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Clashes in Cologne over anti-Islam rally


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Clashes in Cologne over anti-Islam rally


COLOGNE: -- German riot police used water cannon to keep left – wing radicals and anti-Islam protesters apart on Sunday as they held rival rallies in the city of Cologne.

Around 10,000 left-wingers outnumbered their right-wing counterparts. What began peacefully with many families attendening descended into clashes with police.

The left-wingers said they wanted to stop the spread of xenophobia.

The anti-Islam protesters belonged to a group calling themselves HOGESA (Hooligans Against Salafists). It is made up of self proclaimed football hooligans, right- wing militants and neo-Nazis and is a more radical off-shoot of the anti-Islam PEGIDA group(Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) which last week held its biggest rally in months in the city of Dresden.

Pro-refugee politician Henriette Reker who was recently elected mayor of Cologne a day after being stabbed in the neck while on the campaign trail in an attack that shocked Germany.

Standing as an independent, though close to the ruling Christian Democrats (CDU) of Chancellor Angela Merkel, Ms Reker became Germany’s most prominent victim of a growing backlash against a record influx of refugees this year.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-10-26

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So now they're being labeled as left wing and anti Islam protesters, maybe some are, but the majority is

because Germany is being over run by non assimilating groups of people, with vastly different set of

life's values, traditions and religion, that only going to be a burden on the German tax payers and the

social welfare systems, and for what retunes? those are not cultured, well educated people, far from it,

The German people are waking up now.. and the noise only going to grow bigger....

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So many powder kegs. I guess that we need to reorganize the planet under a new world order. Redefine national borders and establish rulers over all under a new currency base and unified single religious authority. The top 1% of the top 1% will make sure they have the right people in place for the transition.

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So many powder kegs. I guess that we need to reorganize the planet under a new world order. Redefine national borders and establish rulers over all under a new currency base and unified single religious authority. The top 1% of the top 1% will make sure they have the right people in place for the transition.

the dream of islam in a nutshell.

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It seems like the leaders of today want to destroy the fabric and foundations of what made a country great , these people actually want to ruin our way of life.

It's hard not to buy into the 'conspiracy' theory that the ruin of Europe as it was is a deliberate policy. To serially make so many disastrous decisions strains credibility that we are seeing merely incompetence and naivety.
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It seems like the leaders of today want to destroy the fabric and foundations of what made a country great , these people actually want to ruin our way of life.

It's hard not to buy into the 'conspiracy' theory that the ruin of Europe as it was is a deliberate policy. To serially make so many disastrous decisions strains credibility that we are seeing merely incompetence and naivety.

Actually its pretty easy NOT to buy into that.

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So many powder kegs. I guess that we need to reorganize the planet under a new world order. Redefine national borders and establish rulers over all under a new currency base and unified single religious authority. The top 1% of the top 1% will make sure they have the right people in place for the transition.

Whats the point of "Redefining National Borders"when the Economic Migrants just force their way through the Borders already in place,with no respect for any bodies Country ? the message is: we will take what we want,and use force if necessary!

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It seems like the leaders of today want to destroy the fabric and foundations of what made a country great , these people actually want to ruin our way of life.

It's hard not to buy into the 'conspiracy' theory that the ruin of Europe as it was is a deliberate policy. To serially make so many disastrous decisions strains credibility that we are seeing merely incompetence and naivety.

there is no conspiracy, its the result of our western liberal tradition plus idealistic socialism, our resulting 'culture' and the laws therein, does not 'allow' us to criticize, deny entry, deny benefits etc etc to a vast pot purri of other cultural groups (primarily muslim) that are the antithesis of our liberal based society. And in fact such cultural groups such as those with a Muslim heritage would and will seek to undermine and take over and subjugate the nations that admit them and replace liberal democracy with the caliphate. Simply read their book they are COMMANDED to do it by their schizophrenic creator, in fact if they don't do it or try to do it they are not muslim !!

