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Breaking house lease due to night club

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So I know the breaking lease question has arose many times here. I am pretty sure I already know the answer but I thought I'd ask your guys advice.

I should start by saying, I am a pretty light sleeper. I found this new place that was amazing from top to bottom. I even went two different times of the day to just make sure. Everything looked great and in good condition. I moved in on a weekend. That night, I could hear the thumping bass from a club that's pretty far from my place for the sound that's coming through my house. Okay, so there's a loud club that runs on the weekend. I can deal with that. I am a late sleeper on the weekend, anyhow. The weekend comes to an end. The following week the club's open EVERY. NIGHT. of the week (7 days) music at full blast until ~3:30am. And it's not high frequency noise that you can cover up with some music or air con. This is deep bass that shakes the ground.

The thing that bothers me most is the owner, I know, totally left out that minor detail when running through everything. I almost feel decieved he never decided to tell me. Legally, are there any "peaceful enviorment" reality laws for these situations that I can levy when talking to him?

I would love to stay at my current home but it's that damned club open till 3:30am. I would even be okay if they stopped at 1:30 and closed doors at 2:00am but it's 3:30 EVERY NIGHT!! I lay in my bed hearing the thumping all night.

Is it possible to report this club? I mean, I can only assume the rest of the neighborhood would be 100% on board.

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You're going to lose your deposit when you move out. But this may happen anyway. I don't think you want to try the road to report someone.

Honestly, money isn't the biggest issue for me. I know I probably could just walk away and cut my losses but I really do like this place a lot.

And I know 'reporting' most likely wouldn't do much, if anything at all, but the small chance that it would make them close at the legal time would make all the difference and I know the whole neighborhood would be on aboard.

Also I should add that it's not really reporting someone but more of a company?

Edited by l3fty
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Try sleeping with the TV on or some music of your own.

I did mention in the OP that aircon and music don't do much as the sound isn't high frequency. Nothing drowns out the ground shaking around you from bass kicks. Even if I am outside, it's not "loud" per se but the thumping would drive you mad.

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Same has happened to me twice. Both times after I have lived in the place for awhile. No one cares in government and chances are the place is owned by a police officer or someone with connections so hard to fight. I just moved and took a loss once and the other was just a move but no loss. I normally go to bed earlier than most so each day was a real pain. I understand why people really hate this country sometimes as things like this happen and there is no recourse.

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Same has happened to me twice. Both times after I have lived in the place for awhile. No one cares in government and chances are the place is owned by a police officer or someone with connections so hard to fight. I just moved and took a loss once and the other was just a move but no loss. I normally go to bed earlier than most so each day was a real pain. I understand why people really hate this country sometimes as things like this happen and there is no recourse.

Ahh man, sorry to hear that. The next place I'll rent I am for sure visting the place late at night. When you say cut your losses you mean just foreit the depoist and terminate the contract early? If so, how did the Landlord react to it? And for the second time, did the Landlord understand and just let you leave? I am thinking if worse comes to worse I'll try to make a deal where I'll stay until he can look for a new tenat to take over. Also, how did you handle the nights staying there?

Being open past 2am is a sure sign of the owner being connected someone. The even crazier thing is my area is filled with high status polical people from diffrent countries working in Thailand. How on earth could you have them stay next to a club bumping like this is beyond me.

It really makes me want to walk over to the place and stright cut the speaker cords, lol.

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Q: Legally, are there any "peaceful enviorment" reality laws for these situations that I can levy when talking to him?

A: Probably, but you will be wasting your breath.

Q: Is it possible to report this club?

A: Probably, but you will be wasting your breath.

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you are in a no win situation ....... and you cannot blame the owner for not telling you what noise is around your neighborhood, that's just plain ridiculous .... what did you expect, oh I just want to mention the milkman will come blasting at 5.30am, oh and the Smiths son birthday party is next tuesday so that will be noisy until 3.00am, oh and fires will bring haze here next week ......

