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I just saw an issue of CommuniThai magazine and thought it was terrible. For some strange reason, it was printed on what looked like really expensive paper, but the printing, sparse content and colors were the pits.

The main reason that I'm so negative about a first (or second) effort is that I seem to remember the prices for advertising were absolutely outlandish; More than I pay for an established, high quality international magazine.

I hope that I haven't been too nasty and I really mean this as constructive critisism as I'm for as many informative local magazines as possible.

I wish these guys luck in the future, but, if you are going to charge those kind of prices for advertising, you have to have a quality product from day one. :o


i can add to the constructive criticism.

and i mean that, this is free advice to help your mag. i'm not trying to rip it apart, i'm just direct.

if you really want to create a magazine that lasts longer than the average bars that it writes about you'd need a few things.

#1 is deeper and more surprising content. tell me something i dont know. and it'd help to have a real journalist writing this stuff. as of now it feels a bit like a high-school newspaper.

#2 is an actual look, a properly designed layout by a real graphic designer. a liitle style and design sense will go a long way. even if you cant afford a graphic designer on staff, you can pay one a one time fee to layout the look of the magazine and sections, and follow it yourself.

#3 a well defined purpose. if 'wallpaper' is about style and design, and 'maxim' and 'fhm' are about tits and beer, what is communithai about?

honestly, best of luck.


There is obviously some serious pandering to the places that have spent their

advertising money. For example , what is the point of a map that excludes the local library, a ten pin

bowling ally, a 28 bay newly constructed golf driving range and Par 3 golf course, language schools etcetera etcetera etcetera.

One article about earthen jars 120 words & 3 pictures...fascinating :o

and one about errrrm the Weather :D .

This Mag needs some serious redesign ( 'continued on page xx ' is not good ) and some serious

contributors with something of interest to read.


im afraid i cant agree with the negative posts on the communi thai magazine.

i dont know about the business aspect of the magazine (thats a case of take it or leave it) but i enjoyed the magazine allthough i dont think its aimed at the long term expats who live in chaingrai but more to the

visitor who his looking for information while staying in chaingrai.

give the magazine a chance. after all its free

i thought the article by dr william mac herring phd was excellent and so true


I am in the South of Thailand so will likely never see this magazine but just want to reiterate what soap just said. It ain't cheap or easy to run a publication and it takes a lot of hard work and energy so do try to be constructive in your suggestions (give some positives as well as negatives) and not just tear it apart or be over critical, after all it is free and from the sounds of it there ain't much else to read locally.

Good luck to the magazine I say!


I think we need to remember that it is a free magazine. It might not be FHM or CLEO, but than when its free, I am sure they havent got the same budget either.

In my opinion it is a far better magazine than the one I was reading on Chiangrai before August this year and if the sponsors arent getting value for money, I am sure it will be brought to their attention.

I can not imagine any magizine in it early days being perfect so if we give it time they may just prove all the critics wrong. Remember its alot harder to create than to criticize.

In The Rai!

I think we need to remember that it is a free magazine. It might not be FHM or CLEO, but than when its free, I am sure they havent got the same budget either.

In my opinion it is a far better magazine than the one I was reading on Chiangrai before August this year and if the sponsors arent getting value for money, I am sure it will be brought to their attention.

I can not imagine any magizine in it early days being perfect so if we give it time they may just prove all the critics wrong. Remember its alot harder to create than to criticize.

In The Rai!

Here, here!



Thaivisa is an excellent place to chit-chat. Comments here need not be true or fair unless they offend someone with power. Then they are gone. Constructive criticism is also here and is appreciated as is support and defense. Plenty of that here and in the many posts that have been erased.

Note this, however; if you have feedback for the magazine, why not contact the magazine in the many places it makes available? If criticism is meant to be constructive, perhaps it should go to the magazine where it will be seen by the right people that can do something about it - not other anonymous chit-chatters.

Regardless of the replies and chit-chat to follow, the magazine is improving and its 3rd issue will be the best yet. It is still obviously imperfect - like some of us chit-chatters.


On the other hand I am sure that any comments that survive here will be read by the publisher so there is no need to make a special effort to contact the magazine...just put it here and you will be sure the message will get to the boss...if you phone or mail something in it might stop at the receptionist!!!!

This is a public forum. Criticism, even unconstructive criticism should be expected.


On the other hand I am sure that any comments that survive here will be read by the publisher so there is no need to make a special effort to contact the magazine...just put it here and you will be sure the message will get to the boss...if you phone or mail something in it might stop at the receptionist!!!!

This is a public forum. Criticism, even unconstructive criticism should be expected.


Chownah - are you perhaps overestimating the importance of this "public forum"? To my experience, membership or whatever here is very limited. The publisher of a free mag is certainly not in any way required obligated or needful of paying any attention to anything put here by annonomyous babblers (or even by people who sign a name, real or not)!

On the other hand, if people in their sober moments want to be constructive instead of joyfully, maliciously destructive, I highly suspect they can find avenues.


Joel Barlow,

Are you saying that you don't think that the boss at this mag reads ThaiVisa?.....goodness....if you in your sober moments want to be constructive instead of joyfully, maliciously destructive, I highly suspect you can find the time to contact the boss at the mag and clue him in to TV and suggest that he keep his finger on the pulse of the farang presence in Thailand by tuning in and checking it out.