Here in some of the urban centres of the UK, certain districts now have very significant muslim numbers, their creed is entering all aspects of public life electing muslim councillors whose aim is to by and large move the general population to be servants of a local caliphate. It actually may need massive armed intervention to stop this here and all over Europe. Muslims should be systematically repatriated to their own true homes. Western civilization's survival is at stake

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Merkel set the seeds now the crop is being harvested.

More to come have no fear, or perhaps you should fear a glut of the harvest of Merkel's seeds

Merkel did really never govern. She regarded herself as the "mother" of the country and if there was any conflict she covered it with taxpayer's money but never ever really solved any problem nor lead the country into the future. Now there is a problem that cannot be solved in this simple manner and thus will be the reason for a huge problem Germany gets and for the failure of Merkel.

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<snip>Here in some of the urban centres of the UK, certain districts now have very significant muslim numbers, their creed is entering all aspects of public life electing muslim councillors whose aim is to by and large move the general population to be servants of a local caliphate. It actually may need massive armed intervention to stop this here and all over Europe. Muslims should be systematically repatriated to their own true homes. Western civilization's survival is at stake

Do you actually, really believe this pony?

If you do, your user name is extremely apt!

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It seems like the leaders of today want to destroy the fabric and foundations of what made a country great , these people actually want to ruin our way of life.

It's hard not to buy into the 'conspiracy' theory that the ruin of Europe as it was is a deliberate policy. To serially make so many disastrous decisions strains credibility that we are seeing merely incompetence and naivety.

Maybe so... but unintended consequences could also be the reason.

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It seems like the leaders of today want to destroy the fabric and foundations of what made a country great , these people actually want to ruin our way of life.

It's hard not to buy into the 'conspiracy' theory that the ruin of Europe as it was is a deliberate policy. To serially make so many disastrous decisions strains credibility that we are seeing merely incompetence and naivety.

Maybe so... but unintended consequences could also be the reason.
You mean the unintended consequences of Imperialism? The common carelessness?

If you occupy or make war in a foreign country you run the risk that they fight back, didn't you know?

Edited by micmichd
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It seems like the leaders of today want to destroy the fabric and foundations of what made a country great , these people actually want to ruin our way of life.

In 1950s and 1960s England, the unions called mass strikes in protest over the thousands of black West Indians being allowed into the country, concerns over they will take British jobs.

In 1970s England, there were nationwide riots over the thousands of Indians and Asians being allowed into the country, especially after Idi Amin threw them out of Uganda and then other Indians jumping on the bandwagon. There were warnings that Asians are coming to live near you soon and it came true, whole areas became prominently Asian communities very quickly.

But with all the protests, none of them done any good, the government leaders at the times were determined to implement their immigration policies even making it a criminal offence to criticise immigration policies concerning those of different races and cultures. The same is going to happen now, our government leaders are intent on selling us out until eventually we will become just another community in our own countries, no longer considered as the mainstream native populations.

This is why I prefer to stay in Thailand, a foreign country where I am considered a Farang from Europe and not just part of a community as I would be in my own country. I no longer have my roots and living a pretence in Thailand of being English for which in truth is a dying breed.

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It seems like the leaders of today want to destroy the fabric and foundations of what made a country great , these people actually want to ruin our way of life.

It's hard not to buy into the 'conspiracy' theory that the ruin of Europe as it was is a deliberate policy. To serially make so many disastrous decisions strains credibility that we are seeing merely incompetence and naivety.

For certain the gig is up; it is no longer innuenedo or pejorative that the left is the primary facilitator of the demise of the West. A cursory look at leftist policies and goals through history are fully realized by the left's manipulation of islam/muslims to leverage their political designs on their own nations. Now we can finally see when the argument is outside of the laptops and into the streets who the faces are behind the massive push for migration dilution. This is what a number of books have observed for years, a tentative alliance between the western liberal left and islamic/muslim peoples. Let me be clear, in the very ordinary lives of numerous muslims who are part of this hijra migration jihad they are very much victims as well, being utilized as fulcrums to unseat the conservative tradtional cultures that bind western states to a sense of identify and cohesion. History will judge this as surpassing the Visigoths at the Gates of Rome.

