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Netanyahu slammed for 'inaccurate' Holocaust comments


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He did not deny the holocaust. How stupid. He suggested that Hitler may of gotten the idea from the leader of the Palestinians who was Hitler's "special guest".

Holocaust Denial is denying the accepted version of history as published under international law.

Maybe you could provide link to this "international law" if there was one, but there is isn't. It is a figment of your imagination and Netanyahu did not say anything that would violate it, if there was such a thing. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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He did not deny the holocaust. How stupid. He suggested that Hitler may of gotten the idea from the leader of the Palestinians who was Hitler's "special guest".

None of those charged with Holocaust Denial actually claimed it didn't happen. All of them said that the death toll and methods were grossly over stated. They attacked the official narrative which Netanyahu just did as well. You simply can't have it both ways. The judge's ruling in the second Zundle trial was, "the truth is not a defense". That was based on the law regarding attacking the official narrative. He either denied the official narrative or he didn't. The law is to protect the official narrative and serves no other legal purpose..

There is no "official narrative" that explains when Hitler decided to exterminate all the Jews.

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He did not deny the holocaust. How stupid. He suggested that Hitler may of gotten the idea from the leader of the Palestinians who was Hitler's "special guest".

Which is a big, fat lie.

According to some guy on the internet who does not seem to be an expert on much of anything. rolleyes.gif

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He did not deny the holocaust. How stupid. He suggested that Hitler may of gotten the idea from the leader of the Palestinians who was Hitler's "special guest".

None of those charged with Holocaust Denial actually claimed it didn't happen. All of them said that the death toll and methods were grossly over stated. They attacked the official narrative which Netanyahu just did as well. You simply can't have it both ways. The judge's ruling in the second Zundle trial was, "the truth is not a defense". That was based on the law regarding attacking the official narrative. He either denied the official narrative or he didn't. The law is to protect the official narrative and serves no other legal purpose..

There is no "official narrative" that explains when Hitler decided to exterminate all the Jews.

It has never been about when Hitler decided, although many claim it was the Wannasee conference. There is no documentation either way. The official narrative is 6 milliion were murdered by Hitler and the Nazis. Anybody who claims that was not completely accurate can be charged with Holocaust denial. "The truth is not a defense". Now, Netanyahu wants to amend the official narrative and say Hitler really didn't want to kill the Jews until some Palestinian convinced him to. He is denying the story which has been passed down through time academically. The judge is not a holocaust expert, he/she only considers whether or not the individual charged has claimed the 6 million didn't get murdered or that Hitler was not responsible is denying the holocaust. Of course, it cannot be proved that the actual number cannot be 6 million so the attack of that number or who was responsible was the only attack possible.

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He did not deny the holocaust. How stupid. He suggested that Hitler may of gotten the idea from the leader of the Palestinians who was Hitler's "special guest".

Which is a big, fat lie.

According to some guy on the internet who does not seem to be an expert on much of anything. rolleyes.gif

How about you take your case up with all the judges who have found many many people guilty of questioning the official narrative and then incarcerating them. As one judge actually said concerning the holocaust denial laws, 'the truth is not a defence' , take your point up about there being no narrative with the European and UN Courts. But lets not let fact get in the way of your continued spouting.

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As has been pointed out, the Zionists were already making plans to rule the entire area. Of course the Grand Mufti of Palestine was worried!

Where do you come up with such nonsense? Have you ever contributed a factual post?

Well you seem to not even know the history of the state you so feverishly defend!

Did you ever hear of the terrorist group called Irgun (which became Herut and then, yes, the fascist Likud)? They started their terrrorist activities in the early 1930ties. Neither did you hear then probably of Haganah, which started as a Jewish terrorist group in 1920 and became a "defence" group attacking Palestinians, and is basically IDF now. Or how about the Jewish group Bar Giora, which was killing Palestinians in order to steal their land in 1900 or so. Please tell me all of this is nonsense!

Of course in your eyes these terrorist attacks and ethnic cleansing were all just, because according to the scriptures God gave Palestine to Israelites, so Jews can kill anyone as they please, because God said so. I said it before, and I say it again, anyone who is using a 3000 year old fairytale to justify genocide, is completely bonkers. With that in mind Israel and ISIL have in common?

