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Broke In Thailand Living On $300 Per Month


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who care, all ass holes old farang wait there 60 for can live in thailandtongue.png

and try explain u how u cant live in thailand under 100000 bahtwhistling.gif


No man actually wants to wait until he's playing out the closing scenes of his life to come here to live - he does so because he doesn't have a choice.

Ask any old falang if he wished he could have got here when he was fit, healthy and still had his hair and he'll ask you if you're on drugs

Hats off to those who take a punt in life and wing it while they're still young enough to recover if/when it all goes pear-shaped.

As a young fella, if i had told my father i was going to Asia to live off poker on the internet (there was none) for pennyscraps he would have smacked me in the chops.

My dad would've jacked in his job and joined me

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I could not stand to live on that little either. But $600 a month(21,000 baht/month) is quite comfortable(my budget). That is about the minimum I could tolerate in Thailand. Below that, you're basically living a threadbare existence, eating mama noodles, etc. So, although the cost of living in Thailand is lower, there are limits for me and I'm used to living a pretty basic existence in Thailand.

I quite like mama noodles, green curry with chicken pot noodle at 13bht from 7-11 is great.

Think I'll go and buy a pot now you started me thinking about them.

When eating out, 7-11 is my favourite place.

had a pizza for my birthday treat, only 49 bht.

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I didn't have a dollar to my name when I was about his age. Hats off to the lad. He has a plan and budgets accordingly.

I traveled all of SE Asia to Afghanistan from Aus over 1.5 years in my early 20's on less than $80/week. That was 20 years ago. Now, I have two large and my Bangkok Thai wife nets between 100K to 250K Baht per month.

He comes across as a wise lad for his years so all the best to him. Independence and a girl here before the new job begins. Good on him.

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If he wants to live like a Thai good for him , $300 is around 10400 baht, average salary among lower class Thais .

I'm more worried that his only "job" is online poker. I'm also a poker player , its just one of my hobbies , I know that you can get several downswings during a month so does he have any extra cash in case of emergencies ? Would be a big gamble to live like that.

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THe guy is legit, he has a blog on the poker forums.

Wish him luck and hope he gonna make it, it isn't so hard as it seems.

I live on 150 k bahts/month income only from poker btw and there are guys who make much more around smile.png

poker is illegal in Thailand

Yet no issues playing at offshore websites remotely in a foreign currency, as hundreds of expats have been doing here for years.

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I think this story is made up. Here we have a man who saved up some money while working in England and decided to move abroad.

Once he gets to Thailand all he talks about is Dollars.

Me thinks he doesn't know what a pound is, so probably never been to England.

He is a poker player , we "think" in dollars , the most used currency in online poker.

So I do not agree with you , the guy is real .

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I think this story is made up. Here we have a man who saved up some money while working in England and decided to move abroad.

Once he gets to Thailand all he talks about is Dollars.

Me thinks he doesn't know what a pound is, so probably never been to England.

He is a poker player , we "think" in dollars , the most used currency in online poker.

So I do not agree with you , the guy is real .

And since all online poker players on this forum are only big winners all the time, we finally determined who's the loser. It's the OP.

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Who cares? It's his life. If he's happy, good for him!

Um, actually the Thai authorities care.

It's hard to imagine how he is dodging the system legally to be here with 300 a month.

Do you think they would allow him or any other foreigner to live here on 300 a month... didn't think so.

I'm pretty sure the authorities don't care about his monthly spending. Visa and work permits yes, but this story isn't about visas or WP - it's about a bloke who, for whatever reason, lives on $ 300 per month.

I've been here almost 6 years and have never had to explain my monthly income or expenditures. The authorities are not auditors or accountants.

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For all the detailed information offered, we are missing the most crucial detail - the guys age.

I am thinking 25-30

Anyone staying in Thailand long term at that age is completely wasting their time IMO.

Why waste your premium money earning years in Thailand, scraping by with a few pennies just to put food on the plate?

This guy might have a job lined up in the future, but still, every year of decent (western country) wages thrown away is money you cannot make once you hit older age.

Go back home and work fulltime until at least the age of 40

and in doing so, make sure you have some security/assets/funds behind you before you stay ling term in Asia.

Eveyone asks what is it with all the farang balcony divers in Thailand.

I think this guy is a pretty good example where it starts, and its not a good example to be sending to younger people in the west.

Yes he could go home, start a job and console himself with the knowledge that, in another 30 years or so, he can retire to Thailand with a slipped disc and a prostate the size of an orange.


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The true folly of the young, believing they are the only ones who ever received free pussy and affection from young girls who, in turn, charged older men for their services. They are completely ignorant of the fact that they are just at the end of the line of all of us "old farts" who had all the women we wanted for free when we were their age. We also, more than likely, spent far less on our lives than they are spending now.

