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No shock, awe from 'cyber war' as 'national' gateway moves forward


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It's lies all the way...I'd say the junta should be ashamed but then I don't think they ever had such a feeling. A power grabbing mob not concerned whether it hurts it own countryman or not.

Congratulations. You win the hypocrite of the day award.

Any comment on why we even have a junta now ?.

No, I thought not. Knowledge like that is above your pay grade.

I wonder if any IT professional here knows more details about this. There is nothing unusual about gateways and the only 'evidence' that this one is the 'bad kind' has thus far only come from ignorant assumptions who have pattern matched the word 'gateway'.

"Any comment on why we even have a junta now ?."

Yes; shame on them!

"Knowledge like that is above your pay grade."

John, John. How many times do I have to point out that since you're far from a rocket scientist yourself you should really not make such remarks??

"There is nothing unusual about gateways and the only 'evidence' that this one is the 'bad kind' has thus far only come from ignorant assumptions who have pattern matched the word 'gateway'."


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It's lies all the way...I'd say the junta should be ashamed but then I don't think they ever had such a feeling. A power grabbing mob not concerned whether it hurts it own countryman or not.

Congratulations. You win the hypocrite of the day award.

Any comment on why we even have a junta now ?.

No, I thought not. Knowledge like that is above your pay grade.

I wonder if any IT professional here knows more details about this. There is nothing unusual about gateways and the only 'evidence' that this one is the 'bad kind' has thus far only come from ignorant assumptions who have pattern matched the word 'gateway'.

there's plenty unusual about single internet gateways as evidenced by the few countries that have them and their respective human rights and freedom records. but i'm sure you already know that.

"...but i'm sure you already know that."

Don't assume he knows these things. Chances are he does not.

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Oh shock horror what if tactics start. It hasn't happened why try to scare munger before anything has happened.If the sun blows up we will all die but is that likely !!!!!

It's not scare tactics. It is raw fact. Today, it can NOT happen because of normal government or military action. It would take extraordinary steps and planning, and would have to overcome very heavy pushback, for even a chance of the government shutting down the internet.

If ... sorry, when the single-gateway is done with full government (or perhaps not; perhaps military) control, it can immediately happen.

It is not scare-mongering to point out the factual, real differences between now and then, which are actually planned. In fact, the entire point of the single gateway through CAT is full, total control of the internet, and, when the internet is running, its traffic.

In short, it is the whole POINT of the military policy for "blowing up the sun", and soon they will have the untrammeled, unopposable means to do it. Unless people like you stop enabling them.

Well sorry but it hasn't and from what I read and for what I do online won't affect little old me on any way so no big deal as far as I'm concerned... [snip] [snip]

Have you heard of Pastor Martin Niemoller? Interesting fellow.

Do you live here as a guest or citizen???

I am not enabling anyone to do anything as I am a guest on a country that enables me to live the life I want. I care not about a single/double/1000 lane highway. I came here to enjoy the country and it's people not to jump on any bandwagon or to try and have some sort of deluded influence over the countries own people. The simple truth is Thailand is an independent country ruled by the army for now not Farangs who belive they are somehow better placed to say what this country should or should not do. If you are set against this so strongly the solution us easy GO. Let's not forget here if this so called single gateway stops even one paedophile then to me and to a certain child it is well worth the hassle. So please don't try to spout I'm holier than thow retoric, live with what you have in a country which after all YOU DECIDED to live in

Wow, another "if you don't like it go home" post. You must be really, really smart!

Well you have to admit it is a deeply original response to anyone who disagrees with his view on how things should be run here!

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Censorship of certain web sites is already commonly done by Thai gov't minders. There is no discussion with the general public. One day a site exists, then next moment it's not accessible. One of UK's major daily newspapers is censored in Thailand. A sole gateway would simply facilitate that - and it will encourage clandestine (proxy) servers, similar to how Prohibition in the US encouraged bootleggers. Looked at another way, it will criminalize a whole slew of people who wound ordinarily not break the law. It will also make some shady people rich, like dealers of illegal drugs get rich nowadays. Everything about the single gateway is bad, ....unless you're one of the few positioned to make a heap of money out of it. ....or unless you're an unelected military gov't which wants to heavily censor content.

Edited by boomerangutang
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If you are running a global financial institution dealing in wads of money, ping times are really important. 20-50 ms okay, if you're up around the 250-600 ms range, you'll be losing millions. Time is money. They'll learn this the hard way no doubt... also no foreign players will be in the game.

day trading anyone? NOT. smile.png

I'm not really talking about "day trading". I'm referring to reserve bank and other major global players who make a business out of currency trading. Forex businesses... Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, to name a few... these are companies dealing in the total value of Thailand's GDP on a Friday afternoon before happy hour. Buying yen, selling rubles, going short on sterling or long on yuan. One minute could equate easily to 10 - 100 million dollars. (0.00001 % of 10 billion is 10 million)... this can be made or lost in the blink of an eye. This is why it has always been critical for these businesses to have NASA like IT departments. Bullet-proof. Pokerstars, now that's a different story...cheesy.gif

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What this silly article fails to mention is that CAT was targeted by the international group that is Anonymous, and thousands of their customers logins, passwords, Thai IDs and much more were compromised. I'm happy I don't have a CAT account. Do you? huh.png

Yes indeed - there was a substantial and very successful attack yesterday. The military has yet to understand that just making stuff up and printing it does not make it true. Then, I guess the whole point of a single gateway is to ensure that they can lie as they wish and nobody will challenge it. This whole thing has just gone global and Herr General will look even sillier than he already does beyond these shores.