P.S. For those of you who think that I am wantonly flaming Joel Barlow please note that the "if you in your sober moments want to be constructive instead of joyfully, maliciously destructive, I highly suspect you can find the time to" portion of my post was taken almost directly from Joel Barlow's previous post...mostly I just replaced the third person plural pronoun with the second person singular. I did not take Joel Barlow's text in the third person plural to be a flame towards anyone and I have not inteded my recreation of his text while using the second person singular to be a flame towards Joel Barlow himself either.

I hope that this explains the dynamics both intended and unintended in my remarks and in this manner I have shown that I do not deserve to be flamed....especially by the FLAME WHICH CAN NOT BE QUENCHED....at least can not be quenched for 7 days....and sometimes 14 days...and occasionally even for a 30 day period.



We do know that the editors of Communithai read ThaiVisa... see also this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


I rest my case.


P.S. For those of you who have never watched a Perry Mason television show.....Perry Mason was a lawyer and whenever he had totally crushed the opposition and he was shown to have been absolutely correct in every way and he had totally devastated his opponent's arguements and it was obvious that no more discussion was necessary in light of his laser like penetration of the issues and his iron fist like grip on the facts....he would say "I rest my case."



There is a 'letters to the editor' planned for the next issue - so get your constructive/deconstructive;) comments read there. But contact the magazine, too. I have it on pretty good authority that some people from the magazine don't read the threads here every day. Perhaps a comment here for the world to see, then another to the magazine or other individuals that may not check here very often.

BTW, Chownah: Mason was a chit-chatter - something Barlow isn't very big on....

If criticism is meant to be constructive, perhaps it should go to the magazine where it will be seen by the right people that can do something about it - not other anonymous chit-chatters.

Mr. Ozark,

I really don't understand your comment.

As far as we all know, YOU are the editor of the magazine.

And your co-editor is/was Thomas59, another member of this forum.

Joel Barlow, again another member of this forum, contributed to the last edition of your magazine.

Several of your advertisers are familiar with this forum as well.

Against this background it sounds a little bit strange if you want to make us believe that 'the right people', in casu you, Thomas and Joel wouldn't notice our opinions when they are presented here.

But it pleases us that you at least are interested in the opinions of 'anonymous chit-chatters' as you wish to call the members of this Chiang Rai expat forum.

For your information: Most of us know each other.

Limbo :o


I read this in the Chiang Mai Forum.

Interesting how people react to critics. Some take it positive and some take it negative.....

This is great to have such feedback! People never say things to your face, so it is very important. I take your comment about the trash and will rework our direction. We got some slack for some articles recently, and will pull back a bit. Basically I started the mag 8 years ago after never having a job in my life, so I will continue to make mistakes, please bear with me. We will keep some of the vulgarities out in future editions, it is not easy to keep the balance though, as our readers are from all walks of life, some complain when we are too staid and academic, some when we are not opinionated enough, while others do not like us to be opinionated. We will continue to improve, so thank you for your feedback. As to Citylife being hard to find....I don't know what to do about that, I simply can't print to demand. But we are free online, and all of our articles are online even before the publication hits the street. I also have our distributino list of over 300 locations we deliver at, so please feel free to email me at [email protected] and I will mail you the list, it may help you find somewhere closer to home. I am very sad to hear about David, I am sure that GMCM will be missed, he always had such interesting news. As to Tama, I saw him recently in BKK and he seemd to be in fine fetter. I have never met the new GM of CMMail, but hope to some day soon. Please keep comments coming -good or bad, they all help.

Have a lovely day,

Pim Kemasingki (Citylife)



I think you're reacting the best you can.

And Pim puts out a great product.


You may be a bit 'mis-inforumed'.

Perhaps you should respond to my requests

for meeting and clearing things up in person.


mr. ozark,

I think your 2nd issue was better than the first, but when you discribe our community being 500 meters above sea level which is equal to approx 500 feet, then you need some proof readers too. Just a suggestion. 500 m=1645+ feet. :o


I am sorry but now I have to react again. :D

In another topic in Chiang Rai Forum we can find this information:

Chiang Rai Located at longitude 99 52' 59" E and latitude 19 57' 09" N, 1,279 feet above sea level.
Calculated metric values for Sven Ivan's figures:

Chiang Rai 389.83 meters above sea level

So now we all can see how useful it can be to follow ThaiVisa and especially Chiang Rai Forum!

There is a lot of info for someone that wants to write about this part of the country.



Mumbo - you're so right about the CommuniThai typo. And Svenivan, Thaivisa truly has some diamonds of info amongst its posts. It truly seems to be THE place for current info.

But then again....

If you use ThaivisaCR math - the square root of CommuniThai's advertising rates divided by formulas in 'censured' posts multiplied times the cynicism by anonymous mumblers = 500 metres of chit-chat. I think that puts destructive feedback below sea level :o

These posts are a fine source of fascination and intrigue but I do have some other things to do for awhile.

Anybody want to talk in person, you know how to do that - I'm sure.

In the meantime, continue to chat it up and I'll check in with you next month.

I may forget, though. So, please be patient. You're doing really great work here... Keep it up!

And THANK YOU so very much!

P.S. Svenivan, you should read Pim's thread (the one you snipped) to see what she responded to and how she was allowed to do and online promotion as well complete with email addresses (good for her...she should be). There will be a test. Hint: all criticism is not the same. Study. Think. React.

Limbo: These threads seem to have a very different flavor than the one Svenivan snipped. May be the members commenting at the time or other factors. Any thoughts?

all the best to all....

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