I think if you report the club for excessive noise and late closing it will go nowhere .... they won't change because one farang complains thats for sure, as in an earlier post, it's probably owned by the BIB anyway or they WILL be connected in some way.

sorry, not much good news but they are the facts ...... I think you only have one choice ! whistling.gif

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" ... and I know the whole neighborhood would be on aboard." You might think so, but if the whole neighborhood felt the same way, why has no one else reported the problem. I'm sure there are MANY who are closer to the nightclub than you, and it would seem logical that the noise is much louder for them.

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Having lived all over Asia, I've experienced this time and again, wherever I've lived. As much as we don't like it, renting can come down to an exercise in trial and error. I've moved a couple of times for similar reasons. Losing a deposit? It's quite easy to put things into perspective really. When I think of how much money I tossed away on wine women and song in my youth, losing a deposit paled into insignificance.

All that said, one man's meat.......

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Club is operating past legal hours and noise must stop at midnight unless it's an entertainment zone.

Owner may not even be aware.

Yes you can report the club and actions will be taken.

Call 1111 with full name and address, they do speak English but would be better to have a Thai person also in case of any misunderstanding

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" ... and I know the whole neighborhood would be on aboard." You might think so, but if the whole neighborhood felt the same way, why has no one else reported the problem. I'm sure there are MANY who are closer to the nightclub than you, and it would seem logical that the noise is much louder for them.

For one you do not know what others did and may well have complained.

Many Thai simply do not know where to complain or what to do.

Calling city hall is useless , because city hall sends out a car to check it out , who ever comes out gets a " gift" and all forgotten.

Once orders come from Bangkok , 1111 matter gets taken very serious and either club gets shut down or music volume turned down

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You're going to lose your deposit when you move out. But this may happen anyway. I don't think you want to try the road to report someone.

Honestly, money isn't the biggest issue for me. I know I probably could just walk away and cut my losses but I really do like this place a lot.

And I know 'reporting' most likely wouldn't do much, if anything at all, but the small chance that it would make them close at the legal time would make all the difference and I know the whole neighborhood would be on aboard.

Also I should add that it's not really reporting someone but more of a company?

You'll never know unless you try.A lot of farangs are give ups.

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you are in a no win situation ....... and you cannot blame the owner for not telling you what noise is around your neighborhood, that's just plain ridiculous .... what did you expect, oh I just want to mention the milkman will come blasting at 5.30am, oh and the Smiths son birthday party is next tuesday so that will be noisy until 3.00am, oh and fires will bring haze here next week ......

I think if you report the club for excessive noise and late closing it will go nowhere .... they won't change because one farang complains thats for sure, as in an earlier post, it's probably owned by the BIB anyway or they WILL be connected in some way.

sorry, not much good news but they are the facts ...... I think you only have one choice ! whistling.gif

Lol, what? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of <deleted> course the owner should of told me. A <deleted> club is banging till the wee hours of the morning where the whole neighboorhood can hear. It's in his interest NOT to tell me or anyone for the sake of renting the place out.

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Where are you renting? if you'd like to mention. And is it a home?

Golden rule,

Don't live within 2 kls of commercial areas, AND, large popular temples.

Good Luck

I won't mention the neighboorhood but it's in Wang Tong Lang and the club is really out of place here. It's next to the motorway. Very random, which is why it caught me off guard because there's no other clubs around or even resturants. This isn't a commercial area either. There's a popular (large) residence next to mine.

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Club is operating past legal hours and noise must stop at midnight unless it's an entertainment zone.

Owner may not even be aware.

Yes you can report the club and actions will be taken.

Call 1111 with full name and address, they do speak English but would be better to have a Thai person also in case of any misunderstanding

'Yes you can report the club and actions will be taken.'

you really believe this ? come on man .... surely you've been in Thailand long enough to know nothing happens as it should.

If you believe they will close the night club down because farang can't get his or her beauty sleep then I think your sadly mistaken ..... it ain't gonna happen in a million years .... cheesy.gif

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" ... and I know the whole neighborhood would be on aboard." You might think so, but if the whole neighborhood felt the same way, why has no one else reported the problem. I'm sure there are MANY who are closer to the nightclub than you, and it would seem logical that the noise is much louder for them.

Yeah, you're right. I guess they must enjoy their house shaking until 3.00am. My bad.