They have yet to fully comprehend that we continued in life doing and accomplishing things that they haven't even dreamed of. We have written and experienced chapters in our lives that the youth remain ignorant of. Yes, we are now at the stage in our lives where we aren't as handsome as we were in our youth and often pay for services we once received for free. But we have the money now. We have the security now. We have our history. And we love every moment of it.

Youth....they often mock the things they are to be.


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I think this story is made up. Here we have a man who saved up some money while working in England and decided to move abroad.

Once he gets to Thailand all he talks about is Dollars.

Me thinks he doesn't know what a pound is, so probably never been to England.

He is a poker player , we "think" in dollars , the most used currency in online poker.

So I do not agree with you , the guy is real .

Its not just the dollars but also the advertising dear old Harvie managed to get in so he gets a few clicks and earns a few bucks.

Maybe you would like to buy his book ?

Harvie’s Thoughts

The guys got a lot of moxy, and I respect that.

I would usually advise people like him to go home ASAP and get a job. But he has one, it just doesn’t start until 2016.

He seems happy living in his cheap Bangkok apartment but there is no way I could live like that, although there’s lots of blog articles where people do it for $500 and sometimes even less than that. For a more realstic cost of living in Thailand, Ajarn.com has probably the best cost of living in Thailand archive full of teachers listing their monthly spendings.

I don’t know what the future holds for a western people living in Bangkok for $300 a month, but I wish you the best of luck. Will be sending him my book on how to become an online freelancer for sure.

What are your thoughts?

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But for me, it is one thing to live within your means and save money each month,

but it is another to only live off 300 USD a month.

I live on $110-140 (4000-5000 THB) monthly, all inclusive.

EDIT: 48 yo - Bangkok

Edited by mpa
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Yes he could go home, start a job and console himself with the knowledge that, in another 30 years or so, he can retire to Thailand with a slipped disc and a prostate the size of an orange.


not all of us are unskilled minimum wage workers, i had earned enough and retired at age 45.

didnt discover thailand for another 7 years.

now im here, ive had a great time for the last 8 years.

dont know about my prostate, but i can cycle up doi suthep 5 days a week.

at 60 im in the best shape ive ever been.

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The true folly of the young, believing they are the only ones who ever received free pussy and affection from young girls who, in turn, charged older men for their services. They are completely ignorant of the fact that they are just at the end of the line of all of us "old farts" who had all the women we wanted for free when we were their age. We also, more than likely, spent far less on our lives than they are spending now.

They have yet to fully comprehend that we continued in life doing and accomplishing things that they haven't even dreamed of. We have written and experienced chapters in our lives that the youth remain ignorant of. Yes, we are now at the stage in our lives where we aren't as handsome as we were in our youth and often pay for services we once received for free. But we have the money now. We have the security now. We have our history. And we love every moment of it.

Youth....they often mock the things they are to be.


I did not mean to dissrespect ALL the older gentleman living in Thailand, but a large amount of posters on this forum are constantly hating on the younger expats (especially those making their money online), pretending it's because they "don't pay taxes", "are not on the correct visa" and such. Hell, that's just ridicoulous.

I am just saying it is pure jealousy, as those persons were not able to do it when they were our age.

They had to work their ass off 30/40/50 years before settling here for good, and that makes them mad and bitter.

To the point I just don't socialise with people over 50, I never tell any old person I live here, just pretend I'm on holiday if they ask, because even tho I do nothing illegal they might think Im on overstay, working illegaly or whatever and ask the cops the check me up.

Sorry for my rude posts that has been deleted, I respect anyone who mind their own buisness and live here peacefully.

Once again, just read the article in full and you will realise that this dude is including in his budget the average cost of the visa monthly ($50), so he is not likely to be on overstay.

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For all the detailed information offered, we are missing the most crucial detail - the guys age.

I am thinking 25-30

Anyone staying in Thailand long term at that age is completely wasting their time IMO.

Why waste your premium money earning years in Thailand, scraping by with a few pennies just to put food on the plate?

This guy might have a job lined up in the future, but still, every year of decent (western country) wages thrown away is money you cannot make once you hit older age.

Go back home and work fulltime until at least the age of 40

and in doing so, make sure you have some security/assets/funds behind you before you stay ling term in Asia.

Eveyone asks what is it with all the farang balcony divers in Thailand.

I think this guy is a pretty good example where it starts, and its not a good example to be sending to younger people in the west.

Best post in the thread by far.

I've met many guys around the bars who came to live Thailand when they were far too young.