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There are plenty of FACTS about the holocaust. There is no "official narrative". That is why you and your comrades can't provide a link to one and why Netanyahu will never be charged with denying it. wink.png

So if there is no official narrative how can people be charged with Holocaust Denial? HD is not simply saying it never happened it is questioning numbers and events there must therefore be a benchmark against which to try people under law and that benchmark is the accepted Narrative.

There are links but you are an

Inherantly lazy person who always attacks any link provided to you regardless of source. So go find your own link. The truth is your mind set doesnt want to find one.

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There are plenty of FACTS about the holocaust. There is no "official narrative". That is why you and your comrades can't provide a link to one and why Netanyahu will never be charged with denying it. wink.png

Who cares if he gets charged or not....the media will try and convict him for his comments

"Comrades" oh dear....so your suggesting if one doesnt accept Zioinist propaganda and lies one is a commie ? ....your living in the past old chap

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There are plenty of FACTS about the holocaust. There is no "official narrative". That is why you and your comrades can't provide a link to one and why Netanyahu will never be charged with denying it. wink.png

You are correct about Netanyahu never being charged but if you are interested check out the trail transcript of both Zundel trails, David Irving, et al. They were charged with questioning a traditional story that is a simple one. 6 million were murdered by Hitler and the Nazis. The charge is based on whether or not you challenge the story, not what the story actually was. There is nothing about this that I have not read and I can tell you the only reference I have ever seen to this Palestiinan issue was the 2009 Dershowitz comments that I posted earlier in this thread.

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The fact that Israeli/Jewish historians overwhelmingly distance themselves from this propaganda statement from Nathanyahu and that there are people on TV who are still defending this fascist I find astonishing and says everything about the intelligence of these Bibi supporters. Dangerous Islamophobes, who are out for blood.

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There is no documentation either way.

Because no one knows, but Netanyahu's OPINION is as good as any and in not illegal in any way. It isbased on facts and it is not impossible that he is correct.
Have you listened to yourself, nobody knows.....opinion....its based on facts.....your grabbing at straws...

The fact is Netanyahu in his comments has effectively insulted every person who fought against the Nazi's and what they stood for during WWII....which effectively led to the foundation of the state of Israel

all to forward a pathalogic hatred and agenda to demonise the Palstinians ....you should be ashamed of yourself....

Edited by Soutpeel
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As has been pointed out, the Zionists were already making plans to rule the entire area. Of course the Grand Mufti of Palestine was worried!

Where do you come up with such nonsense? Have you ever contributed a factual post?

Well you seem to not even know the history of the state you so feverishly defend!

Did you ever hear of the terrorist group called Irgun (which became Herut and then, yes, the fascist Likud)? They started their terrrorist activities in the early 1930ties.

That is comical coming from you. The Grand Mufti was attacking the Jews in the 1920s, long before the Jews started defending themselves in`an organized way.

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The fact is Netanyahu in his comments has effectively insulted every person who fought against the Nazi's and what they stood for during WWII....

How? It is a FACT that this Palestinian Nazi encouraged Hitler to kill more Jews. The only thing in question is if he is the one who planted the idea in Adolf's head in the first place.
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There is no documentation either way.

Because no one knows, but Netanyahu's OPINION is as good as any and in not illegal in any way. It isbased on facts and it is not impossible that he is correct.

Stupid if he proclaims an OPINION with which he basically incriminates 50% of Israels' population. Especially if one is the "leader" of that country. But by all means keep defending him. It shows more and more who you are and what you stand for.....

Edited by RockyBeerbelly
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The fact is Netanyahu in his comments has effectively insulted every person who fought against the Nazi's and what they stood for during WWII....

How? It is a FACT that this Palestinian Nazi encouraged Hitler to kill more Jews. The only thing in question is if he is the one who planted the idea in Adolf's head in the first place.

Wow you are that fanatically blinded your defending one of the biggest mass murders in history by making excuses for Hitler, it wasnt really his fault it was a Palestinian....i have read everything.....one supposes you can prove said Palestinian was a card carrying member of the nazi party....as he would have to be for you to brand him a Nazi

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He did not deny the holocaust. How stupid. He suggested that Hitler may of gotten the idea from the leader of the Palestinians who was Hitler's "special guest".

Which is a big, fat lie.

According to some guy on the internet who does not seem to be an expert on much of anything. rolleyes.gif

According to Jewish and Israeli historians. And no, no biting to you bait.

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He did not deny the holocaust. How stupid. He suggested that Hitler may of gotten the idea from the leader of the Palestinians who was Hitler's "special guest".