Unintended consequences [of western activities in the middle east]? Hardly. If one could demonstrate that these people were fleeing an active war zone, primarily, maybe. The majority of these people are acting out the long proscribed mandates of islamic hijra/migration under the various premises of economic incentive, free stuff, and "the tax" due them by kafirs. A fool could look at the events of this past year and see this is contrived and these peoples are being wielded/invited as solvent.

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It seems like the leaders of today want to destroy the fabric and foundations of what made a country great , these people actually want to ruin our way of life.

It's hard not to buy into the 'conspiracy' theory that the ruin of Europe as it was is a deliberate policy. To serially make so many disastrous decisions strains credibility that we are seeing merely incompetence and naivety.

For certain the gig is up; it is no longer innuenedo or pejorative that the left is the primary facilitator of the demise of the West. A cursory look at leftist policies and goals through history are fully realized by the left's manipulation of islam/muslims to leverage their political designs on their own nations. Now we can finally see when the argument is outside of the laptops and into the streets who the faces are behind the massive push for migration dilution. This is what a number of books have observed for years, a tentative alliance between the western liberal left and islamic/muslim peoples. Let me be clear, in the very ordinary lives of numerous muslims who are part of this hijra migration jihad they are very much victims as well, being utilized as fulcrums to unseat the conservative tradtional cultures that bind western states to a sense of identify and cohesion. History will judge this as surpassing the Visigoths at the Gates of Rome.

Unintended consequences [of western activities in the middle east]? Hardly. If one could demonstrate that these people were fleeing an active war zone, primarily, maybe. The majority of these people are acting out the long proscribed mandates of islamic hijra/migration under the various premises of economic incentive, free stuff, and "the tax" due them by kafirs. A fool could look at the events of this past year and see this is contrived and these peoples are being wielded/invited as solvent.

"... outside of the laptops and into the streets ..."

So, we're supposed to think that the protestations of soccer hooligans and neo-nazis carry tremendous weight and support your stance?

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It's hard not to buy into the 'conspiracy' theory that the ruin of Europe as it was is a deliberate policy. To serially make so many disastrous decisions strains credibility that we are seeing merely incompetence and naivety.

For certain the gig is up; it is no longer innuendo or pejorative that the left is the primary facilitator of the demise of the West. A cursory look at leftist policies and goals through history are fully realized by the left's manipulation of islam/muslims to leverage their political designs on their own nations. Now we can finally see when the argument is outside of the laptops and into the streets who the faces are behind the massive push for migration dilution. This is what a number of books have observed for years, a tentative alliance between the western liberal left and islamic/muslim peoples. Let me be clear, in the very ordinary lives of numerous muslims who are part of this hijra migration jihad they are very much victims as well, being utilized as fulcrums to unseat the conservative traditional cultures that bind western states to a sense of identify and cohesion. History will judge this as surpassing the Visigoths at the Gates of Rome.

Unintended consequences [of western activities in the middle east]? Hardly. If one could demonstrate that these people were fleeing an active war zone, primarily, maybe. The majority of these people are acting out the long proscribed mandates of islamic hijra/migration under the various premises of economic incentive, free stuff, and "the tax" due them by kafirs. A fool could look at the events of this past year and see this is contrived and these peoples are being wielded/invited as solvent.

"... outside of the laptops and into the streets ..."

So, we're supposed to think that the protestations of soccer hooligans and neo-nazis carry tremendous weight and support your stance?