The majority regretted it, and were hopelessly stuck in a vicious cycle of trying to live in Thailand whatever the cost.

Make your money in the West, and spend it in the East is the best policy.

FWIW I don't think the story is genuine, too many glaring errors, but it's an interesting topic nonetheless.

- Bangkok 112

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The true folly of the young, believing they are the only ones who ever received free pussy and affection from young girls who, in turn, charged older men for their services. They are completely ignorant of the fact that they are just at the end of the line of all of us "old farts" who had all the women we wanted for free when we were their age. We also, more than likely, spent far less on our lives than they are spending now.

They have yet to fully comprehend that we continued in life doing and accomplishing things that they haven't even dreamed of. We have written and experienced chapters in our lives that the youth remain ignorant of. Yes, we are now at the stage in our lives where we aren't as handsome as we were in our youth and often pay for services we once received for free. But we have the money now. We have the security now. We have our history. And we love every moment of it.

Youth....they often mock the things they are to be.


I did not mean to dissrespect ALL the older gentleman living in Thailand, but a large amount of posters on this forum are constantly hating on the younger expats (especially those making their money online), pretending it's because they "don't pay taxes", "are not on the correct visa" and such. Hell, that's just ridicoulous.

I am just saying it is pure jealousy, as those persons were not able to do it when they were our age.

They had to work their ass off 30/40/50 years before settling here for good, and that makes them mad and bitter.

To the point I just don't socialise with people over 50, I never tell any old person I live here, just pretend I'm on holiday if they ask, because even tho I do nothing illegal they might think Im on overstay, working illegaly or whatever and ask the cops the check me up.

Sorry for my rude posts that has been deleted, I respect anyone who mind their own buisness and live here peacefully.

Once again, just read the article in full and you will realise that this dude is including in his budget the average cost of the visa monthly ($50), so he is not likely to be on overstay.

Do you move around a lot ? Just asking because if you live in Thailand there is a chance a few of these old boys you talk of might see you on a regular basics.

You need to be careful as some of them might have worked out you are not on holiday and will follow you to find out where you live. Then they will get the cops to check up on you to find out if you are on overstay etc. Even if you are not, can never be to careful.

I am 53 and don't give a monkeys uncle as to how or why people are living in Thailand, as long as they are hurting no one why should anybody care.

Sounds like you are growing up paranoid and could end up becoming all you despise.

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Edit to add - 300USD is less than 11,000 Baht per month. I'd say that alot of Thai people earn more than that.

Between 5% and 10% of Adult Thais earn more than that.

That's a lot of Thais but a small percentage of the population.

Adult Thais in Rural farming regions reportedly earn an average of 27,000bht each a year, that's 2,500bht/month.

Now that puts it into perspective. Jesus wept. £50 a month, with responsibilities.

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The thing that's always said on these threads is that the person doesn't have health cover. The thing is, though, that while that might be true, it wouldn't change the numbers much to have it. In his age group what would catastrophe in-patient cover cost? 8000-10,000 baht a year? If he paid to visit a doctor twice a year for minor ailments what would that add? The cost of basic cover for the young can't be the difference between making the whole basic deal viable or not. Jeez, as an old fart you can buy insurance for five and a half weeks for 2,500 baht (£30), so if living on the cheap is a problem it isn't made so by the cost of health cover, even if those who are living on a pittance generally do without health cover

For what it's worth I think there's a simple calculation regarding the cost of living in Thailand that would work for all single people. i) Assume that everything apart from housing is a wash-out: you'll save on some things and lose on others, so call it even stevens. ii) Look at what you'll save putting a roof over your head. iii) Ask yourself what visas, flights and health cover will cost.

Most healthy frugal single Brits would seem likely to save £350 a month on housing - £4200 a year - and lose £200 on health, (say) £100 on visas and £600 on a flight to avoid being disinherited. You're up £3,300 a year.

Edited by Craig krup
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"but it always amazes me why people choose to live such a life in a third world country"

What REALLY amaze me is why on earth do people from the first world ever step on the third world's soil.

Did YOU ever think about THAT?

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"but it always amazes me why people choose to live such a life in a third world country"

What REALLY amaze me is why on earth do people from the first world ever step on the third world's soil.

Did YOU ever think about THAT?

It amazes me that anyone is ever amazed by anything.

I've seen it all.

I live in 5-star country and go to 7th world country, and back...

you have no idea...

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$300 THB/mo is a living wage for most average Thais here in the LOS. I know plenty of Thais who live on that much, and they are far from miserable.

Maybe not , but they have an extended family , they live in the family house and share the income with each other to survive until the next month .

If you live alone it's a completeley different matter.

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