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thai ladies so careing


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over the years have been married to oz spain and sweden women and many other relationships

now older and married for years to thai am amazed at there loving and careing to us

never misses with meds for me shops always cleans always smiles

never complains when miss wc or wet or make mess in pants

never says about snoring in bedwakes with a smile

how lucky are we to have them

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Asian women (in general) are socialized (from childhood) to serve a man. The level of care (naively interpreted by most westerners as "love") the Asian woman gives to any man, is strictly determined by that man's utility value, to that woman. If true western-style love actually enters the picture (on the Thai woman's part), then consider it to be an incidental, and lucky bonus, to the relationship. Welcome to the LOS.coffee1.gif

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Asian women (in general) are socialized (from childhood) to serve a man. The level of care (naively interpreted by most westerners as "love") the Asian woman gives to any man, is strictly determined by that man's utility value, to that woman. If true western-style love actually enters the picture (on the Thai woman's part), then consider it to be an incidental, and lucky bonus, to the relationship. Welcome to the LOS.coffee1.gif

I have had western wives and I would definitely in a heartbeat take a Thai wife or g/f over a western woman any day of the week and twice on Sundays. Yes there is definitely a utility value but at least that is more honest and up front than the way western women operate. The way Thai ladies care for their own personal families even when money is scare is a sight to behold. Bravo to the Thai ladies its just to bad the local lads are not reciprocal in their intentions. Thai to Thai relationships in a large percentage of the cases are one way including mia nois.

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My Mrs says she is ready and prepared to help me to the toilet, and other nursing type duties, and I'm only 53.

She is a diamond, I really think she is actually looking forward to taking care of me.....hopefully she will have to wait a while!

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Asian women (in general) are socialized (from childhood) to serve a man. The level of care (naively interpreted by most westerners as "love") the Asian woman gives to any man, is strictly determined by that man's utility value, to that woman. If true western-style love actually enters the picture (on the Thai woman's part), then consider it to be an incidental, and lucky bonus, to the relationship. Welcome to the LOS.coffee1.gif

I have had western wives and I would definitely in a heartbeat take a Thai wife or g/f over a western woman any day of the week and twice on Sundays. Yes there is definitely a utility value but at least that is more honest and up front than the way western women operate. The way Thai ladies care for their own personal families even when money is scare is a sight to behold. Bravo to the Thai ladies its just to bad the local lads are not reciprocal in their intentions. Thai to Thai relationships in a large percentage of the cases are one way including mia nois.

Excuse me. I was not criticizing Thai women, in the least bit. Your point is well-made, and generally true of Thai women. I was simply stating the factual realities of the Asian cultural values. I can only speak to my own life experiences, and observations, that people are products of their cultures. Thai women, are raised from childhold to serve a man; not to love him (and for very valid reasons).

Perhaps I've been fortunate to have known many western women, who readily, and gladly provide a par level of care to their menfolk and families, despite not having been socialized from birth, to do so. wai.gif

Edited by NativeSon360
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My Mrs says she is ready and prepared to help me to the toilet, and other nursing type duties, and I'm only 53.

She is a diamond, I really think she is actually looking forward to taking care of me.....hopefully she will have to wait a while!

Good for you, sir! Glad to read it. Hopefully you can post those same words, your same Mrs., 20-25 years into the future. Best wishes.clap2.gif

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I agree 100% Thai women are very caring.

As most members know i am now paraplegic, after a serious motorbike accident.

My diamond wife takes care of everything for me !! yes everything !!

Always with a smile never ever complains.

When i thank her for what she does for me, she says you are my husband and i will always take care of you.

Imagine an English woman doing what my wife does !1 NEVER !!

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it is sad to say but we all get older and eventually need care

if iwas in oz and needed care they put you in a aged hospital with no warmth pretend to care

even i have children and grandchildren

the western way put them away in a home no time to busy have seen it many times wait for money in will

here my wife looked after her brother mother and father at home till they passed away and they had no money

just careing wish western world would learn cheers

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I find them in general - and my wife and family caring, nurturing, respectful in every aspect of life

...Whether it's people, plants/gardens, or animals/pets.....everything has a spirit ......

Almost comical sometimes → I was doing the laundry one day sorting it out....Along with an outside table I was tossing the delicates on the hood of the Honda parked close by in the car park......My wife saw that & agast at my actions weid the car to apologize for my disrespect/actions....

Athough bemused I learned a lesson that day....Sometimes it's good to take a step back from some of the callous competitive jaded places and conditioning of the places we left and learn to feel a bit more about the gentleness that surrounds us now....

It's the non adjustment that scuttles many a ship here.....

I've never seen any of them have a lack of respect, disrespect or not care about others....

They are a much more nuturing society than what the western (societies) trainwrecks have become.....

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