Which is a big, fat lie.

According to some guy on the internet who does not seem to be an expert on much of anything. rolleyes.gif

You mean this guy Ulysses?


(this is unique btw. Its the first time I refer to an article from the Haaretz. But because that newspaper generally speaks your language, I dont have to translate it)

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I am surprised though at people defending Netanyahu here. even after Israeli historians have declared this statement simply not true. Only reason I can think of is because his statement is anti Palestinian.

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The fact is Netanyahu in his comments has effectively insulted every person who fought against the Nazi's and what they stood for during WWII....

How? It is a FACT that this Palestinian Nazi encouraged Hitler to kill more Jews. The only thing in question is if he is the one who planted the idea in Adolf's head in the first place.

Wow you are that fanatically blinded your defending one of the biggest mass murders in history by making excuses for Hitler

How stupid. No one has made "excuses" for Hitler. He murdered 6 million people. That does not mean that no one else influenced him,

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The fact is Netanyahu in his comments has effectively insulted every person who fought against the Nazi's and what they stood for during WWII....

How? It is a FACT that this Palestinian Nazi encouraged Hitler to kill more Jews. The only thing in question is if he is the one who planted the idea in Adolf's head in the first place.
Wow you are that fanatically blinded your defending one of the biggest mass murders in history by making excuses for Hitler
How stupid. No one has made "excuses" for Hitler. He murdered 6 million people. That does not mean that no one else influenced him,

Not stupid in the least...

Yes they have and you continue to do so...

Edited by Soutpeel
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Anyone know the source for the info used by Netanyahu and what would be the political benefit to Netanyahu to raise this issue at this stage of the Israeli / Palestinian conflict?

He got the info from the same people who supplied him with the Iranian Bomb diagram.


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Are 50% of Israel's population the Grand Mufti of Palestine? You are not too clear on history, logic OR statistics. gigglem.gif

Never claimed to be an historian, but since you are apparently the expert, please tell me post 42 is nonsense.

Logic? One has to be really naive (to say it mildly) if the oppressed Palestinians won't feel personally offended if Nathanyahu says that a Palestinian instigated the genocide of the Jewish people in WWII

Statistics ?? apologies it should be 46.77%

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If I were Netanyahu, I wouldn't be so keen to drag up dealings with Hitler. Zionists dealt with the devil too, dropping their very effective worldwide boycott of Germany in return for Nazi favors to increase Jewish migration to Palestine . The Transfer Agreement is still a bone of contention in Israel today.


Typical distortion of the facts.

In actual fact, the choice was between defense of Jews in Germany, or their rescue by their escape to Palestine, where British and French interests had promised them a homeland (see the denier-inconvenient Sykes-Picot Agreement, and the Balfour Declaration). When the fate of German Jews was clear, the Zionists carried the day, and the Transfer Agreement was approved.

More like paying for Jewish lives, than like 'making a deal with the Devil'.

Nice try, though...just weak.

Wrong. Educate yourself.

The choice was between continuing the very effective worldwide boycott of German goods organized by Jews worldwide undermining the German economy and Hitler's rise to power, in which case the Holocaust may never have happened, or alternatively promoting their Zionist doctrine simply to increase the numbers of Jewish immigrants into Palestine at the expense of the Palestinians to boost their own power base in Palestine. 6 million Jewish lives could have been saved if they had not wanted to feather their own nest.
Hitler and the German economy did very well out of their deal with the Zionists, and continued to grow rather than be stymied by a boycott.
Get your facts straight.
"After the invasion of Poland and the onset of World War II in 1939, the practical continuation of the Haavara agreement became impossible. In 1940, representatives of the underground Zionist group Lehi met with von Hentig to propose direct military cooperation with the Nazis for the continuation of the transfer of European Jews to Palestine."
Netanyahu should not be making scapegoats out of all present day Palestinians, becasue of the actions of one man during their [great] grandparents' generation. Zionists have serious skeletons in the cupboard about their own dealings with Hitler too.
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Anyone know the source for the info used by Netanyahu and what would be the political benefit to Netanyahu to raise this issue at this stage of the Israeli / Palestinian conflict?

He got the info from the same people who supplied him with the Iranian Bomb diagram.

Naah that came off the cartoon network..episode 36 of Road runner.....sure the US kid who made the "clock" could have done a more convincing sketch for the Israelis

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