mistake and nobody's else.

The hatred being shown towards women by you and other posters is astonishing.

No doubt if the woman had won and dumped the guy your outrage would be as pathetically vitriolic but still aimed at the woman.

Sad, sad, sad little boys.

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I don't know the law here but in England 'common law wifes' are not entitled to anything on a break up.


In Australia they get half (plus) after just six months.

It is all well and good feeling sympathy for the so called fairer sex but they are scheming bitches the lot of them.

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This guy won the lottery and now it's on your bike <deleted> ......

If at all possible, he should have kept the win quite and the divorce even quiter.

I guarantee since his good fortune he will have many young wifes fighting over him.

Hope she gets her share as sounds like he will blow it all in a short time and the lawyers will take a good bite as well.

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pure greed. she is just trying to bite a part of her boyfriend's fortune. it's was really stupid to tell her about the lottery ticket.

hope she will loose the case. it's really hard to rob the father of a child in Thailand, if he is not married with the mother.

childcare should be none of the business of the state. it's up to father how much does he eager to give for a child.

your ex-husband gives you not enough to support your child? biology made it up to woman to choose a partner to make kids. That's why men have to spend so much time, energy and resources to get sex.

so if you chose the wrong guy - it's your mistake and nobody's else.

The hatred being shown towards women by you and other posters is astonishing.

No doubt if the woman had won and dumped the guy your outrage would be as pathetically vitriolic but still aimed at the woman.

Sad, sad, sad little boys.

I am presuming by your comment that you have found happiness among women.

Good for you,


surely you do not wear blinkers everywhere you go.

You must see things with your own eyes.

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very typical of thai women they'd sell mum for $15 if they could ---- all very pedestrian and expected the hunger for money cannot be passified ( and when they get it they to stingy to spend it ) why have it !! no purpose !

Then its good your only into Thai men.

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I don't know the law here but in England 'common law wifes' are not entitled to anything on a break up.

I find that hard to believe because in Oz,de facto is treated the same as married,after a very short time.England can't be that far behind the times,surely.Why would any sane man want to marry in England if that was the case.

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They are NOT married. Not husband and wife, but just boyfriend/girlfriend.(Age irrelevant)

A large proportion of folk in Isaan go through the ritual of having a "wedding day", handing over the dowry in the "wedding" ceremony, but do not register the marriage. THEY ARE NOT MARRIED.

In this case, the man is responsible for the child (if it is his), but not much else.

Had they been legally married, then under Thai law, the wife would have been legally entitled to 50% of the money plus 50% of anything gained during the marriage.

Looks like Thammarong will walk away with most of the spoils

And looking over his shoulder the rest of his life.

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very typical of thai women they'd sell mum for $15 if they could ---- all very pedestrian and expected the hunger for money cannot be passified ( and when they get it they to stingy to spend it ) why have it !! no purpose !

What are you on about and more to the point what are you on.

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