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Is there a Vet or Farang who will put a old dog down in Hua Hin?


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Our old 15 year old dog which I brought over from America, 10 years ago, is rapidly dying from old age. She is blind, deaf, and the use of her back legs is getting very feeble and unsteady to walk, she'd rather lay down all day. She is now suffering from Kidney disease, and needs a daily dose of injectable insulin, and meds to try and get her blood up to a fairly normal level. Her appetite has dwindled in the past days to almost nothing, turning her nose up on most foods. I need to find a farang here in Hua Hin, who does this service, of putting a suffering dog down, which in my opinion, is a much more humane way to go. When the quality of life has gone, and the animal is slowly suffering, until the inevitable day of death. I would rather have her put to sleep, in a painless manner, not watching her die slowly. I had a cat die on me, another animal brought over from the US, and it was not a pleasant thing to watch, she died in our home, and I was with her till he last breath, gasping for air.

If anyone can give insight, on this service I have chosen to have done for her, could you please give me a heads up on name, location, or phone number in or around the Hua HIn area, please. I would appreciate it very much, and I'm sure my old friend would Suki would say the same if she could.

<removed> PM me.

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