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Reservoir Leakage In Kong Jok

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Reservoir Leakage in Kong Jok

The Chief of Sa Mueng District in Chiang Mai Province, Mr. Weeradet Somwan, helped 16 flood-affected households to evacuate from their residences after water leakages were found in Kong Jok Reservoir. Meanwhile, soldiers have cleared out the inundated areas and helped the general public.

Mr. Weeradet said the recent collapse of Kong Jok Reservoir in Tambon Sa Mueng Neur, Sa Mueng District of Chiang Mai Province has caused the authority to declare the area as the disaster-hit zone. However, the local district officials have already provided preliminary assistance to the people there. About 50 soldiers from the department of infantry 7th have taken turns to help local residents by collecting pieces of wood off the area. Today (October 2), machines provided by the local officials in Chiang Mai will arrive to clear the affected area and level the soil. The local officials use the machines to excavate dams at some places around Kong Jok streams to prevent water from flooding the paddy fields. In addition, many organizations are allocating donations as high as 400,000 baht so far.

Mr. Somwan says that the 16 families whose house was partially or completely destroyed have to be removed from the area as their house has obstructed the course of water which could be dangerous. The district will facilitate them and be responsible for the construction of new houses which will be built on their relatives’ lands. The situation is expected to return to normal within three days.

The Kong Jok reservoir leakage ruined 300 rai of agricultural areas which are paddy fields and soybean farms and 70 families have fallen victim. Concerning the construction of a substitute reservoir, the district has asked for soldiers from Chiang Dao District to examine the affected area as a part of the new reservoir construction. The Kong Jok Reservoir has been used for the local agricultural activities.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 02 October 2006

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

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