Fair question. The answer is both yes and no. The peoples and positions that comprise any culture/society are not monolithic. There are variously people on across the spectrum of this issue that are equally repugnant, but still entitled to their voice; even the fool has something to say. Hooligans and neo Nazis are not emblematic of the eminent threat of unfiltered cultural dilution, they are symptomatic. They do not support my stance, I support their stance. Because they are unpalatable and social ostriches, does not make them incorrect. Even if the political powers were blindly determined to inflict this scheme upon their peoples without referendum there are still ways in which it could have been done, even against everyone's will, which would have lessened the likelihood of conflict and aggression, by all parties. No steps were taken to lessen this outcome; none. It can only be concluded they are either idiots or invite this coming Balkanization.

Its hardly necessary for those like me to assert such points in any great depth because an issue like this will worsen in a relatively short time; we will increasingly see the pathologies of this cultural engineering. It is not possible that what I assert as a threat will not come to pass because the entire premise of these hoards descending on Europe is based on mercenary motives (both the invitation and the arrival)- either personal incentive, personal enrichment, entitlement perceptions, those who simply desire a chance to be more than they could back home, and the home-spun political machinations of the European Elite seeding a future workforce. With no assimilation mechanisms and no ear to hearken to the voices of their own peoples, only alienation and disenfranchisement will result from this migration wave. It is not possible this formula can be productive. In the end, it will injure both the host and those who are arriving. There is just not enough... stuff... to go around, and there is certainly not enough common "culture" in common. Think we are wrong? Ok; watch the World News posts on TV over the next 6 months and tell me we are wrong.

The clashes will continue. While the hooligans and neo nazis are the first on the streets the vast body of tax payers will not likely hit the streets any time soon; its not in the nature of people who spend their days working, paying bills, commuting, raising kids, and hoping for the future, to take to the streets; like themselves, they naively presume reason will prevail. So, the next presentation of this confrontation will not even be the vast majority who clearly do not want this societal treason rather the upstart will increasingly be the new arrivals, protesting, burning, raping, demanding, extorting, threatening, and killing. Watch!

Edited by arjunadawn
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Globalization is all about reducing wages globally to some sort of global average minimum. The corporatocracy that is in control wherever the criminal element is not in control (such as Thailand and Russia) are now advocating the need for every nation-state to become "multi-cultural". Refugees, like capital, are preferred to have no boundaries. The vision is a combination between Norman Jewison's film Rollerball and Ridley Scott's film Blade Runner. They are using some slight legerdemain, focusing upon some dangers that Islam poses to a post-enlightenment society to blind you to the primary threat.

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"The left-wingers said they wanted to stop the spread of xenophobia.

The anti-Islam protesters belonged to a group calling themselves HOGESA (Hooligans Against Salafists). It is made up of self proclaimed football hooligans, right- wing militants and neo-Nazis and is a more radical off-shoot of the anti-Islam PEGIDA group(Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) which last week held its biggest rally in months in the city of Dresden."

so lucky that Euronews is here to explain the totally unbiased facts to us. Now I feel happy to know that at least there are no normal people outraged by the potential outcomes of the Merkel policies.

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arjunadawn, though you, as ever, use ten words where one would do in an attempt to make your posts seem intellectual and educated, as ever you are really only showing your ignorance and prejudice.

A prime example being

Unintended consequences [of western activities in the middle east]? Hardly. If one could demonstrate that these people were fleeing an active war zone, primarily, maybe.

It must have escaped your notice that there is a war going on in Syria!!!

Yes, these refugees/migrants could have joined the 3 million plus others in refugee camps in Turkey and Jordan or the 2 million plus not officially classed as refugees by UNHCR, but refugees nonetheless, in Saudi.

But I ask you; were you in their position and had the means to seek a better life in a comparatively well off country; would you remain in a refugee camp, no matter how well run?

Particularly when the example of the Palestinian refugees expelled from their homes shows that you could possibly never be allowed to return home and remain in that camp for the rest of your life?

I am aware that not all of these refugees/migrants are from Syria, some, for example, come from Somalia. There's a war going on there as well!

Anyone with half a brain realises that not all of these people are actual refugees; that among them are economic migrants. The problem is sorting the genuine from the others.

It'll take better brains than you or I to sort this whole mess out..

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