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you are in a no win situation ....... and you cannot blame the owner for not telling you what noise is around your neighborhood, that's just plain ridiculous .... what did you expect, oh I just want to mention the milkman will come blasting at 5.30am, oh and the Smiths son birthday party is next tuesday so that will be noisy until 3.00am, oh and fires will bring haze here next week ......

I think if you report the club for excessive noise and late closing it will go nowhere .... they won't change because one farang complains thats for sure, as in an earlier post, it's probably owned by the BIB anyway or they WILL be connected in some way.

sorry, not much good news but they are the facts ...... I think you only have one choice ! whistling.gif

Lol, what? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of <deleted> course the owner should of told me. A <deleted> club is banging till the wee hours of the morning where the whole neighboorhood can hear. It's in his interest NOT to tell me or anyone for the sake of renting the place out.

so you think the owner should have told you about the club down the road ?

amazing thailand ! amazing what people perceive.

Edited by steven100
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you are in a no win situation ....... and you cannot blame the owner for not telling you what noise is around your neighborhood, that's just plain ridiculous .... what did you expect, oh I just want to mention the milkman will come blasting at 5.30am, oh and the Smiths son birthday party is next tuesday so that will be noisy until 3.00am, oh and fires will bring haze here next week ......

I think if you report the club for excessive noise and late closing it will go nowhere .... they won't change because one farang complains thats for sure, as in an earlier post, it's probably owned by the BIB anyway or they WILL be connected in some way.

sorry, not much good news but they are the facts ...... I think you only have one choice ! whistling.gif

Lol, what? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of <deleted> course the owner should of told me. A <deleted> club is banging till the wee hours of the morning where the whole neighboorhood can hear. It's in his interest NOT to tell me or anyone for the sake of renting the place out.

so you think the owner should have told you about the club down the road ?

amazing thailand ! amazing what people perceive.

You're off your rocker ol' man. Go slither back to drinking Leo and your leather skinned kik.

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I had this exact same problem recently. I signed a lease at a resort, owner said if I wanted to depart before the agreed time I would not get my deposit (10,000Bt) returned. I had trouble sleeping every night due to the boom-boom-boom of a bar/club in the area. I knew there was nothing I could do to stop the noise, so I wanted out, but I also knew the resort owner would not return my deposit. So what to do?

The owner had a dog that wandered around the grounds. So one day when nobody was around I threw a srone at the dog and made the animal angry, then everytime I walked out the resort the owner's dog would run and bark at me. I complained to the owner about his dog attacking me. Then a couple days later in full view of several people as the dog ran barking at me I faked it and collapsed to the ground clutching my heart.

The owner and his wife freaked out, when I recoved I told them I had a weak heart and their dog keeps attacking me. I kept saying your dog will give me a heart attack, I can't stay here anymore.

So the owner and his wife are scared, they want me out, they don't want to be held responsible for hospital expenses and having police and Pattaya One News at their resort. So we agreed to cancel the lease and a couple days later I got my full deposit (minus elect/water consumption) returned and I departed.

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you are in a no win situation ....... and you cannot blame the owner for not telling you what noise is around your neighborhood, that's just plain ridiculous .... what did you expect, oh I just want to mention the milkman will come blasting at 5.30am, oh and the Smiths son birthday party is next tuesday so that will be noisy until 3.00am, oh and fires will bring haze here next week ......

I think if you report the club for excessive noise and late closing it will go nowhere .... they won't change because one farang complains thats for sure, as in an earlier post, it's probably owned by the BIB anyway or they WILL be connected in some way.

sorry, not much good news but they are the facts ...... I think you only have one choice ! whistling.gif

Lol, what? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Of <deleted> course the owner should of told me. A <deleted> club is banging till the wee hours of the morning where the whole neighboorhood can hear. It's in his interest NOT to tell me or anyone for the sake of renting the place out.

so you think the owner should have told you about the club down the road ?

amazing thailand ! amazing what people perceive.

You're off your rocker ol' man. Go slither back to drinking Leo and your leather skinned kik.

ok , so you think he should have told you ........

lets see what most other opinions here believe .... without the personal attack.

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