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Romania is a hel_l hole and most people would probably hate it. I, however, really like the place and if I weren't working here, I would move there in a moment.

Romania is a hel_l hole and most people would probably hate it. I, however, really like the place and if I weren't working here, I would move there in a moment.

why is it a hel_l hole?

and if it is so bad, why would you move there?



Romania is a hel_l hole and most people would probably hate it. I, however, really like the place and if I weren't working here, I would move there in a moment.

why is it a hel_l hole?

and if it is so bad, why would you move there?


What are the visa options there?

I noticed alot of illegal Romanians when I visited Hungary. Apparantly, Romania is a very poor country. For those whose friends and relatives think they are crazy to move to Thailand, you can up the ante when you move to Romania!


Why do I think it is a hel_l hole--well, I really don't, but it's not exactly a tourist friendly place. I must admit, I haven't been there for a while, but some years back it was a rather difficult place to travel in. I had friends from there, so I had some help.

Basically, it was a challenging country. The people weren't particularly friendly. It's a former communist country with some of the less glamourous things about communism being visible. Accommodation was difficult to find, restaurants weren't common etc.

All that said, the country was quaint--lots of horses, carts and farming villages. It was interesting and different from some of the rest of Europe. It's very cheap. Parts of the country are really beautiful.

That's why I liked the country. Most of the people I know who had been there just didn't like it.


i think you can get cable now in lao (sure it is thru govt mafia). i think i saw cnn (in hotel from the street when tsunami hit) ...last time i was up there. but i agree, where to live based on tv!

i say we get rid of all ubc/cable, western food and air-con. then we shal know who really loves thai/land!!

finally, while i have had many a tiff with thais for this and that and can say they are jealous of us 'wealthy' westerners i have never felt that i had any animosity directed at me simply becasue i was a foreigner. in fact - digging in to a nice thai meal will bring a smile to most thais face as will having a fun chat with a street vendor you seemingly know well.

i do think the shirtless, tatooted, swearing drunken crowd now present in pattaya turns even me off (and i am very open/liberal guy). these people all thais do not like as they disrespect them, culture, king, buddhism on every level.

its not about money. its about how you act. if youact like a fool youll never have thai friends that want to go out with you or will introduce you to other thais. if you cant sit properly in a temple - dont go!

ps: 3x foreigners (aid workers) killed in sri lanka weeks ago, i here they are very rude to foreigners, i also here that it is only comfy for big spenders, country is in constant turmoil.

i think the nominees are: cambodia, cambo/thai combo, phils, phils/thai combo. add any more and youre living out of a bag sure.

cuba might be an option but i hear 'dates' run about us50-100 an evening, govt hassles if you live with lady, nothing on shelves, future dubious -us govt hassles. i think alll carribe is more $ than asia.

what about nicaragua though?!?!?

India (south) lovely people,masses of history/culture. Crap food, v v cheap.

Great food, but makes me crap too much. :o


Lebanon was wonderful until the Israeli's bombed the <deleted> out of it.

A great attitude from Immigration.

When I went to extend my initial one month stamp the officer commented

that I had a lot of stamps. I asked if that was a problem?

"Oh no!. You are always welcome!!!"

Cuba could be good, climate, food, cheap beers and a great health service.

The food is not so good but this hasn't been helped by the US embargo.

Bucanero is a great beer. Cigars......

In Havana, it seems in a bar almost every street corner there is a great professional group playing. The old cars are enchanting and there is quite a bit of culture and history there.

Usually the people are lovely but you have to watch out for jiniteros/jiniteras on the hustle. A bloke spots you as a tourist, slides up to you and gives you the old unofficial guide bit. Then wants money. There is more crime than there used to be, poor people.

When the Americans ran the place the literacy rate was 2-10%. It is now 90+%.

I met a chap from Venezuela who had brought his son over for medical treatment,"the best in South America," he said.

Havana really is a time capsule.

El Jefe(Castro) has had the police clamp down on the ladies of the night so horizontal Morris Dancing is not as easy as Thailand but there are some stunners !

If you like great music (including Buena Vista Social Club etc etc) , Mojito's, that Latin feel for music and dance. A sort of Communist Country in the Caribbean. It is a place to visit.

I have been to Franco's Spain and Brezhnev's Soviet Union so I don't bother about the politics.

Here are some of my photos:-


I woud be very interested to hear some facts about Penang island, if anyone out there has lived in the place.

Have looked online for apartments to rent and they seem comparable to provincial Thailand price-wise.

Last time I visited ( decades ago!) the food was great and the beaches OK (just).

There seem to be heaps of apartments there which makes me wonder if it's an expat ghetto or Brit retirement village :D .

I'm not thinking of leaving Thailand at present, but if things should happen to deteriorate, who knows?

