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Two Russians nabbed by Thai police for smuggling and fraud


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"An agreement is due to be signed by Interpol and the Thai authorities that will allow police in the kingdom to access Interpols international arrest warrants database."

An agreement by whom? I didn't agree to it and no one else I know either....take notice how they always show examples of an incident and then follow-up with what they intend to do. Action-reaction-solution. You criminals will have to answer to this one way or another....

How pleasant it is to be drowning in an Orwellian type of world....

So they need your permission to sign the agreement do they? I genuflect.

What is Orwellian about this? Can you explain that remark?

took the words right out my keyboard haha...

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It is kind of funny that the bad boy Russians keep fleeing to Thailand. They just don't seem to realize that they do stand out in a crowd of Asians, and even with a large number of Russians in the country, it is not a great hiding place because the police have a good idea they are there! But how do the guys get out of Russia and into Thailand? Don't the Russian authorities confiscate their passports as a flight risk? Do they just go get new or fake passports? Seems like transport authorities aren't doing a great job, or the Russian Police have some sloppy practices.

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"An agreement is due to be signed by Interpol and the Thai authorities that will allow police in the kingdom to access Interpol’s international arrest warrants database."

Hard to fathom why this has not always been available.

Not really, when you take into consideration a few thousand baht will have any arrest warrant ignored anyway coffee1.gif

Really?? Then why are these guys heading back to Russia. So many of you guys think you can always buy your way out. I know several expats that thought the same and

are in prison.

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Hopefully when they get home they throw the book at them.

Gee, I hope they don't throw the book at them, the glasses may get broken?.........The glasses are so nice they would be worth a fortune on the "Black Market" over there.

Edited by fishhooks
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There always a problem and rude

I do not like

I agree , no like scum

That's an unfair characterization.

Scum exhibits a greater degree of social grace - plus, it doesn't smell like it bathes in alcohol and tobacco. wink.png

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