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Thai man apologises for shooting at a female dentist's car out of anger

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The first two paragraphs of the article touts his job. Thais are genetically incapable of being objective. If they don't know the social status and relative wealth of a person breaking the law, they cannot make a judgement on guilt or innocence or what sort of penalty should be meted out. Of course he should be slammed in jail for 6 months and compelled to pay 250,000 baht to the woman he shot at, but nothing of the sort will happen.

6 months! For illegally owning a gun and shooting at someone? More like 6 years, at the very least, in sane country.

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The first two paragraphs of the article touts his job. Thais are genetically incapable of being objective. If they don't know the social status and relative wealth of a person breaking the law, they cannot make a judgement on guilt or innocence or what sort of penalty should be meted out. Of course he should be slammed in jail for 6 months and compelled to pay 250,000 baht to the woman he shot at, but nothing of the sort will happen.

Nah, not genetics. You take Thais out of Thailand and they shed the Thainess quite fast. It's upbringing, the standardized brainwashing going around here to uphold .. now what was it again .. yeah this thing: https://historyplanet.wordpress.com/2011/06/17/the-last-orientals-the-thai-sakdina-system/


After saying sorry he was told he was free to go.

As he left the station he heard one of the police men shout out "STOP"

As he turned around the police man ran up to him huffing and puffing apologizing for shouting saying "sorry sir you forgot your gun" "have a nice day".


10 million known guns, in so called Buddhist country?

I have said this before, but its why I feel safer in Indonesia with 250 million tea drinking muslims than I do in Thailand with,

70 odd million, drunken buddhists with weapons. Its a fact. Rash acts like giving the finger in the traffic, can be terminal.

On the couple of odd occasions I have done it, I instinctively duck and grimace. Not good. bad idea . . . .

My Thai wife of 15 years has always said - shut-up, do nothing, don't blow your horn (other than a warning in traffic) no middle finger or other gestures, jai yen yen - too many crazies out there with guns and no brains.


The bullet penetrated the left side window and hit the opposite side the window but missed the victim

Attempted murder?

And all because the poor little man was overtaken.

There's a thread asking why it is so common here - the aggressive, sometimes violent, behavior when you overtake a Thai, and trying to get to the bottom of it all, as to why.


Strangely, many posters seem to be in complete denial about it.

I read your thread.

Respectfully, the consensus seems to be that no one knows what you're talking about.

Do you know what you're talking about? :D

We're talking about Thais getting aggressive when overtaken.

This news reports, as well as the other news reports of similar situations, as well as the numerous posters talking about, seems to quite evident.

This thread is about it happening and a Thai trying to murder another person because she overtook him and this made him angry. The other thread is asking why this is such a trait among Thai drivers.



See...even being an educated man does not take the "Thainess" out of the Thai...

No problem dude...we all get angry from time to time...

Maybe you really should not drive again...safer all around...


If he did that to my car especially when y wife is driving I would find him and beat the crap out of him. Why does Thailand allow such moronic people to be out? As someone here says it is the wild west.

Would your Ninja suit be bullet proof or would you catch the bullets in your teeth before beating the crap out of him?

Do you think this trigger happy son-of-a-bitch would think twice about shooting you? He could quiet easily have killed the dentist, caused a fatal multiple vehicle accident and you think he'll give a shit about a farang?

It might be the Wild West but as a farang your're about as much worth as a red skin - good for scalping.


He apologizes, after the fact. cheesy.gif. Most Thai men are the "Little Lord Fauntleroy" aristocrats of the Kingdom, who are emotionally arrested @ the (14 year-old baby stage of puberty. Mr. (47-year old) Sompong Tantiwongpaisarn, guaranteed, will not be held accountable for his actions, by being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Thatt bloke is a walking Puiblic Safety hazard. coffee1.gif

He should have downed a few drinks when he got home to ensure that he would not be held responsible due to his alcohol blood level.


I was on my motor scooter crossing a rural bridge in Chiang Rai when I distinctly heard a bullet whiz by. It's hard to tell whether it was 1 foot or 5 ft from my head. I didn't hear the sound of a gun. It's a tiny memory, but it could have been curtains for me at that second.

Another time, I was in a pick-up (probably the only one with un-tinted windows in the Kingdom), and a large truck slowed abruptly in the adjoining lane and then swerved fast - which cut me off almost to a stop. I honked slightly and passed him by and gave him the finger. When his big truck and my small one were at the next red light, he opened his cab door and waved a good-sized sword and was yelling red-faced at us (3 farang men in the front seat). We all sat there saying nothing. We didn't have any weapons and plus I doubt any of us wanted to fight to the death over a near-miss traffic incident.

Yes, beware. And know that giving the finger to a Thai, is much more serious affront (to him) that giving the finder to a farang. We take it in stride. They interpret it as akin to raping their mother and sisters.


'Makes you wanna' cry. Thailand just didn't used to be like this.

I know, I know.

Before modern media, social media, and the awakening of the masses by the Shins, men and higher ups could shoot at and kill the minions without any repercussions whatsoever.

Now there's all sorts of ways of being caught and published and losing face over doing so.

It's just not cricket, Jeffrey.