If anyone has info on costs of living, the social scene, medical services, pollution?, the extent of tourism, the up and downsides of living there, I'd be very interested.

ive spent a bit of time in penang and have always enjoyed the place and the people.

as far as renting places goes it seems to be comparable with los.

foods good, consumables cheap, drinks average, safe place for tourists, beaches not comparable with los and medical ok. for serious stuff kl is the go.

i like the place and if you had to leave los it would be ok for a while.

after the choises we have in los it could become a bit boring but maybe alternate between the 2 places would be ok.

pop down and have a look for your self but you must spend time there to really know whats happening and get a good feel for it.

for me, los still wins hands down.

cheers :o


I'd go to India or Nepal. They have everything that Thailand has and less hassle for some things.

The beautiful beaches in the south, the Himalaya, beautiful temples/women etc etc. Some places don't have cheap alcohol but have cheap legal opium and ganja. People are friendlier too, and the food is ten times better.

Hi Neeranam,

I've heard Goa is quite an attractive haven for expats, do you know anything about it?




ive spent alot of time travelling all over india including goa which by the way is a tourist ghetto now and dont impress me at all. :D

i was in goa in 1988 and i must say that it was a beautiful place back then but so was koh samui. :D

been back twice since, the last time was 2 years ago and i can confidently say that was my last trip.

to be truthful with you, india is one of those places on this earth that you must go and experience first hand as to try and tell you about it is near on impossible.

some people will tell you its brilliant and some will say its hel_l on earth. :D

when people ask me about it these days i just say, get your arse over there and then you tell me what you think about the place.

i will say one thing though, its a frigging hard slog doing india and you will be tested every day.

the rewards are sweet but be prepared to be shocked and frustrated until you break your self in.

its the only way my friend, go and have a gander yourself. :D

cheers :o


Having just returned from a business trip to Hong Kong, I have to say that I love Thailand and the Thai people!! I just hate the f***ing business/visa bureaucracy and the moving of regulation goalposts every other day!!



I'll agree with everything Terry57 said on India.

It's very trying, and tiring.

I've been there twice, the second time I was more mentally prepared for it.

It's constant haggling, begging and scamming.

It's not a holiday, more an experience.

But, after saying that I would recommend anyone to go there and check it out. Some people love it, others? well......


im on a roll here punters so 1 more comment. :D

bali would be a very nice place to spend part of the year living in and this will be my second choise after los.

i plan to devide my time beween los, and bali spending small pockets of time in aussie and malaysia. :D

bali has got it all except a top class hospital.

if you get seriously injured or have a life threating illness you would have to be medivaced to either aussie or singapore or kl, so thats the downfall. :D

one would want a nice insurance policy to cover this aspect.

besides that its got an excellent climate, great people, hindu religion, top food, good beaches, excellent surf, stunning scenery, cheap accomadation and very safe (as long as you dont get caught up in a bombing).

theres only ever been 2 of them so lets hope its the last.

whilst im on that point, it never worries me as no where is 100% safe from terrorism

these days so its irrelevant to me.

kuta is a tourist ghetto but theres lots of places to go if your an expat and one could hang in bali quite easy.

i think the trick is to be a bit flexable and devide your time between countries but that suits me fine as i love los and bali, so its all good crack to me. :D

i first landed in bali in 1979 and done many trips to this beautiful place.

i know it very well and have always considered living here for a period of time per year.

dont get put off by kuta as its only 1 very small part of bali and one must be prepared to have a good look around to really appreciate this little island.

she's a cracker people so go have a gander. :D

cheers friends :o

ps. i call this part of asia the golden triangle as we have los, malaysia and bali all very close to each other so its my golden triangle. :D

im on a roll here punters so 1 more comment. :D

bali would be a very nice place to spend part of the year living in and this will be my second choise after los.

i plan to devide my time beween los, and bali spending small pockets of time in aussie and malaysia. :D

bali has got it all except a top class hospital.

if you get seriously injured or have a life threating illness you would have to be medivaced to either aussie or singapore or kl, so thats the downfall. :D

one would want a nice insurance policy to cover this aspect.

besides that its got an excellent climate, great people, hindu religion, top food, good beaches, excellent surf, stunning scenery, cheap accomadation and very safe (as long as you dont get caught up in a bombing).

theres only ever been 2 of them so lets hope its the last.

whilst im on that point, it never worries me as no where is 100% safe from terrorism

these days so its irrelevant to me.

kuta is a tourist ghetto but theres lots of places to go if your an expat and one could hang in bali quite easy.

i think the trick is to be a bit flexable and devide your time between countries but that suits me fine as i love los and bali, so its all good crack to me. :D

i first landed in bali in 1979 and done many trips to this beautiful place.

i know it very well and have always considered living here for a period of time per year.

dont get put off by kuta as its only 1 very small part of bali and one must be prepared to have a good look around to really appreciate this little island.

she's a cracker people so go have a gander. :D

cheers friends :o

ps. i call this part of asia the golden triangle as we have los, malaysia and bali all very close to each other so its my golden triangle. :D

Sounds good to me Terry ... how's about you rent a place in Bali, I keep my place on Phuket and we can swap abodes for several months a year??? :D

Having just returned from a business trip to Hong Kong, I have to say that I love Thailand and the Thai people!! I just hate the f***ing business/visa bureaucracy and the moving of regulation goalposts every other day!!