So this thread a few days ago - bare-faced lie or "cunning plan" ?

Thailand scraps unpopular Internet 'Great Firewall...

in Thailand News

Started by webfact, 2015-10-16

Edited by bangon04
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‘National' Gateway Moves Forward

And Thailand moves backward.

No internet users need worry too much, even China can't fight all the VPNs out there, and they invest massive resources into it, you see, shutting down VPN's shuts down or compromises big businesses too that NEED to protect themselves.

If the guy in charge of all of data security only yesterday came out with a statement that he has been tasked to 'keep an eye' on hackers (which is like being asked to keep an eye on a mirage, actually it's worse, most people can SEE a mirage, good luck ever 'seeing' a hacker at work) then that should tell you all you need to know about what these guys know about technology which is less than my hamster, and i don't even have a hamster.

If that makes no sense to you, then neither should their babbling about the internet, because they have no clue what they are even up against.

They won't get 'help' from China either, no-one is about to share what little they know about hacktivists with other states, lest it be used against them at a later date!

People rejoice, for they cannot ever kill the internet, and they themselves cannot live without it now, even though they don't understand it, and never will. It's organic, it morphs and changes by the hour. This was sent by VPN.

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It is not possible to build a 'gateway' period, if it was, MANY countries would have done it by now. (Gateway in the sense that the goons want it to be a gateway of control)

Hello Commie China, billions of RMB later, with thousands of nasty nosey little geeks tapping away at hot screens, and yet, you STILL can't stop me from doing whatever I want from behind your tinpot 'Great FireWall of Buffalo Dung' biggrin.png

They are counting on the majority of the sheeple being dumber than they are, and sadly, reading through the comments here...

VPN's simply ignore 'walls' and 'gateways' VPN's don't go anywhere near them, they 'tunnel' or 'leap' or you pick the word, from your device, right to where you want to be, the USA the Netherlands, wherever. The wonks can 'block' a VPN, temporarily at best, and doing that can mean they block legitimate business for functioning.

To understand it in simple terms, messing with VPNs to seal off your country is like cutting your finger off to remove a ring.

If they ever do figure it out, simply use your overseas contacts to open an internet account there in your name, and reverse VPN!

They can't win, but they live in lala-land most of the time anyway, so let them carry on dreaming.

Don't worry, be Veeping!

Edited by dhream
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Censorship of certain web sites is already commonly done by Thai gov't minders. There is no discussion with the general public. One day a site exists, then next moment it's not accessible. One of UK's major daily newspapers is censored in Thailand. A sole gateway would simply facilitate that - and it will encourage clandestine (proxy) servers, similar to how Prohibition in the US encouraged bootleggers. Looked at another way, it will criminalize a whole slew of people who wound ordinarily not break the law. It will also make some shady people rich, like dealers of illegal drugs get rich nowadays. Everything about the single gateway is bad, ....unless you're one of the few positioned to make a heap of money out of it. ....or unless you're an unelected military gov't which wants to heavily censor conten

Agree with everything you've said, except calling the Daily Fail a 'newspaper'. It is and always was a rabble rousing, juvenile, poorly informed (aircraft doors do not 'blow out' it's against the laws of physics) dangerous rag -dangerous, because they were Nazi sympathisers, right up until the war broke out, and they're borderline bigots even now.

As always, I've unfollowed, I have said my piece and you're free to disagree, but I'm not interested in arguments, they're pointless. Anyway champ, this is not about you, I just hate the Mail. :-)

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Does anyone on here have the technical knowledge to explain what this really means in practical terms??

The whole online world is a series of cat an mouse games... someone encrypts something, someone else cracks the encryption... they block access to something, we load a vpn and access it anyway...

What is the realistic impact of this, assuming it ever actually gets implemented. (which is seriously doubt...)

Imagine a busy 7 lane motorway going to one lane and a police checkpoint stopping every vehicle and you will have a resonable picture

We already know the facts as you described, but I don`t think this is what rjcampbe exactly means.

I think the questions are; not if but when this single gateway is implemented, what will it mean for us in terms of free access to certain sites? Could this mean that International newspapers, news information and media will be blocked? That certain political sites, social networks, forums or any content that is felt as being bad for our mental well being or goes against the grain with Thailand will be blocked?

This is what I believe will be more likely the case that we can expect huge censorships online in the near future and also whatever we say and do online can be taken as evidence and used against us.


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Just the thing to attract Foreign Investment into the Country.,

Would you invest in a Country that will montor your business activity ?, because as an ex business owner, I sure as hell woudn,t.

Why do you think so many Companies are getting out of China now - impossible to perform basic business funtions without being monitored, or copy writes Etc being stolen.

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“Encryption makes it impossible to identify the type of application, so ISPs who implement that kind of traffic management have generally put encrypted traffic in the slow lane,” van Schewick explains.

ref.: https://torrentfreak.com/europes-net-neutrality-could-allow-torrent-and-vpn-throttling-151022/

Well, if they do it in EU then the chances they do it all around is great. You always need a crackle to start a fire.


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