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Murder of a Thai girl: Migrants' arrest sparks concern


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A lot of farangs here generally hate thais and love to support the migrants ie Burmese, Cambodians and Vietnamese. Why don't these people simply leave thailand and go stay in those countries then period. As far as I am concerned....a lot of these migrants are more obnoxious and dangerous than the local native thais. Considering that these migrants come from poverty and places than have been under war and slave like conditions of living and are not very civilised, many of them do not understand the manner of living or behaving in a normal civilised society(thailand is not there yet but at least aroung 60% there compared to these migrant countries.)Mnay of these migrants I have encountered in Bangkok are simply rude, uncivilised and stupid and there is more crime reported day to day in the local dailies of crimes committed by these migrants. Thailand really needs to clmap up its borders and immigration countrols.

I've heard this refrain in the past. First time was in the 60's when we demonstrated against the Vietnam war; "America, love it or leave it". Lot of crap back then and still so now. You look at the migrants in Europe, they did the love it or leave it deal. Most Americans grew up with the idea that if things are wrong, then speak up and help change what is wrong. Up to You

The most obvious difference being you were born & raised in Anerica so you had that right and responsibility.

However, a Mexican national or any other non-citizen is not granted that same right when they are a guest in the US.

The same holds true here, even more so, since the majority of farangs who are complaining are not even naturslized Thai citizens ( correct me please if I am wrong) and they have zero right to tell this country, its govt or its citizens how they should run their country.

I can tell you exactly how I would feel if some Thai came up to me in America and complained to me about the US. I would politely tell him to get lost.

Edited by ClutchClark
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Look at the interview with the dead girls mother. She stole 20,000 baht from mom and gave it to a friend. Police did not even talk to friend about this. Her friend always picked her up with motorbike , That night she did not and now she is dead.



If you have read any of my posts you will already know I avoid arguments at all costs but in this case I must say I disagree with you.

When dealing with crimes commited by males under the age of about 25 years then its not, "Follow the Money" but rather:


Especially when the crime occured at night against a young female.

Think back to the girl who was killed on the train by a train employee.

Edited by ClutchClark
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I suggest, if a certain poster can show evidence for the guilt of the alleged killers, he should do so!

Otherwise he is nothing but a troll.

I would be interested, how this poster would feel, if it turned out -after the alleged killers have been hanged- that someone else did it!

I find it very interesting, how uncivilized some posters, allegedly coming from civilized countries, behave in the anonymity of the internet!

Quiet disgusting, really!

And to the other poster with questionable motives: many farang, like myself, have seen Thai- justice at work, have seen the RTP at work, have seen, what happens, if these guys can act like they want, without checks and balances!

So- I am not going home, but exercise my right to have an opinion, even a critical one, and voice it!

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I would not let the RTP investigate the oil level in my bike

I have some associates in that clan and let me tell you in my country they would have trouble being employer giving parking meter tickets

And yes they use migrants as fall guys to save the Thai crims

Could it not be that they actually did it? They slit her throat apparently which appears to be a Burmese trademark!!

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I suggest, if a certain poster can show evidence for the guilt of the alleged killers, he should do so!

Otherwise he is nothing but a troll.

I would be interested, how this poster would feel, if it turned out -after the alleged killers have been hanged- that someone else did it!

I find it very interesting, how uncivilized some posters, allegedly coming from civilized countries, behave in the anonymity of the internet!

Quiet disgusting, really!

And to the other poster with questionable motives: many farang, like myself, have seen Thai- justice at work, have seen the RTP at work, have seen, what happens, if these guys can act like they want, without checks and balances!

So- I am not going home, but exercise my right to have an opinion, even a critical one, and voice it!

Without checks and balances - I hope that you are not 'a red' as that was Thaksin's aim!!

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Worldwide any suspect is innocent until his guilt has been prooved. This should be also applied to any case in Thailand. Now it may be very possible that the suspects did commit this horrible crime and then should be procecuted to the fully extend.

But with the reputation of the authorities is not the best. Surely it is possible to get the DNS results within 2 days if there is a lab which will process the sample immediately and there is no back-up.

If we look what steps are necessary (Google is your friend) to do the DNA test we arrive at the following:








Without reprocessing, the above steps add up to 24 hours not including the time it takes to complete the review process since the outcome needs to be reviewed by the experts.

I recall from the KT case that there is only ONE lab in Thailand that follows international standards and there is ONE expert. Was this lab used? Did the expert review it and approve the findings? If so, then I would believe the murders have been found.

If not, then this may be another set-up.

When I did see last night the news about the murder weapon and it being found remotely (possibly covered) with a metal detector my intital reaction was "no way".

Really? One detector one guy and immediately found in the middle of nowhere?


Your first sentence is incorrect: (Google was my friend)

France and it's colonies are not like that:-

"Napoleon I introduced a system of justice in France in 1800AD that has spread throughout continental Europe and beyond. It is described as an inquisitorial or investigative system rather than an adversarial system, though prosecutors, defendants and victims are all entitled to representation.

The "Napoleonic Code," which continues in France and other countries conquered by France, hold that the accused is guilty until proven innocent (thus, the point of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables). This was a re-working of previous monarchical attitudes toward law enforcement (and as Napoleon was emperor, one isn't surprised.)

Suspects in the American judicial system have a presumption of innocence, or being innocent until proven guilty.

Other countries, such as France, maintain protections of a suspect and ensure a fair trail but use a presumption of guilt until proven innocent."

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I would not let the RTP investigate the oil level in my bike

I have some associates in that clan and let me tell you in my country they would have trouble being employer giving parking meter tickets

And yes they use migrants as fall guys to save the Thai crims

Could it not be that they actually did it? They slit her throat apparently which appears to be a Burmese trademark!!

Slitting throats has been popular way to kill people and animals since the knives were invented

I don't think that proves Burmese anything

A Thai killed a Japanese with scissors to the neck just last week

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A lot of farangs here generally hate thais and love to support the migrants ie Burmese, Cambodians and Vietnamese. Why don't these people simply leave thailand and go stay in those countries then period. As far as I am concerned....a lot of these migrants are more obnoxious and dangerous than the local native thais. Considering that these migrants come from poverty and places than have been under war and slave like conditions of living and are not very civilised, many of them do not understand the manner of living or behaving in a normal civilised society(thailand is not there yet but at least aroung 60% there compared to these migrant countries.)Mnay of these migrants I have encountered in Bangkok are simply rude, uncivilised and stupid and there is more crime reported day to day in the local dailies of crimes committed by these migrants. Thailand really needs to clmap up its borders and immigration countrols.

When one performs a google search of violent crime in the other countries mentioned, the numerous examples makes it wuite clear migrants share an equal capacity to commit brutality agsinst innocent victims.

Again, a child was walking home and six guys were getting high sniffing glue and brutslly murdered her. The police were able to extract DNA of the attackers from under the girl's fingernails meaning she attempted to fight them off. Meaning her final moments were filled with panic and fear.

I have daughters, granddaughters and great-granddaughters.

I could care al ess if these migrants suffer human rights violations. In my opinion, they will not suffer enough of them.

I think you're missing the point. They haven't been found guilty yet and there is concern about the evidence used to accuse them. This has nothing to do with what happens if they are found guilty.

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