yes its los for me all the way my friend as i love it all. :D

the trick is to have enough money to retire here with out having to work and then all the problems you mention disappear.

one can get himself a nice hobby and be very happy. :o

like looking at stunners all day long springs into mind. :D


im on a roll here punters so 1 more comment. :D

bali would be a very nice place to spend part of the year living in and this will be my second choise after los.

i plan to devide my time beween los, and bali spending small pockets of time in aussie and malaysia.

bali has got it all except a top class hospital.

if you get seriously injured or have a life threating illness you would have to be medivaced to either aussie or singapore or kl, so thats the downfall.

one would want a nice insurance policy to cover this aspect.

besides that its got an excellent climate, great people, hindu religion, top food, good beaches, excellent surf, stunning scenery, cheap accomadation and very safe (as long as you dont get caught up in a bombing).

theres only ever been 2 of them so lets hope its the last.

whilst im on that point, it never worries me as no where is 100% safe from terrorism

these days so its irrelevant to me.

kuta is a tourist ghetto but theres lots of places to go if your an expat and one could hang in bali quite easy.

i think the trick is to be a bit flexable and devide your time between countries but that suits me fine as i love los and bali, so its all good crack to me.

i first landed in bali in 1979 and done many trips to this beautiful place.

i know it very well and have always considered living here for a period of time per year.

dont get put off by kuta as its only 1 very small part of bali and one must be prepared to have a good look around to really appreciate this little island.

she's a cracker people so go have a gander. :D

cheers friends :D

ps. i call this part of asia the golden triangle as we have los, malaysia and bali all very close to each other so its my golden triangle. :D

Sounds good to me Terry ... how's about you rent a place in Bali, I keep my place on Phuket and we can swap abodes for several months a year??? :D

yes kerry,

that would be the ultimate idea and id even leave you a good supply of peppermint tea. :D

just dont bloody lose it like last time when you got on the turps. :D

that red wine does you in some times does'nt it ? :o

cheers :D


I'd go for Laos as an alternative to LOS.Nice ppl,great western food at cheap prices,good beer,great wine and a wide choice of good accomodation.

I lived there for a year and miss it alot!

for me, los still wins hands down.

cheers :o

Thanks for good advice, Terry.

I just read today on another thread that Penang is suffering a big smoke haze from all the Sumatran forest fires. Terrible for asthmatics or people with allergies!

I've been to Indo, KL & Melaka, Singers, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Sri Lanka in the last few years, and would have to agree that Thailand beats the rest hands down for food, people, costs, accommodation, fun.

As long as the rules don't change again soon.................. :D

What about Boracay, El Nido, Puerto Galeria, Amanpolo, Bohol, Camiguin, etc etc etc?

My dear Fawn

I must ask have you ever been to Boracay?-25 years ago it was serene these days it's repugnent & yes they do have shotguns the pump action type- older Filipinos will tell you when Marcos was in power (martial law) life wasn't too bad he had control of the spanish fiery blood which has been passed down-it wasn't until Imelda became very greedy that all went to the coffers.

Before you ask, yes I speak from first hand experience having attended the Fraser/Ali thriller in Manila stouch, my daughter who turned 30 this year was born in Cavite, my ex brother in- law was a lawyer in Roxas City. Being from Mactan you should remenber the flight of Nomad aircraft there, not being disrespectful but you don't have red hair do you?

We always carried a guns when we would travel from Roxas to the peaceful village of Banga-An for family get togethers.

An earlier poster compared thai & filippina using dollar & wedding signs he/her has obviously not experienced the darker side of the matrioch society.

That said I always enjoyed my time in PI 19 years both as a single cavalier chappy & then as a married cavalier chappy, it was Filippina's who created the LBFM legend not Thai ladies although they are very very good and I would place them as 1st these days (LBFM can not be spelt out as it would earn me a holiday from TV).

Fawn lighten up you obviously love your country (of birth) but unfortunate as it might be the old 80/20 rule applies to all countries - 80 = good 20 = not good.

  • 3 weeks later...
i read an article that said Brazil has now overtaken Thailand for No 1 spot for sex tourists !

no info on visas and retirees etc

I just came from Costa Rica, would not recomend to anyone,high crime rate, expensive , and very

dirty in San Jose, back in Thailand where I can walk home drunk at 2am and still feel safe !


I am a young guy (24) so while I don't have the experience of many here I can say that I will be in Thailand for many years to come.

I plan on getting my MBA this comming fall, I will be married in March to a wonderful highly educated Thai girl. The student visa will keep me in before I have to dump 13k for an O visa. That is if we don't do our own business or if I don't get an international job here.

Origonally from the states I plan on giving my kids an american education, but I want to travel between and eventually live the rest of my time out here.

I have been here for a year (I teach, legally) and I studied here for a semester of that year. So I have worked hard at my thai and the culture. I am hoping to be able to pass some fluency tests within the next two years. I can hold 1hr convos in Thai already.

I want to visit the places mentioned but I don't want to go jump into a new country where niether I nor my wife will speak the native language.

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