If the Apology is accepted,, and .. thats it?? just like that? He is a public offical and he should be sitting in Jail by now

Bad enough driving here, but now you have to worry about idiots shooting at you for road rage.

If he is not locked up an absolute joke, I would say attempted murder should be one of many charges laid against him.


There was just another shooting from a car reported up here in Chiang Mai,

a businessman with too much to drink,seems to becoming a popular pastime

for Thai drivers,so not only have you got to be on the lookout for bad drivers,

(too many) but they might have a gun AND a short fuse.

regards worgeordie

Excuse me! They may have a gun (or knife), and a short fuse? I have yet to meet a Thai bloke, who did not have a ready, waiting reactionary "chip" on his shoulder.

Pretty much the same with the chavs in England...I guess you've just found yourself involved with a certain part of society. :rolleyes:


They are all children in adult bodies here. But it's ok, he said sorry and won't do it again. Can I have my pudding now? <deleted>

Your first sentence is an insult to Thai people. You must be a joy to spend time with if you have an attitude like that.

Your second sentence is just plain stupid. You make it sound like because he said sorry that is the end of it. If you read the OP it says in plain English that -

"Sompong was initially charged with carrying gun in public without a licence, illegal shooting in public and attempted murder."

Your last sentence is just idiotic.


They are all children in adult bodies here. But it's ok, he said sorry and won't do it again. Can I have my pudding now? <deleted>

Your first sentence is an insult to Thai people. You must be a joy to spend time with if you have an attitude like that.

Your second sentence is just plain stupid. You make it sound like because he said sorry that is the end of it. If you read the OP it says in plain English that -

"Sompong was initially charged with carrying gun in public without a licence, illegal shooting in public and attempted murder."

Your last sentence is just idiotic.

That's a pretty miserable post IMHO. Perhaps you should go back to bed for a while. When you wake up, get out the other side.


Welcome to Thailand

Her dental work can not be that bad surely

But seriously lock this loon up for 20 years. If that was my sister I would see you are a example for others

Your a bad human


Shooting a gun at some one with the intent to harm should put him away in a nice prison cell for some time. He will not have to drive in prison for sure!


There is madness on the roads in Thailand. I let people overtake me and do all sort of insane actions without any response.Thai drivers are way too volatile and with the number that carry guns and drink- much too dangerous. My Thai brother in law was killed in a road rage incident in Bangkok. His crime was to have cut off another vehicle and was followed and when parked the other driver pulled out a machete and killed him, also wounding 3 others in the vehicle. He was eventually caught and sentenced to 12 years in jail on a manslaughter charge. He never said he was sorry or offered any compensation but was ordered to pay 700K Baht to my Mother In Law. Of course, he will pay nothing. The deceased was only 21 and had a small business which was partially to help his mother All of that over someone believing they were cut off. After almost 50 years in Thailand I am not sure I will ever understand this type of mentality.Most people are raised Buddhist but -too bad there is not much adherence to it. It never used to be this way.


Consider my signature.

Them getting into a vehicle seems to be a release for them.

All the anger and frustration that builds up in them due to the unfortunate, restrictive culture they've been born into. Combined with the terminal Little-Man-Syndrome so many harbor. sad.png

An awfully sad existence, really.


There is madness on the roads in Thailand. I let people overtake me and do all sort of insane actions without any response.Thai drivers are way too volatile and with the number that carry guns and drink- much too dangerous. My Thai brother in law was killed in a road rage incident in Bangkok. His crime was to have cut off another vehicle and was followed and when parked the other driver pulled out a machete and killed him, also wounding 3 others in the vehicle. He was eventually caught and sentenced to 12 years in jail on a manslaughter charge. He never said he was sorry or offered any compensation but was ordered to pay 700K Baht to my Mother In Law. Of course, he will pay nothing. The deceased was only 21 and had a small business which was partially to help his mother All of that over someone believing they were cut off. After almost 50 years in Thailand I am not sure I will ever understand this type of mentality.Most people are raised Buddhist but -too bad there is not much adherence to it. It never used to be this way.

Was in a taxi going on to Lat Phrao one night, a taxi in front went to go the wrong way down a one way street (accidentally, didn't know it was one way).

He had half his his car pulled in but was stopped by an oncoming vehicle. My taxi driver wound down his window as we passed and politely told him that it was a one-way street, but the next one isn't and he can go down that one.

5 minutes later there's high revving and he comes past the taxi, screeches and blocks him off, comes out of his taxi with a machete/sword thing pointing and waving it at the taxi driver.

After a 10-20 seconds (times always seems to go slowly when there's a furious lunatic with a machete) he gets back in and screeches off.

So many Thai men have such ego issues that the littlest thing, someone giving them friendly advice, is a massive slight to their ego and requires their machete to brought out. :(

Very sad, really.


They are all children in adult bodies here. But it's ok, he said sorry and won't do it again. Can I have my pudding now? <deleted>

Don't generalise all on the stupidity of a few.

The generalization is the fact that most Thai menfolk have a perpetual 14year-old-boy's "hard-on", thoughout most of their (ahem) adult lives. Those blokes will go "ballistic" on you, over the most insignificant issue. That's a generalisational FACT! And, the OP's news story is ample testimony to that fact. Capiche?coffee1.gif

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